Mysterious journey

Chapter 721 Hunting 1

Portugal Visinana

In the offshore port, there are some light yellow ships floating and sailing sparsely, ranging from small fishing boats to medium-sized yachts.

As the sun sets in the west, the red light shines brightly on the sea surface of the port.

There was a lot of traffic on the shore, and two locals were pushing strollers and taking their children out for a walk. On the cement flat beside the pier, there were several young men and women in windbreakers standing. One of them had a pretty face, but With a hint of indifference, what is a bit surprising is that there is a ferocious scar on the right side of her neck, extending from her neck to the inside of her chest, and its length is hidden by her clothes.

The woman's shoulder-length hair is not dyed red, but a real natural red.

Standing with her was a middle-aged man and a young girl.

"What's the point of calling me out so late? I'm in a hurry to go back for dinner." The red-haired woman said calmly.

"Aisaro, it's been more than half a year since I got your sisters involved in this chaos, right?" the middle-aged man whispered, with a hint of guilt on his face. "If I hadn't met you back then, maybe you would still have lived quietly in that town."

"What's the use of talking about this now?" Aisharo said calmly, "Just say what you want to say."

The man's face became more and more guilty. He hesitated for a while, which made the other girl next to him unable to stand it.

"Let me speak." The girl stood up and spoke. This girl looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, but the look and temperament in her eyes was as profound as an old man's.

"We are both members of the Red Moon Blood Clan. We hope to use your relationship to contact the human organization Holy Fist Palace and make a contribution to our Ming Party." The girl spoke unceremoniously and seemed to take it for granted.

"Contact the Holy Fist Palace?" Aisharo frowned.

"Yes, your sister is under the protection of the Holy Fist Palace forces. You should have a good relationship with them. If you can contact them to join our force, I, as a Red Moon blood clan, can make an exception and pray for you to become a blood clan." The girl seemed to be talking about how glorious it was to be given a place in the vampire clan.

Aisharo frowned. He ignored her and looked directly at the middle-aged man.

"Preeto, is this what you mean?"

Prieto smiled bitterly. They came to Portugal and had been away from the secret party in the United States for several weeks, and now they officially joined a joint organization of the secret party. The organization is centered on two high-ranking vampires of the Ming Party, who secretly hide against the Secret Party.

"Our strength is too weak now. We really need your help to contact us. Then we will go to the United States together."

"It's no problem to contact you, but I can't guarantee that they will give you face and agree to cooperate."

"It doesn't matter, we will take over the discussion when the time comes." The vampire girl said confidently.


Snow mountain peak

Holy Fist Palace

Snow was flying, and the entire Holy Fist Palace building surface was covered with a thick layer of white.

Garen was sitting in a room on the far right near the cliff, sitting in front of a desk, slowly writing something in a black notebook with a pen.

The room was gorgeously decorated, all decorated in white and platinum. There was a roaring fire in the fireplace, exuding a touch of warmth and raising the temperature of the entire room.

There are sofas, bookshelves, single beds, and a black ultra-thin TV hanging on the wall.

The floor is smooth white marble and extremely clean.

Gallon sat in front of a desk that he had brought from Berlin, untouched at all.

The black notebook placed under his hand gave people a vague and weird feeling at this time. If someone carefully wanted to see clearly the appearance and contents of the notebook, they would feel a slight dizziness. Once moved, It opens the eyes, but it has a natural attraction, pulling people's spirit to focus on the past.

The sound of rustling notes slowly echoed in the room.

On Garen's masked face, the only intact left eye now had a hint of gold.

He didn't know how long it took, but he slowly put down his pen, closed his eyes and rested for a while, then closed the strange notebook.

"I've recorded the true meaning of the Holy Phoenix Scripture, but it's still a little bit short." He whispered, as if talking to himself.

‘You still lack some deep understanding. If you can understand the Holy Phoenix Manual at a deeper level, you may be able to speed up the formation of the magic book. ’ Hesas suggested.

Garen nodded slightly.

The Holy Phoenix Scripture is divided into three levels and nine major and minor realms. But if he wants to deepen this practice method, he must study the compatibility issue with the Cold Hell Peacock Kung Fu he is currently practicing.

So far, Garen is still exploring his own path. The Peacock Skill can be proven to reach the legion level, but he lacks training materials and resources. As for the Holy Phoenix Scripture, he doesn't know how far he can go in the future, and he can even see that it is a path of inevitable destruction, but it will help him condense his soul seeds.

‘It’s a choice you need to make. ’ Hesas whispered, ‘The soul seed is what strengthens your soul, and there is no guarantee that the Holy Phoenix Manual will not have the resources you need. Another thing is that if you don’t have the resources required for the Cold Hell Peacock Skill, you won’t be able to advance. It is better to practice the Holy Phoenix Scripture first. Wait until it is incompatible before considering it. Your most important thing now is to increase the strength of the soul seed. This is your foundation. ’

"Indeed." Garen nodded, no longer hesitating.

The grimoire has almost been written, and everything he has learned is recorded in it, including the Holy Phoenix Scripture that he just obtained. It was supposed to successfully form the second soul seed, but because his understanding of the Holy Phoenix Scripture was not deep enough, he always couldn't. It's the last thread missing.

He took a look at his current status attributes.

Gallon Thomas.

Power 7. Agile 7. Physique 10. Intelligence 11. Potential 7966%. Soul limit 30.

Soul Seed: Northern Halberdier's Cold Flame True Water Evil Technique. ’

‘Void Stalker: The inheritor of the ancient Yindu civilization, and the void race have been sworn enemies for generations. He has the innate ability to heal and strengthen himself by seizing the core of void creatures. That is the gifted power eternally given by the mysterious power of Guyinduo. ’

'Cold Hell Peacock Kung Fu: The first level of entry (there are five basic levels, three derived levels, and eight levels of full power). Each level of the skill will purify one's own bloodline and gradually move closer to the cold hell peacock physique. Finally, Achieve the highest form of Cold Hell Peacock King, the limit is legion level. ’

Seven-star secret point: fifth level (the limit is seven levels)

‘Violin Mastery: Second, Mastery Level. (Three levels in total)’

‘The Killing Hand: Level One. ’

Looking away, Garen was a little disappointed that the five masks he got had only accumulated so few attributes for so long.

Fortunately, after the martial arts exchange meeting, Hosiman, Dam and the newly taught Sith and other disciples and students all left the Holy Fist Palace to find a new mask for Garen. Among them, Dam went to the Memphis jungle, the moon. The sixth mask where the river is located has been away for several days, and I don't know what the situation is now.

Standing up from the desk, Garen looked at the falling snow outside the window, feeling suddenly at a loss for some reason.

In this reincarnation, he is still pursuing the power to strengthen himself. Therefore, he was involved in the history of the huge war between the void creatures and the ancient Yinduo civilization. Under Nadia's constant pressing crisis, he had to keep looking for a way forward.

However, the resources in this world are too scarce and are simply not enough to meet the training requirements of top secret martial arts. So that he could only stop moving forward and condense the second soul seed through another self-created method.

If he can truly practice the Cold Hell Peacock Technique, his progress in condensing soul seeds will definitely be much faster, and various subsequent related inheritances will even be activated. This will not be the case for soul seeds and even the subsequent true spirit stage information. At a loss.

Hesas can't help him much in this regard. Each Secret Martial Arts of Life and Secret Martial Arts of Death is an extremely complex and complete system that contains part of the truth of the universe, and cannot be created casually.

There are seemingly tens of thousands of paths to these top secret martial arts, and you can reach an extremely high level by just choosing one. But none of them start with caution. Those seemingly complicated or simple steps, if modified slightly, may lead to extremely serious consequences, including serious injury, hemiplegia, disability or even death.

Every step of these secret martial arts is the correct path that you have learned after countless attempts and painful lessons.

The material resources required for practice are also necessary.

Compared with those conditional environments with sufficient resources. Garen's current situation is that he is eating plain rice with no oil or water, and just wants to grow a strong body with gnarled muscles.

The same goes for top secret martial arts. If they want to transcend the ordinary, they naturally need more and better resources. And these are simply not available in this world.

The training materials for Cold Prison Peacock Kung Fu are like searching for dry sand piles in the sea.

Therefore, without the resources and materials needed for practice, Jia Long did not dare to continue practicing the Cold Prison Peacock Technique.

‘What are you going to do about Tu Lan? ’ Hesas asked in a low voice.

Tulan Wellington, who escaped after injuring Xixi, is now quickly approaching the territory of other families of the Camarilla. If he is not dealt with quickly and allows him to escape into the territory of other families, it may trigger a larger-scale war.

After the destruction of the Wellington family, the entire northern United States has become the territory of the Holy Fist Palace. It also includes several small and medium-sized countries covered by AG and Dark Witches. These are all alliance turf.

Now the Blood Clan is still busy encircling and suppressing the Ming Party. After the last battle, the other families know that it is impossible for ordinary forces to take down the Lightless Alliance, so they have to stop their activities. It is estimated that the plan is to first stabilize the internal situation and then completely unite as a force to deal with external hostile forces.

"We have collected almost all the information about Tu Lan. She should have returned to Mindesa State by now. It is one of the branches of the Camarilla Blood Alliance. I will go there myself." Gallon said calmly.

Xixi was seriously injured, and there was no way the debt could be settled. There are also those people from the Baili Group who are mixed up with the Original Color Group. It’s time to deal with it.

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