Mysterious journey

Chapter 732 Change 1

Tsk tsk tsk!

Three consecutive streaks of blood light suddenly appeared, and the three giant beasts exploded with a bang, turning into three groups of blood mist and flying away.

Dam wiped off the blood on his face and rushed towards the other team members around him like lightning. Only the elite team members were still struggling with the giant beast at this time, while the others had already been severely injured or swept into the water.

Bang bang bang bang! !

Amidst several consecutive violent explosions, giant beasts exploded and turned into blood mist.

Damm rescued the tour guide and another team member who had been swept in from the water, and the sound of machine guns roared.

Only then did everyone see clearly what the giant beast in the water looked like.

It was a giant black beast that resembled a hippopotamus, but their heads also had two horns like buffaloes. The body is about three meters long and looks like a giant hippopotamus.

Moreover, there is a huge crocodile-like tail behind their bodies, which is covered with scales and looks extremely scary.

But these giant beasts were like chickens waiting to be slaughtered under Dam's hands, one at a time, and soon they suffered heavy casualties, more than twenty of them were killed in a row.

Roar! ! !

Suddenly, the soil behind Dam suddenly opened up, and a huge black beast with a height of five meters suddenly came out and pounced on Dam's back. The speed is like a huge black wave, and the black soil and dead branches and leaves stirred up bring a strong rotten smell.

Dam turned around suddenly, just in time to see the giant beast pounce down, and his eyes were suddenly filled with the entire body of the giant beast.

His pupils tightened, and he saw a strange mask embedded in the belly of the giant beast. That mask looks so familiar! !


call! !

A strong gust of wind blew by, and Garen appeared on the high seat in the living room and sat down slowly.

On the seat on the right below, there is a white man and woman sitting in white gauze. His eyebrows are dotted with a little cinnabar, which seems to be very similar to the Indian style.

On the left seat were two subordinates from AG, both young witches wearing tight black skirts.

The mask Garen was wearing had turned completely silver for some unknown reason, and the densely packed small eyes on his forehead looked more and more vivid.

Through the eyes of the mask, he quietly glanced down at both sides.

"How is AG's retreat? It seems to be going well?" Garen said in a low voice.

"Lord Holy Fist, Lord AG's retreat is currently going well. The reason why we came here this time is to hope that the Holy Fist Palace will assist me in the Dark Witch Guild." The leading witch stood up and answered solemnly.

"As for the assistance, for the sake of AG, I can agree. You and Hosiman can negotiate the arrangements for dispatching forces. In addition, in exchange, I also need some help from you in exchange." Garen nodded lightly, actually He had never been on good terms with Nesera, the leader of the dark witches, so it was naturally impossible for him to help for free.

"We are now in a relatively balanced state with the vampires. Breaking the deadlock first may lead to unpredictable consequences." Garon turned his eyes to the other side, to the white representative from the main force of the witches.

"Then, you claim to be here on behalf of the Witches Association and declare your purpose."

The white man draped in white gauze stood up with a smile. He bowed to Garen calmly and clasped his hands together.

"I come here with the friendship of the Lion Mother. Maybe Lord Holy Fist needs my Lord's help."

"Oh?" Garen was slightly surprised. "Tell me, what help do I need?"

The white man did not answer, but gently touched his right eye with his hand.

Garen narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Is there any way you can restore my eyes?"

"It's not me, it's my Lord." The white man bowed his head and said respectfully.

Garen fell silent, seeming to be thinking about something.

"Is there any way you can prove that you can have this ability?" He spoke slowly after a long time.

Even Hesas was powerless. For the Mother of Lions in this world, the level of this kind of injury was beyond her imagination.

Nine-Headed Dragon King Nadia's injuries are not easy to treat.

And the most important point is that you must have made a lot of preparations to take the initiative to treat his injuries, so in exchange, the other party must have a lot to offer.

The only person in this world that Garen is afraid of now is the first dead disciple, Bai Wan, and the rest are just ants. Only paleness can threaten him. But this is a force on the vampire side, and he really doesn't have much contact with witches and wizards. There is also a lack of understanding of their methods.

When the white man heard Garen's question, he smiled slightly, took out a white lotus as white as snow from his arms, and gently tossed it, and the white lotus immediately turned and flew towards Garen.

Gently catching the flying lotus, Garen took a deep breath and felt that his mouth and nose were filled with a strong fragrance, giving people a feeling of relaxation and joy. And the most important thing was that his right eye actually felt a slight pain, which made him feel terrified.

"The Lord hopes that if your injury can be cured, the Holy Fist Palace and the Vampire Clan can coexist peacefully and non-aggression. This world can no longer withstand more bloodshed."

There was a look of compassion in the white man's eyes, and Garen could see that it was not a disguise, but a real feeling.

"A ceasefire? I don't have any objection, but I'm afraid the vampires won't be willing to do so." Garen said calmly.

His overall strength is far weaker than that of the Vampires, so a truce is naturally only good for him and he will definitely not refuse.

"On the vampire side, naturally there is a master who will come forward to persuade." The white man nodded. "In addition, the Lord has one more request as a cure for your eyes."

"Oh? What's the request? Come and hear it." Garen remained calm. For the Mother of Lions, the only Death Apostle-level existence among the witches, it was obviously not ordinary for the entire vampire race to be able to do nothing against her. Role. Even the other party's method was able to have some effect on the injuries caused by Nadia, which was obviously beyond his expectation.

"My lord, I hope you can stop collecting sleepless faces." The white man bowed his head and said respectfully.

The atmosphere instantly became a little heavy, and Garen's body exuded a trace of depressive aura. This aura was so powerful that the hearts of the people below felt as if they were wearing a set of heavy shackles, and they felt a little breathless.

The white man seemed to remain calm and continued with his head lowered. "The Sleepless Face is the source of trouble and will bring endless disasters to the world. I hope Lord Holy Fist can give up collecting it."

The atmosphere became more and more solemn. Garen sat motionless in his high position, just staring calmly at the white man. It was clear that the other man's heart was suppressed by his courage, and even breathing seemed difficult, but he still insisted on standing in the hall without changing his expression. In the middle, he remained still and maintained etiquette.

This seems to be supported by a will similar to faith.

"Let's wait until your master can heal my right eye." Garen finally spoke slowly, and the strong sense of depression finally slowly dissipated the moment he spoke.

"I will convey your message." The white man bowed his head and said respectfully.

After the representatives of the Witch Guild and the Lion Mother left, the living room of the Holy Fist Palace fell into silence again.

Horseman and Quentin come out of the corner.

"Teacher, the main body of witches represented by the Lion Mother has always regarded themselves as defenders of world peace. They are all pitiful and merciful. They have come to tell me all before, which is very annoying. I am afraid that this visit is not just a simple cease-fire persuasion." Quentin frowned and said, as the person in charge of intelligence now, she also has a certain understanding of the main body of the witch's power, the largest backstage lion mother.

"This group of people have been pretending to save the world all day long, but in fact they have no idea what their purpose is behind the scenes. They can't be trusted easily." Hossiman also nodded slightly.

Garen tapped his fingers on the armrest of the seat, seeming to be thinking slightly.

"I know."

The collection of Sleepless Faces is impossible to stop. This mask can not only provide him with potential points, but also block Nadia's coordinate aura coming here. No matter what, it is a secret treasure that must be collected.

It's just that the Lion Mother's mysterious method can actually affect the injury to her right eye, which makes Garen feel a little alarmed. He turned the white lotus in his hand. The trace of breath just now was gone. The flower now was just the most ordinary white lotus.

The little feeling I had in my right eye has disappeared again.

"Mother of Lions." Garen sniffed the lotus, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.


Outside Holy Fist Palace

The white man slowly advanced on the mountain road going down the mountain, passed the outermost gate of the Holy Fist Palace, smiled at the two guards guarding the door, and then walked down the steps gently and quickened his pace.

After walking a long distance, he turned back and looked at the Holy Fist Palace from a distance.

The white spire palace is towering and precipitous inlaid on the top of the snow peak. It looks like a legendary mythical holy land. Outside the palace gate, groups of people wearing cloaks enter the palace gate one after another and hand over passes. One by one, these groups, They are all students who have been selected from various places and brought to the Holy Fist Palace for training. They are either from the fighting club or from Nighthawk. Each one of them has strong Qi and blood. Even in this icy and snowy weather, they give people a sense of security. A feeling of strength and lightness.

What surprised the white people even more was that on their way down the mountain from the Holy Fist Palace, halfway up the mountain, they actually encountered a group of pure vampires and vampires coming to meet them. The aura on them seemed to have undergone some strange changes. It was stronger than before, but also weirder.

"The Lord is right, the Holy Fist Palace is the source of all turmoil." The white man raised his head and looked at the gray sky. The unimaginable sense of depression and the faint thunder flowing through the clouds further accentuated the feeling. There is a huge momentum here!

Whether human or vampire, the tentacles of the Holy Fist of the Holy Fist Palace are continuously spreading to some corners of the world. And this spreading trend is still accelerating.

An inexplicable sense of panic suddenly arose in the white man's heart.

He recalled the people he had met since coming down the mountain, whether they were vampires or humans. Deep in the eyes of these people, there was a strange sense of fanaticism, which was an absolute reverence and yearning for the Holy Fist Palace.

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