Mysterious journey

Chapter 741 Undercurrent 2

This was an entertainment gathering after the Asian Financial Summit to which Hoseman was invited. The cruise ship was provided by a financial tycoon in Asia. He always attended such financial gatherings on behalf of his family. As the first heir of the family's property, he was as popular as a beauty, handsome and talented in the eyes of the beauties at the gathering. , worth a lot of money, can be regarded as the most typical single diamond king.

There are many girls who are willing to interact with him.

There are also many lesser business tycoons who want to get in touch with him. Even in this continent-wide business gathering, without revealing the identity of Hosiman's Holy Fist Palace, just the status of his family is one of the best among them. Only a few people can compare with him in terms of status. .

While casually chatting and joking with the two ladies, Hossiman was also slightly distracted by the news reports coming from his earphones.

Asia is not only the place where the seventh mask is located, but also intelligence shows that this is also the area where the eighth and ninth masks are scattered. After spending a lot of energy and connections for this, Hoseman obtained a rough sea area, which may be where the two masks were originally Drop location. He quickly mobilized family manpower and began a large-scale offshore search.

In the world of ordinary people, he, Horseman, is just the first heir of a large American business family and a top student in a world-famous school. Even if he succeeds in the extraordinary world and achieves a high-level reputation for strength, for ordinary people To put it bluntly, even some powerful business tycoons are unlikely to be able to reach his level.

After all, there are too few existences in the extraordinary world. There may not be more than 10,000 witches in the entire United States. There may be even fewer in Europe. The number of vampires is already small, and witches have geographical restrictions. They cannot leave their ancestral home, otherwise their power will be greatly reduced.

As for those top martial arts masters who are hidden in the world, they are not the kind of lunatics who pursue the ultimate in martial arts. They cannot reach the level of breaking through the limits of the human body in a human body, and they will not waste boring time on fighting.

This results in the fact that the entire circle of the extraordinary world is not known to more than 90% of the world's people. Many people only have a rough feeling that the water inside is very deep, but they shy away from touching it out of fear. Only those with great influence can truly access this circle.

In normal times, some mysterious events around the world are caused by this circle. Most people in the world have an ostrich mentality. Coupled with witchcraft such as memory cleaning and the human control technology of the vampires, memory erasure almost makes it even more difficult. The vampires are almost out of touch with the world.

Every time he thought about this, Hossiman felt as if he was suddenly separated from another world. A moment ago, he was running around for the Holy Fist Palace and worried about the vampire raid. At this moment, it was as if he had suddenly returned to the carefree life he once had as an ordinary person.

Beauty, wine, food, gambling, drugs, sex, surfing, bungee jumping, black boxing, raising all kinds of extremely dangerous pets as bragging rights, etc., etc., all kinds of exciting, you can play whatever you want.

This was his life, depraved and aimless, full of corruption and enjoyment.

And now.

Hossiman stretched out his right hand and shook it gently. He truly felt that a powerful and powerful force was constantly circulating in his body.

"This is what I want"

As if nothing had happened, he continued to chat with the two tycoon's daughters with a calm expression. Occasionally, envious glances would come from around him, and some people would point at them from a distance to introduce their identities to their nephews.

"I heard that Mr. Horseman once inspected Kato Trading Company. I wonder what impression he has of my father's group?" The speaker was a girl in a red dress walking from the other side. He was arrogant, with curly black hair spread over his shoulders, and an elite diamond pendant on his fair neck.

Hossiman looked at the other person carefully and immediately recognized the other person's identity.

Kato Trading Company's eldest daughter, Mune Teriko, Kato Trading Company is a world-class financial group. It is also one of the top 100 top groups in Asia and the world. It is a behemoth that can be compared with the original color, Lessardi and other groups, and its fields span Multiple industries and countless assets.

Such a big shot did not expect to come to this Asian summit, which made Hossiman slightly surprised. Munekariko's identity is even more dazzling than that of his family. He had not been seen before. He had obviously just boarded the ship, or he had stayed in the room and did not come out.

After thinking for a moment, Hosiman considered answering the other party's question.

"It turned out to be Miss Soteriko, Kato Trading Company, which really impressed me very much, especially the management with a very clear hierarchical system, which is worth learning from."

The other two women were slightly surprised when they heard the girl's identity, and they took the initiative to say goodbye and leave.

Only two people were left standing on the side of the ship talking.

"It seems that Mr. Hossiman has a good impression of my father's group. Maybe we will have opportunities to cooperate with each other." Sokariko smiled.

"What do you mean?" Hossiman frowned slightly.

Zongeriko looked at the man in front of her. He was handsome, confident, strong and dangerous. She was obviously a black belt in karate, but she always felt an inexplicable sense of crisis in front of this person, as if she were standing in front of a ferocious beast.

It is said that Hoseman once killed a polar bear with his bare hands. It seems that the information is indeed true.

After restraining her mind, Zongerizi admired Hosiman even more. If she had to choose marriage, she would prefer to choose the man in front of her who was more powerful than her.

"I heard that you are looking for a set of ancient masks lost in this area?" Lizi asked softly. "In terms of search, my family may be able to help you with ocean vessels. Of course, manpower is not a problem either."

"Oh?" Hossiman raised his eyebrows. Now everyone in the Holy Fist Palace knows that Garen is looking for the Mask of Sleepless Face. Everyone is mobilizing their own strength to find the mask. In this case, he can only rely on his own strength to search. Whoever finds the mask first will send it to him. , it is said that you will get the martial arts personally taught by the boxing master, and at least you will be rewarded with extending your life and strengthening your body.

It is said that Damu was rewarded last time. The injured skin all over his body also took on a new look in a short period of time, becoming whiter and more delicate. After examination with medical equipment, it was found that his body functions were much stronger than before. The estimated maximum life span has also been extended by a full ten years, which means that the life span has been extended by ten years.

Curing illnesses and strengthening the body has attracted the hearts of many big shots who suffer from old illnesses. In addition, Shengquan personally teaches martial arts, which has also attracted the hearts of many people who pursue strength.

Suddenly there were many more people searching for masks.

"What do you mean?" Hossiman knew that it was impossible to give without reason.

"We hope to get your support in our North American business." Zongerizi answered calmly.

Horseman was slightly understanding. He also heard that Kato Trading Company was financially blocked by a mysterious group in North America and was unable to successfully expand its business and take root.

"You can consider it, but my family is here." Before he could finish his words, a short report suddenly came from the earphones.

"Found!! Two masks!! Hahaha! The 20 million bonus is ours!! Ah!!!" Before the cheers in the earphones completely disappeared, a burst of rapid screams were heard. .

"What monster!!?"

"Shoot! Shoot!! No!!"

There was a click, and a cracking sound came from the earphones. It was obvious that the communication device had been trampled to pieces.

Hossiman's expression suddenly darkened. The vampires really took action

"Mr. Hossiman?" Munehoriko in front of him waved her hand in front of his eyes.

"Marshal, we were attacked by vampires, and they are coming towards you! Be careful!!" An anxious voice came from other channels in the headset.

"Understood, do you know the other party's strength?" Hosiman raised his hand to signal Souki Riko to wait.

"The detector shows that it's high! There are at least two people!!" The voice on the other side suddenly sounded very low, Xinran was afraid of being heard by the vampires.

"Hurry! Get on the boat soon!"

Hossiman's face was gloomy, and there was an extremely dangerous aura about him.

"It seems that the vampires are well prepared. Leave me alone and retreat first. I will be there soon."

"Understood!" The earphones were disconnected.

Hoseman moved his neck and glanced at the puzzled Miss Sokariko in front of him. He had just spoken in German, not the standard international communication English, and the other party could not understand him at all.

"Are you in a hurry?" Zongeriko asked doubtfully. "Do you need my help?"

"Hosemann, you can't escape today."

Suddenly a loud male voice echoed from the cruise ship.

A fiery red figure suddenly appeared at the top of the cruise ship. It was a red-haired man with strong muscles. He was wearing a red leather jacket, black sunglasses at night, and a cockscomb hairstyle on his head.

He jumped and jumped down from the top of dozens of meters high.

Bang! !

The ship's deck was actually very strong, with no dents at all.

The man stood up, waved his right hand, and countless red flames gathered in his hand, suddenly condensing into a long red sword. Countless mysterious symbols appeared densely on the sword.

"Sword of Dawn!" He groaned softly.

In an instant, under the stunned gazes of the bodyguards who were surrounded by guests, the red sword exploded with a large burst of red flames, transforming into a slim flaming woman, and rushed towards Hossiman like lightning.

At the same time, in the shadow behind Hosiman, a dark female shadow slowly emerged and condensed.

"Is it a holy weapon of the blood clan?" Hossiman took a step back and opened his right hand. The invisible air flow quickly gathered in the palm of his hand, causing his hair to flip continuously. Faintly, a faint black color appeared in his eyes.

Under the firelight, the shadow behind him suddenly distorted and turned into a huge black shadow dragon head, silently surrounding him.

Frightened by the surging air and flames, Zongerizi retreated repeatedly. She sat down on the ground, raised her hands in front of her, and stared blankly at everything in front of her. The incident completely developed in a way that she could not understand. She was filled with pain all over her body. Dense goosebumps arose, which were the shivers caused by the extremely dangerous cold. Although the flames swept through and brought intense heat, she only felt waves of coldness. .

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