Mysterious journey

Chapter 546 Years 2

Kurosawa Palace has no longer been heavily guarded. On the wall beside the entrance are notices announcing the recruitment of new students this year, as well as the steps and locations for various admission procedures. There is also a red suggestion box nailed to the side.

Young and prosperous college students were entering and exiting the school in twos and threes, talking, laughing, and fighting.

Directly above the palace gate, a huge semi-circular arc sign has the words 'Kurosawa University' clearly engraved on it.

Garen was dressed in black clothes that came from him. He was neat and clean, and his temperament was luxurious and calm. The guard thought he was a student of the school. He just glanced up and then lowered his head to continue reading his novel.

When you walk into the palace gate, there is a glass cabinet on the left side of the palace wall with a list of who's who in the school.

Among them, his portrait ranked first.

‘Garon Terry Jones: The first principal and palace owner of Blackpool Palace.

Solar calendar 3550-3592.

The founder of the great Blackwater Zhengong Miwu, one of the first members of the Grand Council of Kuwaitan, the national honorary military commander, and the winner of the first Best Contribution Award in Kuwaitan. The only recipient of the World War and Peace Medal in 3598. Ranked thirteenth among world historical celebrities. ’

Looking at the portrait of himself under the light of the street lamp, Garen couldn't help but feel as if he was crying or laughing. Standing in front of me alive, looking at the various achievements and achievements written by others for myself. Even the specific time of death has been determined.

The young man in the portrait is handsome and majestic, with an aura like a lion and an eagle in his eyes. His blond hair is shawl, and his eyes are like daggers, giving him an absolutely majestic appearance. I guess this is the artist's impression of himself.

Garen speculated in his mind.

Skimming your own column, below are the second row of historical celebrities.

Demon Phoenix Terry Jones became a traveler and traveled around the world. She finally encountered a storm in the West Polar Sea on the left side of the east and west states, and her boat capsized and disappeared. At that time, the power of the totem had disappeared for more than ten years. Later generations found the bodies of her and her companions, and they were buried on an unnamed island in the West Pole Sea. This island was also named Magic Phoenix Island after her.

"I didn't expect her to take my last name." Garen didn't know what was wrong with him, but he still smiled.

Keep looking down.

Ephesis and Kongqin went to Xizhou for exchanges. The two of them had many descendants, and they seemed to have become the top family in the entire Kuwaitan. Tied with Terry Jones's. Both of them have been diagnosed with the disease in recent years. In order to overcome the disease, Ephesus did her own research and became a world-famous medical expert, specializing in lymph node tumors.

This time I went to Xizhou to give a relevant medical academic report.

There was also the original Master Kelian, the three master disciples whom he personally appointed, all of whom left a heavy mark in the history of the school.

Garen glanced all the way down, and his heart felt empty unconsciously.

After passing the celebrity list, he slowly walked forward in the school. The former palace had become various teaching buildings and experimental buildings. From time to time, you can still see some foreign exchange students with different skin colors in the school. They speak awkward Kuwaitan and have a hard time chatting with local students.

After walking around the school, Garen met his old friends without any surprise. He didn't recognize any of the people or faces.

Walking in the once-familiar Kurosawa Palace felt like entering someone else's home.

He also found the Kurosawa heavy guards transformed by green vine balls, but these heavy guards were no longer as powerful as before. They were just much stronger than ordinary people in terms of physique and breath, but they no longer had the original level of extraordinary power.

Obviously, the transformation of the green vine ball was also affected by the disappearance of the power of the totem, and it completely became ordinary.

Half of the main palace hall where he once lived has become a historical place and has been sealed off. The other half has become a place for students to date and have affairs because of the dim light.

After Gallon bumped into several young couples one after another, he no longer had the intention to visit his former residence.

The entire royal capital, if he is willing, will still be under his control in a very short time, but what's the point?

When Garen walked out of the academy, he looked back at the words above the palace door, feeling extremely complicated.

His arrival in this world was originally an accident.

In the capital, or perhaps in the entire capital, the only person he felt guilty about was his cousin Hathaway. She had waited for more than fifty years, but the final result was that neither of them knew how to face the difference in image. Huge each other.

Maybe she really thinks of herself as her grandson

Garen thought with some self-deprecation.

The power of the totem disappeared, and basically all the extraordinary power disappeared. The totem masters who lived long lives because of totems and their derivative power methods naturally lost their long life spans and died one after another.

The world has become a world for ordinary people.

The former silver lantern maker has become a knowledgeable scholar, and the former workshop master has become a scientist who tackles scientific problems. In the past, only the top totem masters became famous fighters.

Before leaving the royal capital, Garen visited the grave of Teacher Ening. The Dasura sect is a well-known university sect throughout Cowaitan. The cemetery in Enin is filled with all kinds of flowers, and it is obvious that disciples and students come to visit the grave from time to time.

One by one, the once familiar people left forever, and the once familiar world gradually fell into unfamiliarity again.

Garen left the royal capital quietly.

Before leaving, he checked Hathaway's illness and used the power of the secret weapon of life to freeze and remove the root cause of her illness, allowing her to live for at least ten more years.

This was the only thing he could do for her. Similarly, there were also friends from the past, Bai Lan and others, and Garen also made final arrangements one by one.

The secret martial arts he practiced had no effect on longevity when released, and even had negative effects on ordinary people. However, if the operation is subtle, it can also accurately kill physical symptoms and achieve the purpose of eliminating all diseases.


Black Territory Country, Comet City

In a white cemetery on the outskirts of the city.

Garen was sitting in front of a black tombstone, holding a black wine bottle in his hand and taking a sip or two from time to time.

The bottle was not filled with wine, just coffee.

As the sun sets, red light marks are reflected on the black tombstones. On the black stone tablets mixed with white dots, the words are clearly engraved: Goethe and Jessica are tomb together.

The description is very simple, except for a simple name, there are no other words. There is no introduction to his life, no great achievements as the Lord of the Black Domain, not even the years of his birth and death.

Just two names.

Perhaps this is Goethe's atonement for himself.

Garen came to the Black Territory Kingdom these days and has almost figured out how Goth died.

Since the War of Heaven, Goethe's originally strong body had deteriorated, and he eventually died of a myocardial infarction accompanied by a cerebral hemorrhage.

Whether it was Jessica's betrayal and death, or Garen's final disappearance, the once powerful Lord of the Black Territory was completely plunged into self-blame and grief.

For some reason, Garen was sitting in front of Goethe's tomb, recalling it so calmly, but his mood was unexpectedly peaceful.

He could understand Goethe's final mood. That seemingly strong man was actually still as fragile as a child inside. Jessica's betrayal dealt him a heavy blow, a sharp stab in the heart that hurt so much that he could hardly breathe.

That kind of life may be a kind of pain in this world, so it would be better to just die. .

Near the Black Territory is the headquarters of the Evil God King. He also went to see it. Not a single evil god existed. They all died when the power of the totem dissipated.

The entire Evil God headquarters was in ruins, and the Evil God King was nowhere to be found. Some people said that he left for the mysterious Antarctica, some said that he went underground, but more people rumored that maybe he was dead, died in an unknown corner, without the glory of the past, only after the power of the totem died. trauma.

"Why does it feel like the sky without totems is much purer?" Garen raised his head and took a sip of coffee, seeming to be talking to Goethe or to himself.

Goethe's deeds have almost been buried, and only a few old people still remember the former Lord of the Black Domain, the Grand Duke. So much so that a stranger like Garen was sitting in front of Goethe's tombstone, and no one cared about it.

Several men and women who were worshiping in the evening glanced at this place from a distance. When they saw Garen sitting in front of the tombstone, they probably thought it was a drunk relative coming to worship, so they understood and left quickly.

Garen didn't take it seriously. After the initial sadness, he was now completely calm.

"These days, I suddenly have a feeling." He whispered, "It seems that I have become a lonely person in this world. You are gone, the teacher is gone, Effie and the others are also old. Maybe after a while Soon, I will leave completely.”

He paused.

"I suddenly felt overwhelmed."

"Everything familiar is leaving me." He raised his head and looked at the sunset slowly setting in the west, and the bright red light made his face flush.

"Human life is like the sun, which rises and sets. No matter who you are, you can't escape the cycle of nature. I just leave a little later than you."

Standing up, Garen placed the wine bottle in front of the tombstone.

"If I leave this time, I may never come back again." He paused, "I will miss you when I have time." Then he turned around and left in the distance.

There was no looking back, just as indifferent as old friends returning home after drinking tea and chatting.

There is one last stop.

Garon felt an unprecedented loneliness in his heart, and the loneliness that had appeared since Kuwaitan was getting deeper and deeper. It was like a circle of dark vines, tightly wrapping him layer by layer. It was just light at first, but later it became tighter and tighter, making him more and more breathless.

He couldn't help but recall the final moment of the ghost gate.

Is that persistent man the same as he is now, experiencing the time when his relatives and friends leave him again and again? The loneliness that penetrates into his bones, the persistence that no one can understand, may be the root cause of his pure pursuit of ideals. power.

Everything in the world will pass with time, as long as the eternal truth, the gate of heaven that has not changed from beginning to end, will always stand there.

Garen desperately wanted to find the last person, the one who was most likely to be the same as him. Even if it's just a small comfort

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