Mysterious journey

Chapter 765 Epilogue 4

Garen laughed dumbly. People who really don't know the inside story will naturally think of this.

After a long time, he slowly stretched out his hand and raised his index finger.

The white fingertips have become slightly translucent.

Smiling, he shook hands gently into a fist. "See? These are the rules of the world."

"Rules?" Ning Ruoxi's pupils narrowed slightly, and she also saw the slightly transparent finger.

"Don't be sad." Garen said calmly. He reached out and gently rubbed Sisi's hair.

"You are the most talented among all my disciples. Don't be bound by your own heart."

Xixi didn't know why, but a faint throbbing suddenly surged in her heart. She lowered her head and clenched her fists.

Dang. Dang. Dang.

It was the low sound of a bell from the outside world.

Garen was stunned for a moment, and finally saw the bud in his mind slowly opening, and the bud bloomed with an unparalleled golden halo in an instant.

He stood up, and his body expanded involuntarily, reaching his physical limit of the fifth star form. The terrifying body caused a whirlwind of airflow in the living room like a giant devil.


A strong gust of wind caused Xixi to take a few steps back involuntarily.

"Teacher!" She raised her head with some confusion and anxiety, looking at Garen standing in front of the window under the moonlight.

The airflow became more and more violent, causing all kinds of things in the living room to fall down and fall on the carpet, making a dull collision sound.

"As my last gift in this world." Garen calmly stared at the disciple he valued most, and was actually the most loyal disciple.

"Everything is both your fate and my blessing."

He raised his index finger and gently stretched it out with the finger that was about to disappear completely.

laugh! !

A black light flashed suddenly, drawing a black line and accurately hitting the center of Ning Ruoxi's eyebrows.

In an instant, Ning Ruoxi tilted her head slightly and was knocked back several steps.

"This is the last trace of my existence in this world."


A deep dragon roar came out, and countless black shadows emerged from behind Garen, wrapping it up and turning into a coiled nine-headed black dragon.

In an instant, countless cracks appeared on the dragon shadow, as if the mirror was suddenly cracked, with a crisp crash.

The nine-headed dragon shattered instantly and turned into countless black fragments flying.

"Teacher!!" Ning Ruoxi rushed over and tried to reach out to grab the black shadow, but her grasp was in vain.

She stood there blankly, and for some reason, tears suddenly fell from her eyes and she couldn't stop them.


At this moment, in a square far away in Madrid, Bai Bai held Aisharo's hand and suddenly turned his head slightly and looked in a certain direction.

"What's wrong?" Aisharo's cheeks were slightly red, and he glanced at him doubtfully. Following his line of sight, he saw that there was just a dense street building.

"Nothing." Wanwan smiled. "It just suddenly felt like someone I knew had left."

"Leave?" Aisharo was slightly confused.

"Stop thinking so much, go watch a movie." Bai Bai pinched Aishaluo's face affectionately, and the two held hands and walked along the roadside into a movie theater.



"I'll try diving at night this time. With the underwater lights, it's definitely more exciting than during the day!" Vivien chuckled while checking the frogman equipment on her body.

"Lisa, how are you? Are you ready?" She looked at another petite frogman on the side.

"No problem!" Alisha made an OK gesture.

"Where are you, Rod?" Vivien turned to look at another taller man.

"It's okay. I said we should dive during the day. It's very dangerous at night. What if we encounter a shark or something?" Rhodes was still a little worried.

"What are the sharks afraid of? With my brother's help, the sharks will also deliver food when they come. I'm not tired of the shark fins I ate last time, so I'll just add some more this time!" Little Vivian waved her hand very proudly. She now eats, drinks and has fun every day, and can be regarded as a standard white, rich and beautiful woman. She has a strong and powerful background, and even the children of top officials and businessmen have to give her face.

Together with Rhodes and Alisha, the trio has now become a little bully. Fortunately, the three of them are not willful people and have not developed into a bad version of bullying men and women.

Vivien pointed to a dark beach not far from the three of them.

"There are people guarding and protecting you 24 hours a day, so what are you afraid of? Let's go, get in the water!"

She was the first to fall from the boat and plunged directly into the water.

Rhodes and Alisha exchanged helpless glances and put on oxygen masks.

There were two sounds of falling into the water, and two fully armed frogmen plunged into the sea.

However, the Vivien trio does have the ability to not care.

Even if Garen is not here, Arisa's sister and Wanwan are lovers. No matter how the Holy Fist Palace changes, Garen's status as the Saint of Fists is unshakable. Anyone who takes the position will definitely protect their safety as soon as possible. The Holy Fist has now become a strategic deterrent force and spiritual symbol of the Holy Fist Palace in a short period of time. What's more, there are still some people who are loyal to Garen from beginning to end.

For example, Ning Ruoxi, such as Saidong, such as the bald couple.

Maybe everything is under Gallon's arrangement.



Raphael suddenly sat up from the bed, sweating profusely, as if he had a nightmare.

Her face turned pale and her eyes were slightly misty, as if she had just realized that she was in a strange place.

Pulling the quilt to cover her upper body, she stood up from the bed and suddenly heard faint noises coming from outside.

I walked to the window and looked down, and I saw a lot of luxury cars, off-road vehicles, sports cars, customized cars and extended cars coming in all kinds of things. Well-dressed upper class people stepped out of the car one after another. Under the protection of bodyguards, they seemed to be heading towards a nearby house.

A large number of armed soldiers were already pulling up blockade banners and seemed to be sealing off the area.

Raphael opened the window, and suddenly a series of small voices floated over in the wind. But it's very subtle and can't be heard at all.

Her expression moved slightly, and she quickly drew an invisible symbol in front of her with her fingers. In an instant, the sound in the wind was directly amplified and transmitted to her ears.

"The disappearance of Master Boxing Saint should not be an accident. In terms of individual strength, there is no creature in the world that can be your opponent one-on-one."

"Based on this, what Chief Xixi said must be true?"

"It's very possible. Master Fist Master's martial arts has reached a level that we can't even imagine. If we follow what is mentioned in those novels from the East, it is not impossible to reach the so-called level of shattering and ascension."

"This is too fantasy! I am more inclined to find a higher martial arts." Someone said.

"In any case, we will immediately announce to the outside world that Lord Boxing Saint will be in seclusion for a long time. Now the biggest cohesion of our Holy Boxing Palace is Lord Boxing. How long can we delay? Besides, Lord Pale is also our deputy palace master now. Even if Lord Boxing doesn't take action, , it can also suppress the overall situation." An Eastern boxing practitioner analyzed.

"This is a good idea."

"Yes, let's do it!"

Raphael looked in that direction from a distance and could only see the shaking of heads and the sound coming from inside the house. She didn't pay attention at all. When she eavesdropped on the conversation of those people, there was a soundless sound in the shadow of the room behind her. Two inexplicable silhouettes emerged, which were the high-level vampires under the Holy Fist Palace. If it were someone without qualifications, they would probably kill them immediately.

"Gallon." Raphael muttered in a low voice.


New York

"Now I announce that the first World Wizards Parliament election has officially begun!!"

In a huge venue filled with thousands of people, AG was dressed in a white suit, his hair was neatly styled and coated with shiny hair wax, and he held a white and exquisite silver short stick in his hand.

Standing on the main podium, he looked at the densely packed wizard members from all over the place below, feeling an indescribable excitement and satisfaction in his heart.

Yes, he succeeded.

After announcing the secret method that allowed him to maintain his power even after leaving the land of his ancestors, he immediately gained the support of almost 90% of wizards, regardless of whether they were wizards or witches. The biggest trouble that has always troubled wizards is that they cannot leave the land of their ancestors. Once they leave, once the ancestral blessing water they temporarily carry with them is consumed, their strength will be greatly reduced.

But now with the secret method provided by AG selflessly, all witches and wizards have successfully gotten rid of this restriction.

This also marks that wizards are officially eligible to step onto the world stage.

The old wizard forces were replaced by the new Wizard Shadow Council, and AG was unanimously approved as the first-voted Speaker. This also marked the true arrival of a new era of extraordinary power.

The Death Apostle-level AG has also successfully replaced the mother of lions.

Neissera served as the deputy speaker and assisted the AG.

It's time for wizards to rise up

In the same year, Saint Garon of the Holy Fist Palace, seeking a breakthrough, went into seclusion and stayed in the Holy Fist Palace. As soon as the news came out, countless martial arts practitioners felt a pang of regret.

In the minds of AG and the high-level officials from various countries who have initially learned about the extraordinary power, the Boxing Saint's return to seclusion also ignited their surging ambitions. Under such circumstances, the world once again fell into the coming turmoil.


Garen's vision was dark, and he felt as if he was being squeezed by some force and flew out of the planet.

His body directly turned into a black dragon-shaped aura, and was forced to fly towards the endless starry sky outside the planet. He glanced back and saw that the blue planet behind him was rapidly becoming smaller and darker.

His own flying speed is getting faster and faster, getting faster and faster.

There were all kinds of stars twinkling all around, and it was hard to see which direction he should go.

"You can't fly out aimlessly like this." Garen felt as if his body had completely melted, turning into a ball of pure spirit flying with his soul as the guide.

Suddenly, there was a sudden tremor in the vacuum of the surrounding universe.


As if he was rushing into some kind of liquid, Garen suddenly felt like he was plunging into sea water, and his whole body rushed from the vacuum of space into an unusually turbulent river.

His soul could clearly see that a huge amount of light yellow river water was flowing at high speed around him.

"No, this is not water, this is the liquefaction of spirit!" Garen was slightly shocked, finally knowing where the planet's repulsive force had sent him.

This is the mother river! This is where he first appeared!

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