Mysterious journey

Chapter 736 Clues 3

"We vampires are already immortal, why do we need that mask?" the Dead Apostle woman, one of the Blood Globes, asked impatiently.

"Of course, this is not attractive to us vampires, so no one collects this mask." The Lion Mother said lightly, "But, for ordinary humans, having eternal life and not dying is already the greatest desires and desires.”

"You mean, the Holy Fist Palace is collecting this mask?" Dead Apostle Hongyue asked in a low voice.

"Holy Fist Palace!" The sound of gnashing teeth came from the first ball of blood. Wellington was one of the vampires who was deeply persecuted by Galen. He was even more impressed by this. If Bai Bai hadn't arrived in time, he might have been killed continuously that day. He tortured and killed him until he left there and was resurrected from his own bloodline. The most important thing is that the pain of being tortured and killed, being smashed into meat paste all of a sudden, that kind of severe pain, made him have a psychological shadow on a human being for the first time.

"So, the legend of the mask is true?" Hongyue asked lightly.

"It's true." The Lion Mother nodded. "As far as I know, the Holy Fist Palace has collected six masks. If you collect a total of twelve complete masks, you can unlock the final mask body. Once you put on the original mask, it is likely that Galleon will be transformed into the one that once appeared. The original vampire."

"The First Vampire?" None of the Dead Apostles understood very well this time.

"The Mask of the Sleepless Face is said to be the mask that originally created the ancestor of the blood race, but this is just a legend. I once knew that this mask does have some strange effects. The Sleepless Face can make people completely immune to any hallucinations. It interferes with the extraordinary power of dreams. This is why it is truly called the Sleepless Face."

"In other words, once he gets this mask, he will probably become a vampire, and he will also be completely immune to our dream interference and hallucination effects. If we want to deal with him, we can only do it in the ordinary material world? !" The female Death Apostle's voice became sharp.

"Damn it!! Doing it in the material world? Do you know how perverted that monster is in the material world?" Wellington screamed.

"Don't be anxious. In fact, there is something more important that I haven't finished talking about yet." The Mother of Lions shook her head.

"What's more important?!" Wellington wanted to shout, but was stopped by the female Death Apostle on the side.

"I guess that once Garen becomes the ancestor of the vampire clan, he will probably have the ability to track the dreams of the Dead Apostles."

As soon as these words came out, the entire cave fell silent.

No one spoke, and several Dead Apostles were shocked by the danger of these words.

After a long time, Hongyue slowly spoke.

"If it really does have this effect, why haven't so many people tried to find it?"

"Because I am the only one who knows this secret," the Lion Mother replied calmly. "I have been alive for so long that I can't remember how long. I also forgot where I learned this secret, but do you really think that no one has looked for it?"

"In 1871, a countess in Europe had collected five masks, but she eventually died while searching for the sixth mask. In 1544, King Melsa of Greece sent an army to collect masks everywhere and got six. Again, it stops there. These are just some of the examples that I’ve been observing.”

She spoke calmly, as if historical events seemed to her like small things that happened not long ago.

"Everyone, almost everyone who collects masks, will stop at the number six. There are no exceptions. But..."

"But what?" I don't know which Dead Apostle asked, but no one cares about this now, and everyone's attention is focused on the Lion Mother.

"However, the Holy Fist Palace is probably the first existence to exceed this number." The Lion Mother whispered. "The seventh mask, the guardian from Moon River, has been killed."

"As far as I know, there are only six masks in Garen's hands including the one in Moon River, and it does not exceed this number." Hongyue said calmly.

"There is another one in someone else's hand." The words of the Lion Mother immediately caused several Dead Apostles to fall into silence.

"Are you really sure that the Sleepless Face can achieve the creation of the Ancestral Vampire Clan? And are you sure that the Ancestral Vampire Clan can locate our dreams?" the female Death Apostle asked sharply.

"All the bloodlines of your blood clan originate from the most ancient ancestor. It was the miracle of life created by human beings using black magic in their initial pursuit of immortality. In other words, it was a mutation. From the origin, I have studied it carefully. The ancestral bloodline should be able to sense the location of all bloodlines lower than its own. Maybe there will be a range, but it will definitely not be very small." The Mother of Lions answered.

"I need to go back and check the ancient books." Hong Yue's blood cells suddenly collapsed and scattered, and she left directly.

"I also need to go back and look for information." The female dead disciple whispered, "The Initial Eye of our clan's sacred weapon has stored a large amount of top-secret information for thousands of years, and I will definitely find some clues."

"I'm with you." Wellington also said.


The two groups of blood cells immediately collapsed and dissipated.

Calm returned to the cave again.

There was a hint of sadness in the eyes of the Lion Mother.

"The world is getting more and more chaotic. The Holy Fist Palace is the source of all turmoil." She murmured, and the look of compassion on her face became even stronger.


Garen sat cross-legged in the secret room.

In the darkness, the mask placed between his knees was continuously flowing out a large amount of potential points, turning into streams of cool air, pouring into his legs, along his waist, and flowing to his chest. Then pass through the neck and into the head.

Garen closed his eyes and looked at the attribute bar at the bottom of his field of vision. His potential points kept rising up one by one. Every time he saw such a scene, he felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

This feeling of growing stronger is so intoxicating.

I don't know how long it lasted, but the potential points in the mask slowly began to weaken. After a while, the potential breath became weaker and weaker, and finally only a little trickle remained, flowing continuously into the body.


Garen gently picked up the mask and placed it in the safe.

He looked at the attribute column.

The potential points have increased from 64 to 174. This mask provides him with no more than one hundred potential points, which is not too many among all masks, but it is just enough to satisfy his last point. Intellectual needs.

Without hesitation, Garen focused his attention directly on the intelligence column.

The intelligence has reached eleven points. As long as you advance one more point, you can return to the situation in the totem world period. When you reach twelve points, you can obtain the special abilities and dual skills generated by the accumulation of attributes.

In an instant, the potential points were reduced by one hundred points. There are still 74 points left, and the intelligence has increased from 11 points to 12 points.

Garen's body, sitting cross-legged on the ground, suddenly shook violently. He felt that there seemed to be some kind of lightness in his body. Just a slight increase in intelligence gave him the illusion that his whole body was so light that he was flying.

He raised his hand and thrust forward.

Tsk! !

There was an explosion in the air in front of him. Two white air blades appeared out of thin air and flew out fiercely. They hit the wall of the secret room twice and actually cut two deep knives on the metal wall. mark.

"Double skills, on the basis of my all-out explosion, and one more level, I can activate this state."

This feeling is very strange, as if I could only explode with all my strength originally, but now it has one more layer. On the basis of the all-out explosion, it seems that I can still have the energy to explode one more time.

Standing up from the ground, Garen took off the mask on his face and replaced it with an intact one. This mask had been slightly damaged in the previous fight with Bai Bai.

"The double technique was successful. The next step is to collect the remaining masks with all our strength." Garen had a clear goal in his mind. "No matter what Nadia's conspiracy is, as long as the masks are collected, we can isolate the coordinates of her arrival and completely eliminate possible dangers."


Baili Group Headquarters

19th floor, Meile Building


The originally spacious lobby on the floor was kicked open, and teams of heavily armed special police officers in black rushed in quickly, followed by a series of 'safety' signals that kept ringing in the communicator.

The entire 19th floor is filled with desks and computer chairs that have not been used for a long time. The remaining documents are scattered everywhere. In front of the open window, a few documents that have fallen on the ground are still beaten. Wet marks.

On the entire nineteenth floor, which is enough to accommodate hundreds of people working together, there is not a single person there.

More than a dozen special police officers rushed in and stood guard at key points.

Then Seidon strode in wearing a black trench coat, followed closely by two capable men, one man and one woman.

He had a cigarette in his mouth, but didn't light it. He glanced sharply at the entire floor.

"It seems that this place has been abandoned. Baili Group is really decisive." He took off his cigarette and said calmly.

"Boss, the airport and train station will definitely be able to trace the whereabouts of the core members of the Baili Group." The woman behind him said calmly.

"Someone is already working on it. It's probably done now." Before he finished speaking, Seidon suddenly turned his eyes. He didn't know when a silver pistol appeared in his hand. Without even looking at it, he just walked towards the window. aim.


Bang bang! !

Almost at the same time, three gunshots rang out at the same time.

From the direction outside the window on the floor, two gunshots suddenly sounded, and two sniper bullets were fired instantly.

The wall was punched through, and the window glass was punched through, leaving two clear round holes. The bullets shot at Sedon like lightning, and from two separate angles, he almost felt that he could not avoid it.

At this moment, the bullets he raised also flew out at the same time, hitting one of the sniper bullets with amazing accuracy. The two bullets deflected to the right and shot out with a clanging sound. On the side wall and water dispenser.

Seidon poofed and clutched his left shoulder. Still unable to avoid it, he was hit by a gunshot and a cloud of scarlet blood exploded.

His face turned pale instantly. The opponent used armor-piercing bullets and anti-material sniper rifles! Almost immediately, a hole was punched through his shoulder, leaving no room for resistance.

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