Mysterious journey

Chapter 753 Bureau 4

Boom! ! !

The top of a snowy mountain peak somewhere in Iceland. Large swaths of rocks and snow powder exploded, flying everywhere like bombs. Looking from a distance, a huge gap was directly blown out on the right side of the entire snow peak, like a bite of sugar cane.

The upper half of the mountain suddenly slid down and crashed onto the bottom plateau, causing the ground to shake violently.

The sky was clear without a single white cloud, but the light was still not very warm. The sun shines on the base of the snow peak explosion, and there is a dark cave there.

A faint trace of green smoke emerged from the cave. The green smoke flew around the entrance of the cave in the air, and then quickly dispersed, as if it were a living thing.

Cough cough cough.

A slight cough came from the entrance of the cave, and it seemed to be the voice of an old man.

After a while, an old man with white beard and hair slowly walked out of the cave. He was leaning on a thick white crutch and wearing a tattered animal skin suit, which seemed to be pieced together from many different animal skins. It is made up of a necklace with a string of shrunken human skulls hanging on the chest, giving people a primitive and ancient feeling.

"Finally out." The old man's face was covered with wrinkles like old tree bark, and his hair and beard were spread around his body like a lion, completely unkempt.

He put his free hand into his mouth and blew hard.

Shh! ! !

A sharp whistle suddenly sounded, drifting far away along the cold wind.

I don’t know how long it took, but a small black dot flew faintly in the sky in the distance.

As the distance got closer, the black spot gradually revealed its full appearance. It was a large black eagle without a trace of color on its body, with a wingspan of more than four meters. Black Eagle's eyes reflected the strange old man at the entrance of the cave below, then with a clear whistle, he plunged down and flew towards the old man.

As soon as the black shadow flashed, the old man, for some reason, sat on the back of the black eagle that had not completely flown down, and then one person and one eagle quickly flew towards the place where they came from.

A few days later, news came out from the increasingly powerful Wuguang Alliance that AG, one of the three leaders, finally left the country in the spring. And he successfully broke through to a new level. Originally, AG was the upper level. If he broke through again, it was obvious that the only possibility was the Death Apostle level.

The Lightless Alliance originally only had the number one Holy Fist Palace with the strength of two Death Apostles, but now that there is one more Death Apostle, the entire alliance suddenly becomes more powerful, and it has completely formed a tyrannical force that can protest against the blood witch forces. power.

Witches, in particular, have now become the weakest link. No one knows whether the AG breakthrough represented by wizards represents the return of wizards who once disappeared from the stage of history.

But the only consensus that everyone understands is that the power of the Lightless Alliance is getting bigger and bigger. The extraordinary power and the power of more and more ordinary humans are gathering. More and more humans are under the leadership of the Holy Fist Palace. Continuously practicing boxing skills, every moment and every second that passes will increase the power of the Wuguang Alliance in the Holy Fist Palace.

In this situation, the vampires had to take action.


Blood Alliance Deep Headquarters

In the blood-colored space underground cave, several huge spheres slowly floated in mid-air like glass balls, wandering and swaying slightly.

All the Dead Apostles of the Vampire Clan, except for Bai Bai, gathered here, each occupying a glass sphere.

Wellington, the Red Moon, the female Dead Apostle, the mysterious blond man, and one who turned out to be the Mother of Lions. It seems that the Mother of Lions is not here physically, but projects her own image through the ball, as if she is a virtual image standing in the ball.

The five people opened their eyes in the ball one by one and exchanged glances with each other.

"The hidden child has already entered. Now we should act according to the plan." The mother of the lion was the first to speak out. "The world has become increasingly chaotic. If we don't correct the situation, there may be unpredictable serious consequences." She spoke, still with a look of tenderness and compassion on her face.

"Through my recent observations, I feel that the original plan should be changed slightly." Someone made a different voice. It was the only female Death Apostle. She frowned slightly and stared at the Mother of Lions.

"I think that with Garen's character, even if he catches his parents and relatives and threatens him, I'm afraid it will be a dead end at most. It has no meaning other than letting him no longer have any worries."

"Why do you say that? We can use his relatives as bargaining chips in exchange for the benefits we need." Wellington is currently re-developing new family descendants, which consumes a lot of money. Even now, his face is still blue, obviously due to excessive consumption of blood and essence. .

"That's what I say, but according to my analysis of Garen's past temperament, this person appears to protect his family, but deep down he is still an absolutely cold and rational person. If his relatives threaten him, the effect will probably not be very good. Damn, it's not worth sacrificing the secret weapon we finally broke into." The female Death Apostle retorted.

"Indeed, Garen's personality is likely to directly fight to the death. Even if we kill his relatives, I am afraid it will only further activate his determination for revenge. By then, both sides will consume each other and lose more than they gain. In comparison, Saint The Boxing Palace is backed by a huge number of humans, and the speed of recovering its strength is far faster than ours. Such a confrontation is not worth it." Wellington also shook his head slightly.

"Speaking of which, Hongyue, isn't there someone among your descendants who has a good relationship with the Garen family? Is there any chance?" He looked at Hongyue.

"I won't use such despicable means." Hongyue glanced at him indifferently, closed her eyes and stopped talking.

"Rigid!" Wellington cursed in a low voice.

"I also agree with this point of view. Garen's personality is not the kind of person who is threatened. The biggest possibility is that the fish will be defeated, but it will eliminate his last trace of worries." The mysterious blond man nodded, "My suggestion is that Anzi can temporarily Don't make any moves to avoid exposing yourself, and you can have the greatest impact at the most critical moment."

"I agree." Wellington nodded.

"That's fine." The Lion Mother nodded and agreed to this method.


Swish swish swish.

Figures of people quickly passed through the tall grass. They were all dressed in black. In the dark night, they almost blended into the night, like fierce nighthawks.

In front of the figure, a bloody figure was running quickly. The bloody figure was not slow, and he was getting closer and closer to the pursuers behind him.

When the distance was less than 300 meters, the bloody figure suddenly stopped, turned from extremely fast to extremely quiet, and turned around suddenly. Under the moonlight, a cold and handsome face of a man suddenly appeared. It was Hossiman who had successfully escaped after killing Dam.

"You found me so quickly?" Hossiman murmured, looking at the several black figures behind him with an expressionless face.

After killing Dam, he defected with a mask on, and must have become a wanted criminal of the Lightless Alliance. With the huge power network of the Holy Fist Palace and the various weird methods of the dark witches, even after he broke through, he would not know what happened. I felt like I was being traced.

"Hosemann! Die!!"

Several black shadows rushed towards him and suddenly circled around him like black flowers, and four bright sword lights popped out. Stab his waist from all directions.

"Nighthawk?" Hossiman narrowed his eyes slightly and recognized that the secret weapon used by the opponent was Nighthawk's improved projection secret weapon. This secret weapon involves the most foreign objects in the Holy Fist Palace. It uses high speed to assassinate For the purpose, for the sake of victory, they will do whatever it takes. These people who dare to come out to hunt are obviously desperadoes and fierce people. The blade must not be touched. It is 100% poisonous and will seal your throat at the sight of blood.

"court death!"

With a stroke of his hands, Hossiman suddenly threw out a series of transparent fist winds all around him, causing the four swords to bend violently.

Bang! !

He put his foot in the belly of a black shadow and shot it away like a cannonball. He planned to leave one alive to question how much force the Holy Fist Palace had sent to hunt him down this time.

But at this moment, he glanced at the masked eyes of the four people, and there was no desire to live in the eyes of the remaining three.

"not good!"

As soon as this realization appeared in his mind, he heard three extremely hot and terrifying breaths burst out.

Boom! ! ! !

The three figures surrounding Hossiman exploded into a ball of red and white fire, and the blazing flame snake suddenly swept Hossiman inside.

The fireball was more than six meters in diameter and had a weird color. Looking from a distance, it was divided into three layers of colors. The innermost was platinum, the middle was pure white, and the outermost was light red, as if it were composed of three rings of light.

The huge shock turned into substantial ripples and spread. Looking from a distance, Hossiman and the three people could not be seen at all. They were all completely enveloped by the huge fireball.

The surrounding grass quickly turned yellow, dried up, and scorched black, and then turned into paper ash. Sparks lit up on it, and then were violently blown away by the shock wave. Some of them directly stuck to the surrounding grass, quickly igniting fires.

The fireball lasted for several seconds before slowly disappearing. What was left behind was a huge pit with a diameter of more than ten meters, and smoke was still coming from inside.


A black figure suddenly rushed out of the pit. With traces of afterimage flying into the darkness in the distance.

Hossiman's body was hot, his clothes were almost completely burned, and large areas of his body were burned. His originally handsome face became unrecognizable, and most of his hair was burned off.

This is the power of modern science combined with secret martial arts. The three dead soldiers blew themselves up together with powerful special explosives. The destructive power brought about even a death disciple like Horseman would have to suffer trauma if he was careless. After all, he doesn't have the terrifying physical fitness of Garen.

But even so, the burnt skin on Hossiman's body was repairing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What a cruel method!" Hossiman endured the pain and sped up to escape. Even if he was a Death Apostle, the Holy Fist Palace was not an ordinary force. There was also a real vampire Death Apostle Tu Lan, and he was dead. In addition to being so powerful that the apprentice has near-immortal survivability, the actual gap in strength between the disciple and the upper level is not very big. If he is caught in a siege, and he is not a speed-type secret martial arts master, plus various high-tech means to delay interference , even he will inevitably be defeated.

"Let's take it easy, Hossiman!" A voice came from very far away. It seemed to be a high-level executive of Nighthawk. He couldn't remember clearly, but that was not important now. What matters is the sharp whistling sound that suddenly sounded overhead.

Whoosh! !

A black shadow instantly passed over his head, and Hosiman suddenly felt a strong threat coming from above. He quickly looked up and saw two torpedo-like white missiles flying towards him with a scream. .

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