Mysterious journey

Chapter 59 Exploring the Entrance 2

"And what?"

"When we came here just now, this cave was opened. I clearly remember that it was restored to its original state when we left. Obviously someone also discovered this place later."

Garen also frowned. "It's indeed a bit of trouble. It's probably from Jinhuan." Suddenly he smelled a faint scent, like sandalwood, but much lighter. "What smells so good?"

"Huh? This smell." Detective Tali suddenly stopped talking to the bearded man, his face changed slightly, as if he remembered something.

Suddenly his expression changed and he suddenly shouted. "Everyone, get out! Don't stay here!"

No one else could figure out what was going on, but out of trust in the famous detective, they immediately ran outside the castle.

Garen did the same, but before he could run a few steps, he suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes.


There was a faint chuckle behind him.

His scalp went numb, and he immediately remembered the time when he was pushed downstairs, and the same laughter behind him.

Looking back suddenly, there was nothing behind me.

"Let's go!!" A vague voice came from beside him, and Garen felt a force pulling him, and he rushed straight towards the gate of the castle.

He was suddenly startled, and then looked around at other places. No one else who was around him just now disappeared. He was the only one left in the entire castle. There seemed to be an invisible man running in front of him, pulling his hand. His hands moved forward as hard as he could.


The door was slammed open, Garen was dizzy, suddenly lost his balance, and fell down on the grass. In the cold yet moist grass, a breath of fresh air penetrated his nostrils, instantly clearing his mind.

The field of vision suddenly blurred, and a large group of people suddenly appeared on the surrounding lawn, including the police chief, experts, and a few policemen. As well as Mercury Silan, White Eagle Black Panther and others in the tower, Cynthia and Grace were lying next to him, still looking dazed.

"What a risk!!" Detective Tali Mercury stood up and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He looked back at Yinsha Castle with lingering fear. "I always thought that the previous aroma should be produced naturally, but now it seems that it must have been deliberately released by someone. This time, there were many of us and each other increased the concentration, so everyone could smell it carefully."

"What the hell is this?" Sheriff Rio stood up from the grass, panting. The rest of the people also stood up one after another, looking at Tali Mercury who looked solemn.

"I just seemed to see the people around me disappear all of a sudden! What happened?"

"Me too! I thought I heard someone laughing behind me just now!!"

"Don't worry! Let's hear what the detective says first!" The police chief pressed his hands, and the surrounding area suddenly became much quieter. All eyes were focused on the detective.

Garen was originally about to ask, but when he heard the other people's situation, he suddenly realized that it was similar to what he had experienced. He was shocked and his eyes focused on the detective in the tower.

"This is a strong hallucinogenic aroma." Tali Mercury looked serious. "I once saw a description in a book, but I didn't expect to see such an almost extinct thing in reality."

He took a deep breath, looked at the others around him, and spoke word by word.

"The vine! This aroma is the hallucinatory poisonous gas naturally emitted by the legendary extinct vine after it matures. It can cause various hallucinations of loneliness and fear. The poisonous gas emitted by this vine is generally very light. Humans can't smell it at all, only some animals with a sensitive sense of smell can distinguish it."

"Tu Zhi Vine" Garen narrowed his eyes, recalling the first time he came to Yinsha Castle, when he was pushed down from the second floor and injured, "It seems that someone must have used the fragrance of the tea branch vine to charm me first. Then when I walked to the window, he pushed me down the window forcefully. At that time, Bai Ying and Tali must have been hallucinated by this fragrance, which caused the three of us to enter the room one after another, but we couldn't see each other at all."

"So, someone is deliberately preventing us from entering that passage?" the police chief asked in a low voice.

Tali Mercury nodded and began to discuss countermeasures with the police chief and organ science experts.

On Garen's side, Cynthia and Grace were also completely awake. Cynthia was the one who pulled Garen out of the castle earlier.

"If I hadn't gone through resistance training such as hallucinogenic poisons first, I might not be able to pull you out this time." She smiled at Garen, "Thank me, if it weren't for me you would definitely there is a problem."

"Yes, yes, thank you." Garen said speechlessly, but it was indeed the case. Cynthia played a huge role as soon as she arrived. If it weren't for him, Garen would have already been with the police in the castle who didn't have time to escape. Just like that, he fainted and fell to the ground.

A group of people stood at the gate and did not dare to go in. They just looked at the two policemen lying inside through the gate. No one wanted to go in hastily and become like those two people.

"Look over there!" A policeman suddenly shouted loudly. Point to the top of the third floor, which is the highest.

Everyone followed his direction and saw a person in black standing in front of the window of a room on the third floor. She seemed to be a pale woman. She had a weird smile on her face, her eyes were dark green, and the corners of her mouth kept coming. Keep the saliva down.

The moment everyone saw her clearly, the woman immediately disappeared into the shadows behind the window.

"Cover your mouth and nose with a wet hand towel! The water should be able to absorb this hallucinogenic aroma!" Tali Mercury shouted.

Everyone immediately began to take out the water bottles they had brought with them, wet their clothes, and then cover their mouths and noses.

The sergeant was the first to rush in with a pistol, and ran to the two policemen who had fallen to the ground in the castle to check.

"Don't look any further, they're dead," the detective said solemnly as he walked in. "An overdose of hallucinogens, especially such a high concentration, coupled with the heavy blow to the back of the head causing bleeding."

The rest of the people immediately followed suit and answered the question.

"Catch that woman first!! I'll go first!" Bai Ying said coldly, "Black Panther, protect Mr. and Miss Silan!"

"Leave it to me!" Black Panther patted his chest. Watching Bai Ying rush upstairs in a few steps, he quickly disappeared around the corner.

Cynthia also took out a white pistol and stood in front of Garen.

The police chief stood up with a gloomy look on his face, "Everyone! Search for me! If you find that crazy woman, shoot her on the spot!"

Obviously, the death of his men made him feel angry.

"Yes!" All the police officers had gathered around and pulled out their pistols, with a hint of anger and nervousness on their faces.

Everyone was on high alert and began to patrol every corner of the castle. More than a dozen people were divided into several teams and patrolled everywhere.

Gallon led Cynthia and Grace to the second floor cautiously. Before he had taken a few steps, he heard two gunshots from above.

"Ah!!" A scream suddenly came.

"Tom!!" "She ran to the second floor!! Quick! Kill her!!"

"Damn it! This madman is too fast! I can't aim correctly!!" "She ran towards the stairs!'

The three of Galen were just at the corner of the stairs when they saw a black figure jumping down from the stairs. It was as light as a piece of black cloth and completely weightless.

Cynthia moved the fastest, and a white pistol appeared in her right hand. She aimed it at the black shadow and pulled the trigger directly.

Bang bang bang bang! !

Four consecutive shots, only one second of encounter, all four bullets hit the black shadow.


The black shadow let out a sharp laugh, paused, and rushed towards Cynthia again. It seemed that the shot just now had no effect on her at all, and her speed was even faster than before.

A force suddenly appeared from her black shadow and grabbed Cynthia's neck, like a black tentacle. It was so fast that it was impossible to see what it was.

Cynthia looked calm and held her gun motionless.

boom! !

This shot hit the black shadow's head just enough to tilt it back.

ah! !

The shadow let out a piercing scream, gave up attacking Cynthia, and fled directly downstairs. In a blink of an eye, there was no trace.

Garen did not move behind. He did not want to expose his skills, and it was in front of so many people. Especially White Eagle.

Although I wanted to take action, I still held back.

"Are you okay?" He held Cynthia's shoulders. The latter's body shook, and she suddenly woke up from a state of high tension. She lowered her head and gasped for air.

"It's amazing!! That woman's speed! She was able to avoid my four shots in a row!" There were beads of sweat on the tip of her nose. "But in the end, phew... I still got shot."

"It's a nightmare for a martial arts master to get close. No matter how good your marksmanship is, you can't defeat martial arts in close combat. Of course, if you distance yourself, it's the other way around." Garen nodded. "Let's go! Let's go down and take a look."

Grace stood aside and couldn't say anything at all. Her shooting skills were also good, but she would never be able to react in time when encountering an opponent like this, and she would be caught and killed directly. Originally, she was not very fond of Cynthia's marksmanship, but her reaction immediately revealed her true strength.

At this time, being pulled by Garen, the three of them quickly ran downstairs together.

In the lobby downstairs, five or six police officers stood in the middle around the woman, all of them staring nervously at the center with their guns raised.

The woman in black robe was lying on the ground, twitching from time to time, and there was a small blood hole on the left side of her head. The blood hole was very deep, and the brain had obviously been injured.

Garon's group, the Sheriff and others gathered around, as did Tali Quicksilver and Black Panther. Everyone looked at the woman in the middle.

"She was shot in the head and is about to die." Cynthia turned the pistol in her hand and said calmly. "My bullets are specially made, and their penetrating power is absolutely powerful! They are designed to deal with martial arts masters like this."

Sure enough, not long after, the woman suddenly twitched again and became completely motionless. The black cloak fell from his head, revealing a head full of white hair.

"How old is this woman?" Garen was slightly surprised.

"She must be at least eighty or ninety years old. I don't know how she has been living in this old castle." The detective took a puff on his pipe and said calmly. "There are very few people with special physiques who are not afraid of being poisoned by the poisonous smoke of the vine. However, if they live in this hallucinogenic poisonous smoke for a long time, they will lose their minds and behave like wild beasts. This guy must be like this. Special race.”

"What now?" The sergeant looked at the detective.

"First check the body to see if we can find anything, and then we enter the passage as planned!" the detective said flatly, taking off his pipe.

"Okay. Listen to you!"

"When the time comes, Bai Ying, you protection expert, we will go down together, and the others will stay up to protect the entrance." Tali Mercury began to make arrangements.

"Sergeant, please bring two people to follow us down. We will leave one person at a certain distance to guard and respond, and tie the ropes we brought with us."

"What about me?" Black Panther took a step forward and asked.

"You stay up there to protect Silan and the entrance."

"I want to go down too." Garen took a step forward and said, "There will definitely be a lot of things in such a large underground passage. I can find the most valuable things and bring them up!" This was also his original purpose. Besides, there are detectives and experts leading the way, so he doesn't have to worry too much about safety.

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