Mysterious journey

Chapter 534 Abyss 2

He knew that the strongest totem master in history could no longer be trapped here, but his continuous revenge still caused immeasurable horrific losses to the Black Sky Society. In more than a year, a large number of Black Sky In order to rescue the ghost gate and destroy the blood pool, She Yin Hua Totem worked hard one after another, risking his own life.

In their battle with the master of the lair, both sides suffered heavy casualties, which resulted in a sea of ​​countless corpses on this red plain.

In the absence of a supreme leader, the main commanders were also held back by the Yongye Palace. The Black Sky Society's losses this time could be described as extremely heavy. In the situation where neither side has the strongest combat power, the master of the lair has a great advantage.

This is also the first step of a revenge plan finally hatched by the Master of the Heavenly God Palace after he obtained enough secret weapons to survive.

King Ennit's cooperation, his personal appearance as a inducement, and the blood pool set up in advance. After the ghost gate goes to the inner world, the control and interference of its entry and exit locations. This huge plan involves too many people.

But it only blocked the ghost gate in the inner world, making it impossible to come back for the time being. And it’s only for one year.

Such a result.


Kuwaitan royal capital

In more than a year, this place has almost completely changed.

Garon Haiyuan was in seclusion, with Ephissis and Kongqin guarding them on the spot. All matters in Kurosawa Palace were resolved through discussion among the elders. However, the newly joined elders such as Demon Phoenix and others had a very comfortable life.

As a group of tribal white knights and little princesses who were rescued by Garen from the grassland, after joining Kurosawa Palace, a new force was formed. The leader of the white knights, Bai Feng, made rapid progress and was qualified to practice the true black water technique. With the refinement of Miwu, his strength suddenly broke into the fourth type, and the White Knights of the Wind, the most loyal to Garen, was established. In sharp contrast to the Black Knights of the Four Directions. After they gained power, they originally planned to go to their hometown to take revenge, but unfortunately, their enemies had completely left the place and were missing.

Mohuang and others spent the whole day eating, drinking and having fun, and lived an unusually comfortable life. They occasionally traveled to Beihai to check on Garen's current situation. These people were brought out of a small place by Garen. Although they had reached the point where they could not bear to part with this colorful world, they The awe for Garen was still deep in his heart. Even in the face of other people's attempts to win over him, he didn't dare to have other thoughts.

Only Mohuang and others are actually the ones who know the details of Garen the best in the entire Kurosawa Palace. In more than a year, she has completely recovered to the intermediate level of type five, but every time she faces Garen, I still feel out of breath.

While the rest of the royal capital gathered their minions and recuperated in Kurosawa Palace, the three giants gathered a large number of totem masters and civilians who had taken refuge from outside, and began to establish two city-states outside the sanctuary area.

The construction of the big princess is finally revealed. The Towers of Dawn, the five Towers of Dawn built in her territory, have the powerful ability to gather the power of totems and project them out thousands of miles away, and they also have a certain amplification effect. This will increase the strength of her totem masters in her territory by about 10%.

This is a terrifying improvement. The profile also revealed that the eldest princess definitely has a top totem workshop master under her command. There is definitely the support of Grand Duke Bainock behind this.

The Grand Duke of Cody, on the other hand, worked hard to supervise the construction of the new city-state, and gathered a large number of ordinary workshop masters to build a super weapon called the Kars Cannon on the outer wall of the city-state.

This weapon uses the totem light of fifty totem masters as its energy source, and can instantly burst out with extremely powerful terrifying power. It is said that it was an invention created by a young genius workshop engineer who fled to Cowaitan, so this giant cannon is named after him.

And the alliance of guild leaders, after absorbing a large number of foreign totem masters, seemed to have internal conflicts of interest. Several of the large forces fell apart during the struggle, and the political power changed. In the end, they became increasingly weak and almost fell out of the four giants. seats.

Through Demon Phoenix, Garen was not completely isolated from the world during these times, but he was able to clearly understand the general changes and progress of the situation.

Garen didn't pay much attention to other forces in the imperial capital. This information was just because they were too close. Kurosawa Palace was not involved and had a detached status, so he knew more.

But compared to the incident on the other side of Sannia, these are not the focus. Among the countless news, the one that made Garen's heart jump the most was not the news about Feros who had died in the battle. Rather, it comes from the Heart of Life, the largest gathering of civilian fortresses in the world that Shannia once built.

A large-scale epidemic occurred in the Heart of Life. Before the news came out, more than 100,000 people had actually been infected and died there! At first, the epidemic of this plague was forbidden to spread outside, but at this point, it could no longer be concealed, and the situation had reached an extremely critical level.

The most terrifying thing is that this plague not only has a 100% fatality rate, but also transforms the dead into a monster like a living corpse. This monster aims to hunt living people and wanders around, even if the head and heart are completely smashed. Even if it rots, it can still survive for several days.

This reminded Garen vaguely of the kind of living dead he encountered before entering the mysterious Youcheng. The area around the capital city of that small country was full of weird zombies described in this way.

Vaguely, he felt that this plague was probably related to Youcheng.

And Youcheng is due to the black copper phenomenon caused by black copper. The root of the black copper phenomenon is probably the ghost gate.

The situation has reached this point and is completely divorced from its original history.

The Ghost Gate is temporarily missing, and the Master of the Heavenly God Palace is also missing and there is no news.

The three major regions have already formed a temporary alliance, uniting to form a large force. Its territory is prosperously managed and has become the largest ideal living base outside Enite and the Absolute Sanctuary.


At the bottom of the pitch-black abyss, a bit of cold blue light flickered, vaguely illuminating the surrounding large deep sea area.

In the endless abyss of the deep sea, a huge icicle group hundreds of meters high stands in the huge trench. In the icicle group, countless spiked icicles stand up high, like countless transparent and slightly black spears. .

In the center of it, a huge icicle with a thickness of more than ten meters was pierced, which was the source of the blue cold light.

In front of the icicle is a flat field of ice.

Because it is in the middle of the trenches on both sides, countless seawater is condensed into ice by the extremely cold temperature. The entire bottom of the trench is completely filled with ice, forming a huge iceberg filling the trench abyss.

The entire iceberg is slightly black and translucent. Behind the blue cold light in the center, among the huge icicles, there is a slender blond man frozen in the ice. He is motionless, his eyes are slightly closed, as if he is sleeping. But it seemed like he was watching whatever was in front of him.

On the flat ice in front of the icicle, a handsome man with long white hair was sitting cross-legged. He was dressed in a white robe, with a silver and black belt around his waist, and a long white sword lying flat on his knees.

"How does it feel to break through?" A clear male voice came from the ice, as if in a vast hall, with a faint ethereal echo.

Ephesus gently held the hilt of the sword on her knees and shook her head slightly.

"If I didn't personally guard here and observe the changes in the influence of the secret weapons around you, I wouldn't have been able to enter type five so quickly. The originally estimated time was still not enough."

"Only a top genius like you can tell the law of changes in the secret weapon from these traces." Garen said calmly in the icicle.

Ephisis was noncommittal. During these times, after marrying Kongqin, she had been guarding the abyss of the sea. The masters of Kurosawa Palace and Seven Nights Tower built a simple undersea residence here.

But before the residence could be carefully crafted, the builders were forced to retreat by the increasingly intense and terrifying chill in Gallon's body.

The interactions between Aphesis, Kongqin, and Garen during these times gave the three of them a rare tacit understanding.

Effie is a person who adheres to his own principles very much. He took the initiative to stay and guard Galen and did not give up because the dragon demon's restraint was released. The dragon demon's shackles had no restrictions on him.

In fact, Garen had never given him any forced orders, and the relationship between the two was just an ordinary friendship. For the two of them, whether or not the dragon demon is restrained makes no difference.

"There is movement in the Heart of Life again. Ennit's side has entered the finals. How is the situation here?" Effie asked in a low voice.

"It went smoothly." Garen did not elaborate.

The two fell into silence. Silence was the most common way of getting along throughout the day. Both of them fell into their own worlds.

Garen withdrew his mind and focused on the Secret Martial Arts of Life in his body.

Most of the secret martial arts of the two disciples have been fused, and the Black Water True Kung Fu has reached the final stage of dispersion. Because the secret martial arts of the two great disciples were torn apart forcefully, all their will and fusion power were absorbed as nutrients, and now there is only one left. I’ll use my last nine lives talent.

As the core ability of Nine-Headed Dragon, the nine-life talent is very rare to be able to support it to this point even though its speed is greatly slowed down. But at this point, complete decomposition cannot be avoided.

The two living secret martial arts seeds in the body have grown to an extremely large and refined state after absorbing external nutrients for a long time.

After a long period of body operation and fusion, Garen's body has completely adapted to the intensity of the operation of the secret martial arts of life. As the integration of the two secret martial arts deepens, the transformation of Garen's body becomes more and more unified, and the conflicts become more and more intense. few.

"Soon... soon, soon, I will be able to truly touch the secret of the secret martial arts of life."

Until now, he has not actually received the inheritance of the Secret Martial Arts of Life. One is the conflict between two secret martial arts, and the most troublesome thing is that only after they are completely transformed can the real secret martial arts training information be transmitted.

The secret martial arts of life and cultivation can break through the limits and reach the peak height. This is the general consensus among the top experts.

The fusion of the two secret martial arts may not necessarily bring about good changes, but from the current point of view, it is not too bad. Although many parts of the conflict were discarded, the remaining seed parts still had extremely terrifying aura fluctuations.

After receiving the inheritance, and with the huge accumulation of Black Water True Skill and these time-born secret martial arts, Garen is fully confident that he can reach an extremely high level in a short time. After all, he also has a very high level of secret martial arts.

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