Mysterious journey

Chapter 728 After the War 1

During the battle between the Death Apostles of the Holy Fist, some people said they saw the aftermath of the battle from a distance, and some countries used military satellite monitoring to detect powerful surface changes, but all information was naturally blocked.

Only those who are deeply involved in it can know the core things.

Garon of the Holy Fist Palace pursued Tulan Wellington. Tulan was promoted to a Dead Apostle on the way, and besieged Garon with the Wellington family leader, but was easily defeated by him. In the end, if the No. 1 Dead Apostle had not intervened, the two of them would have been completely defeated there.

This news came from within the Vampire Clan.

Wanwan himself was out of trouble, and the First Dead Apostle personally acknowledged this fact. As the strongest Dead Apostle, if he hadn't personally taken action, the outcome of this battle would have been unpredictable.

As soon as this news came out, the world was shocked.

The entire vampire clan was shocked, whether it was the Secret Party or the Ming Party. Various investigations into the Holy Fist Palace were quickly launched, and a lot of manpower and material resources were invested in trying to find out the real reason why this organization could become so powerful in just a few years.

Technological means and mysterious means were all used.

Rumors about the supreme boxing skills of the Holy Fist Palace finally began to spread, spreading throughout the inner world. As long as you master the supreme boxing skills of the Holy Fist Palace, you will be able to obtain terrifying combat power that is as tyrannical as the vampires.

Such rumors and legends are finally becoming more and more true.

The secret party failed to suppress it. After the once strongest number one dead disciple escaped from trouble, the two parties finally sat down at the negotiating table again. Both parties ceased their activities. Under the huge pressure from the Holy Fist Palace and the wizard, they were finally no longer as good as each other. So merciless before.

Although the fighting is still going on, it is no longer as fierce as it was at the beginning.

Jia Long, on the other hand, took Tu Lan and others directly to the headquarters of Baili Group, only to find that the building was already empty. Just as he was preparing to go to the Original Color Headquarters, he immediately received an invitation letter from them. The person in charge of the Holy Fist Palace had been captured and would soon be sent to the Fighting Club for trial and compensation.

Before facing the Holy Fist Palace, which is so huge that it can overwhelm the strength of the vampire clan, even the original color has to consider the possible price to pay for becoming an enemy.

At this time, the fighting club's power network also began to grow larger and larger. After the second batch of students left, this huge power network connected every point in the world, like mushrooms after a rain, with a large number of tops popping up. Come.

After the Death Apostle War, Garen's reputation as the Fist Saint of the Holy Fist Palace has gradually reached a supreme level, and some good people have already ranked him with the first Death Apostle of the Vampire Clan.

Although most people don't know the details of the specific battle, being able to defeat the two Dead Apostles who joined forces and was finally forced to retreat by Bai Wan has shown Garen's extremely powerful power.


Holy Fist Palace

Snow capped the entire palace.

At night, in the deserted martial arts performance hall, the flat black marble floor can even reflect the appearance of people.

Garen sat in a high position in the hall, with his prisoner Tu Lan standing behind him.

In front of him, on both sides of the hall, stood the top brass of the Fighting Club and Nighthawk.

Dam, Hosiman, Quentin, Seidon, Ning Ruoxi, Nighthawk's bald head, and the second batch of Sith.

Each of these people was vigorous and vigorous, and each reported the situation they were responsible for in accordance with the old rules.

It was Sedon who was speaking.

"Recently, as many as 423 people have been captured trying to steal my Holy Fist Martial Arts. Most of them are spies from various governments. They are probably either appointed by the vampires or are ambitious. Since the battle between the teacher and the Death Apostle, Our reputation and status in the inner world have also been completely stabilized. Although the overall power is still not as good as that of the vampires and wizards, and the gap is far behind. However, in terms of high-end strategic deterrence, with teachers sitting in charge, no one dares to underestimate us. Under these conditions. , everything is rapidly developing and getting better.”

"What's the current situation between the two vampire parties?" Garen nodded and asked calmly.

Seidon bowed slightly and stepped back to the right.

Quentin on the left stood up and reported.

"As for the inside of the Vampire Clan, we have learned from the Vampire Clan insiders we have controlled during this period that the situation between the two parties has greatly eased. Although there are still bloody conflicts, the casualties are much less than before. Presumably most of the reasons come from Our threat. In addition, as for wizards, AG announced a retreat in the Han Lado Mountain in Asia. However, on that day, the dark witches were attacked by the vampires, and three important branches were pulled out. It should be the battle between the radicals in the vampires against Wellington. revenge. I suggest that we should also be prepared for the possible counterattack of the vampires."

"This is natural." Garen affirmed, "Dam, have you made the specific itinerary for the sleepless face I need?"

Dam quickly stood up and nodded.

"It has been arranged. We will set off for the Memphis Forest tomorrow. We have sent people to the Moon River there to conduct surveys. Preliminary judgment has determined several possible locations."

"I'll report the good news as soon as possible."


"Also, I heard that you joined the national security department and took up a position?" Garen himself usually does not interfere in the affairs between countries, but Dam's own family is a powerful political family, so it is natural for him to join it and get a position.

"A special department, a newly established special response bureau, with me as the official director." Damm replied respectfully. As the martial arts became more and more sophisticated, both he and Hossiman felt more and more deeply that they were becoming powerful too fast, and they could not be used at all. It was abnormal, not just him, but everyone whose soul was planted by Garen progressed incredibly fast.

Obviously, the only explanation for this is that the root cause is Garen, who used some method to make everyone improve and strengthen with him.

After gaining this understanding, after a period of exploration, both Dam and Hosiman gradually understood that they seemed to be moving forward with the strength of Garonne. Not mostly through one’s own efforts.

After gaining this understanding, the two of them finally had to let go of the little thoughts they had about the Holy Fist Palace.

Naturally, there is also the reason why Garen does not compete with his subordinates for power at all. Almost all power is delegated to the subordinates. Apart from practicing penance and occasionally going out to resolve disputes a few times, Garen himself has no power at all and does not care about his subordinates. How people fight for power.

In this way, the focus of the two people naturally shifted to competing with each other. One of their boxing methods is Yinjiquan, and the other is Yangjiquan. They are divided into two poles of Water Bird Fist, and they naturally dislike each other.

Recently, Hosiman finally managed to capture his beloved cousin, and he was even more furious when he learned that Dam sent someone to send her away.

The fight between the two also began to gradually escalate.

"There is also the seventh mask, Hosiman. Do you have any clues there?" Gallon turned to look at Hosiman beside him.

"We already have some clues." Hossiman nodded, "According to the informant's information, the seventh mask is probably in the hands of Kabu, chairman of Baili Group. I have issued a wanted order to fully hunt Kabu and his assistant Mei. Dis. However, there has been no news from the two of them since some time ago. It is possible that they hid in advance after hearing the news. "

"In this regard, you can go to the Dark Witch Guild. Isn't the representative they sent for help arriving soon?" Garen nodded. "You go and talk to them about the specific support."

"Okay." Hoseman is now one of the permanent directors of the world's largest economic federation. Unlike Dam, he takes an economic route, and his influence is also growing.

Even for the bimonthly meeting at the Holy Fist Palace, I have to squeeze in time, and my schedule is densely packed on weekdays.

The next Sith stepped forward and began to report on the development of the fighting society, some needs, and the benefits and support that could be provided to the Holy Fist Palace.

The entire fighting club has developed and now has three large hotel chains, five private banks, and a media group distributed in several countries. This is a direct organization. Indirect organizations, that is, the forces held by members are spread over more than 30 countries and can influence the political power and economy of more than a dozen small and medium-sized countries. However, their influence on large countries is far from enough. That is the domain of vampires and wizards.

But even so, the annual net income of Holy Fist Palace is around 30 billion euros. This is still the first year of development.

The wealth recorded in Gallon's name is over 100 billion, which is a jaw-dropping figure.

Even Garen himself was startled when he heard it. He didn't expect that his wealth would develop so quickly. He only understood it after listening carefully to Sith's report on the reasons. Most of this wealth is half-sold and half-gifted by other forces, mainly to build relationships with fighting societies. Coupled with the support of the influence of members from all over the country, the development speed is even more amazing.

A month has passed since the battle with the Death Apostles.

In fact, only one year has passed since the establishment and integration of the Holy Fist Palace, and it has developed into such a huge monster in just one year.

Tu Lan, who was standing behind Jia Long, also looked shocked.

Listening to the reports from the powerful aura personnel below, she couldn't hide the shock in her heart.

Not only are the abilities of each of these reporting personnel extraordinary, but the weakest among them are middle-ranking vampires, and there are actually three upper-level vampires. This kind of power has far exceeded that of ordinary veteran vampire families, reaching the level of The level of the Death Apostle family.

And this has developed in just a few years.

Garen didn't seem to worry that the information she heard below would be leaked. He had no intention of hiding it and just let her listen on the sidelines.

Is it because of the absolute suppression of strength?

Tu Lan bit her lip.

"Palace Master, Miss Vivien is here to say that Mr. Emma and Ms. Therese would like to meet you." Suddenly, a voice of inquiry came from below.

Suddenly, the entire martial arts hall fell silent.

Garen sat on the high seat and was silent for a while.

"Reply her and I'll go back tomorrow morning."

"Okay." A subordinate below bowed slightly and stepped back.

"That's it for today's regular meeting. Xixi stays." Garen said calmly.

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