Mysterious journey

Chapter 50 Traveling 1

Tali Mercury picked up the coffee on the table, took a sip, calmed down, and then spoke slowly.

"Since the people from the Golden Circle came over that time, a lot of things have happened one after another. By chance, my old friend Siweika, the son of White Eagle, accidentally got this cross medal, and then something suddenly happened while he was at Silver Shape Castle. .”

"What happened?" Garen asked.

"I fell from the castle tower." Mercury in the tower sighed. "If there wasn't something blocking it below, I might not have been saved at that time. But even so, Siweika was still unconscious, and she didn't know that she had fallen. Where."

Ms. Marian on the side continued: "The strange thing is that the doctor has checked Siweka's whole body and there is no brain injury, but he is not awake. He is still lying on the hospital bed without moving." She also said With a worried look on his face, "If possible, I hope Mr. Kelly can help us."

Garen frowned and looked at Tali Mercury and Ms. Marian in front of him. It was obvious that they regarded him as some special person with mysterious power. They hoped that his mystery could solve the problem of Siweika's child.

"I'm sorry." He crossed his fingers with a look of embarrassment, "I only perceive and distinguish the antiques of misfortune. They don't have the mysterious power you think. I'm just an ordinary person with some special talents."

"But...Civica's illness..." "Stop talking about Marianne."

Tali Mercury stopped his wife's words and said, "I can see that Kelly really has nothing to do. He didn't lie."

The great detective frowned and gradually returned to his usual calmness and wisdom.

"It seems we have to start with the origin of this medal. I remember that nothing happened when I lived in Yinsha Castle for so long. Why did something happen to Siweika as soon as she left?"

"It's time to analyze it carefully." Garen nodded, "I have been idle recently, so I will check the situation with you. I can also remind you in time if you encounter an antique of bad luck."

"The so-called bad luck, I always thought was a false rumor, but now that Mr. Kelly has revealed the situation, it seems that there may really be some secret in it. No matter!" Tali Mercury stood up, "If the bad luck antique is really useful , and Siweika happened with this medal, so if we want to investigate clearly, we still have to go and try it ourselves with the medal."

"I'll go."

Suddenly, a male voice came from the window. Beside the half-open window, a white figure came in and stood still, sitting on the corner of the sofa. It was a blond man wearing a white windbreaker.

"What happened to my son must have been caused by people from Jinhuan! Talking about bad luck or not is all alarmism. In this world, there has always been only noise caused by people pretending to be gods."

Garen looked up and recognized this man as the blond man who appeared next to the two children that night. At that time, this man accused him of being too cruel and that his martial arts had gone astray.

"Who is this?"

"He is Bai Ying, and he is also my best friend." Tali Mercury stood up and introduced. At the same time, Bai Ying was also introduced to Garen's current disguised identity: Kelly.

The white eagle's falcon-like gaze swept over Garen and nodded: "Maybe it's all up to you this time." He didn't recognize Garen at all as the suspected disciple of the Elephant Sect that night.

"It's okay. Tali and I share the same sorrows, and it's important for friends to help each other. Besides, this matter is related to the antiques of misfortune, and I'm very interested in it." Garen waved his hand and said, "Okay, no. Talking too much. When should we go to Yinsha Castle?"

"Tomorrow, we will meet up at the Manleyton Company early tomorrow morning and go to Yinsha Castle together." Tali Mercury suggested.

"No problem." "Okay."

"Then it's settled." Tali Mercury put away the medal on the table, "I originally got this medal from Siweika, but I just took it for identification because I thought it was suspicious. I didn't expect this to happen."

"Don't worry too much, everything will get better." Garen sighed and patted Tali Mercury on the shoulder. There are two reasons why he is so kind. One is because the gift of mercury in Tali has always been intended to compensate. The second is that he himself has a strong curiosity about the secrets of doomed antiques. After all, he was tricked once in Yinsha Castle.

"Then it's the festival today, so I have to go and prepare an explanation first." Garen stood up, "I'll excuse you now."

"Please." "Please."

The Mercury couple quickly stood up politely.

"You three can rest here as you like. I'll excuse you now." Garen turned around and left the room. When he closed the door, he glanced at Bai Ying one last time, with a hint of fear on his face.

"That guy was hiding outside the window just now, listening to me, and I didn't notice it at all. This guy is pretty good."

Grace stood at the door waiting for him. The two of them walked downstairs of the company together.

"This is a branch of my company that I am responsible for. I can freely arrange the use of this building. In addition, the investigation of the situation you want has been detailed."

She handed Garen a piece of information.

I took the information and looked at it. Garen's frown deepened.

"There are no obvious injuries on the whole body. Is the initial diagnosis a cardiac arrest?"

"Yes, it may be toxins or other means. So far, the opponent has started to take action again, and this time his determination seems to be very strong. I just didn't expect to take action at this critical moment. I may not be able to leave for the time being. Yes." Grace was confused.

"It's okay. I'll investigate this matter personally with the great detective. It's just in time to achieve my plan." Garen narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

Grace didn't know what his plan was, but she nodded anyway. "Do you need anything to prepare?"

"If you can, get me a gun." Garen smiled.


When he returned home that night, Garen had a dull carnival with his parents and sister. They just had a meal at home and chatted about the recent situation together. After a simple wash, I went to bed. Early the next morning, after putting on makeup, he arrived at the branch of Manleyton Company, where Tali Mercury and White Eagle were already waiting for him.

"You guys are here quite early. Shall we go by car?"

In front of the building, Mercury and White Eagle stood together in the tower. Marianne from yesterday was not there, nor was Detective Mercury's former beautiful assistant. Next to the two of them, there was a bright black car with two large goldfish-eye-like light bulbs standing on the front, like dead fish eyes.

"I'll drive directly to Yinsha Castle. Are everything ready?" Tali Shuiyin opened the car door and got in.

Bai Ying and Garen also sat in.

After slamming the car door shut, Bai Ying took out a cigarette from his pocket, held it in his mouth, and handed one to Garen.

"Thank you, I don't smoke."

"Mr. Kelly, I really want to trouble you this time." Bai Ying lit the cigarette, took a deep breath, and slowly blew out a white smoke ring. "Whether things go well or not, I owe you a favor."

"You are a friend of Mercury in Tali, and that is my friend. What are you talking about among friends? Besides, this is my wish." Garen smiled. "I can see that you are a man of integrity. Worth knowing."

"You too." Bai Ying laughed.

The car started slowly and drove from the door of the building into the traffic on the street.

More than ten minutes later, the car slowly drove out of the urban area of ​​Huaishan City, along a khaki lane, and quickly advanced among the withered yellow grass slopes all over the mountains and plains.

In the car, Galen played with the black pistol in his hand, turning it over and over carefully, looking eager to try.

"Kelly, is this your first time touching a gun?" Tali Mercury saw Galleon's movements behind him through the reflector and asked.

"Yeah, isn't it completely useless in the city? I rarely get out, so I asked Grace to arrange a self-defense pistol for me." Garen played with the small pistol with interest. The pistol in this world is a kind of The revolver can only hold six bullets at a time, but after firing a shot, it can automatically rotate and release a bullet, which is considered semi-automatic.

"Let's make an appointment to go to the shooting range when we have time." Bai Ying said casually, holding the remaining cigarette butt in his mouth. He also took out a white pistol from his waist, "However, let's deal with the little mouse behind first."

Before he finished speaking, he opened the car door suddenly and rolled out.

Bang bang!

Two gunshots were heard in succession, and the sound of a vehicle braking suddenly came from behind.


Tali Mercury stopped the car decisively. Immediately open the door and rush out of the car.

Not to be outdone, Garen looked back with a pistol. Through the car window, he saw Bai Ying shooting a tall and strong man with a gun, then somersaulting forward, rolling to the ground and then accurately killing two men in black who were following behind.

There were actually two black cars behind their car. A total of six people got out of the car. In this short period of time, four of them were directly killed by Baiying, and two more got into the car behind. The car turned a corner and tried to run away.

Bai Ying sneered, raised his hand and fired two shots.


The car that was turning exploded and burst into flames, and a strong smell of gasoline and burnt smell slowly drifted over.

Garen had just gotten out of the car and the battle was already over.

"Such fast movements, such accurate marksmanship!" Seeing Bai Ying's killing efficiency, Garen was also slightly shocked.

The red flames made the three people's faces turn slightly red.

Mercury in Tali leaned over and inspected the body.

"He's from the Golden Circle."

"These disgusting little mice!" Bai Ying spat, and shook his white windbreaker to shake off all the dirt and grass clippings that had just rolled to the ground. He turned around and saw Garen also getting out of the car. He was not timid when seeing such a scene, and there was a flash of appreciation in his eyes.

"Mr. Kelly seems to have experienced many such scenes. It seems that you were the one who solved the problem of the Golden Circle last time. Can we discuss it with you if you have time?"

"I'm not a professional combatant like you. I'm just interested in antiques. And you know, even if you're not used to this in our line of work, you can't do it." Garen shrugged and said with a bitter smile.

"That's true. Okay, let's get in the car first. Gentlemen, matters like murder and arson should be left to specialized combatants like us." Bai Ying kicked the corpse at his feet and turned towards the car.

The other two people also got into the car.

Starting the car, the three of them continued to accelerate forward.

For a moment, no one in the carriage was able to speak first.

Garen glanced at Bai Ying. This guy seemed relaxed, but in fact he was obviously in a state of high vigilance. It is said that he and Tali Mercury were both injured by the Golden Ring's explosive ambush last time. They were obviously deeply impressed by that lesson and were not at all weak or careless like their previous opponents.

Tali Mercury was driving the car intently, his eyes were deep, as if he was thinking about something.

"Anyway, since the highly vigilant White Eagle is here, why not take a break."

Garen simply closed his eyes to rest, and finally fell asleep slowly.

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