Mysterious journey

Chapter 516 War 2

The person who came was wearing a plain white suit, with the collar ripped open, a white rose on his chest, and the faint smell of alcohol still lingering on his body.

"When you come back this time, what level is the woman Demon Phoenix you brought back?"

"You didn't try it?" Garen smiled.

"She gives me a very weird feeling." Effie frowned. Stand behind a bench with your hands on the back of the chair.

"It won't be clear for a while. You'll find out when you get to know it slowly." Garen didn't bother to say more. This would lead to a lot of trouble, which is difficult to explain. Moreover, if you have a little hidden power, you can use it. trump card.

"Forget it if you don't want to say it. The latest news came from Shannia. Shannia and Black Sky Society have officially started a full-scale war. This afternoon, a precious stronghold of Mahakala in Black Sky Society was completely destroyed. Mahakala is unknown. The countless information and research results accumulated by the Black Sky Society for many years have been taken away by Feros." Ephesus frowned and said the latest news. "what's your plan?"

"Has the war finally begun?" Garen showed no surprise at all. "They are fighting them, and it is unlikely that the winner will be determined in a short while. There is no rush. By the way, how is the operation of the palace?"

"Shouldn't you ask Lala about this?" Although she said so, Effie still opened her mouth to report the recent changes, "It's running very well. After going out for training, although several students were killed or injured, we took the opportunity to break through to the fourth place. There are already two people on the first floor, and three people who have broken through to the third floor. Kong Qin is already preparing to activate the observation plan. Also, in one month, it will be my wedding with Kong Qin, do you want to come? "

"Wedding?" Garen was slightly startled. He didn't expect Kong Qin to be so quick, and he could finish Effie in just a few strokes.

"Yes." Effie's expression was natural, without the slightest hint of reluctance. "It's not easy for her to be alone for so many years."

Garen looked strange and didn't know what to say. This was the image of the woman Kong Qin in Effie's mind. Think back to the previous chat with Kong Qin.

Sure enough, female gangsters are not just as scary as they are educated.

"Speaking of which, how are you and your fiancée doing? You're not young anymore, and you're still going to drag it out like this?" Effie brought the topic to Garen.

"There's no rush, there's always some unfinished business." Gallon exhaled. His pursuit and goals are really not suitable to leave too deep a mark on this world. This is Hathaway's irresponsibility. However, as he said, some things always have to be done.

Leaving blood for the Terry Jones family is also a responsibility that his body cannot shirk. Maybe when everything is over, if he is still alive, he will marry Hathaway.

"I'm going out for a while. If there's anything you can't handle, you can go find Demon Phoenix."

"I know." Effie nodded. When he came back this time, he could no longer see through the depth of Galleons. He vaguely guessed whether the other party had already broken through. But if there was a breakthrough, why would Galleon's aura weaken so much? He hasn't completely broken through yet, and even if he breaks through, he still can't figure out the huge difference between the average type five and the peak type five.

He only judged and measured according to the normal five-type aura, but such a judgment was undoubtedly meaningless.

The two started chatting. After understanding the main things, the next thing they talked about was the secret martial arts practice. Usually Effie asked and Garonne answered. As Garonne's dragon demon, Effie Si can share part of Galleon's life-devouring and regenerative abilities, and his strength is higher than before. In addition, now that he has entered the fusion period, the questions he asks are more precise, all based on the idea of ​​breaking through the fifth type. .

This also allowed Garen to understand his progress. Effie was indeed close to a breakthrough, just in the past few days.

It gets later and later, and the light of street lamps gradually replaces the afterglow of the evening.

When Garen and the two were discussing a key issue of type five fusion, suddenly, a dull collision sound came from the deep palace in the distance. Immediately afterwards, the Palace Nine Snakes defense shampoo was triggered.

The red crystal necklace on Garen's chest flashed red, and a translucent light red round screen was projected in front of Garen.

The scene of three Three Snakes students besieging a Four Snakes student appeared in the round curtain. The three snakes represent at least the third level of Black Water True Skill, and the number of snake heads corresponds to the number of levels of secret martial arts.

Three three-levels besieged a fourth-level. As a low-level secret martial arts practitioner, the gap between the levels was not too big, but the fourth level happened to be the limit for activating the power of the totem, so the result was obvious.

The three Three Snakes students were knocked to the ground without any accident. The only Four Snakes student was a cold-faced young girl with short hair, blue eyes, white skin, and an ordinary face. She looked like an ordinary girl, nothing like that. special. But his action of knocking down three people made Garen shine slightly.

That was not the fighting technique of Black Water's real skill, but a completely different style of fighting technique.

As if she was a prophet, the girl knew the attacks of the three men very well and could easily dodge them. No matter how dense the siege was, she could easily get out of the way, and then hit the target at the moment when the mistake appeared.

"This is the second genius to enter the fourth level besides the most genius Ansepero." Ephesus introduced from the side, "Her name is Pefalia, she has no surname, she was born a commoner, she was originally just Wandering on the second level, but after going out to experience it once, I broke through to the fourth level in a short time and activated the power of the totem."

"Not bad, not bad. He looks about fifteen years old, right? He has great potential." Garen smiled.

"She came back and handed in a brand new fighting technique. It is said that she found it from a ruins that had been rummaged through. After being evaluated by the Nine Snakes system, she was placed at the level of the Five Snakes."

The ratings of fighting skills, treasures, information, etc. are also divided into nine levels from one to nine according to the degree of rarity. The higher the level, the more precious it is. Among them, the complete inheritance system of Black Water True Skill can even reach the fifth type of secret martial arts, which is the top level of Nine Snakes.

As for the inheritance of Ephesus, it reaches the peak of type four, and its assessment level is Eight Snakes. The ultimate inheritance of Type Four Intermediate is Seven Snakes, and so on.

The Five Snakes level is already a very high evaluation level. After all, this is not a completed inheritance. If placed outside, its value is equivalent to the totem cultivation inheritance that can reach the peak of type three. It's impossible to buy a golden wheel cloth without costing tens of thousands.

"In addition, since the students came back from their training, they brought back a small batch of totem cultivation methods with different styles, as well as fighting techniques, and two confirmed regional information suitable for practicing the Black Water True Skill." Effie, as Garen It’s natural for the dragon demon to help with these trivial matters.

"Sure enough, it was a wise choice to let them out. Where is Ansepero? Where is that kid now?" Gallon thought of that arrogant boy with great talent again.

"I haven't come back yet. After the breakthrough, I joined a hunting group and went out."

"What totem did he choose?"

"It seems to be a silver-crowned tiger. His talent is unclear. This kid hides it very well." Effie shook her head. He also admired this talented disciple very much. He was ambitious and motivated enough to become stronger. Although he was arrogant to his teacher, he also had the right attitude. Some respect.

For Garen and others, the more talented disciples who appear in Kurosawa Palace and the more powerful they are, the better. Because no matter how you look at it, in the eyes of outsiders, no matter how talented and powerful Ansepero is, he will always be a part of Kurosawa Palace and part of the power of Kurosawa Palace.

As for the rebel sect, Garen doesn’t think there is any place better than his place to practice the Black Water True Skill. Leaving Kurosawa Palace, even the most talented disciples will have a hard time. From the moment they practice the Black Water True Skill, this path will be difficult. It's already doomed.

"Let's observe slowly." Garen pondered for a moment, "In addition, the Northern Snowy Mountains will be included in the trial scope. We can discuss this with Blizzard and the others. It should be no problem."

"That's fine."

Garen has reorganized the Black Water True Skill in advance and divided it into levels according to totem levels. The fourth level is the official totem level of type one, the level of five is type two, the level six is ​​type three, the level seven is type four, the level eight is type five, and the level nine is The peak of type five.

The small levels that were continuously generated due to fusion were all divided into the seventh level.

Put all the seven levels of Black Water True Kung Fu into the Nine Snakes system, but secret martial arts are secret martial arts, and powerful secret martial arts are just a higher starting point. How many people can really achieve something?

Countless people in the world of secret martial arts practice secret martial arts, and there are many top-notch techniques. However, there are only two people who can truly become the king of the century, Xian Fran and Garen himself.

Put the Black Water True Skill into the system as a reward for meritorious service. Even so, how many people can really reach Type Five?

Don’t even say type five, let’s just say type four. How many can there be? According to Garen's estimation, if there can be one in a hundred of these student disciples, it would be considered good.

As for type five, no one can tell. Even the most talented disciple certainly has great potential, but how long does it take for him to grow up before he can truly become a strong person? The changes in the state of mind, the process of totem cultivation, and whether countless crises and dangers can be overcome are all unknown.

What Garen wants to do is to leave a foundation for his family and himself. Maybe one day he will leave, but if he comes back, all the totem masters who practice the Black Water True Skill will be his greatest help. It's not because of anything else, but just because of the characteristics of the Black Water True Skill itself. High-level secret warriors can easily suppress low-level secret warriors.

Coming from the same lineage, for the secret martial arts that use fluids to fight, the high-level Blackwater True Skill can completely suppress the lower-level ones, preventing them from even using half of their strength.

The most important thing is that even if someone can practice to the ninth level and break through the fifth type, because the Black Water True Skill itself is derived from simulating the blood circulation of the Nine-Headed Dragon, it has the only bonus of the Nine-Headed Dragon Totem. Long can directly suppress the peak secret warrior even if he breaks through the fifth type.

This is the only advantage. It is his talent ability that forcibly evolves the lizard dragon. The advantage he finally gets is that there is no second attribute point talent. There is no second person who can fuse the dragon heart and activate the will of the nine-headed dragon blood. It will be forever. It is impossible for anyone to surpass him.

This is the result that Garen has deduced over the past few days. Except for him, the rest of the people who practice the Black Water True Skill are simulating the blood circulation of the Nine-Headed Dragon, but he is the only one who truly possesses this blood. People with bloodline can theoretically suppress the existence of Black Water True Skill Secret Warriors who are one level higher than themselves and deprive them of the source of their power.

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