Mysterious journey

Chapter 705 Attack 1

Around the ground, where the walls meet the rock walls, there is some gray moss growing faintly.

There seemed to be moisture in the air, forming a light white mist.

Neissera looked around vigilantly, but didn't seem to find anything unusual.

"Be careful. If this is really Anil Garden, there will definitely be trouble."

"I'll do it." Manas, the knight of the magic mist, walked out, his armor rustling. He squatted down, knelt on one knee, and pressed his arms on the ground.

"The Fire of Clarity."

A circle of purple lines lit up on the forearms of his arms, and the purple lines burrowed into the ground like snakes.

With a scoff, a ball of yellow flame spontaneously ignited on the ground, and the flame turned into a fire snake, crawling forward quickly like a living creature.

"Follow it, it will lead us to the core of this place." Manas stood up and whispered.

The other two didn't say much and followed closely behind. The three of them quickly accelerated behind the fire snake and soon submerged into the rough passage. As they advanced deeper and deeper, the faint white mist around them became thicker and thicker, wet and moist. Getting more and more angry.

The fire snake of clarity leading the way also began to dim gradually, seeming to be somewhat suppressed.

Manas took out several weird snake gall-like things and threw them in one after another, barely keeping the fire snake burning.


"What's the sound?" Neissera suddenly stopped. "Did you hear that?"

The three of them were already deep in the rough passage, surrounded mostly by cold, hard stone walls.

"Sound? What sound?" Thousand-legged Snake frowned and glanced around.


Suddenly, a group of twists passed behind him, and the other two people screamed at the same time, and took action instantly.

Bang bang! ! Two masses of black mist hit the stone wall behind the Thousand-legged Snake, knocking down many black stones.

The Thousand-legged Snake itself also reacted, and a large amount of hair suddenly emerged from the skin of its body. These hairs were like tentacles of living creatures, piercing out in all directions like steel needles popping out under high pressure. Many of the hair tips hit the stone wall with a crisp tinkling sound. ring.

"Watch your head!!" Nethera's voice yelled.

The Thousand-legged Snake hurriedly raised its head, just in time to see a mass of transparent distortion coming down on its head.


boom! !

Garen punched the side of the stone wall of the passage. A large number of stones were smashed into pieces and scattered, making a loud noise.

A large pit several meters deep appeared on the stone wall, with countless dense cracks spreading around it.

"Huh?" He retracted his fist and looked at the stone wall.

‘This should be an independent underground passage. There are no connecting passages around it. Give up. ’ Hesas said lightly.

"There is indeed some trouble." Garen nodded. "It would be great if I could fly. In the last world, I can fly just like the last world. I can fly straight up, and I can't be trapped here."

‘If I’m not wrong, it’s useless even if you can fly here. If you can’t find the trick or method to get out, I’m afraid you won’t be able to break out of the ground if you go up. ’ Hesas whispered, ‘There seems to be some kind of spatial distortion here. No matter which direction you break through, you will eventually be twisted in the downward direction. And going down, unless you penetrate the entire planet, you still don't want to leave here. ’

"Can you find a way?" Garen continued walking forward. The surrounding passages have changed from the bright yellow neat passages to rough stone wall tunnels.

‘I need time, it can’t be so fast in a hurry. It would be nice if you moved on so I could peek a little more into the rules of space here. ’

"All right."

Garen quickened his pace and continued walking deeper into the innermost part.


"Ah!!" Thousand-legged Snake shouted, a purple-red light curtain lit up around her body, and her eyes instantly burned with purple fire. She opened her mouth wide, and shot out a trembling and twisting arc-shaped purple light from her mouth, like a blade to face the people above. Transparent distortion.

But a strange scene appeared. The purple sword light penetrated straight through the distortion, without any effect at all.

puff! !

The Thousand-legged Snake's expression remained stunned for a moment, and then it was directly covered by the twisted mass, and its whole person was wrapped in it, as if it was stuffed into a large ball of sticky glue.

She struggled to breathe, but she couldn't get rid of the twisted slime.

Next to them, Nethera and the other two tried to use various means to cut through the invisible distortion, but to no avail. You can only see that the thousand-legged snake is getting smaller and smaller inside the twist.

The body actually began to melt like a candle.

Her face began to rot, melting into balls of pale yellow mucus and flowing down. Her ears were the first to melt, as well as her breasts, nose, and other raised parts. The melted mucus slid down a short distance and quickly merged into the transparent twist.

"Damn it!!" Nesera frantically tried to tear apart the twisted slime with her hands, but to no avail. Her energy-absorbing system didn't work at all, and she could only watch the thousand-legged snake struggling and dancing inside.

Sweat continued to flow down his forehead.

"Damn it! Where the hell is this place?!?" Nesera felt a pain in her hands, and suddenly retracted her hands, seeing that a small part of her palms had been corroded and rotten away without knowing when.

"Let's go!!" Manas suddenly pulled her up from behind and ran back. After a few steps, she found that she was still on the same spot, then turned around and ran forward.

Both of them were in a state of shock. The twisted and desperate face of the Thousand-legged Snake gradually disappeared behind them and was gradually submerged in the darkness. They continued to move forward with the fire of clarity in front of them, and soon left everything behind.

"The Thousand-legged Snake is a high-level one! Don't worry, she won't die so easily," Manas comforted. But both of them actually knew that Thousand-legged Snake was a subordinate of AG and not a member of the witch guild. There was a difference between closeness and distance, and it was impossible for them to pay a high price to try to rescue each other.

The upper level not only represents strength, but also represents life and survivability.

It is represented by the superiority of the vampire clan.

High-ranking vampires can separate part of their core and save it, and the body can still maintain its peak state for the time being, but the endurance will not last long. In this way, once the main body is about to perform an extremely dangerous mission, and if it is sacrificed, the core core left in advance can be used to absorb the blood essence and quickly condense into another new main body. Of course, rebirth like this will make him weak for a long time, at least a year or two, but it is better than dying in battle directly.

Similarly, high-ranking witches also have similar methods. They can use a large number of secret methods to enhance and restore their bodies at any time. They can also use the lizard tail-cutting method to give up a certain part of their body to face a certain death crisis on their behalf. But the most common thing is to use allies as substitutes to give yourself one more chance to survive.

Their alliance is a companion with extraordinary power of their own. This alliance itself does not have very strong intelligence, but it is an incomprehensible illusory existence. Only wizards can use and summon them.

ah! ! ! !

Suddenly, a sharp scream came from behind

It's a thousand-legged snake!

She seemed to have experienced an extremely painful experience, and the heart-rending screams came instantly, causing both Nesera and Manas to tremble and involuntarily speed up their pace.

"Let's go!"

Nethera almost broke into a jog.

But before she could run far, her footsteps suddenly stopped and she stood in the passage, not daring to move forward. Manas behind her almost hit her in the back.

"What's wrong?"

Nesera took a step back slightly, staring warily at the darkness of the passage ahead. She didn't speak, just pointed forward.

Manas looked forward and saw a bald man in black standing in front of the passage, blocking their way.

The most conspicuous thing about this man is his shiny bald head, but the strange thing is that his bald head is densely covered with human eyes, large and small. These human eyes are black and white, and they are blinking and blinking. It looks very permeable.

The man stood with his back to them. There were dozens of eyes on the back of his head. He stood motionless. It seems that it is not a living person at all, but just a sculpture.

But both Manas could feel an inexplicable heart-beating feeling from him.

"Do it!!"

Nesera rushed forward, kicked to the side, and her long legs made a terrifying whistling sound. She actually pulled out a ball of transparent air and shot it directly at the opponent.

The air bomb was in the shape of a comet, drawing a straight line and hitting the bald vest hard.


The air bombs dispersed and exploded, but the bald vest was not damaged at all.


At this moment, a huge force rushed out from behind Nesera and hit her vest.


Nesera stumbled forward, and her feet seemed to be tripped by something. She lost her balance and fell forward. But immediately she felt like something was wrapped around her waist.

Looking back from the corner of her eye, she seemed to see several huge black tentacles as thick as buckets behind her. The tentacles suddenly wrapped around her and became transparent and invisible in an instant, and then began to secrete a large amount of invisible transparent mucus.

laugh! !

She suddenly screamed and made a weird sound. Immediately, her left arm broke automatically. Then her whole body blurred, as if she had moved instantaneously. She disappeared directly from the place and appeared in the front passage more than ten meters away.

At this time, Manas seemed to have used the method of cutting off the lizard's tail, and suddenly ran into the fork in front of him who didn't know when.

"Split up!" Nesera shouted and ran forward without looking back. The power of that tentacle is so huge, it is several times stronger than the upper level vampires. Each tentacle is extremely sticky, and you can't break free if it sticks to it.

At this time, she could already feel the burning pain in her waist. The mucus could not be rid of even by cutting off the tail. This shocked her and at the same time, she involuntarily accelerated her pace.

Along the way, she dropped small dark red disk-like objects. As soon as these small objects were dropped, they automatically made a crunching sound and disappeared into the ground below the passage like little octopuses.

This is a powerful time bomb specially made by her using secret techniques, and it is attached with extremely powerful alliance power, which is simply called witchcraft power.

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