Mysterious journey

Chapter 589 Enrollment 1

As the school bus drove along, Garen sat on his seat and looked out the window.

There are no extraordinary powers around, there are just ordinary people, ordinary environment, ordinary weather, everything is ordinary and ordinary.

The scenery outside the window went from being empty and spacious at the beginning, to being filled with tall buildings, and then to a small manor full of green grass.

The sky was a little dark, with dark clouds floating faintly.

The school bus moved slowly along the slightly curved driveway. From time to time, it passed a manor-style house on the grassy plain by the roadside, some with black and red walls, and some with pure white walls. From time to time, you can still see a small patch of clarinet trees left between the houses.

"We're almost there, everyone, get ready to get off the bus." The dark-skinned team leader stood up and said loudly.


As soon as he finished speaking, there was a girl in the back seat of the car who couldn't help but vomited into the plastic bag. His face was pale and his expression was painful.

"Oh." The thin boy next to Garen covered his nose in pain, unable to bear the unpleasant sour smell.

Garen also frowned and covered his nose.

"We're almost there, hold on." The dark-skinned leader shouted loudly.

Finally, the car slowed down, turned a corner and stopped.

A group of freshmen quickly got out of the car. Garen squeezed in the crowd and got out of the car, taking a deep breath.

“The University of Galliville is not located in the nearby urban area of ​​Nottington, but in the suburbs. The entire university forms a large university town on its own, where students, tutors, professors, etc. gather together a large living area and associated ancillary service industries. These service industries then attracted some foreign residents to settle, and the additional residents once again attracted some daily commerce and trade industries, eventually forming the town of Galliville."

A strong girl wearing a yellow T-shirt led a group of students in yellow T-shirts towards the new students, introducing them loudly as they walked.

"Welcome this year's freshmen, welcome to Garyville!" she shouted with a loud smile. "We are the reception group for old students, come with me and bring your salutes!"

A group of freshmen followed this group of yellow T-shirts obediently. They enthusiastically helped the freshmen carry their luggage, and then continued to introduce the situation of the school.

The person who helped Garon carry things was a tall and beautiful senior, but she couldn't be fooled by her beautiful and pure appearance. This guy slapped away another strong girl who wanted to help Garon carry things, and then took the initiative to come over and become Temporary tour guide in Garonne.

Through the introduction of this senior named Serena, Gallon got a rough idea of ​​Galliville's situation.

The entire campus is a large square, divided into three large campuses and many small campuses, which you will gradually become familiar with later.

But the most important thing to pay attention to is not this, but the first important thing after the arrival of new students, choosing accommodation.

On-campus accommodation is more expensive, but it is safe. You have to check out off-campus accommodation on your own. Surrounding residential buildings and some small company buildings are all options for renting.

Freshmen in Garyville have a heavy workload and need to adjust their schedules.

A group of people noisily walked through the school's khaki stone arch and entered the wall-less university campus.

There are leafy green trees everywhere and neatly manicured green grass.

On the sloped lawns next to some houses, there are some couples sitting close to each other making love to each other.

When introducing the difference between student apartments and student dormitories, senior sister Serena suddenly changed the topic and asked.

"Garen, where are you from?"

"Where are you from? I'm from Baika City, so I'm from Ghana." Gallon responded and replied.

"As reserved as those Oriental international students." Serena held out her chest and her eyes were slightly provocative.

She is very beautiful, with long brown and black hair hanging on her shoulders, big and clear black eyes, a bit narrow and charming, a straight nose, a pink mouth, and a slight hint of composure at the corners of her mouth.

Especially her eyebrows, which flew sideways to both sides, gave her a provocative and barbaric temperament.

Tighten the black jeans on your lower body.

"If you're in Ghana, you have to be careful. There are sometimes cliques here. People from one state form a group. There are not many students in Ghana. You can consider finding someone who is stronger. More societies will join.”

"Well, thanks for the suggestion."

After introducing the situation along the way, Serena took the initiative to ask Galen for his phone number, sent him downstairs to the student dormitory, and gave him a number plate and key before leaving.

The dormitory is built on a green lawn. It is a vermilion mountain-shaped building with seven or eight floors. There are some public exercise facilities on the lawn opposite, such as swings, single and parallel bars, and bicycle machines. .

People were coming and going in front of the building, and students were coming in and out. Standing at the door, Garen felt like many people were looking at him.

I carried my bag into the dormitory and went upstairs along the clean white floor tiles that still smelled like disinfectant. When I got to the third floor, I found my temporary dormitory according to the number plate. I opened the door and found it was empty with no one in it.

There were many people coming and going from time to time in the large corridor outside the door. Some students were running around in only their underwear, and some were shouting with their bare feet on the floor tiles.

The dormitory is a quadruple room, with a standard four bedrooms and one living room, and each person has his or her own bedroom. Gallon found a room as his bedroom, moved his things in, laid them out, and arranged them. On the table in the large living room were four Garyville freshman handbooks, pocket books with red casings.

He picked it up and flipped through it. Inside the hard cover were pages as soft as cloth.

Turning back and closing the door, Garen took the book and walked to the balcony. He reached out and touched the surface of the balcony. There was no trace of dust on the cold and smooth tile surface.

Looking out from the balcony, you can see a gray spire in the distance among the trees. A Big Ben can be seen hanging on the top of the tower.

Between the spire and the dormitory is a large undulating lawn, with winding gray roads in the middle. Many students are chatting and reading on the lawn.

The sky, which was still a bit gloomy just now, has now become completely bright again, and the warm sunlight shines down, reflecting the entire lawn into a emerald green.

I glanced around habitually and saw that the grass was full of normal people, without any exception.

Garen took a deep breath, feeling as if he was the only one in the world that was abnormal.

The secret martial arts, secret techniques, secret skills, and superpowers on him all seemed to be completely unrealistic. They were completely useless in this environment, as if they should not exist at all. It’s about what vampire movie it should be in to make sense.

On this campus where ordinary people gather, he, like most students, must abide by the rules of the small courtyard and participate in freshman activities honestly.

He took out his cell phone and called home.

Toot. Toot.

"Hey, are you at school?" Mother Teres's voice came immediately.

"We're already here, in the dormitory. Everything is going well. The freshman handbook says that we have to go to the auditorium in the afternoon." Garen replied casually, "Mom, has Raphael been here since I left?"

"Here she comes, crying. She took what Jason gave her and ran away." Therese seemed to be a little melancholy in her tone. "It's a pity that she is too far away from you. Maybe you two can be together."

"Maybe, where is dad? Vivien, what is Jason doing?"

"Your dad is making out with the new beautiful graduate student, little Vivien is drawing, and with Arisa, Jason went to his old place to read."

"Well, I can only wish him success. But to be honest, I feel that Jason doesn't match Aisharo's temperament at all. If he doesn't revise his dream of being a boxer, his wish is probably a mystery." Garen was speechless.

"I guess so. When I came back after you left, I heard that Aishaluo's hand was scratched. He still insisted on going to the bookstore to work. The injury was a bit serious and there was a lot of blood. The little girl was very strong and her expression did not change at all. The slap was so With such a long wound, Jason would have burst into tears if the key was replaced." Therese said helplessly.

"Is Aisharo injured?" Garen was stunned. After spending so many years together, he knew Aisharo's skills. He had good close combat skills and a sense of self-protection. Such people would generally be very good. To protect yourself, it would be very unusual to slap such a long wound.

"Yeah, right after you left, there was some chaos in the town. There were several fights and fights, and several gangsters in the North District were seriously injured and sent to the hospital."

Galen's micro-campaign, could it be that Raphael vented his emotions and brought manpower to cause trouble for the vampires?

He thought about this possibility.

Glendore on the other end of the phone and Galliville campus here in Nottington are completely different worlds.

He has basically confirmed that in addition to having no special extraordinary power, the outside world also does not have the special aura of the Alisha sisters. Elsewhere, everything is normal, as if Grandor is the center of extraordinary power in the entire world.

Everything goes there.

Not just Galliville, but the rest of the local investigative reports Gallon has produced through Nighthawk over the years.

Even on the battlefield, there were basically no vampires. After being tested by Nighthawk's group of people, they found that they had never seen anything similar to them before.

It feels like the vampire witches are in one world and the other ordinary people are in another world. There seems to be a deep barrier and isolation zone between the two sides.

Garen stood in Noddington, feeling as if he was far away from the center of the whirlpool. He had a feeling that sooner or later, where Grandor was, or where Sister Alisha was, all kinds of troublesome and complicated events would happen, like Xian Fran in the secret martial world and Baker Stone Eye in the totem world were the trendsetters of each era and the central figures of that era.

And now that he is far away from the protagonists of these times, he naturally has a very normal and peaceful life.

"Mom, if you have anything special about Sister Alisha, please give me a call, okay?" Garen thought of this and lowered his voice.

"Oh, are you interested in both sisters? Do you want to take them all? He is indeed my best son!" Tris was really excited. "I have long thought that these two sisters are good. As Alisha grows up, She is also a great beauty. Her sister is a graduate student at Sardinian University and she is definitely worthy of you! Don’t worry about getting married. It’s not a problem to go to a small foreign country to change your nationality! Find a big bed and play fun games at night, haha , sister, you really have sunshine, my son! Especially Aishaluo, your mother is a psychologist, she is the type who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. Once she has spotted someone, she will never give up. She has found you alone. This is simply the best!”

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