Mysterious journey

Chapter 713 Breakaway 1

outside world

The three of them sat around a lit bonfire, none of them speaking.

The firelight shone on the faces of the three people, not much warmth, but a faint feeling of restlessness.

"Besides this monster with three heads and six arms, there are definitely other troubles here." After cultivating for a while, AG whispered.

The surrounding woods are gloomy, and there is a strange and inexplicable atmosphere in the woods.

"You don't know what happened to the monster's stomach after Galleon entered it?" Nesera frowned and looked at the huge monster in the distance. The three-headed and six-armed monster had been motionless since Galleon entered it just now.

But the three of them still didn't dare to get close to the past. If the monster moved again, they would not be able to escape again without paying a heavier price when they were all seriously injured.

"Don't forget the purpose of our coming in." AG stood up and began to wander among the surrounding grass and trees. His face was gloomy and he looked a little pale. It seemed that he had been injured by a monster just now, but at this time, there was a flash of light in his eyes from time to time. A trace of joy.

"If I guess correctly, this is the real garden of this underground palace."

He bent down and gently cut a piece of black grass that was as black as ink and shaped like a little man from the foot of a big tree. Then he put it in his pocket and continued to look for something.

"Because no one has entered here for many years, the medicinal herbs growing there are so powerful!"

Neissera and Manas looked at each other in confusion. Neither of them knew much about medicinal herbs. They just watched AG collecting medicinal herbs on the side, and soon walked further and further away.

More than half an hour later, when they took out some dry food to bake and eat, AG over there had already collected a large bag of medicinal materials and returned.

Looking at the obvious joy on his face, you know that he must have gained a lot.

"If I can get out this time, my cultivation will definitely enter the final stage!" He got a lot of rare medicinal materials without any effort. No matter how calm he was, he couldn't help but show signs of a qualitative change.

As for the injuries of the broken limbs of Manas and Nesera, it is not difficult for the wizard to find a limb from another person to reconnect.

What matters is whether it is safe or not.

After collecting the medicinal materials, the three people's eyes fell on the huge monster in the distance again. They didn't know when Garen would come out, or whether Garen had fallen into the monster's trap and was trapped inside.

But now all they can do is wait.

"If my guess is correct, this monster should be the second guard here. There must be many secrets hidden in this monster. We'd better wait for Galleon to come out before making a decision." AG whispered, holding his hand Li took out two bone plates from unknown animals and smashed them lightly on the ground. Several cracks suddenly appeared on them. This seemed to be some kind of divination method. He carefully identified the cracks under the firelight.

"I didn't expect that the three of us would be trapped here, but that ordinary human being would be trapped here instead." Neissera smiled bitterly.

"What do you think about Gallon and the Holy Fist Palace?" AG asked in a low voice.

Nesera smiled bitterly, while Manas shook his head, looking incomprehensible.

Manas looked at the huge monster in the distance.

"I don't know how to describe that person, but as an ordinary human being, not a wizard or a vampire, it is simply incredible for him to reach such a height."

He paused, "As for the Holy Fist Palace, I think there will definitely be a place for him in the extraordinary world in the future!"

His tone of voice was close to an unequivocal affirmation.

"The Dead Apostles will not let him go. The Vampire Clan is still the only one in the family." AG shook his head, "It's not that easy."

"But who knows some things?" Nesera was seriously injured at this time and lost her usual arrogance. "I don't know why, but I don't like standing with that Garen. He has a very dangerous feeling about him."

"Same. I don't know what is hidden in that person." AG nodded.


Suddenly, the three-headed and six-armed monster in the distance stood up slowly, stood up again from its kneeling position, and its three heads shook slightly.

"What is he going to do!?" Nesela and the other three stood up and looked at the monster from a distance.


Garen closed his eyes tightly, and a faint golden light slowly gathered around his body. These golden lights were flying and rotating around him like golden threads.

He suddenly felt as if he had turned into a huge golden bird at this moment, like a phoenix, soaring and swimming in the endless void.

Waves of vague and unusual Sanskrit chanting sounds came into his ears continuously, as if many people were sitting around him and chanting scriptures softly.

The Holy Scripture of the Holy Phoenix, the true meaning of the Holy Phoenix!

Garen's mind fell into an absolutely pure state of self-perception. All feelings and thoughts were all contracted inside his body. The only one who could perceive was himself, and the only one who could think was still himself.

He closed his eyes and saw that the secret martial arts skills he majored in had a faint golden rune on the skill column in his attribute column.

‘Holy Phoenix Scripture: The inheritance of an unknown civilization. Understanding the true meaning of the Holy Phoenix has a certain chance of increasing the concentration of soul seeds and increasing the strength of the seeds. ’

The soul seed determines the strength of the soul, and the strength of the soul determines the limit of physical fitness.

Garen's current physical limit is an average of thirty points, which was enhanced by the first soul seed.

The soul has three major stages. According to ancient Yinduo inheritance, 1. Ordinary soul. 2. Soul seeds. 3. True spirit.

Every time the soul seed condenses, it means the condensation of a complete and powerful realization to a certain extent, a life, a complete experience, and even an independent personality.

It can be said that every soul seed represents a peak concentration of oneself, and represents a life path and trajectory of one's attempts to succeed.

Garen didn't know how other Guyinduo warlocks walked this path, but only by condensing all the essence of a life could he reach a certain height and condense it into a complete seed.

‘The more you focus on understanding and condense the soul seeds, the greater the possibility of becoming a true spirit. Each soul seed can be used as a soul substitute for you to resist a fatal attack on your soul. ’ Hesas’s voice rang in Garen’s ears.

The combination of the true meaning of the Holy Phoenix and the insights from the grimoire has reached the intensity of condensing soul seeds. This is also what Hesas expects to see.

The achievement of the second soul seed is the moment when Galleon as a whole reaches a higher level. At that time.

Buzz! ! !

Suddenly, a violent vibration interrupted Hesas's thoughts.

He suddenly formed a black smoke figure behind Garen and looked around.

I saw wisps of golden gas filling the entire inside of the Monster Buddha Mother. A large amount of golden gas began to slowly gather in front of Galleon, becoming more and more solid, and soon formed a golden diamond-shaped crystal suspended in mid-air.

A golden arc flashed on the surface of the crystal, and a little bit of the outside world slowly emerged.

Garen slowly opened his eyes and felt that his whole body was wrapped in a warm ocean, as if he was under the midday sun or soaked in hot spring water.

His eyes were hit by two rays of golden light emitted from the spar, which reflected in his pupils and quickly passed through a series of dense messages.

All the information about this monster suddenly flooded into his eyes.

A hint of understanding suddenly appeared on Garen's face.

This information indeed explains the origin of this monster, and also explains how to leave this Jedi.

This monster with three heads and six arms is called Buddha Mother, and it was indeed created by a being named Holy Phoenix. The strange thing is that the information of this Holy Phoenix is ​​indeed similar to the secret of Water Bird Fist: The Soaring of the Evil Phoenix. In addition, the Buddha Mother was too old, her memory was confused, and her consciousness was extremely simple, so she mistook her for the former Holy Phoenix and surrendered without any resistance.

‘Is there a way out? ’ Hesas asked.

"Indeed, it is, but it's a bit troublesome." Garen frowned. "If you want to go out, you must consume a huge amount of energy. The Buddha Mother's own ability is not enough, and I need to actively burn part of my life energy."

‘Life energy? ’

"Yes." Garen nodded, "It is equivalent to the biological energy in a living body. Normal humans naturally don't have it. However, I am strong and my physique is strong enough, so it is nothing."

He estimated that according to the judgment given by the Buddha Mother, if he wanted to go out, he would not only have to give up the huge body of the Buddha Mother, but he would also have to give up part of his body's life energy, which is equivalent to the qi, blood, essence and blood in the secret martial arts. . Fortunately, he still has potential points that can be used as supplements. If it were another person, he would probably be suffocated to death here.

Jia Long pondered for a while, followed the method recorded by the Buddha Mother, and his mind moved.


The whole space suddenly shook slightly.


The huge Buddha Mother stood up slowly, shook her head and six arms, like a hill, and slowly looked towards the direction of AG and the three of them.

There was a swipe on the right shoulder of the Buddha Mother, and a vague figure suddenly appeared. It was the shirtless Garen.

The muscles on his body were tangled, like black armor, and his whole body was filled with a terrifying aura.

"AG, I need your help if I want to get out of here."

Garen's voice spread far away, through the large woods, and directly to where the three AG campfires were.

"Gallon." The AG three stood up.

"Do you know how to get out?" AG's eyes flashed with surprise and joy.

"Of course." Garen jumped lightly and jumped directly from the Buddha Mother who was dozens of meters high. With the roar of the wind, he smashed a small hole in the ground and half-knelt on the ground. .

Standing up, he stepped forward, spanning more than ten meters almost in a flash. In just ten seconds, his figure appeared directly in front of the three people.

"That monster?" AG glanced at the monster in the distance with fear.

"It's called Buddha Mother, and it can help us get out of here." Garen didn't mean to explain more.

The Buddha Mother is actually a living creature with simple intelligence. Because of her absolute loyalty to the Holy Phoenix, she has been hiding here for countless years without leaving.

"What do you want us to do?" AG transferred his fear of the Buddha's mother to the man in front of him. It was obvious that Garen was now able to control the extremely powerful guy in the distance.

"Leaving here will not only consume all the energy of that big guy, but also require us to burn a certain amount of power to support him." Garen deliberately said all the energy and briefly introduced the situation.

"According to the records inside, there is a more troublesome existence in the deepest part of Anil Garden, but there is no need for us to go deeper. This is a typical cyclic space. If we want to break this cycle, we must concentrate the strongest power at once. A point of space converges, forming a distortion and a brief hole, before you can take the opportunity to leave.”

Garon explained. "My strength alone is simply not enough. Although the Buddha Mother's ability accounts for the vast majority of the consumption, we only need to fill in a little bit, but even this little bit is not something I can bear alone."

"How can you ensure that what you say is accurate?" Nesera asked in a deep voice.

"We have no choice." Garen said calmly.

"No need to say more, let's get ready." AG directly ordered. He was the leader of the three of them. He agreed and directly set the direction.

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