Mysterious journey

Chapter 568 Childhood 2

"1%, 1% progress after just practicing for the first time, which is pretty good." After all, the secret martial arts that he could catch his eye and specially memorize were not simple levels, they were not found in ruins, or they were from various sects. The top ancient martial arts inherited.

Moreover, these selected secret martial arts all have a common feature, that is, they are all invisible to Garen. With his level of vision, ordinary secret martial arts can easily simulate and deduce the effect of a great success. Only if the depth is very high, or If you find another way, he will not be able to understand the aspects and concepts that he has not touched.

The Claw of Hessus was accidentally collected during this journey after returning to the world of secret martial arts, following Andrela to collect mysterious artifacts from ruins. It is one of the only mysterious secret weapons that cannot be penetrated by twenty Galleons.

Based on his own experience, he adjusted some small details to improve and strengthen the effect of the technique. Even he himself was looking forward to the specific effects of this secret martial art.

At least this secret martial art is also a top secret martial art at the same level as the God Statue Skill. It can be seen through even his level, so it must be very powerful.

After completing his first introductory practice, Galen did not dare to be greedy for more. No matter how good the food was, eating too much would cause indigestion. Suitability is the best.

After tidying up, he lay down again and quickly fell asleep.


The time repeats day by day. Every day Galleons means eating, drinking, sleeping, practicing, and then continuing the next day.

This kind of life is boring and boring, and he has to pretend to be a baby to deal with his father's early education. He also finds pleasure in hardship. His only pleasure is teasing the little Jie Ling who occasionally hugs him, or bullying his older brother Jason Thomas.

Her mother, Therese, is occasionally busy publishing research papers on the website. This is one of her main sources of income. Every time a good paper is purchased, downloaded and read, she will receive a high commission.

My father recently recruited a graduate student and took the little girl around the town every day. It was said that he was doing some research.

Mother Therese was actually very relieved about her father's beautiful female graduate student and was very calm.

The family remains peaceful.

Garen practiced the Claw of Black Sath steadily every day, and the progress steadily improved, almost 1% of the progress per day. He vaguely felt that the speed was a bit too fast. It was probably because his modified physique was abnormally suitable for this secret martial art.

According to the progress and time taken in Miburi records, it would take at least ten years to complete the first level.

And according to his speed, it would only take more than a hundred days to complete the first level of entry-level foundation building. This is simply genius among geniuses.

Practicing in this peaceful environment without any threats or safety issues, even Garen was slightly immersed.

More than three months passed quickly.

Little Jie Ling, who was picked up occasionally, can already crawl, and can make unintelligible sounds when babbling.

In comparison, Garen can already stand up steadily in the cradle and walk on two legs. The same blond hair as his mother's has grown on his head.

With blond hair, blue eyes, and skin as white as milk, Gallon is no different from a normal baby except that he doesn't like to talk. Anyway, he is disguising himself according to the progress of Xiao Jie Ling, which can be said to be completely normal.

My mother found a set of basic enlightenment animations from nowhere and played them on her laptop by the Gallon window all day long.

Garen was also happy to be at ease. No one was paying attention to him. He would directly focus on the inside of his body. If there was any problem in that place or his French was slow, he would immediately use his energy to mobilize his energy and blood. As a top fighter, his The top realm allows him to have precise control over the situation in his body.

Life was unusually peaceful. Occasionally, friends from his parents and neighbors would visit him, and Gallon could occasionally be carried around and bask in the sun. But I have a certain understanding of the situation in the town.

The entire town is a huge circle, with lush trees and grass everywhere, and a central square in the middle. Every night, the town's residents and elderly people walk and chat there, or play cards and chess.

The town is located deep in the forest. It is said that it was originally a place where indigenous tribesmen lived. Later, it was civilized by outsiders. Foreign technological products gradually entered here, and the size of the town continued to expand, eventually forming a prosperous small town with a population of tens of thousands. town.

There is a church in the town, and the priest and the mayor are the most prestigious people in the town. Everyone must deal with everything through them. There is also a security team in the town, which is responsible for maintaining law and order and driving away wild animals from the forest into the town.

Gallon discovered that most of the residents here make a living by hunting and logging. Many residents have their own land and can grow some food and vegetables for their own consumption. Not far away, there is a small fishing ground near the seaside. We can often deliver some seafood for sale, and occasionally travel for vacations, which is also a good source of income.

To put it simply, this is a paradise. Everyone lives here peacefully and lives here. Foreign businessmen who want to develop here are also boycotted by local residents.

The residents include locals, immigrants who have settled there, and foreigners brought back from outside by local residents, such as married women. Among them are doctors, lawyers, restaurateurs, teachers, and a variety of other professions, which exquisitely and perfectly construct the unique circle of the entire town.

The Thomas family, Gallon's parents in this life, are somewhat famous in the neighborhood. After all, a university professor and psychologist came here to settle the matter, which is considered a big deal in the eyes of local residents.

Many people are willing to take the initiative to talk to this family of senior intellectuals, so as to gain some exposure to the intellectuals.

Every Christmas at the end of the year, many gifts are delivered to homes.

Garen didn't know what the world was like. There was not only the United States, but also Christmas. He even heard words like Britain by chance.

This made him wonder if he was back on Earth.

But by chance, when his parents were not around, he stretched out his paws and pretended to click randomly on the laptop, but in fact he was regularly looking for information about the world map.

Something unexpected happened to him.

The world map did appear. It was very similar to the map of the earth, but it was also very different.

The area of ​​the five continents is much larger than that of the earth, and the sea area is also much larger, almost twice the size of the earth. While looking at the map in a daze, Tris came in.

"Don't get too close, be careful of radiation." Therese quickly put the laptop away to avoid hurting the child's eyes.

Garen sat back on the cradle, letting his mother change his diaper while thinking seriously.

After all, now he has nothing to do every day, and the baby's energy is limited, so he has nowhere to kill his time. Apart from practicing the first layer of the cold heart of the claws of Hesas every night, he can no longer find anything to do.

"Integrating all the information, this world is probably a parallel world similar to Earth, but I don't know how the planet became so big."

Garen did not believe that there would be two such similar earths in the same universe. Coupled with the deviation of the basic rules of physics, he became more and more sure of that conjecture.

"This world, this universe, is probably not the original universe."

He felt that it was too boring to continue doing nothing like this, so he simply began to quietly use his notebook to continuously search for various information to study.

Instead of finding a bunch of early childhood enlightenment textbooks that his father found, he quickly started self-study of preschool courses online.

Kindergarten, elementary school, and junior high school were all completed quickly. Most of them were done with a cursory scan and they were done. With his soul memory, he could completely forget everything.

However, when he continued to search for high school courses, his parents confiscated the laptop on the grounds that he was using it too much and it would likely affect his vision and physical health.

Although he only played with the laptop for three days.

The boring life passed day by day, and Garen soon finally reached the age of two.

From the crib, to running around on the ground, to dressing, eating and going to the toilet by himself, two-year-old Garen shows amazing precocity and self-control. He doesn't like to cry and is never picky about food. His golden hair seems to be glowing. His skin like milk curd and big clear blue eyes gave him a certain fame among his neighbors.

Many parents' friends like to come to visit and play with little Garen.

Garen has slowly begun to show his talent for language. For a two-year-old child, other children can only say childish words in a babyish voice, but he is already very organized and layered, and his expressions are extremely clear and smooth.

He is only a little shorter than his six-year-old brother Jason. Jason has freckles and acne on his face. He is full of energy all day long and gets into trouble everywhere. He and his brother Garen quietly read books and listen to music and don't like running around, forming two extremes. Compared.

Obviously, the parents also prefer the younger brother Garen. This made Jason feel very unbalanced.


Jason put all the lollipops given by the neighbor's aunt into his pocket, and then looked provocatively at his younger brother Garen who was walking over.

"All Viterbo lollipops are mine!" he said loudly.


Garen walked past him with an indifferent expression.

Jason stood motionless as if struck by thunder. It took a long time before he turned around and looked in the direction his brother left.

"Gallon, how dare you scold me! I am your brother! I want to teach you a lesson!!"

He yelled and rushed forward.

two minutes later

"Mom." Jason walked out of Gallon's room with snot and tears on his face, and ran towards his parents' room crying.

"It's been so many times and I still haven't made any progress." Garen shook his head in his room and said in a sweet voice.

His current physical fitness seems to be similar to that of a five or six-year-old child. In fact, his internal physical fitness is far superior to that of a child. All his physical fitness attributes are close to 0.8, almost reaching the level of an adult.

This is the benefit of Yin Hanxin's successful cultivation. All his internal organs are accelerating development at a strange and stable speed, becoming stronger and stronger, and in conjunction with the Secret Martial Arts of Life, his blood and heart are constantly being transformed. .

He didn't know how long this kind of transformation would take, but the effect of the cold heart layer had already caused a slight chill in his heart. This chill lingered in his heart, and from time to time, strands of it would spread along the blood vessels throughout his body. .

As long as the transformation of the heart is completed, this first level will completely reach its peak. That’s when it’s time to move on to the next level.

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