Mysterious journey

Chapter 579 Secret 5

After sleeping for a while, when he opened his eyes again, Garen slowly stood up from the pillow.

Taking a deep breath, he turned sideways and looked out the window. Sunlight shone faintly through the curtains, and fine dust could be faintly seen floating in the air.

He lifted the quilt and looked at the ankle injured yesterday again. There was only a red scratch left on it. There was no trace of what had once been a wound.

Today is the weekend, so there is no need to get up in a hurry to go to school.

He got dressed in a few moments, walked to the window and opened the curtains.


Raphael was waiting below on his bike as usual.

Open the window with a bang.

"What activities are there today?" Garen asked loudly.

"How about going to the beach again? Have a seafood barbecue?" Raphael thought for a moment and answered.

"That's okay." Garen didn't ask her to come into the house. The few times when Raphael came into the house, he showed such a sense of restraint that the atmosphere became awkward.

"Come down right away!" Garen shouted back.

Turning around and walking out of the bedroom, Jason and his sister Vivien were already eating breakfast in the kitchen. His mother went to the study as usual, and his father Emma was sitting in the living room, discussing today's work tasks with his new graduate student.

"Are you going out again?" Jason asked, chewing on a piece of bread.

"Well, Mayfair is waiting outside." Garen casually took two pieces of bread, smeared ketchup on the middle, drank a glass of milk in several gulps, and turned around to walk to the door.

"Brother, you haven't brushed your teeth yet!" Vivien said loudly.

"Don't worry!" Garen then remembered, put down the bread, went into the bathroom, and started brushing his teeth quickly.

At this time, the toilet door suddenly opened, and a little girl with red hair and a black skirt came out. When she saw him, the little girl was stunned, and then said hello obediently.

"Hello, Brother Garen."

"Huh? Hello, who are you?"

"She is Arisa who is visiting my house! She is a good friend of mine. She is traveling here this year." My sister Vivien ran over and answered loudly, "Alyssa, this is my brother Garen."

This girl was about ten years old and had the air of a shy young lady. Under Garen's gaze, her face turned a little red.

"My name is Arisa, nice to meet you, brother Garen."

"Me too, but I'm sorry, I have friends waiting outside now, so I can only play with you with my sister." Garen put down the mouthwash bowl and nodded, wiping the foam from his mouth.

For some reason, he always felt that this Alisha was a little different from ordinary people, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Alyssa came with her sister. The hotel was temporarily full. I met Alyssa in the square and invited her to stay at my house." Vivien answered seriously, "Her sister lives in Jie Ling’s house next to us.”

"It's great that you can travel and play everywhere at such a young age." Garen touched Alisha's hair and rubbed it gently, which made the little guy's face turn redder.

She put her hands behind her back, wringing her fingers.

"Then I'll leave first. You can play slowly. Grandor is a quiet and beautiful place. I wish you all a good time." Garen said with a loud smile and walked towards the door.

"Don't worry, I'm taking care of them, they'll be fine!" Jason patted his chest. Judging from the dazzling look in his eyes, he probably didn't mean to simply lead the way.

Opening the door with a click, Garen saw a tall woman with long red hair standing on the right side of the iron door. She was wearing a tight black windbreaker and carrying a small handbag. She had an oval face and fair skin. She had a cold and inaccessible temperament. She was looking at a place in the distance in a daze.

Even when she is in a daze, this beautiful and cold woman exudes an aura that no strangers should enter.

Garen walked out of the room wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, and pushed his white motorcycle from the side. The sound seemed to wake up the red-haired woman waiting by the door.

She frowned and looked this way.

"Hello, I am Arisa's sister. I am here to pick up my sister. Thank you for taking care of me yesterday." The red-haired woman bent slightly and made a standard bow seriously.

"You don't have to be so polite." Garen felt that this woman was a little too serious.

"This is what it should be." The other party still answered seriously. "This is the first time we meet. My name is Kaisharo. Please take good care of me."

"Nice to meet you." Garen nodded, quickly opened the iron door, and pushed the cart out. "Alisha and my sister are inside. You can just go there by yourself. I didn't lock the door."

"That's rude." Aisharo nodded.

Garen quickly looked up and down at this woman. She was less than twenty years old. She had a cool temperament and was well-educated, but she seemed a bit old-fashioned and serious in Chinese. This makes her seem even more unapproachable.

Moreover, the name Aishaluo reminded him of Anshaluo in the world of secret martial arts. The two were only different by one sound, which made Garon feel a sense of intimacy inexplicably.

"Glendor is a beautiful and peaceful place. I wish you a pleasant stay."

Aisharo nodded seriously. "Thank you."

Garen turned around and saw Jason opening the door in a hurry. His face was as red as an eggplant and he didn't dare to look at Aisharo. He suddenly knew the root cause of his being so proactive and excited just now.

Pushing the motorcycle, he waved to Raphael in the distance, got on the motorcycle, and the two of them galloped away, one behind the other.

Aisharo glanced at the direction Garen and Raphael left, frowning slightly.

They didn't come to this town because of tourism. Although the original color people chased them for some unknown reason, it happened to be that this place was undoubtedly a relatively quiet and safe place, and they could definitely live here with their sister for two more years. time.

She thought of this and sighed softly.

Arisha is still so young and has to bear such pressure. She lives a life of escape every day, hoping that the life here can last for a while. The best people will never be able to find them. They have given up hope for the hatred they once had. Revenge, her only wish now is to live an ordinary life and raise her sister.


Two white motorcycles were speeding back and forth through the woods.

The whining sound of the engine passed by, bringing up a large amount of fallen leaves, soil and gravel from time to time.

Garen wore a black helmet and followed Raphael closely, but his mind was thinking about the strange feeling when he saw the two sisters Arisa and Aisharo just now.

The feeling was like some kind of indescribable taste. It was weird and rich, but I couldn't remember it for a while.

"What are you thinking?" Raphael's voice came from the side. At some point, she had slowed down and kept pace with Garen.

"It's nothing, I just had a bad dream last night and I haven't gotten over it yet." Garen didn't dare to say that he was thinking about another woman. Raphael was very kind to him, but in this regard he was very stingy. , maybe you will get angry because of it accidentally. This unnecessary contradiction naturally needs to be avoided.

"Are you thinking about other women?" Raphael asked suspiciously.

"Of course not. Isn't it enough for me to have you?" Garen smiled.


Raphael accelerated and rushed to the front.

Interrupted by her, Garen seemed to vaguely grasp the inexplicable feeling just now.

Maybe he knows what that feels like

The feeling I had when I saw Sister Alisha was exactly the same as the feeling I had when I saw the history of the Totem World planet!

Although I didn’t see any special screen content, the awkward and special feeling was exactly the same as when I saw the history of the planet outside the Totem Planet!

"This feeling." He lowered his head and muttered. Although his eyes were focused on the road ahead, his mind couldn't help but return to the two sisters of Alisha.

"It should come from the soul seed." He finally identified the source of the feeling.

The soul seed is hidden deep in the soul, but at this time it is constantly releasing a strange and inexplicable fluctuation, affecting his state of mind.

Somewhere in the air, he felt that many interesting things might happen around Sister Alisha.

Zhi! !

Two motorcycles, one in front and one in the rear, braked and stopped on the road at the edge of the beach, then suddenly turned sideways.

The two got out of the car and took off their helmets.

"Why have you been so absent-minded since just now? Are you attracted to that girl just now?" Raphael stood in front of Garen angrily with his hands on his hips.

"How is that possible?" Garen was speechless, "I just had a dream last night."

"Don't lie to me, your eyes are obviously thinking about that woman!" Raphael interrupted him.

"Okay, okay. I admit it, I just felt that the woman was weird, and there was something abnormal about her." Garen finally admitted.

"I'm just an ordinary tourist, what's wrong with that? You're my man, don't even think about messing around with women! Otherwise, huh." Raphael raised his fist and shook it in demonstration. His cute look made Garen Can't help but feel a little funny. He couldn't help but reach out and pinch her angry face.

The two immediately started fighting with each other and chased each other on the beach for a long time. They accidentally fell into the sea and got wet all over.

Back at the motorcycle, while Garen was changing clothes, he sent a blank text message on his mobile phone to the number the vampire told him yesterday. Then delete the record and quickly put your phone away.

He looked at Raphael next to him who had just changed into his swimsuit.

"What do you want to eat? I'll catch it for you. I may have something to do and have to go back early later."

"Can't you have fun on the weekend?" Raphael's white skin glowed with a dazzling white halo in the sun, and she still hadn't been tanned by the sun after such a long time.

"There is indeed something going on. You know, my parents are busy with their own affairs all day long. When we are a little older, they don't care about us much. I am mainly responsible for everything." Garen shrugged.

"That's right." Raphael leaned over. She was slightly shorter than Garen, and she slightly raised her face to look at Garen's face. "If you have any trouble, please tell me and don't bear it alone, you know?"

"Of course, I won't forget that I have a strong female girlfriend." Garen gently held her waist.

Raphael immediately smiled coquettishly and spun away from his arms.

"Okay, since you have something to do, when will you go back?"

"You can play here for two hours." Garen retracted his hand with some regret.

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