Mysterious journey

Chapter 703 Underground Palace 1

In the villa, two black shadows floated out silently, and the shadows cast along the handrails of the stone steps, no one noticed their movement at all.

Not far away from the truck, several big men from Nighthawk were carrying boxes towards the truck. They slowly and carefully moved the boxes onto the truck along the diagonal steel plates, and then put the boxes on the black The box of cloth is placed in a large container prepared in advance.

The inside of the container was filled with a lot of white stuff that looked like ice cubes, and it was still emitting a white cold air, more like dry ice or something. As soon as the lifted box is put in, there is a feeling that the whole box shrinks, as if the box is not a dead thing, but a living thing.

Several big men quickly sealed the lid of the container and then hung up the seven or eight locks around it.

"Take good care of it. This thing has been designated by the group leader to be handled with care, so be careful." A member of the Nighthawk who looked like a small boss whispered to the men carrying the boxes.

"I understand, don't worry, we will take turns watching." A man said with a low smile.

The little boss nodded, got out of the truck behind the truck, and went to coordinate other people to move other things. Three moving trucks came, and he needed to check them one by one.

Two black figures floated under the shadow of the armrest and stopped moving, as if waiting for something.

Soon, everything in the villa was loaded onto the truck, and the truck started to start, seemingly ready to drive away.

Some people from Nighthawk jumped into the car and closed the doors.

The two men guarding the box each lit a cigarette, took a puff from time to time, blew smoke rings, chatted in a low voice, and occasionally laughed happily.

The two black figures slowly began to move again. The moment the car started to move forward slightly, they suddenly floated onto the back of the truck transporting the boxes, and got directly into the car from the empty space.

Where the light and shadow intersect, you can vaguely see the fleeting silhouettes of two transparent human figures.

"Prepare to position."

"It has begun." The black shadows exchanged messages with each other.

In the darkness, a little red light flickered in a blind spot that the two guard men could not see.

Tsk! !

Suddenly there were two soft sounds, and the two men fell down in response. He covered his neck, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground twice.

"Succeeded. Notify someone to come and take care of you."

A black shadow suddenly stepped out of the dark shadow. After the air was blurred and distorted, a thin black human figure suddenly appeared. It seemed to be a beloved little woman.

She walked up to the box, and with an unknown tool in her hand, she tapped along the edge of the box one by one, and then patted it.


After a crisp sound, all the locks of the box were opened, and the lid was removed, revealing a black cloth box in the middle filled with white air.

The woman raised her left wrist and lightly tapped the screen on her watch. The screen suddenly flashed and turned into a black display. The face of an old man with a kind smile appeared on the screen.

"How's it going? Did you succeed?" The old man was Kabu from Baili Group. He was holding a cup of coffee and slowly sipping it with a smile.

"We have arrived at the intended target point. However, the target is too large and we cannot easily move it away." The woman replied in a low voice.

"Can it be divided?" Kabu asked.

"It's very difficult." The woman glanced at the material of the box under the black cloth, "It's the latest hazy alloy manufacturing process."

"Then use a drill to destroy the entire box. You have to do it quickly. You don't have much time left." Kabu directly ordered.


The woman turned off the screen on her watch, and a sharp tip like a slender knife popped out of the watch in her left hand. It seemed to be a fruit knife, all black. She pressed the tip of the knife against the surface of the box under the black cloth.

hiss! !

Suddenly, there were two saw-like blades at the tip of the knife that kept intersecting and cutting. There was also a needle-like drill in the center that kept rotating, creating a golden spark of fire on the surface of the black box.

beep! ! ! !

Suddenly the box gave off an extremely harsh alarm sound.

"Alert!!!" Nighthawk members shouted immediately from outside.

At this time, the box under the black cloth was also cracked with a big bang, and the metal at the edge of the crack was bent, forming several sharp protrusions. The slit was just big enough to stick a hand through.

The woman took back her watch without hesitation, clicked the diamond, and reached in.

Suddenly, her whole body trembled violently, and her body seemed to be stiff and motionless.

"Hurry up!!" Another dark figure urged urgently.

The strange thing is that the woman didn't react at all, but stood there in a daze, reaching into the box without moving, maintaining the previous posture. A large amount of sweat began to form on her forehead, and her eyes widened, as if she was enduring some extremely horrific torture.

Bang! ! !

Suddenly, a huge force hit the woman hard, throwing her directly away and hitting the invisible black figure behind. The two of them screamed in pain and actually rolled off the moving truck.

Just before they hit the ground, a burst of banging gunshots rang out, and suddenly there were only two corpses left on the ground riddled with holes.

At the breach in the box, wisps of invisible distortion were faintly emitted. The distortion was entrenched in a small oval area, vaguely like a ferocious dragon head.


"What's going on?! Have you been discovered?" Kabu looked at the snow-dotted surveillance screen in front of him.

"I'm afraid so." Medis also frowned and said, "The sisters rarely make mistakes. This time they must have been disturbed by something, right? It seems that Garen left here directly and left such an important thing here. It is indeed true. Be prepared.”

"Activate backup plan 1. A strong attack is the only option." Kabu thought for a while and whispered.

"I'll get ready right away." Medis understood what the boss meant.

Kabu's face turned slightly gloomy.

He must get the mask. He learned the news about several masks in Garen's hands from Yuan Se. In addition, there was also the secret of Garen's secret weapon, which he had been looking forward to for a long time.

At this time, the camp became more and more busy. Medis seemed to have arranged something, and the personnel of Baili Group began to mobilize urgently.

"Do you need my help?" A new picture suddenly popped up on the screen. It was a sinister man with a hooked nose. He raised his chin slightly and stared at Kabu on the other side of the screen with a hint of arrogance.

"It turns out to be Mr. Granlin." Kabu said calmly, "Your information is really well-informed."

"Garen has ruined my hope of rising. How could I not be concerned about his actions?" Granlin said coldly, "Don't tell me that you can't even cope with Garen's remaining power? If that's true, then I am very disappointed in your strength."

"You don't have to worry, I will take care of these things." Kabupi said with a smile, "How is your White Phoenix doing now?"

When he mentioned this, Granlin's face suddenly twitched. Now Emperor Lesha is exerting a lot of pressure on the original color, causing the reconstruction of Baihuang to be frustrated at every turn. After all, Baihuang is just a branch of the violent group under the Original Color Group, and it is not very important. There are many other factions within the group who would be happy to see his branch suppressed and silenced.

"It seems you don't need my help at all."

Kabu smiled, stopped talking, and closed the contact with a snap. For him now, the value of Granlin is no longer important. His branch was gradually abandoned by the upper management of the original color, and the power under his hands also disappeared. After being encircled and suppressed by Garon, most of them were lost. Without the deterrence of the special mercenaries, Granlin was nothing more than a minor player to Kabu, not to mention Garen.


Wellington Family Underground Palace

Garen walked slowly in the underground passage around him. In the passage, there were one round arched stone door after another. Every few meters there was a gray-yellow stone door, and the doors were all open.

Looking ahead, you can't see how far this stone gate passage extends underground.

Garen could only vaguely see the light of the torches lit by Nesera and others far ahead.

He doesn't need any lighting himself, and his extremely powerful senses are enough to allow him to operate in any environment without any hindrance.

The structure of the underground palace is very strange. The walls on the left and right sides are covered with densely packed yellow steel nails with sharp tips, just like the nail boards in ancient criminal law. At the top of the passage above the head, there are cloud patterns with circles of arcs. I don’t know what pattern they are, and they are bending around.

For some reason, Garen felt something was wrong. As he moved forward, it seemed that every time he passed through a door, he would enter a brand new environment. The stone doors passed layer by layer. In the end, he felt completely the same as when he first entered. The environment is completely different.

Neissera and others in front could no longer see their backs clearly.

He didn't know what AG's plan was, but they wouldn't rush forward without waiting for him to catch up.

I took out my phone and took a picture, but there was no signal.

This time, in order to prevent the precious items on him from being damaged during the fight, Garen did not bring the notebook that could be used to contact the AG, and he probably would not bring it either.

Garen took a few steps forward and felt that there was a faint dusk-like yellow light surrounding him, but he didn't know where the yellow light came from in the underground palace.

The nail boards on both sides are densely packed with spikes, and in front are endless stone doors that lead all the way to the bottom, as if there is no top.

At this time, the entire passage suddenly became brighter, with yellow light illuminating the entire passage. The surrounding area was completely silent, and no movement from Neissera, AG, and others could be heard in the front.

Garen looked back and saw that the entrance from behind had completely disappeared. There were only the same endless stone doors as before. The stone doors opened one after another quietly and eerily connected into a straight passage. That yellowish shimmer also filled the entire back passage.

"It's different from when I first came in." Garen frowned, "I obviously only passed through five stone doors when I came in. Is it an illusion or a maze?"

‘It should be a maze. ’ Hesas whispered, ‘This place is a bit weird, so be careful. ’

"I know." Garen nodded and continued walking forward.

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