Mysterious journey

Chapter 518 World 2

"Hydra?" The green figure who had been leaning against the stone door was slightly surprised.

"Is this the first time we've met? Master of the Palace of the Gods." Garen's brilliant blond hair reflected a dazzling golden color in the sun, and his gaze was accurately positioned on the green-shadowed man.

The other party looked agile and peaceful in this outfit, as if he was one with the forest. He looked like an ordinary jungle ranger, which was completely inconsistent with the title of Lord of the Celestial Palace. Originally, he thought he was a terrifying character with powerful momentum and domineering behavior. Now it seems that the actual image of the other party is somewhat different from the imagined one. big.

"The original plan wasn't Feros?" The Lord of the Heavenly God Palace frowned slightly and looked at the Evil God King.

"Are you saying I'm not qualified?" A cold smile appeared on Garen's face under the mask. His eyes instantly seemed to be blackened by ink, completely turning into two dark magic eyes. A black-red mist silently emanated from his body.

He raised his feet and walked towards the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace. As he lifted his steps, traces of fragrant black smoke came out from the footprints left behind. The stones and branches in the footprints melted into black slime in less than a second.

Every step he took left a black smoke footprint on the ground, and a faint poisonous gas floated out from it, like burning smoke.

"That's enough." The Lord of the Heavenly God Palace narrowed his eyes slightly, flicked his right hand, and a green seed shot out, landing accurately at Garen's feet. The seeds seemed to fall into the water, causing a circle of green ripples to spread on the ground, and then disappeared completely.

Garen was stunned for a moment, then turned around. His poisonous footprints had completely disappeared without knowing when, and even the previously dissolved branches and stones were restored to their original state.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and he had a certain understanding of the power of the Lord of the God Palace. The active activation of the poison just now was just a simple test. Unexpectedly, the other party directly showed part of his ability without caring about his intentions.

Garen glanced at the Evil God King beside the stone sculpture, and the two exchanged glances instantly.

The Evil God King wanted to bring him together as an alliance because he was unable to fight against the Heavenly God Palace Master. For this reason, he even completely put aside his feud with Garen. Obviously, the memory left by the Master of the Heavenly God Palace on him may be even more profound.

"Okay, get ready to go in." The Lord of Tianshen Palace straightened up, turned around and walked to the front of the stone door.

He reached out his hand and gave it a gentle push.


The stone door was pushed open without any hindrance, revealing a dark internal passage, with a cloud of dust and a thick musty smell filling the air.

The Lord of the Heavenly God Palace walked in without hesitation and soon disappeared from view.

The Evil God King followed closely, Garen looked back and glanced around, and was the last one to walk through the stone door.

Behind the stone door is a dim black hall. It is rectangular in shape, with a deep square pit in the middle, which houses a gray-white stone statue seven or eight meters high.

The stone statue carves a beautiful woman covered in gauze, with long hair disheveled, holding something in her hands. What is weird is that there is an extra vertical eye carved on her forehead.

The hall was filled with a light white mist, mixed with dust, and somewhat blurry.

After the three people entered the ruins one after another, the stone door slowly closed automatically behind them.

Standing in front of the tall stone statue, the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace turned around and looked at the two of them.

"According to the last exploration, the secret weapon of life should be at the bottom of the third layer of the ruins. But last time we didn't figure out how to enter the second layer."

"Why can't you just smash through the ruins with force?" Garen interrupted and asked.

"Any extraordinary power is imprisoned here. You can try it." The Evil God King replied from the side.

Garen's face darkened, he stretched out his hand, palms flat, and the ability of the Black Water True Skill to mobilize water vapor suddenly started to work.

But there was no movement in the palm of my hand.

"No wonder it's well preserved here." He couldn't help but chuckle a few times and asked no more questions.

The Lord of Tianshen Palace remained calm and continued: "The way to enter the second floor is to fix three stone switches at the same time so that they do not rebound and close. The three of us fix one switch each, and the switches need to inject enough Type Five Fusion power.”

He stopped talking and looked at the Evil God King.

The latter nodded, took out a black paper roll from his arms, and unfolded it gently. It was originally pitch black with nothing on it. But as it unfolded, a white origin slowly appeared on the paper. The origin began to move, forming clear white lines, and soon a complete map was drawn on the paper.

The Evil God King waited until the origin point was completely drawn and disappeared before handing the map to Garen. The latter scanned it carefully and handed it to the Lord of the Celestial Palace.

"The terrain here will automatically change every time. This map is the original product here. It can automatically sense and generate the corresponding map every time you come in. So you need to re-memorize the terrain map every time you come in." The Evil God King explained.

"Three lines, the terrain here is very huge. According to estimates, the first level of the entire ruins should cover an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers, and the ruins can only be entered through the entrance. In addition, it is impossible to find the existence of the underground palace by digging underground outside. "The Evil God King has obviously done enough testing work. "So three lines, each one is time-consuming. Just in case."

He directly took out three more blood-red button-like objects, with a maggot-like red symbol engraved on them.

Give one small item to each of the other two people.

"This thing has been used by the Master of the Heavenly God Palace, so I won't say much more." He looked directly at Garen, "This is the only unrestricted tool that I found in the outside world after searching for a long time. The function is very simple, there is only one, color change. If you reach the switch point and turn on the switch, please shoot this button five times within two seconds, and it will automatically appear a green line. The button here will also show a green line. Similarly, we turned on Switch, same thing, you can see our progress from this.”

"Within ten days, if we successfully find the switch, we should be able to enter the second floor. The dangers on the first floor have been cleared away, so there should be no obstacles." The Lord of the Heavenly God Palace interjected. "Let's go."

He was the first to walk towards the only dark passage directly in front of the hall.

Garen and the Evil God King followed closely behind, and soon the three figures completely disappeared into the darkness.


Time passes day by day

In the absence of the Evil God King and the overall shrinkage of the Evil God Cult's power, the conflict between the Shannia royal family and the Black Sky Society became increasingly fierce. Support from the Royal Alliance is also growing.

No one expected that the Black Sky Society's resilience was so terrifying. A large number of silver totems formed a sea of ​​totems, which constantly collided and strangled with Shannia's legions.

Senior figures on both sides fell and were seriously injured one by one, and the war inevitably escalated.

It was the fifth day since Garen entered the ruins.

The terrifying power of the Black Sky Society finally broke out. Guimen personally took action and instantly defeated the two core legions of Shannia and the three major domain alliances, killing several legion generals and approaching the land of the ancestral gods.

All the living forces in Shannia collapsed at the same time.

The battle for national destiny is about to break out.


On the towering and huge Ancestral God Tree, Feros stood on the largest branch, looking at the black shadow floating in the sky in the distance. It was the secret martial shadow of the Ghost Sect, a huge black-robed figure like the god of death, holding a rotten red sickle in his hand. That sickle seemed to be broken at any time, but it was the one that destroyed several legions and tens of thousands of coalition forces in three days. Terrorist weapons.

Countless transparent bubbles were flying around the Ancestral God Tree, with no one inside.

The battle between the strongest men on both sides has completely eliminated any other subordinates, and only two of them are here.

Victory leads to life, defeat leads to death!

That's all.

The evening sky was dyed red by the setting sun, creating a golden edge. Countless clouds are like waves, but they are moving slowly.

Philos looked at the horizon.

"Really, I haven't seen the sunset like this for a long time." A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's a pity, give me a little more time."

Boom! !

The sky quickly darkened, and countless clouds gathered from all directions. The entire sky changed from golden red to dark, until it was close to the darkness of the night sky.

Countless rolling clouds are like boiling water, with bubbles popping up one after another.

Philos straightened his body, grasped his right hand from the void, and a dark green three-pronged fork naturally appeared in his hand.

Several Ancestral God trees in the entire Land of Ancestral Gods lit up one by one, like stars that were suddenly lit up.


The green light soaring into the sky gathered from his feet into a pillar of light, which shot straight into the sky.

Countless green lights converged into a huge green human figure, also holding a three-pronged fork. With a body that is over a thousand meters tall, it looks like a giant from ancient mythology.

"There is only one strongest person!"

Feros couldn't help laughing wildly, but bright red blood continued to flow from his eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

Click! !

A bolt of lightning flashed across, and the huge human figure suddenly swung its three-pronged fork and stabbed it into the sky.


There was a crisp sound, and somewhere deep underground in Sannia, a young man knelt down on the ground, sobbing while looking at the cracked Life Gem in front of him.

A faint song floated from the sky.

"~~Distant dream, when will you wake me up. King, when will you wake up from this dream that forgets everything? Never once, the sky is so beautiful. Never once, you look at me The eyes are so happy”

In the ruins.

Garen suddenly paused and raised his head slightly, as if he heard the song that penetrated everything. The induction from the seed of the ancestral gods allowed him to see the last scene of Shannia.

The land of the ancestral gods turned into a bottomless, dark abyss.

Princess Zhenya jumped into the abyss with Feros' body in her arms, her flying gauze clothes resembled the wings of a butterfly.

"Xeniya, it's over."

Garen closed his eyes.

At the same time, the other two people in the ruins also stopped. The song that transcended everything, accompanied by the complete collapse of the power of the Ancestral God, spread to every corner of the entire East Continent.

With the death of Feros in battle, the land of the Ancestral Gods completely fell, and the former Ancestral Gods no longer existed. Similarly, the heavy shadow originating from the ghost gate is like a dark cloud, shrouding the entire world.

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