Mysterious journey

Chapter 501 Chase 1

A few days later.

On the black plain, in the shade of a huge black stone pillar.

"I will fight with you!!"

The demon phoenix yelled and rushed forward, a violent and strange purple halo suddenly lit up, and a large purple one-eyed shadow slowly lit up behind her.

laugh! !

Before the phantom completely turned into reality, it was directly deflated like a balloon by a wisp of black air.

The demon phoenix that rushed over was grabbed by Garen's face and slammed to the ground. A circular pit several meters wide opened up in the ground and enveloped the two of them. A large amount of smoke and dust flew up, forming a gray cloud for a while, making it impossible to see what was going on inside.

"Your structure is very interesting. I won't eat you for the time being. Don't worry." Garen retracted his hand, coughed a few times, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth again. He continued to close his eyes and practice breathing.

These days, he doesn’t need to peel the skin off, he just eats it whole. It must eat more than ten huge living animals like black giant elephants every day as a nutritional supplement for the Nine-Headed Dragon's regenerated limbs.

The more Mohuang and the others watched, the more frightened they became. They vaguely guessed that Garen took them with him, on the one hand, he might be looking for someone to serve him, and on the other hand, the most likely reason was to block the food and pig reserves.

After several days of simmering emotions, despair and courage finally broke out.

Under the planning of three subordinates, Demon Phoenix finally found an opportunity. Today, when Garen came back, he was also seriously injured and the left side of his body was blown away. Taking this opportunity, Demon Phoenix suddenly attacked. Then he was suppressed suddenly and unexpectedly.

Naturally, Garen's decision to seize the Demon Phoenix was not arbitrary.

When the will of the Nine-Headed Dragon and the Evil God King were fighting, through the area covered by the Black Water True Skill's aura induction, he unexpectedly discovered that there were several special and weird life forms, the weirdest of which was the Demon Phoenix.

After careful detection, the blood in Demon Phoenix's body actually had an ancient aura similar to the ancient will of the Nine-Headed Dragon. This surprised him even more. It wasn't much of a burden anyway, so he just carried the four of them away when he left.

As expected, creatures like the Demon Phoenix must be long-lived creatures, which is indeed good news for him.

Although the silver lantern masters have various methods to extend their lives, the royal records record that the longest lifespan of the most powerful totem master in history is about 400 years. Even if various means are used to extend life, the most effective one is the means of transforming life into a totem. The evil gods of the Evil God Cult use this method to become evil gods. But even the Evil God Totem has a lifespan limit.

That's the number 400.

This is the limit of life.

So after Garen felt the ancient aura of the Demon Phoenix, he decisively captured all four of them. Good research on the secrets of longevity.

After a moment of silence, Demon Phoenix got up from the ground. The courage he had just now had completely disappeared. Dejectedly, he squatted aside with his three subordinates, and honestly began to sew simple clothes for Garen. He used animal skins and bone needles, plus a few feathered birds he had caught recently, to make simple one-time clothes. No big deal.

Demon Phoenix has endured it for thousands of years, and no one can bear the humiliation better than her. This was the case when she first met the sage Ogasha. She couldn't help but admit her mistake decisively. Anyway, she lived long enough. As long as she lived longer than others, time would defeat the most powerful enemy for her. Unexpectedly, Ogasha would seal her away for a thousand years before she died.

But that was before. Her brain was not strong enough before. After thousands of years of hard work, she is now much more flexible.

Demon Phoenix's eyes flickered, thinking about how to get rid of the monster's clutches. That guy is as powerful as Oshaga back then, but no matter how strong a person is, he will always have weaknesses.

"My lord! I have an idea!" the purple-armored woman whispered from the side.

"What can you do? Tell me." Mohuang quietly came over.

"As long as we listen to that man honestly, I don't think he will necessarily eat us. After a few hundred years, he dies of old age and we will be free again. As long as we behave better this time and don't get caught Seal it, and what happened in Oshaga will definitely not happen again!" The purple-armored woman looked determined.

"Good idea!" Demon Phoenix clapped her fists. Although her mind was a little unclear after thousands of years of not using her brain, she didn't think so.

"Who can survive longer between us and him!" The other two people also leaned over to agree, "As long as a strong man needs subordinates, as long as we are honest, there will definitely be no danger!"

Garen on the side opened his eyes, glanced at the four people, and closed his eyes again speechlessly.

Without the aura of the ancient strong men, these four people are just four people with mental problems. I guess I have always used muscles to solve problems before, but now I suddenly encounter something that muscles cannot solve, and I am completely confused.

After resting for a while, suddenly a subtle fluctuation came from the distance.

Garen opened his eyes, raised his hand and released a large amount of black energy, covering everyone.


The five people rose into the sky, turned into a black cloud, and chased towards the distant place.

The mutated creatures that had been driven into captivity on the ground quickly fled in all directions as if they had been granted amnesty.


Another few days passed.

On the hilly grassland, the stars in the night sky are shining with silver light. The white jade sickle moon hangs quietly in the sky, surrounded by faint clouds.

Garen and his group set up a bonfire on the grassland, which was as clear and eye-catching as a bright yellow chess piece on a black chessboard. White smoke rushed up, was blown to the left by the wind, dispersed, and then disappeared.

"What is this place?" Garen asked casually while sitting by the campfire, fiddling with the fire. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he remembered that it was impossible for Demon Phoenix to know the current geography, so he stopped saying anything.

"Not sure..." Mohuang answered cautiously. She had already accepted her fate, and after making sure that Garen would not eat her, she decisively used her best trick, patience.

I have endured it for thousands of years, and it is not a big problem to endure it for a few hundred more. Moreover, compared to before, I can now see new scenery everywhere, and the treatment is obviously much better.

Garen glanced at her.

"Put away the less human parts of you, okay?"

"Yes! Yes!" Mohuang nodded quickly. She has been beaten and frightened these days, and now she is obedient and considers herself a servant of Galen.

After a while of adjustment, the strange features on Demon Phoenix and others were put away one after another, and they all turned into ordinary human shapes.

The three subordinates, two men and one woman, all took off their armor and melted it back into clothes similar in style to Galleons, also revealing their hidden faces underneath.

The purple-armored woman changed into a purple robe. She was the first general of the Demon Phoenix, and her name was Phantom. There is nothing to say about her appearance and figure. She is an absolute top beauty with a delicate appearance. But when she speaks with a strange double voice, she immediately scares people.

The other two men also look similar. They are beautiful and innocent, with long purple hair. From the appearance, they can't be seen as men at all. They don't even have beards. If it weren't for the slight Adam's apple and the lack of breasts, they would just have that pretty face and enchanting look. With their stature, no one would recognize them as men.

The names of the two people are also weird, Tara and Lata.

Mohuang explained that when she first selected her subordinates, beauty was the main criterion.

After the four guys made a few jokes, they finally became a little more honest. Garen took advantage of his free time to chase the Evil God King and began to ask about the situation on the Demon Phoenix side.

"Oshaga was originally a chaotic place with five countries. We have been living there since we were born. The people there worshiped us as gods. Later, Oshaga appeared and killed me. A large number of servants and subordinates. After we finally defeated us, they didn't know why they didn't kill me. They sealed me when she was dying. Until now, it seems that Oshaga doesn't want to live anymore after her man is dead, and I don't want to live either. I don’t know the specific reason.”

Demon Phoenix talked about the past in a confused and illogical manner.

On one side, several subordinates were carefully grilling food and making soup with a few plant roots dug out of the ground.

The grassland was unusually quiet, with only the faint howl of wolves coming from far away.

Since the master of the lair gathered a large number of powerful monsters, the ones left wandering outside are either low in IQ or weak in strength. Even the master of the lair does not regard them as the same kind.

For type five strong men, as long as they are willing, they can scare away almost all monsters without hiding their scent. But this is a bit tricky for Garen. Without powerful enough monsters, he cannot replenish enough potential points.

Fortunately, the evil god king Miwu's operation route has some clues.

The key point that makes him stronger than the secret martial artists in this world is that his understanding of the secret martial arts has reached a terrifying height with the support of the level in the previous world.

This has nothing to do with realm, just pure experience.

He had read a lot of secret martial arts in the world of secret martial arts, and now he was working backwards on the Evil God King's Sun Seal Magic Wheel Magic Skill. The progress was much faster than the Evil God King had imagined.

As long as the entire demonic derivation is completed, there will no longer be any problem in refining and absorbing the evil god's origin.

He casually chatted with Mohuang and the others, and ordered them to keep vigil. If there was any movement from the Evil God King, call him immediately.

He himself lay on the grass and slowly fell asleep. Even though his Black Water True Skill has amazing endurance, after two months of continuous chasing and fighting with basically no rest in between, such terrifying consumption has almost reached the limit even for him.

Once he closed his eyes, he never wanted to open them again. Fatigue instantly overwhelmed him like a tide.

I don't know how long I slept, but when I opened my eyes, it was all white.

It's completely bright now. A strong aroma similar to potato soup penetrated his nostrils.

Feeling a little pain in his head, Garen slowly sat up and saw that Demon Phoenix and Phantom were busy making soup, while Lata and Tara were squatting on the ground washing some plant leaves they had just found.

The sky was completely blank, and the wind was a little chilly.

Standing up from the grass, Garen looked towards the Evil God King from a distance. There was no movement in the aura fluctuations there. It was obvious that he had rested a little for the night.

Relying on his physical fitness with attribute bonuses, his powerful secret martial arts realm, and the grip of the troll and other factors, he was able to achieve peak combat effectiveness at the lower level of type five. But in fact, we competed all the way.

Garen also seems to have a clear positioning of his own efforts.

Among the top five types, he is considered the weakest. Needless to say, Shen Yun, who was injured in the first place, still managed to let him escape so far away despite being chased for so long.

The Evil God King in the back is even more exaggerated. The ability attacks he sends out are basically hurt when touched and killed when hit. If the Black Water True Skill is not highly concentrated and condensed on the body surface, it will not even be able to break through the opponent's defense, let alone cause serious damage. It's simply not possible to use black water to condense and extend the hands and feet like in the past. The lethality is too weak.

So far, the Evil God King is also immortal, but he has not died even once. In other words, just injuring him, the evil god's origin consumed in this way is not worth mentioning to the opponent.

But he himself has died no less than twenty times and been seriously injured more than thirty times. If it weren't for the nine-life talent that can be supplemented with potential points, and the terrifying regeneration power of the nine-headed dragon, he would not be qualified to fight with the opponent to this point.

Although he successfully suppressed the violent will of the Nine-Headed Dragon and improved his strength a lot, it was still far behind the Evil God King.

Thinking about it again, the Evil God King is now suppressed by Feros, has no shining water, and even ran away when he saw Feros.

Garen weighed the contrast in his mind. In the end, his strength was positioned at the level of the master of the Star King Palace. The Master of the Star King Palace can also confront Shenyun with the Twisted Pearl. Although he is slightly at a disadvantage, he is still the pinnacle of Type Five.

It is said that as the boss of the Mathematics Organization, his strength ranks among the top three among the three major organizations. Counting the Council of Elders, it ranks among the top five. The Council of Elders is a behemoth that spans the east and west states, gathering all the top powerhouses.

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