Mysterious journey

Chapter 531 Scattering 1

The atmosphere became more and more solemn, and Garon Evil God King faintly moved his position to form a straight line with the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace in the middle.

The Lord of the Heavenly God Palace slowly rolled his eyes, and the dark green long bow on his back was slightly emerald green. He looked at the expressions and movements of the two people in front of him and his heart sank slightly.

"In this case, it's better to end today's matter."

"It's best if the Palace Master thinks so." The Evil God King chuckled and made way for him. His mouth shape is a bit weird, and the red needle hidden under his tongue puts him in a state where he can spray attacks instantly at any time.

The Lord of the Heavenly God Palace nodded. After all, he still did not use the long bow that he had never used before. He stood up slowly. His figure turned into a shadow and passed by the Evil God King in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

Suddenly, only the Evil God King and Garen were left on the cliff.

"Together?" The Evil God King asked in a low voice.


Garen nodded.

Although the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace has left, it is only on the surface. If he is still hiding somewhere waiting for an opportunity, it would be the greatest stupidity to separate at this time.

The two of them together, because they were afraid of the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace who might be hiding in the dark, did not cause any trouble. They followed the crack where they fell, and every time they jumped up, they instantly pierced the stone wall with their arms and hung themselves. Then he used his strength to jump upward again.

This happened again and again, and soon, the two of them returned to the second level fork where they initially entered the third level.

The fork in the road was still filled with a faint blue mist.

Two figures suddenly jumped up from the cave on the ground and landed gently on the edge of the cave. They were two figures, one black and one red.

The black man is Garen with an indifferent expression, his blond hair shawl hanging down, and his dark magic eyes showing no signs of fading away. His Black Water True Skill is obviously at its peak at any time.

Hong Ying was the Evil God King who had suffered heavy injuries and blood holes all over his body. He looked defeated and was breathing heavily.

"It seems that I have to rest for a while when I go back this time."

"Firos is dead. Now that the situation has changed, do you still have time to rest?" Garen raised his eyebrows slightly. Now we can no longer follow the original historical trajectory. History has been greatly changed by him, and everything is in chaos.

It is true that Guimen suffered serious injuries after defeating Feros, but after the battle of Shannia's national destiny, Ennit was indifferent, and it was obvious that he had other plans.

King Ennit and Philos are two different extremes. She is crazy and courageous. More importantly, she does not follow any established rules and is also a top totem master. Compared to Feros, he became famous hundreds of years ago. He is a peak powerhouse with a long-standing reputation among the older generation. I don’t know how strong his headquarters is.

This was another shocking collision.

"It's a pity. If Feros was willing to join forces with me, how could we end up like this." The Evil God King shook his head and said with regret.

Garen did not speak, but focused on checking the traces left by the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace around him.

The Evil God King glanced at him.

"This time, both you and I have gained a lot. I wonder what Palace Master Jialong has planned in the future?"

"Plan? Don't you already know what I'm going to do?" Garen was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. The aftermath of the secret martial arts was almost unbearable. He moved his feet and turned into a phantom, rushing towards the passage from which he came.

The Evil God King chuckled and received and fused the secret martial arts seeds of two lives in a short period of time. Especially the portion he gave up was not so easy to absorb. But the two agreed to exchange, and neither of them had any intention of going back on their word.

Apparently Garen also benefited from that secret martial arts.

Garen was in front, and he was behind. The two of them focused on their journey for a while, and neither of them spoke again.

At this time, the green and black-red threads in Garen's body were intertwined, as if countless slender insects were burrowing inside his body, and the pain was unbearable. Fortunately, his peak black water true skill, which originated from the world of secret martial arts, is slowly becoming a buffer zone between the two kinds of secret martial arts, making the conflict between the two less acute and giving him some time to relax.

The first secret weapon of life obtained was of ice attribute. The second part seems to be of the flame system, but in fact it is of the metal system. The flame demon represents the smelting of metal. The black and red sword that appears at the end is the real seed. The two secret martial arts seeds are added together. The entanglement and conflict in Long's body formed two balls, one green and one black, which started to rotate. The center of rotation is the core where the energy, blood, and fusion power of the Black Water True Skill that Garen has practiced for a long time are condensed. But at this time, the Black Water True Skill is being consumed at a high speed. Every extra second it stays will consume an additional portion of the fusion power of the Black Water True Skill.

Garen was anxious and his feet were getting faster and faster.


The stone door of the ruins was suddenly broken open, and a black shadow shot out, flew into the dense woods on the right, and landed in a small open space.

There was a carriage pulled by a black hawk parked in the open space, and a bonfire was burning beside the carriage. The two girls, Demon Phoenix and Phantom, were sitting by the fire, flipping through books. When they heard the sound, they both stood up in unison, and turned around to see Garry. Long appeared beside the carriage.

"Palace Master."

"Leave here immediately!" Garen said without saying a word, got into the carriage, sat cross-legged on the ground, and fell into a state of self-study. There were beads of sweat on his forehead, forcing himself to endure the tremendous pain.

Demon Phoenix and Phantom quickly put out the bonfire, got on the carriage, and pulled the reins hard.

The black hawk that was still resting suddenly fluttered its wings and flew into the air. The huge pulling force shook the carriage violently, and then it suddenly jumped into the air.

The magic cloud aura that Garen asked Mo Phoenix to prepare was of no use this time. It was used to prevent the other two from setting up a siege trap. The magic cloud aura was best suited to converting hostile forces into one's own. It is most effective against group battles.

As for the peak power, with the five-type demon phoenix present, and the extraordinary power that Garen has now recovered, even if he doesn't take action, he can still release an extremely poisonous and terrifying corrosive aura.

Because of the combination with Qi, his aura is now a powerful killing weapon. Combined with Moyun's aura, it forms a powerful mode of kill-transform-kill again.

Fortunately, the other two people did not set any other traps. If Garen had not been affected by the sequelae of the Secret Martial Arts of Life, he might have had the opportunity to rob and kill the other two people this time. Unfortunately, he could not protect himself now.

The black carriage quickly drew a black line in the midday sky, and soon disappeared into the sky.

On the other side of the sky, a bloody mask slowly appeared, and then quickly disappeared. Also disappearing at the same time was the figure of the Evil God King.

It wasn't until both of them left completely that the figure of the Lord of the Heavenly God Palace slowly emerged from the air outside the ruins gate, as if he had been invisible from the beginning, and the other two people didn't notice it at all.

Looking in the direction of the two people leaving, he touched the end of the long bow protruding from his waist. A trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes. After a moment, he finally released his fingers and turned around to walk in the other direction of the woods.


Inside the Blackhawk carriage

Garen closed his eyes tightly and bit his lower lip with his teeth. A trace of blood dripped down his chin but he didn't feel it at all.

Wisps of black energy emanated from under him, silently, condensing the wooden floor into a thin layer of ice.

He is using his mind to fit in with the vitality between the conflict between the two secret martial arts. Blackwater's real skill is constantly being absorbed and fused by the two secret martial arts in the buffer, absorbing some of the secret martial arts memories and will that suit him, and then forming a newer one. A bigger and stronger conflict.

The core of the Black Water True Skill is getting smaller and smaller, and weaker and weaker. If this continues, waiting for the core to be completely absorbed, all of Garen's true skills will be scrapped, becoming the conflicting nourishment between the two secret martial arts of life. After the conflict escalated, there was no room for buffering. It only took one collision to kill him instantly, without any luck.

Garen worked hard to slow down the consumption of Black Water's true power, looking for a suitable rate between buffering and absorption speed.

"No! If you continue like this, sooner or later you will be sucked dry by the two secret weapons of life!" His thoughts were running at high speed at this time. It took him so long to reach this level. If he was knocked back to his original form because of this accident, this was not the purpose of coming to the ruins.

Stretching out his hand and spreading his palms, fine black smoke was constantly rising from the five fingers of his palm. The black smoke was like a living thing, erasing and absorbing all traces of impurities on his body. The useful ones were fused away, and the useless ones were all absorbed. Force out the body.

From the war shackles on Garen's arms, the initial eye that was originally added was extracted and merged into the black smoke. There are also black flowers with ice aura that are melted and absorbed into the black smoke, becoming nutrients that temporarily buffer the two living secret weapons.

Only when absorbing nutrients, these two seeds will slow down the number of conflicts, so although he knew that it was drinking poison to quench his thirst, Garen had to do this. This is better than having the foundation of your true black water skill destroyed alive.

After the Eye of Beginning was pulled in, the two seeds suddenly paused and were divided in half, which greatly slowed down the speed of the conflict. After Black Flower joined, it alone slowed down the rotation speed of the ice seeds.

In this way, what might have been a fatal explosion in less than a day was delayed to at least a week.

These two secret martial arts seeds are like greedy giant beasts, constantly absorbing structures and energy of the same kind that they do not have, and try their best to improve and evolve themselves. At the same time, on the way to perfection, they will also release spiritual energy to improve their bodies. If there is only one kind, it will be the perfect improvement. Gallon's physique makes it possible to reach further levels. But having two auras would be bad. The two auras are in conflict with each other. You want to change it this way, and he wants to change it that way. No one will let the other. In the end, the one who was pulled and painful in the middle was Garen himself.

He knew that he was careless this time. He didn't expect that the secret weapon of life could be such a domineering thing, and he also had his own instincts. However, before the contact, no one knew that the merger of the two secret weapons of life would produce such a terrifying collision.

"There is still a way." Garen's eyes flickered, "As long as the two secret martial arts are thoroughly blended, the areas where they conflict are completely rounded and not so sharp, and the two secret martial arts can become one by finding commonalities. Transform all power For my use. Only then can we truly get the inheritance information of the Secret Martial Arts of Life."

Now, because of the secret martial arts confrontation, he actually didn't really get the secret martial arts training methods and secret martial arts information at all.

"In this case, the required conditions are..." His mind was spinning at high speed, and the large amount of knowledge systems accumulated in the past were being unearthed one by one at this time. Different systems tried to build models, failed and collapsed again and again, and restarted again and again. Try to build.

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