Mysterious journey

Chapter 701 Shock 1

The sky was dark and the earth was shaking.

A huge group of birdsong spread crazily along with Garen's low roar, piercing into the deepest part of the maze of sacred artifacts like a drill.

Garen retracted his right fist, and invisible cyclones rolled up the surrounding ground and moved crazily towards the invisible sacred artifact maze in front of the manor.

Impact away.

Viewed from a distance, it was as if Garen's whole body was wrapped in the belly of a huge transparent bird. The moment he waved his fist, the giant bird also vibrated.

With both wings, he lowered his head suddenly and pecked forward.

AG quickly raised his hand, trying to stop Garonne's offensive. A golden ring flew out of his hand, which seemed to be an armband or something like that, just blocking the giant bird.

The front of the mouth.

There was a crisp sound, as fragile as an egg. The golden ring could not hold on for even a second, and was directly pecked into pieces by the giant bird. The golden pieces collapsed.

The bomb was destroyed and flew, instantly interrupting the AG's next preparation.

With a bang, directly in front of Gallon, a terrifying gully several meters deep was formed instantly, with countless pitch-black soil forming a huge circle.

The cylindrical pillar rushed straight towards the maze of sacred artifacts.

clang! ! ! !

The huge impact sound was like hitting a heavy bell, and a large circle of white sound waves suddenly spread out.

Garen's fist was firmly nailed to the maze, with a high frequency of terrifying vibrations unique to Miwu.


Tiny cracks appeared in the maze of sacred artifacts almost immediately, and the cracks spread immediately, spreading crazily in all directions.

The cracks instantly spread into the air up to tens of meters high, as if the walls of the sacred vessel were shockingly permeating there.

Wow! !

The huge labyrinth sacred weapon was smashed into a terrifying huge hole.

The terrifying black soil pillar formed by Garen's fist was like a black spike, fiercely breaking through everything and rushing toward the innermost maze layer by layer.

Accompanying the black pillar's sprint was an invisible and terrifying huge shock wave.

The walls of the maze were as fragile as glass and were blasted into a large number of crystal fragments.

"Maze!!! Broken!!!" The movement of AG's hand suddenly stopped, and his lips opened wider and wider unknowingly.


Dam slowly closed his eyes, and Arudou's iron fist rushed straight to his head like a cannonball.

"Death!!!" The violent roar echoed in his ears.

He could already feel the severe stinging pain on his scalp, which was the severe impact and sense of crisis that the opponent's fist had not even touched. But he is no longer

Got the strength to move.

At this moment, that strange low roar suddenly appeared in his ears as if traveling through distance and time.


Yes, it is like a water bird, gently skimming the water, and then using its strength to soar into the sky.

"It's teacher." Dam didn't know why at this moment, he became unusually calm. He looked at the fist that was getting closer and closer.

The texture of the skin, the hard tightness, and the five spike-like nails that the vampire closed together.

"Have you given up?" A voice sounded from the bottom of his heart.

give up? How can it be!

I am a man who wants to surpass everything! !

Dam struggled, used up his last strength, opened his mouth, and tried to bite Arudo's fist with his teeth. But he was shocked to find that Yaludo

He suddenly stopped his movements, as if the video tape was frozen in place for an instant, completely still in mid-air, his fist just a few steps away.

His cheek is less than a few centimeters, but these few centimeters seem to be a world of difference that will never be reached.

Phew. A breeze blew by.

Arudo's body suddenly began to collapse slightly, scattering into countless fine black ash, which was blown away bit by bit by the wind.

A familiar and terrifying figure was standing behind Arudou at some point. The figure was slowly disappearing strangely, as if it was just a shadow.

A shadow.

"The ultimate secret of Water Bird Fist: Flying" Dam seemed to understand a lot all of a sudden. His eyes twitched and he sat down on the ground.

Suddenly he laughed nervously.

As the laughter shook, a large group of vampires around him that had previously besieged him began to slowly turn into black ash, all remaining in their previous state.

action poses.

There were faint sounds of rushing footsteps in the darkness in the distance, and Nighthawk's uniform and glasses signal lights were approaching rapidly.


Hossiman barely supported his upper body, staring at the blood statue not far in front with blood on his face. It was a sticky fresh liquid that was constantly flowing all over his body.

The blood statue can move freely like a living person. It has no facial features or hair, and only simple and terrifying killing movements.

The other party didn't seem to intend to kill him, but instead tried to seriously injure him to completely lose his ability to resist.

"The blood statues, the terrifying killing machines that are automatically generated around the Silver Golem, may not be as powerful as the Silver Golem, but they can regenerate

Even the vampires cannot match the strength and defense. They are the nemesis of humans like you who have strong killing power but weak recovery. "

Vidi, who had been beaten like a lost dog by Hossiman just now, had completely recovered and was still under the blessing of the Maze of Sacred Artifacts.

Constantly recovering the energy and blood essence consumed previously.

Hossiman calmly pressed the wound on the side of his abdomen. His spleen was ruptured and he was bleeding internally, but he was able to figure it out on his own.

The first-aid acupoints temporarily stopped and slowed down the injury. At this time, the biggest problem was not the serious injury to the body, but the head.

There seemed to be several more blood statues in front of Hossiman's eyes, and his eyes had some faint shadows, some were black, maybe due to excessive blood loss, maybe

Yes, there is some kind of toxin in the blood statue's attack.

Shaking his head vigorously, he tried to see more clearly. But unfortunately, the ghost image in front of me turned out to be even more confusing.

With a sound, a large group of red statue shadows appeared in front of him, surrounding him in a circle, and at the same time stretched out their sharp claws to grab his chest.

At this time, Hossiman seemed to be stunned, not moving at all, but standing there with blank eyes, slightly raising his chin, as if he was

Looking at the night sky.

"Did you hear it?" He murmured softly, "That's the sound of waterfowl."

The sharp claws of the bloody statue pierced his chest hard, burrowing between the warm flesh and bones.

Then it went completely still.

The statue's face, which had no facial features at all, suddenly began to raise its head slightly and look at the night sky.

"Then what is that?!??" Vidi raised his head blankly and looked at the sky above the manor, his face full of sluggishness and disbelief.

Over the entire manor, directly opposite the huge silver statue, an equally huge, even bigger, terrifying giant bird was vibrating its wings.

, pecked hard on the middle of the chest of the silver statue.

The giant bird is translucent, as if the interior is filled with endless white airflow, and a large amount of black soil. The two raw materials completely solidify it into

Like a substantial existence.

The entire giant bird has long and slender wings, like the legendary phoenix, dragging its long tail feathers.

Hossiman knew the fluctuations of this move. He had seen Garen demonstrate the simple frequency oscillation of this move, but he had never thought of the real and complete frequency oscillation of this move.

The recruitment is so terrifying.

The ultimate secret of Bi-Phase Water Bird Boxing - soaring.

The full name is Evil Phoenix Soaring!

A terrifying boxing technique evolved from Xifeng Fist, it is also the strongest and ultimate move among all the mysteries of Dual Phase Waterbird Fist.

Maybe others can't hear any abnormalities, but anyone who has practiced secret martial arts can hear endless phoenix-like sounds in their ears at this time.

high-pitched cry.

That was the sound of the wind, the terrifying vibration sound caused by the most powerful Shui Niao Quan technique!

The blood clan's sacred weapon combines the Wellington family's most powerful war weapon - the silver light statue, and the most powerful secret of the two-phase water bird fist in the Holy Fist Palace - the evil phoenix soaring.

In an instant, an extremely dazzling and terrifying golden light burst out between the two.

Hossiman couldn't open his eyes at all, and closed them reflexively, but his eyes were still full of terrifying golden light, and that golden light could actually ignore him.

The eyelids penetrated in, forming an extremely powerful and extreme stimulation.

The terrifying high-frequency sound waves can no longer be heard by the ears, and only a circle of substantial gray concussive ripples can be seen, spreading from the core of the golden light explosion.

Open, instantly covering the entire surrounding area of ​​hundreds of meters.

Hossiman almost fell to his knees, blood was flowing from his ears and eyes, and the scarlet blood slid down his cheeks, bringing out four streaks of blood.


Vidi on one side had completely fallen to the ground and was holding on to the edge of a pothole in the ground, but it was to no avail. He grabbed a hole out of the pothole.

There were ferocious scratches, but his body was still being pushed backwards by the terrifying impact.

The blood statue slowly melted, like a wax statue, turning into a large amount of scarlet blood, which was shaken along the ground.

Covered with golden light, it actually began to evaporate into countless blood mist, disappearing and fading into the air.

I don’t know how long it took.

Hossiman woke up from a coma in a daze. Every part of my body feels sore, and my originally reluctant body is now even more unable to move.

My eyes were also hazy and I could only see a little bit clearly.

In a daze, he tried to open his eyes wide, trying to see clearly what was going on around him.

He seemed to hear a burst of footsteps, crisp and rhythmic, and in his eyes he vaguely saw a strong and terrifying figure slowly moving towards him.

edge close.

"Teacher" he moaned softly.

The figure was ferocious and huge, and his whole body seemed to be filled with endless black smoke. The black smoke turned into the aura he was most familiar with, swimming like a living creature.

It permeated the surroundings, forming the shadows of greedy and ferocious dragon heads.

Then he felt himself being lifted up.

"Take him back to recuperate." The voice said the last word. Hosiman felt relieved, could no longer hold on, and passed out.

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