Mysterious journey

Chapter 481 Transaction 1

After discussing the time with Sigula, Garen turned to look at Hannett who was standing aside.

This prematurely aging white-haired boy was looking here with a natural expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What are you going to do with me?" Hannett said directly after noticing that Gallon and the two had turned their attention to him.

"I don't know what the Black Sky Society's plan is to protect you, but I do know that the royal family's plan to protect you is just to make it difficult for the opponent to proceed smoothly. If you really want to say it, it's going to be a big deal for you and the Evil God Cult. It’s still not possible to do it.”

Garen directly pointed out the current situation clearly.

"What is your purpose?" Hannett raised his eyebrows.

"I need you to do me a favor." The abnormality on Garen's body gradually disappeared, and he returned to his original handsome appearance. All the blood vessels and veins before were completely gone.

"Okay." Hannett nodded.

He hesitated, moved his lips slightly, and transmitted a piece of data.

Gallon wrote down this data, and then watched Hannett turn around, disappear into the depths of the woods with a few jumps, and disappear.

This data is public channel data that uses radio communication, which is obviously one of the methods used by Hannett and others to communicate with each other.

"Can we go?" Wu Guang's face turned pale on the side. He had a confrontation with the God of Thunder before, which made him look ugly now. Either he had consumed too much or suffered a hidden loss.

"You go back first." Garen nodded.

Wu Guang's female guard didn't know when she arrived. At this time, she carefully took out several small bottles from her pocket, poured out powders of different colors and mixed them evenly, then gave them to Wu Guang to swallow with water.

"This time I'm totally embarrassed." Wu Guang sighed while swallowing the mixed powder. "If it was an ordinary level, I could barely cope with it, but I didn't expect it to be type five, and that guy actually had a special different power, which just happened to restrain me! However, if it weren't for the inconvenience of the place, I would have really tried my best to I’m not afraid of him either.”

Wu Guang has a somewhat out-of-the-box personality. Once he gets to know people, he doesn't feel restrained at all. Garen watched speechlessly as he hugged the female guard and headed back towards the stronghold. While pretending to be seriously injured, he quietly moved one hand over the female guard's body, wiping her body with extraordinary proficiency.

But the female guard just did this and supported him with a worried look on her face, fearing that he was seriously injured. I didn't even realize that I had an extra hand in my secret part.

Things here came to an end for the time being, and Garen also followed Sigula and rushed towards the largest ancestral tree.

There were already guards waiting at the foot of the tree. When they saw the two coming, they were not surprised. They took Garen directly to the vine path leading to the Ancestral God Tree and walked toward the largest branch above.

The natives of Sigula also scattered at the foot of the tree, and it was obvious that they had been waiting on the tree for a long time.

After walking up the heavily guarded vine road for more than ten minutes, we soon saw the location of a huge tree branch.

Philos, the king of Shannia, has returned to the branch of the tree, sitting cross-legged with a smile on his face. There is a pillar wrapped with dark green vines beside him, and a light green crystal cover is placed on it, with two lumps of yesterday floating in it. Impressive green 'poop' at night.

Next to Feros, there was a young man in gold-rimmed white clothes, sitting cross-legged on the tree branch with an awkward smile on his face. Next to him sat a young and beautiful woman with green vine armor.

"What? You don't want to give me face, right?"

From far away, Garen could hear Feros facing the young man in white, his voice low, with a smile on his face, but his voice was cold.

"Do you think that my daughter, Feros, is not worthy of you?"

The sound rumbled like thunder, and Garen instantly understood that Feros was doing this again. He would give away his daughter to anyone he saw.

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Garen increased his speed, and the black shadow flashed and landed directly on the clearing of a tree branch.

At this time, the atmosphere was tense. The young man in white was overjoyed to see Garen arriving.

"Palace Master Gallon, you are finally here. Just as we agreed, we will go to meet some friends together. We will not discuss the issue that His Majesty Feros just asked for the time being. We will talk about it slowly later. How about you see me and Gallon?" The palace master has an appointment”

"Are you Sigula?" Garen recognized the light of the totem on the young man's body.

One of Philos's eyelids twitched slightly.

"It just so happens that I also have something to say to Palace Master Garen about the previous generation of Thunder God."

"Your Majesty, please speak." Garen nodded and sat cross-legged next to the two of them. The guard next to him immediately brought a fruit plate, which contained the specialty green bananas and fist cherries here.

Philos nodded.

"The Evil God Cult is determined to win over the previous generation Thunder God. It has been suppressed by my royal family, but now it has adopted a posture of doing whatever it takes. It seems that Hannet is a very important key, at least for them. "

"So what does Your Majesty mean?" Garen asked softly.

"Don't let that Hannet appear again." Feros said a word without thinking, then turned to look at the young man in white, and started chatting with Sigula.

Garen was thoughtful and felt a chill in his heart.

The previous generation of Thunder God Hanni was violent and tried to disguise himself as a guard to approach the largest Ancestral God Tree - the Ancestral God Pillar. Apparently, he also had an intention to attack the Ancestral God Pillar.

Galen didn't know exactly what Hannett wanted to do, but it was obvious that his purpose also aroused Philos's dissatisfaction. This sentence was clearly a warning to Hannett.

"This is the seed of the ancestors of you two." Feros turned back to Garen and said. "I just pulled it last night, it's very fresh. I also sent someone to send Elder Wuguang's share, so don't worry."

Garen was speechless.

He got up and took his own green poop, said goodbye to Feros with Sigula, and then left the tree branch.

The two of them walked slowly along the way down. The huge ancestral tree takes more than ten minutes to walk from top to bottom before it reaches the ground. It just gave the two people space to communicate with each other.

Sigula is a person who looks sunny on the outside, but in fact you can detect the gloominess in his heart from time to time. His temperament is somewhat similar to Garen's, and their values ​​are expectedly similar, so they can talk together.

"Does the leader know the reason for His Majesty Feros's attitude towards Hannit? Although he is the previous generation of Thor, he is just a Type 2 totem master, and his level is too far away from that of His Majesty Feros. Why did he point out such a sentence at the end just now?" Garen simply raised his doubts while chatting.

The two have similar personalities and are quite speculative. Sigula didn't hide anything. He hesitated for a while and then directly told this part of the reason.

"The Palace Master may not know that the Evil God King said something during the fight with His Majesty. It was about Hannet."


Sigula frowned slightly.

"The Evil God King pointed out at that time that Hannit's target was the Ancestral Divine Pillar. He was the person qualified to absorb the power of the Ancestral Divine Pillar and possessed the legendary Winged God Arm. Although the power of the Ancestral Divine Pillar had been controlled by the Zenia royal family before Control. But His Majesty also doesn’t know if that Hannet inherits the power of the Ancestral Divine Pillar, whether it will have any impact on the current Ancestral Divine Pillar.”

"Is that so?" Garen understood a little bit.

This question was probably explained. Gallon asked Ennit about the last giant stone statue incident. The angel giant statue appeared in the army of lair monsters attacking Cowaitan. This matter is not only being investigated by Cowaitan, Ennit Special aspects are also secretly having a headache.

When mentioning this matter, Sigula also looked angry. He didn't know who secretly stole the control key of the Angel Colossus. This kind of war weapon is generally not used when it is placed in a stronghold. It may not be used once after being stored for hundreds of years. But such a preservation gave those people the opportunity to take advantage of it, so many keys to the giant stone statues were stolen. The person in charge concealed it for fear of taking responsibility, and reported that the keys were damaged over time, so they replaced them with new ones. key.

While waiting for discovery, several giant angel statues were dispatched at the same time, causing great turmoil.

For this reason, Ennit also executed a large number of responsible persons who had neglected their duties.

The two were chatting all the way. As they walked down, they met a group of female guards and a woman walking towards them.

The woman has an enchanting figure, dressed in purple gauze, with waist-length black hair, skin as white and tender as snow, wearing a purple veil, and a pair of big dark purple eyes that are blank and unfocused.

There was a female guard beside the woman who was specifically supporting her, as if she was afraid of falling.

"It's Princess Dylan." Sigula took the initiative to step aside and pulled Gallon with him, who had not yet reacted.

Among the female guards coming towards them, a female officer bowed her head respectfully to the two of them and continued to lead the purple gauze woman up.

The woman with purple gauze seemed to have not seen the two of them at all, and quietly listened to the words of the female guard next to her.

Garen frowned. He didn't ask in a low voice until the group was far away.

"Princess Dylan? The majestic princess doesn't even know basic etiquette?"

"Don't get me wrong." Sigura shook his head, "Legend has it that Princess Dilan is His Majesty Feros's favorite concubine. She is unparalleled in beauty and enchanting. Her voice is as moving as a lark. But she has a lot of shortcomings."


"Yes, and it is a defect that cannot be cured." Sigula nodded affirmatively, "Congenital blindness and mental retardation."

"No way?" Garen recalled that the purple gauze woman just now did look a bit blind, but she probably wasn't mentally retarded.

"This is a fact. Princess Dilan's intelligence is only that of a three-year-old child, and she is also accompanied by severe amnesia. This is an open secret known to many people in the Shannia royal family." Sigura shrugged. "She is like a blank piece of paper. She doesn't understand anything. She doesn't even know her own children and treats them as strangers. Often what she remembers a few minutes ago may be completely forgotten the next moment. And the most incredible thing is Yes, there is only one person she has always recognized, and that is His Majesty Feros."

Only then did Garen understand. For a person who is born with this disease, it is obviously inappropriate to worry about etiquette.

The two left the Ancestral God Pillar and took the bubble to the second Ancestral God Tree. There were already people waiting where the pilot was. Two women in long white skirts saluted respectfully, clasped their hands and looked calm.

"Lord Sigula is back? Lord West Germany and the others are waiting for you."

"Lead the way." Sigula said calmly. .

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