Mysterious journey

Chapter 487 Departure 1

Forcibly breaking through the forbidden air power of the Ancestral God Tree, Garen quickly searched the woman's body several times and found another unredeemed evil god's origin on her body. At a glance, it turned out to be the light god's origin that was briefly introduced before.

Putting it away in his pocket, the red dragon shadow flashed on Garen's face, and the corpse in his hand was swallowed whole by the nine-headed dragon, leaving no trace.

Most of the anger caused by the sneak attack just now was vented.

He breathed out hard, and his heart suddenly tightened. He had been attacked by a sneak attack just now, and his heart was furious. A wave of evil fire suddenly rushed up. Under the violent murderous intention and bloody impulse of the Nine-Headed Dragon, he actually went directly to the Evil God Cult to kill people. .

"We have the origin of the evil god, we can't stay here for long!" Garen was about to turn the contact ring on his hand to contact Wu Guang, but he didn't expect that a dark cloud suddenly appeared in front of him, and a familiar wave of totem light suddenly appeared in front of him.

"No light?"

"It's me!" A male voice came from the dark clouds. "What happened?"

"It's too late to explain now. Let's leave here quickly. I killed an important person in the Evil God Religion and robbed some things. I will never let it go." Galen said a few words in a hurry. "Go back and give it to His Majesty Feros to listen to the radio." Just send a message and we’ll leave right away!”

Without saying much, Wu Guang carried the carriage they came from among the dark clouds, with a female guard sitting on it. The three of them didn't say much. The large black clouds and Garon's Black Water True Skill cooperated and flew quickly to the outskirts of the Land of the Ancestral God.

"Let's split up. You go back at full speed. I'll do something else and be back soon." Garen whispered. He was floating in the dark clouds, with no one around him, but he knew that Wu Guang would definitely be able to hear him when he spoke like this. arrive.

"Okay, I'll take people back first. If necessary, you can contact them through the communication ring at any time." Wu Guang also knew that in the face of the high-end force of the Evil God Religion, he was just a drag now.


three days later

On the outskirts of the land of the ancestral god of Shannia, there are villages of different sizes.

In a newly built cabin, gloomy and dim light came in from the window, and the faint morning light dyed a small area of ​​the cabin white and gray.

Cough cough cough.

In the hut, a short boy with white hair was covering his mouth and coughing, his face pale.

"Are you okay?" A middle-aged man's voice came from the bed in the cabin.

"It's okay. He's not dead yet." The young man put down his hand and hid the scarlet dots on his palm behind his back. "In the end, I was punched in the back by Odu, and I was slightly injured. It's not a big deal."

"I have already given her the medicine you found inside. The situation should start to improve now. It's a pity that we are trapped here instead." The middle-aged man said helplessly.

"It doesn't matter, there will always be a way." The white-haired boy was clearly Hannett, who had just left the Land of the Ancestral Gods. He was hunted down by the people of the Evil God Cult and almost died several times before he hid in this village with great difficulty. Get some rest and respite for now.

"Shiyan and the others are almost here. With their help, it will be much easier." The middle-aged man said softly, looking at the pale Hannett. How could he not know that Hannett's current situation is almost there? We are at the end of our rope and driven to a dead end. After being injured one after another, all the maintenance totem resources and materials in his hand were used up, and his strength dropped to the freezing point again compared to before. Originally he only had the strength of Type 2, but now he has fallen to Type 1.

If it weren't for the support of the Winged God's arm, Hannett might have fallen to the evil cult's pursuit long ago.

Seeing the trace of hatred flashing in Hannett's eyes, perhaps what supported him was the unforgettable hatred for the Evil God Cult.

His parents died tragically, and his family members were brutally dismembered and devoured. The evil cult and Hannet's hatred has reached a point where they will never end.

"They are them, and I am me." Hannett replied indifferently, "Don't put your hopes in the hands of others. This is a stupid idea."

"But at least Stone Eye has also advanced to the fourth type, which is considered to be far more powerful than us. Isn't it?"

Hannett remained silent and said no more.


Woo~~~! !

A huge white wolf more than ten meters high looked up to the sky and howled. A large stream of golden threads was sprayed out from its huge mouth, which spread out and flew in all directions like raindrops.

These golden threads were like living creatures, moving quickly through the surrounding green woods, searching for traces of any target.

Ding! !

There was a crisp sound, and several threads were cut off.

A golden shadow flashed out of thin air, running away from the white wolf at high speed.

"Run!! Hurry! Hurry!" Baker Shiyan was in a state of embarrassment. The robe behind his butt was torn, revealing his white buttocks. His body was covered with light golden sticky fluid, and even on some of his exposed skin, It was also stained with this light gold slurry.

Under him is a huge golden flower, a huge flower like a sunflower.

There are dark green tentacles of tree roots growing under the flowers, like many short legs, running so fast that they almost turn into a wheel.

The eleventh princess Tina also sat on the giant flower. This little guy was hugging Shiyan's thigh tightly, with snot and tears on his face. He didn't have the elegance of the princess at all. The whole back half of his body was floating backwards because he was moving too fast. levitate.

"This is the residual pressure of the strongest totem King Sirius from three thousand years ago! The place just now has the ability to excavate the strongest residual mark in history. As long as we escape from the two thousand kilometers range, we should be fine!!" Tina roared loudly. He didn't dare to wipe his nose, so he could only rub it hard on Shiyan's robe. The situation of the two of them was extremely embarrassing.

"Damn it, a totem that lasted for three thousand years is still so strong now, are you lying to me?" Baker Stone Eyes couldn't help but curse.

Anyone who was hunted for three days and three nights, without even giving time to go to the bathroom, would probably be scolded even if he was mentally retarded.

"You still say that! I told you not to touch that thing, but you insist on touching it! If it weren't for you, we would have arrived in Shannia!" Tina screamed.


Some white water splashes flew out of Tina's lower body. Drifted behind with the wind.

The corner of Shiyan's mouth twitched a few times. This was how the two of them had been here these past few days, and they had long been used to peeing their pants. As for wet pants, they will dry up if they are blown by the wind.

"I want to die!!" Tina's face was full of shame and anger. Although it wasn't the first time she peed her pants, it still made her feel embarrassed and angry every time.

"Just let go." Baker said blankly with stone eyes.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow enveloped the two people.

"Hurry!" "Go to the right!!"

They both screamed at the same time.

Boom! !

It was like a high-explosive bomb exploding instantly. A large area of ​​trees was smashed, and a deep black pit appeared on the ground.

The giant white wolf raised its right paw, and golden threads continued to come out of its mouth. These golden threads emitted like smoke, constantly blocking the two people's hiding space in the woods.

Along the way, with Baker's Stone Eye's powerful strength, he didn't have to worry too much about safety issues. Unfortunately, without having to worry about safety, his greatest curiosity as a researcher was completely activated by the strange changes in the scenery along the way.

Relying on her Type 4 strength to explore and explore everywhere, Tina's warnings were a bit intimidating at first, but later on, she just hit whatever she was warned about.

After a few consecutive incidents, I became more and more courageous. Until he provoked this extremely fierce white wolf.

This white wolf's body can instantly transform between illusion and reality. It is extremely powerful and can dodge any attack. The speed is astonishing and the lethality is extremely powerful. He chased the two men for three days and three nights without giving up.

Soon, the national boundary monument of Sannia was faintly visible in front.

The two of them rushed behind the boundary monument, and suddenly a huge wave of anger rushed towards them.

The huge white wolf behind him roared unwillingly and finally retreated slowly.


The two of them sat down on the ground in an extremely embarrassed state, lying on their backs, barely wanting to move a finger. Just breathing in the fresh air.

Baker's stone-eyed hair was blown into a broom shape by the wind and stood up high. Two dents were blown out on both sides of Tina's face, and the two pieces of fat on her chin were slightly drooped, like a pug that couldn't recover.

"So happy" Tina moaned, "I really want to lie like this forever."

"Let's wait until we find the gathering place of humans. At least we have finally arrived in Shannia." Baker Stone Eyes stood up with difficulty, feeling that his crotch was empty and a cool breeze passed between his legs.

He turned around, all the packages were lost on the way to being chased. He didn't even have a pocket bag, only a few rings on his fingers were still there.

Exhaling heavily, he picked up Tina. The golden flowers were panting from exhaustion on one side. The sunflower-like golden flower disk was tilted to one side, and the body was hunched up and down, as if it was panting violently for air.

"Is it okay, Sunflower?" Shiyan patted Sunflower.

Sunflower nodded quickly, and a large group of tentacle roots below hammered the ground to show that she still had strength.

"Then it all depends on you." Baker said helplessly. Pulling Tina onto the Sunflower again, she quickly headed towards the land of the Ancestral God of Zenia.


Garen was sitting cross-legged alone in a forest. The air around him was filled with a faint black mist, and the trees and grass showed signs of withering.

The area where he was sitting cross-legged was dozens of kilometers away from the land of the ancestral gods.

This is a forest sea in an extremely remote location, mostly surrounded by bamboo forests.

Between the green bamboo sea, a small black circular halo area is like a small ink stain on the green cloth, extremely clear. That's the rest area where Garon is.

It has been three days since he left the land of the ancestral gods alone. The fusion of the fifth dragon head has been successfully completed. With the help of the two seeds of the ancestral gods, the fusion he successfully completed also started the fusion of the sixth dragon head.

Leaving the Land of the Ancestral God was not a decision he made arbitrarily. Although this will directly face the pursuit of the evil sect, it will also hide his whereabouts, turning from light to darkness. In this way, if the ghost gate of Heitian Society comes out and takes action against the land of ancestral gods, it will not affect him for the time being. With the larger and clearer Evil God Cult and the King of Shannia, there was no way they would hunt down and deal with external forces like him first.

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