Mysterious journey

Chapter 795 Blue Narcissus 2

"What?" Garen reminded him as he didn't hear the reply from the other party.

"It's just a bit unexpected. I didn't expect you to be able to talk to us so rationally and calmly." The female voice returned to normal, "The price is low, so what is your psychological price point? Can you tell me?"

"My strength is on par with the top three. Do you think this price is low?" Gallon asked.

"That's what I said, but those who have reached this point are undoubtedly very good characters. You said that you can hit the top three. Barry Melseth and Caius, these three are not the ones that ordinary people can move by shaking them. ." The female voice said lightly.

"I can prove it in the next game." Garen replied calmly.

"Oh? How to prove it?" A voice suddenly changed from the opposite side. It was a very clear female voice. It was a little cold, but it gave people a very strong temperament. It was obvious that the other party had temporarily replaced someone to contact him.

"How about the three second-level fighting skills?" Garen said casually.

"!!!" The voice from the other side suddenly fell silent, obviously being suffocated.

Indeed, even Barry Melseth only comprehensively evaluates the second-level strength. Among all the actual combat evaluation subjects, there are only ten subjects that can really be used as the standard for evaluating comprehensive strength. Among them, fighting skills suddenly come up with three. At the second-level level, plus the laser cannon aggregation skills that Garen previously showed, there are a total of four level-2 skills, which is close to the halfway mark. Indeed, as Garen himself said, he has the strength to hit the top three, at least he is stuck. There is a good chance of rushing up to Us's position.

"Are you sure you're right?" After a moment of silence, the other person finally spoke again.

"Of course." Garen replied calmly. He is absolutely tyrannical in combat. Although his consciousness is a little weak and he can only show his strength with basic fighting skills, his master-level combat experience is not what those little guys can compare with now. If it weren't for Yueya's time limit, he could even be absolutely guaranteed to get third place and kill Kaus. As for the first and second places, it is not certain. The second-level fighting skills in this world seem to be related to consciousness, resulting in a very magical qualitative change. This kind of change is something Garen has never seen before. He couldn't guarantee what kind of comprehensive strength those two people could produce.

After all, his consciousness is too weak, and it is an extremely shortcoming. If he is delayed for a period of time, or there are unexpected changes, it is really hard to say whether he will win or lose.

".We need to think about this. Please wait."

The female voice on the opposite side suddenly became more and more polite. It was obvious that Garen's strength was far beyond their expectations. Indeed, as Garen said, it would be easy for the academy referees to exchange a victory or defeat for such a master. Ordinary viewers may also be able to see the tricks in it, and it will be self-defeating if they are not careful.

Garen was not in a hurry, he just quietly picked up the tablet and started tapping it lightly. He had taught himself computer programming in the vampire world, and he quickly adapted to this more high-end computer technology world. After understanding the computer binary program here, the computer here is no longer the backward machine he used before, but is at the level of a quantum computer. The so-called quantum computer concept, general binary computers use 0 and 1 as the basic units. When calculating, the data flowing through the computer are countless 0s and 1s.

As for quantum computers, it can be imagined that there are computers flowing in the binary computer. When encountering some difficult combinatorial nesting problems, they can solve them as quickly as possible.

Quantum computers use sets as the unit of calculation, while previous computers used elements as the unit. Computing power has taken a big step forward. Being able to deal with problems collectively is one of the real reasons for the huge development of mecha warship technology. In many cases, professional classified quantum computers can use the complex optimized organizational structure of certain parts of the mecha as a set for unit calculation analysis. The performance of the mecha assembled in this way far exceeds people's imagination, and can reach an extreme level.

It is precisely because of the same origin between quantum computers and traditional computers that Gallon quickly adapted to the programming model after coming into contact with computers in this era.

The tablet he is using now is a typical compact quantum computer. Although it is not very advanced and has a small computing unit, it can respond quickly and analyze no matter how complex the network environment is.

As time passed, Garen continued to type on the virtual keyboard projected from the tablet, and the rotating wave pattern on the screen gradually became clearer and clearer. He has initially been able to locate the location of the other party's current call.

"Your request is very reasonable, if you can really show such strength tomorrow." The voice from the other side finally came again.

In less than ten minutes, Garen quickly found out a series of information about Blue Narcissus in the academy on his computer.

The Blue Narcissus organization is a relatively large insider organization of Black Pan College. As one of the three student organizations of Black Pan, Blue Narcissus is a force that represents the children of powerful people. Its individual members may not be strong, but the BJ network is definitely The most powerful of the three major organizations, in other words to put it simply, is a group of powerful forces that specializes in absorbing the princelings from the princess party of the academy.

Unlike the Black Rose and the centrist Millennium Tree, which respect actual combat strength, the Blue Narcissus' main theme is that regardless of relationship background or individual strength, it is part of the strength, but they prefer the children of the powerful, or their leaders. They themselves have been the children of top powerful people from generation to generation.

"Among our three major organizations, many people actually have misunderstandings about our Blue Narcissus." The woman opposite explained in a low voice, "We are not inclined to the powerful, but only absorb those geniuses who can break free from the vortex of power background. This is Strictly in line with the purpose of the college.”

"I understand, so what are you going to do? About me."

"We fully agree with your conditions." The woman replied firmly, "On behalf of Blue Narcissus, I agree to your request. Elites must be treated like elites."

She thought for a moment and maybe exchanged opinions with others.

"As for cooperating with you, we now have a new way. I wonder if you are willing to accept it."

Garen pressed the Enter key on the computer keyboard with one hand and looked at the cluster of blue daffodils again.

"What method? Tell me."

"The new way is that if you really have the ability to hit the top three, then as long as you join our Blue Narcissus, we can support you to hit the top three and win the elite spot in the individual battle. As long as you can become an elite member, We can give you the best treatment, whether it is for your family or your own development. It is said that your previous surgery fees were advanced by your teacher. You must also hope to repay Teacher Ham's surgery fees as soon as possible. ?” The woman opposite seemed to know Nonosiwa’s information very clearly.

"What kind of treatment?" Garen has always only cared about actual benefits. This change in the other party's attitude was also expected by him. It was one of the directions of variables, so he was not surprised.

"Your parents' positions remain unchanged, and your salary and gray income will be increased to 500,000 points a year. Within the academy, you will have a certain degree of background support from our Blue Narcissus members. Of course, your rival Ariello in Grade C will also Including it, you don't have to worry about them using your family background to suppress you in the future. And I believe you can handle a head-on confrontation on your own. Didn't some of Kaus's friends get a good lesson from you last time?" The woman seemed to say. Seems much more relaxed.

"Is the background power guaranteed?" The information found by Garen also showed this. This is one of the ways Blue Narcissus attracts potential students. Potential students with poor family backgrounds are generally vulnerable to oppression by the children of powerful people outside. Under such circumstances, they are extremely fragile before they have grown up, and their talents will be wasted if they are not careful. Blue Narcissus' actions are to give full play to the advantages of their strong backgrounds and coordinate or protect the development of potential students. Eventually, when these potential students grow up and become a new generation of powerful people, most of them will not forget the timely help at this critical time.

Hundreds of years after the establishment of Black Pan College, these three student organizations have always been able to remain standing. Naturally, they have their own merits, which cannot be summed up by simple arrogance and domineering.

It's just that those who can be given such treatment by Blue Narcissus are naturally top talents who can have a good future. Five people in each grade are considered good. On the contrary, it absorbs more and more powerful children every year, which naturally pales in comparison to other organizations.

Garen thought about it carefully, and now he, that is, Nonosiwa lacked this point. His family background could easily be oppressed by some powerful children, which also hindered his personal development. The support given by Blue Narcissus was exactly what he needed most.

"Increasing the power ratio of our Blue Narcissus among elite students is our focus. Those who can enter the elite as freshmen will often receive more resources. Because such freshmen have great potential. Big." The woman explained sincerely. "What do you think? Joining our Blue Narcissus will be your best choice."

Garen was silent for a moment. "As far as I know, aren't there two other major organizations? Black Rose and Millennium Tree."

"Unfortunately, your opponent Kavus is from the Millennium Tree, and his brother, the test student Cole who was accidentally injured by you, is an elite member of Grade B in Black Rose. In addition, they are in the machine I have a professional network in the field of practical combat, and you haven’t shown any amazing qualifications or genius, so it’s natural that I didn’t invite you.” The woman didn’t hide anything and told the truth directly.

"Okay, I agree to join Blue Narcissus." Garen thought about it and replied directly. Whatever organization he joins, it's just a temporary help for him. As long as the organization gives him a good impression, he doesn't mind giving them back in return when he grows up. Moreover, the most important thing is that the other party is very sincere and what he says is consistent with what he has found using hacking techniques. This means that the other party really wants to win over and invest in him.

"Our mission at Blue Narcissus is to make every member proud of us, and to make us proud of every member." The woman solemnly replied, "You will not regret joining."

Garen smiled and hung up the phone.

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