Mysterious journey

Chapter 716 General Trend 2

"Is this the senior elder of the Wellington family? He is so weak." The red figure jumped lightly and landed lightly in front of the man in white. His red leather boots clicked on the edge of the pool of solidified blood.

"I've only been chasing for more than ten kilometers and I can't stand it anymore. It's not as good as the mid-level vampire last time. It's such a rotten race." Dam looked down contemptuously at Elder Wellington who was lying on the ground begging.

Since the last fierce battle with the upper-class vampires, his Death Water Bird Fist has finally taken a step further and successfully created an extremely terrifying secret weapon. Combined with his absorption of the essence of a large number of martial arts schools and the most essential secret principles of Water Bird Fist, he created his own method of killing using steel wire strings as weapons.

The vibrations of his terrifying Death Water Bird Fist can be transmitted through silk threads, also achieving the effect of instant death upon contact. Although the lethality is slightly reduced, the killing range is greatly increased, and the combat angle becomes more tricky and terrifying.

At this point, the Death Water Bird Fist finally broke away from the basic category of Water Bird Boxing and became Dam's own boxing style, which is equivalent to a branch of Water Bird Boxing. Theoretically, there are three realms of Death Water Bird Fist, and each realm can be divided into five levels.

This realm is determined by the controlled steel strings.

The first level is one level, the second level is two levels, and the third level is three levels.

As for the level of each realm, it is determined by the length of the lethality of the control wire.

Dam is now in the first realm and can only control one steel wire, but the length reaches the fifth level, which can extend the steel wire to fifteen meters and kill the enemy. As long as it touches, the enemy's blood will be detonated instantly, causing horrific fatal damage.

"Don't kill me. The patriarch of my family will reappear soon, and he won't let you go!" the blue-haired man yelled, half pleading and half threatening.

"The patriarch of the family?" Dam licked his lips, and the blood-colored lipstick even stained a trace of red on his tongue.

Looking at the frightened blue-haired elder in front of him, Dam narrowed his eyes, took a few steps forward, stretched out his hand and slowly pressed the opponent's head.

"Don't worry, of course I won't kill you. You are still of great use."



Nabudas Mountains

The highest main peak, Ares, towers like a cloud, with its tip penetrating the white sea of ​​clouds and extending into the invisible sky.

Across the vast sea of ​​white clouds, moving upwards, there is a huge depression on the side of the mountain. In the depression is a large and exquisite snow-white castle, like a huge white harp, gradually increasing in height from left to right.

There is a huge cylindrical pipe on the left side of the castle, and streams of something like white gas slowly flow out of it, falling continuously into the white sea of ​​clouds.

The white air was billowing like extremely cold air. The cylindrical pipe from which the white air came out was tens of meters in diameter, and at the edge was a winding mountain road close to the mountain peak.

The wind and snow were howling, and snowflakes were falling like raindrops, accumulating on the top of the mountain, but there were not many snowdrifts on the path.

At this time, the sky was bright and the snow was falling. A group of people walked slowly up the path. They were all wearing black coats and hoods. They were walking on the slippery icy steps, but they were surprisingly stable.

There were five people in this group, each with their faces completely covered under black hoods.

The footsteps stepped on the snowdrifts on the steps, making a crunching sound.

The first man in the black coat who took the lead raised his head and looked at the white spire castle with hundreds of steps ahead. He pulled off his hood, revealing a resolute and cold face of a man. It was Hossiman who had just returned from a mission.

"The weather here has been getting worse and worse since the teacher moved here." He murmured quietly.

Even though his voice was not loud in the wind and snow, it was actually able to be heard clearly by the four people behind him.

"Lord Ba Fist, isn't this harsh weather and environment a good way to hone the will and persistence of those who come to learn the art?" The man also took off his hood, revealing a man's face with burns on the bridge of his nose.

This man has no hair, a yellowish complexion, a black and blue tiger tattoo on his bald head, and a huge gold ring on one of his earlobes, which makes him look a bit exotic.

And his American accent is not very standard, with a thick rolling tone.

"The idea of ​​Master Dongji Sect is not bad." Hosiman nodded in agreement.

"A warrior should focus on boxing, use all conditions outside the body as nourishment to hone himself, and reach the highest level in this life!" Dongji Sect Master, the Dongji Boxing exchange representative from the East, bowed his head and said piously. He has an almost reverent pursuit and enthusiasm for boxing.

Among the three major martial arts in the world, Dongjiquan, Saudi Arabian Boxing, and Moke Lock Sword School each occupy a place. It is a fighting style that is formed by integrating the history, culture, beliefs, national spirit, etc. of a continent. With obvious regional style.

Among them, there are many schools of Dongjiquan, including bare-handed palm techniques, some specializing in boxing techniques, some specializing in leg techniques, and some using various weapons. However, its main feature is that while fighting, it also focuses on strengthening one's own body. Physical fitness, tapping into one's own instinctive potential, evolutionary exercise.

Dongjiquan is a large category with ancient cultural heritage as its spiritual core. The mainstream is the direction that the Dongji Sect leader who is here to communicate is good at, focusing on body training to strengthen himself, supplemented by practicing moves.

The reason why Hosiman brought him to the Holy Fist Palace was that he had communicated with the Dongji Sect Master before, and his terrifying strength was able to protest against him. You must know that Hosiman's current strength has reached a terrifying level. The pinnacle of advancement.

A large part of this is due to Garen's continuous terrifying improvement. And with such strength, he actually failed to win over the Dongji Sect Master. Its strength can be imagined.

Looking at the devout Dongji Sect Master Du Xinglong behind him, Hosiman sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, apart from the Vampire Clan, there are many hidden powers in this world. It is only because the Vampire Clan is too prosperous that these forces have quietly lurked.

But now that the vampires are in a civil war and have suffered heavy losses, these forces are involuntarily ready to move.

"We'll be here soon. The master has already set up a banquet in the palace to entertain several distinguished guests." Hossiman said gently.

"Thank you." Du Xinglong, the leader of Dongji Sect, nodded.

The group of five people quickened their pace and rushed towards the white Holy Fist Palace on the top of the mountain.

The round-arched palace gate there was already being pushed open from both sides, ready to welcome him.

Hosiman and one of his men led the Dongji Sect Master and two of his disciples into the palace gate. Walking into the white spire hall that is hundreds of meters high, he walked straight along the carpet-like stone corridor on the ground towards the innermost hall.

On both sides are exquisite walls sealed and carved with various patterns, which fit perfectly with the rough and ancient scenery outside. It seems that there is some kind of rhythm hidden in it.

A young man in white clothes led them in from the left side of the innermost hall and passed through a long corridor with tempered glass on the left side. Through the glass, they could see the deep and wide endless sea of ​​clouds below, and the scenery was charming.

The young men in white who lead the way are ordinary young people from all over the world who are training here. These people learned about the existence of the Holy Fist Palace through the reputation of the World Fighting Competition. In addition, a large number of potential seeds from all over the world were sent here, and each event was exciting. Extreme fighting competitions continue to refresh everyone's common sense. Martial arts that can evade bullets, martial arts that can strengthen eyesight, and martial arts that can tap one's own reaction intelligence. Scenes of wonderful fighting and fighting have attracted a large number of people who want to learn. Martial arts young man.

Of course, the main reason comes from the chain effect after the competition. Talents who practice martial arts, with their powerful five senses and terrifying skills, are capable of many types of work, even to the point of being far superior to ordinary people. These trainings are very To a great extent, it has affected the employment issues of the original martial arts practitioners.

In particular, the fighting club organized by Hossiman and Dam was shocked by the terrifying effect of their martial arts during its initial expansion. The U.S. military was even more shocked. They were even invited to serve as instructors for special training in the army. Although the effect was It's not very obvious, but it also provides an indirect test of the two's strength.

Naturally, this information quickly spread to all the major powers in the world. In just a few years, Hossiman and Dam went from ordinary young people with no knowledge of martial arts to super masters with powerful and terrifying weapons, each dominating the world. one party.

After Horseman single-handedly defeated fifteen special forces soldiers holding his own firearms, the world's enthusiasm for martial arts suddenly increased.

This is Hosiman and Dam's plan to become the world's martial arts holy place and elevate Waterbird Fist to unprecedented terrifying heights.

Now, this plan has begun to bear fruit.

Among them, when funds were insufficient, there was also huge sponsorship from the Lessardi Group. Now the Lessardi Group has partnered with the Holy Fist Palace.

The master of Dongji Sect followed the guide all the way and passed through the circular stone gates and stone halls. There were maids who specially served to change into clean coats and take the original coats to be washed and dried.

A group of five people came to a large training hall, where dozens of people were divided into two groups and constantly practicing fighting with each other. Each one of them was using all their strength without any mercy.

The eyelids of the three people at Dongji Gate jumped.

The sound of fists and feet clashing, and the sound of screams were endless, and from time to time, medical staff carried the wounded down.

Dozens of trainees are all under thirty years old. They are all wearing gray and black Taoist uniforms. Each of them looks focused. Their movements are very ordinary. They are just some basic throwing and beating skills. There is nothing surprising, just a They all seem to have a lot of strength.

"This is the dedicated practice hall of the Baiyun Gate of the Holy Fist Palace." Huo Ximan introduced.

"Baiyun Sect?" The leader of Dongji Sect frowned slightly, "As far as I know, the Holy Fist Palace was established, and there are only two schools under its command, Sheying Miwu and Waterbird Fist. This Baiyun Sect is...?"

"Baiyun Secret Martial Arts is a new and powerful martial arts secretly kept by the master, but it has not been taught before. This secret martial arts requires more time to practice." Hossiman said with a smile. He raised his hand and pointed to the row of seats at the top of the hall in the distance.

"That's where the master is, and the few around him are the chief disciples of Baiyun Miwu."

The leader of the Dongji Sect looked far away and followed Hosiman's directions, and immediately saw a handsome blond man sitting on a white stone chair with a calm expression and a terrifyingly strong body.

More than a hundred meters apart, his gaze seemed to be caught by the other person. The man turned his head, and a flash of lightning seemed to light up in his eyes.

Du Xinglong, the leader of the Dongji Sect, was dizzy, his body trembled slightly, and he almost lost his balance.

"The virtual room generates electricity!!"

He was horrified.

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