Mysterious journey

Chapter 549 Dongzhou 1


The people around became noisy.

Amidst the commotion, Lin Silan carefully left Galen and walked to the bearded man to stop. Her father, the captain, also separated from the crowd and walked in with a silver pistol in his hand.

This man has a beard, a blue round hat, and his eyes are slightly protruding. He looks at people like a frog looking at an insect, coldly.

"Are you a passenger?" He continued without waiting for Galen's reply, "I don't care if you are a real passenger or not. Since you are on my ship, you must abide by my rules."

He looked at Garen's clothes carefully, and his expression relaxed slightly.

He did not say that although there are many ships on this route in the sea here, no ship will pass through the same sea area for at least three days.

In other words, if the person in front of me is really a tourist in distress, he has lived independently in this sea area for at least three days and soaked in the sea water for three days. Such a ridiculous thing. Haha.

Not to mention that seawater is so corrosive and soaking in it is very harmful to the body. Even drinking water is also a problem. Not to mention that there are sea sharks swimming around here from time to time.

However, he has also heard that some powerful martial artists can have terrifying physiques far beyond ordinary people.

"Are you a martial artist?" He thought for a moment and asked in a low voice.

"Uh" Garen didn't understand the word for a while. He waited until the translation came over and then nodded slightly. "Yes, I did practice martial arts fighting for a period of time."

"Since you are a martial artist, it's easy to talk about." The captain's face suddenly softened, "May I also ask what your name is."

"Garon, Garon Terry Jones." Garon silently added the familiar last name in his heart, Garon Terry Jones Lombard.


After some simple explanations and proofs, Garen joined the ship as a normal castaway and became one of the passengers on the ship.

Captain Wittmann seemed to have great respect for martial arts masters and did not have any unnecessary questions about Garen's identity. He didn't ask for any boat fares, and he enthusiastically arranged accommodation for him, and even asked his daughter Lin Silan to make a special trip to serve him.

After getting on the boat and settling down, Garen didn't expect that just a small show of his knife-throwing ability, and he instantly lined up three flying knives in a vertical line, would cause such a big change in the captain's attitude.

Compared with the confusion and suspicion in the eyes of other crew members around him, the captain's performance surprised him. He was a man who had obviously seen the world and had rich experience.

Two days after boarding the ship, Gallon was arranged to stay in a VIP room in the passenger area of ​​the ship, which also had some navigation books for reading. For two consecutive days, he ate, slept and rested in the room, and his physical injuries quickly returned to normal.

"Mr. Gallon." Lin Silan, who had just finished cleaning up the room, looked at Gallon expectantly. "Can you tell me the story of your martial arts master?"

Not only is it her first time to serve a martial artist, but her attitude is very upright, and her qualifications and appearance are also very good. Her appearance and conditions are far from eye-catching in all aspects, and her qualifications are not very good, so no matter how good her attitude is, , many martial arts masters would at most tell her some basic common sense stories. This was because of her correct attitude. As for becoming a disciple, there was no need to think about it. As for the one who was even worse, she didn't like it. Those ordinary martial arts masters probably couldn't even beat her father.

"Story?" Garen was sitting in the room, holding a sailing captain's diary in his hand while drinking the specially provided black tea. "Speaking of stories, do you know about the Battle of Black Smoke Pot Island?"

"Of course I know about the Black Smoke Pot Battle." Lin Silan nodded vigorously, "It is said to be the peak era of martial arts. Two kings of the century competed on the island, but in the end they all died due to the eruption of a volcano and the explosion of a nuclear bomb. .”

"Oh? So clear?" Garen was slightly surprised.

"This must be clear!" Lin Silan replied matter-of-factly, "Nearly sixty years ago now, this was the top event in the martial arts world. Xian Fran, the strongest fighter in the history of Immortal Palace, died in that event In battle.”

"Do you still know about the Immortal Palace?" Garen suddenly became interested. "More than sixty years?" He suddenly realized this keyword and fell silent.

"Of course I know that the Immortal Palace and the Demon Sect are the two most powerful forces in the fighting world, and they are the two holy places in the fighting world. They jointly organize the selection of the fighting event every three years. Our ship even sent them to participate once A martial arts master who has participated in a grand fighting event!" Lin Silan replied with a hint of pride.

"Fighting event?" Garen heard another new term.

"No way? You don't even know this?" Lin Silan's eyes widened.

"I've been practicing hard in the wild." Garen shrugged and said that he really didn't know.

"The Fighting Festival is an important competition for the two major forces to select the new generation of fighters. Among them are not only fighters in the traditional sense, but also mysterious martial artists who combine fighting with technological means. It is held every three years and has been held for more than ten times now. Yes! It is said that the best among them can be selected as official members of the two major forces." Lin Silan walked to sit on the chair opposite Garen and explained patiently.

"More than sixty years." Only then did Garen realize that he seemed to have spent too much time traveling back.

As for the fighting event, it is just a way for the Immortal Palace and Demon Sect to select talents and eliminate hidden dangers.

The Demon Sect is probably the Demon Elephant Sect, and the Immortal Palace may still be the Immortal Palace. Unexpectedly, these two have developed and grown.

"Besides the Immortal Palace Demon Sect, are there any other heavyweight organizations in the fighting world?" He continued to ask with a little anticipation.

"In addition to these two, there is also a Black Fist Sect, a Red Sand Sword, and a Star Ring Sect. I don't know the rest, but I guess these are the main ones."

"Is there a Baiyun Sect or a Nantian Holy Fist Sect?" Garon paused and asked in a low voice.

"Baiyun Sect? That sect that participated in the Black Smoke Pot War." Lin Silan seemed to recall, "The Baiyun Sect declined after that battle. There was only one extremely powerful sect leader in history who was later immortalized. The people of Gong Mo Sect retaliated, and it is said that there were heavy casualties, and the main inheritance was lost. There is still Baiyun Sect, but it is just a sect rebuilt by a few former students. It no longer has the complete inheritance of the past, and can only be regarded as a low-level sect. "

She thought about it carefully. "I used to really want to go to the fighting festival, but when I got to the outside, I was stopped and couldn't get in. I had to wander outside for many days. Later, I bought a fighting sect introduction that mentioned something about Baiyun Sect. After that, I No record of it anywhere else."

"What about the Nantian Holy Fist Sect?" Garen was silent for a moment and continued to ask.

"I've never heard of it at all." Lin Silan shook his head, "The name of this sect sounds very powerful. Brother, are you from this sect?" She asked slightly curiously.

Garen smiled and did not answer.

In terms of status, he is both the leader of the Baiyun Sect and the top general of the Nantian Holy Fist Sect. It's a pity that the once prominent identity has become unknown after just over sixty years.

The Baiyun Sect was in such a dilapidated state, and the Nantian Holy Fist Sect, which had top fighters like him and Palosha, was suppressed by the Immortal Palace and the Demon Elephant Sect.


In a small town on the far coast of Lanzhou.

In a dilapidated martial arts gym, in the dilapidated wooden hall, several young boys and girls sat in a row, obediently listening to what a young senior above them was saying loudly.

"Our Baiyun Sect has also had great achievements in its history."

The senior brother proudly pointed to the tablet above to the junior brothers and sisters.

"In the past, there were two god-level fighters and four heavenly general-level fighters in our sect. They were extremely powerful for a time. Therefore, as disciples of our sect, we must remember the glory and glory of the past and remember the order of our ancestors. "Three Honors and Three Disgraces", do not forget the sect rules, abide by disciplines, treat martial arts practice, take the development and growth of the sect as your own responsibility, take the status of a disciple as an honor and disgrace, and do "

Listen to what the senior brother above is talking about.

The boys and girls below were drowsy after listening to it, but they had to listen to the weekly ideological education class.

Divine general, heavenly general? No one knew whether that legendary level really existed. It was too far away from ordinary disciples like them. Probably the founder of history is trying to put money on his face.

These days, any small sect that doesn't make up a glorious history that can't even brag about it, and can't scare the rich people into a daze, who would send their son or daughter in to pay tuition?

The four or five young boys and girls below were also tricked into coming in this way.

Two children from small merchant families, one daughter from a run-down nobleman, and two children from ordinary families in the town, one boy and one girl.

Among this group of children, the youngest is only thirteen years old, and the oldest is nineteen years old. They started at different times. Originally, there were dozens of disciples in Baiyun Sect, but after being kicked once by a nearby iron-legged gate, several masters were injured, and even the old man who owned the sect was seriously injured. As a result, the disciples became scattered. Over the past few years, those who remained from the past plus the new recruits were reduced to the few present.

Most of these children came because of the cheap tuition. If they couldn't get into other expensive martial arts schools, who would be willing to become a disciple in this dilapidated and low-end martial arts school.

The senior brother standing above kept talking while recalling the old man's instructions before leaving. On the good side, he took several of his fellow apprentices with him and was invited by Red Sand Sword to prepare for the fighting event in March next year.

When I think about this senior brother, I feel extremely unhappy. Those beautiful girls are taken around by the dead old man all day long, and there is no time to cultivate feelings. Wasn't it because of the beautiful girls in Baiyun Sect that he entered in the first place?

Among the old man's three granddaughters, especially the youngest Luo Luoya, she is simply a cabbage in the black mud, which is called a tender one.

"Big Brother, I'm drooling."

Subconsciously, he quickly wiped his mouth. The senior brother immediately realized that something was wrong. His eyes darkened and he stared hard at the blond boy below. The boy was hiding behind a cold black-haired girl with a playful look on his face.

"Sit back to your seat! As a man, does it look good to hide behind your sister all the time!?"

While the senior brother was scolding, his eyes were quietly roaming around the cool black-haired girl.

I have to say that the dead old man’s beauty eyeball effect is really good, and his vision is also first-rate. Since he took over as the head of the sect, the old man has adopted several baby girls from outside. They looked wrinkled and inconspicuous when they were young, but when they were raised, they all turned out to be beautiful and dewy little girls.

Not to mention the qualifications, there are many disciples and students who entered the school because of these beautiful girls. If they hadn't been kicked out by the iron-legged door, more than half of them would have been prosperous by now.

Sigh. I don’t know when the old man will come back.

Although the senior brother is still talking about ideological education, his heart has already flown out of here and drifted towards the three lovely girls beside the dead old man.

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