Mysterious journey

Chapter 477 Conflict 1 (Thanks to the leader who traveled all over the world with a cigarette)

The Evil God Sect is currently having trouble with the Black Sky Society, and it is obvious that they have plans to stand in front of the stage.

Garen and Wu Guang entered the stronghold while discussing the latest information.

There was no one in the stronghold, and the original totem masters were driven away by the men in red. Fortunately, Shannia soon sent some attendants and servants to take care of the sundries. As a host, such battles for strongholds are common. The default rule here is not to harm ordinary people without strength, otherwise who would be willing to serve the people here.

After finding a relatively neat side room, Jia Long and Wu Guang sat at the table and looked out at the innermost Ancestral Tree through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

The Ancestral God Tree is lush and green, and its dense leaves and branches are like green clouds, covering the sky tightly. Bubbles and butterflies of different sizes float in the air from time to time. A tall black castle is built beside the main trunk of the tree. The castle faces In this direction of Galleon, you can also see a black and translucent vertical pipe attached to the outer wall of the castle. It is like an exterior elevator. A moving stone platform up and down in the pipe continuously transports people coming and going.

Most of the people standing in the mobile station were accompanied by followers, and they looked like they were no ordinary people.

Garen and Wu Guang sat leisurely while eating the peeled and cut special fruits of Sannia, green bananas and fist cherries.

"This Ancestral God Tree is green all over. It is the tallest giant tree around here. The other giant trees are not half as tall as this tree. It is obviously the rumored Ancestral God Pillar. I heard that the Ancestral God Tree is incomparably huge. I don’t know if the power is real.” Wu Guang admired the majestic posture of the Ancestral God Tree and said with some emotion.

"Who knows?" Garen replied casually.

"Are we here? Why don't we go inside?"

Garen shook his head.

"This place is already at its limit. If you go in again, the gains outweigh the losses. The core layer inside is occupied by the top beings of the royal family and the Evil God King, and we cannot touch it."

"That's true." Wu Guang picked up a piece of cherry meat and put it into his mouth, "Then we will wait here for the condensation to start? Do you know the specific time?"

"I don't know, but it should be these few days. Don't be impatient." Garen smiled. "Have you noticed that the air here seems to be different from other places?"

Wu Guang was stunned for a moment, and then he smelled it carefully, closing his eyes to feel the difference.

Within a few minutes, he opened his eyes again, a trace of surprise flashing in his eyes.

"There seems to be a very unusual activity in the air here! It seems to have a certain positive impact on our totem. I feel that my core totem seems to have become more active."

"Me too." Garen narrowed his eyes, "No wonder there are so many masters stationed and competing for the strongholds here. It seems that it is not just the seed of the ancestor god. The location of these strongholds is also a very important condition."

"It seems like this. There are so many wonders in the Central Region. If I hadn't come here personally, I would never have thought that there is an environment in the world that can promote totem activity. This is an excellent environment for cultivating totems. No wonder the mutations around it There is a reason why living things are so high-level."

"So don't be anxious. Just wait." Garen picked up a piece of cherry meat. "It's just the right time to find out the information we want."

Wu Guang also nodded in relief.


The two of them stayed in the stronghold for more than ten days, and the active air around the Ancestral Tree became thicker and thicker. Even the core totems of the two people are becoming more and more active and energetic.

Especially Garen, his core totem is different from that of ordinary totem masters. He uses the silver totem as the core, not the original mercury totem. As a nine-headed dragon that has evolved from a living thing, when faced with this active air , behave more actively. It raised its head and puffed out in the dark space of Galleon, sucking in a huge amount of active breath and spewing out exhaust gas again.

This kind of metabolism and impurity exchange makes Garen feel as if he is making vague progress every day.

And his heart, which was originally the heart of a nine-headed dragon, became more vibrant and beat more powerfully in this active aura.

Garen took this opportunity to start running the Black Water True Skill day and night. It didn't take long for the fourth faucet to be fused. This made him overjoyed. Originally, he thought it would take several weeks, but he didn't expect that the active atmosphere here could actually speed up his fusion progress.

Garen simply went into seclusion and stayed in a secret room in the stronghold without coming out. There is no light outside to control.

The sixth princess came to visit Garen every day, her big loving eyes clearly indicating her intentions. Gallon's retreat also happened to avoid this embarrassing pursuit. Just let Wu Guang deal with it.

Wu Guang was not generally experienced in dealing with women, but he chatted with Sixth all day long, subtly trying to change Garen's image in the other's mind, but still had little success.

The time for the Ancestral God Tree to release the Seed of the Ancestral God is getting closer and closer.

Some guys in Cowaitan who are not afraid of death are gradually approaching this stronghold, trying to get a piece of the pie. They were driven away by the men in red before, but now that some of them heard that the stronghold had changed owners, they suddenly took a chance.

Garen and the others were too lazy to care about them. Each person could only condense one seed of the Ancestral God, but the activity of the seeds was different depending on the distance. The location of this stronghold is the most concentrated seed gathering point on the second level, and the effect of the condensed seeds is the best on the second level. The rest of the places are naturally far behind.

However, those who can enter the second level are naturally not ordinary totem masters, and they will not drive them away like the men in red. Anyway, I can't collect all the active aura myself. Considering that they are all Kuwaitans, I don't care about these people.

The time is approaching day by day.

Finally, there was new movement in the Ancestral God Tree.


night time

Garen suddenly woke up from his secret martial arts practice.

A trace of doubt flashed through his eyes, which were faintly glowing red in the darkness.

"The activity in the air seems to be stronger? Compared with the previous slow increase, this time it has actually increased several times!"

He stood up, opened the door to the secret room, and walked out.

Most of the damage to the white sandstone stronghold outside has been repaired. The semicircular floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room clearly reflect the scene outside.

Green light spots all over the sky slowly fell like snowflakes, completely illuminating the forest at night. There was green everywhere, and the glistening green light shone in from the window, dyeing most of the ground in the living room of the stronghold green.

Garen opened his eyes wide and looked at the scene with countless green lights falling outside, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He quickly walked over and opened the door to the living room, intending to go out and take a look.

Suddenly, a huge gray toad was blocking the open door. The three-meter-high toad completely blocked the entrance to the door, its white belly bulging, and its two protruding black eyes staring at Garen.

Its whole body is covered with large and small gray bumps, and its rough skin is like old tree bark, which looks very hard and a little moist. A faint fishy smell came from it.

Garen frowned slightly, he was more sensitive to smells.

"Stronghold No. 6, the condensation is about to begin, please prepare." The toad opened its big mouth and spoke in a clear and fluent Sanyan language.

"I know." Garen nodded.

"By the way, the anger outside is too strong. Please don't go out casually to avoid danger." After the toad finished speaking, he jumped and ran towards the wild.

Garen stood at the door and watched it leave. The owner of Wuguang Island appeared behind him silently.

"It started in the evening?" He was still rubbing his eyes. He was wearing white pajamas and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

"Get ready." Garen nodded.

After the two finished changing, they drank some juice and took the breakfast bread provided by Shannia. While eating, they went to the rooftop on the second floor of the stronghold.

The rooftop is a semi-circular external balcony with no fence and is entirely white.

The two of them finished the bread in a few mouthfuls and stood at the marked places on the ground. They were three oval-shaped magic formations, which were obviously places dedicated to condensing seeds.

Green light spots filled the sky and fell one after another. Garen stretched out his hand to catch it, but as if it was an illusion, the light spots penetrated directly through the palm of his hand and came out from below.

The extremely strong active breath seemed to be alive. It crazily penetrated through the mouth, ears and nostrils. The nine-headed dragon in Garen's body frantically absorbed the active breath, and the originally sluggish mental state became more and more vigorous.

He looked towards the Ancestral God Tree from a distance. The vitality here had reached a terrifying density. It was estimated that the innermost level there should be even more terrifying.

Garen's perverted vision looked far away, and he actually saw Feros here from a distance.

This powerful King of Shannia was sitting opposite a black bear on a big branch of the Ancestral God Tree. There was a small stool between the two, with a chessboard on it, and they were playing chess attentively.

The black bear scratched his head from time to time and looked thoughtful. After a while, he stood up again and stared at the chessboard with his hands behind his back.

Beside the two, there are some rabbit-headed humanoid attendants who are responsible for carrying drinks and food. These bunny-headed men have the heads of big white rabbits, their ears stand up high, and their bodies are the bodies of human beauties. They have slender legs, fair skin, and wear cool white low-cut skirts.

laugh! !

Suddenly, a green beam of light shot out from the forest on the right, rising into the sky and piercing the clouds.

The slender green light seemed to be straight and pure, without any variegation, reaching straight into the sky.

Tsk! !

There were several soft sounds in succession, and several green light pillars shot straight into the sky.

Garen calmed down and nodded towards Wu Guang.

The two hands began to move rapidly at the same time, and their fingers continued to outline a large number of dense line symbols in the air, almost leaving the slightest afterimage.

As the two people carved the magic formation faster and faster, a layer of emerald green fluorescence gradually filled the surroundings of the two people.

laugh! !

Suddenly, a dazzling green light burst out from between the two people and shot straight into the sky.

The green light pillar completely enveloped the two of them, and a small black particle gradually began to condense in the air in front of their chests.

The particles slowly increase in size, becoming larger and more oval.

Then, faintly, white water vapor gradually emerged from the black ball, and its shape became flatter and flatter.


A hole suddenly opened under the ball, and a burst of white gas spurted out. Following the white gas, a green toothpaste-like thing squeezed out of the hole and floated in the air in front of Garen.

The green paste was squeezed out one by one, and piled together in circles, with a sharp tip left at the end, and a faint heat wafted out, forming a magical and artistic object.

Garen's eyelids twitched as he looked at something that looked like the legendary excrement in front of him.

"Don't tell me this is the legendary seed of the ancestor god?"

Wu Guang's face on the other side also looked very interesting, turning blue and white in turns. Looking at the green poop-like thing in front of him, he didn't know whether to take it or not.

The green light around the two people gradually dispersed, and everything returned to calm.

The green light spots in the air slowly faded and disappeared. There were patches of green fluorescent residue left on the ground, and the entire forest was ablaze with green light.

"Congratulations to everyone, you got the legendary Ancestral God Seed! Hey, isn't this year's shape very artistic?" A loud voice came from the direction of the Ancestral God Tree. It was the voice of Feros.

There was a silence, no one said anything, and all the strong men didn't know what expression to use to face this Tuozu god. He couldn't resist Philos's bad taste.

"Your Majesty's aesthetic sense is very unique." An old man's voice came from far away on the first floor.

Then two female voices laughed and agreed.

Garen looked towards the Ancestral God Tree from afar. On the giant tree branch, Feros stood proudly with his hands on his hips, behind him was a black bear with a look of shame and anger and a handsome young man. Obviously, Philos's move probably caused Zanya to lose face for eight lifetimes.

After tensing his face, Garen finally put away what was suspected to be the stool of the ancestral tree. Without touching it with his hands, he condensed the water vapor in the air to form a tray, wrapped the green stool, and put it in the prepared tray. isolation box.

"I've learned a lot... I've really learned a lot this time." The owner of Wuguang Island shook his head to the side with a pained expression on his face. "Do you think this should be absorbed by us or not?"

Garen's face twitched. "External appearance is just an illusion, don't be bound by worldly vision"

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