Mysterious journey

Chapter 799 Pressure 2

"Territory. Really." Garen was also slightly moved. If he could get a piece of his own territory and become a noble lord, the land would come second. What is really important is the benefits and rights gained in the process. Many things can be achieved through the status of a lord and noble. From illegal to legal. This is the most precious.

"You must also know that many territories, even if they are very small, are worth tens of thousands of gold, but there are still countless people flocking to them and can't find a way to buy them. And we, Blue Narcissus, only provide this to our own people. Even the Black Rose and the Thousand-Year Tree do not have our rights and interests. This is something unique to our Blue Narcissus." Chris saw Garen's eagerness for the territory.

"It seems I made a wise choice." Garen smiled.

"Of course." Chris took out a storage disk, a golden pendant the size of a fingernail, which looked like a shell ornament. "Here are the information, so I will go back first. I wish you victory in the finals tomorrow!" She said Stand up.

"Thank you." Garen stood up and nodded.

Chris gently shook hands with Garen, then turned and walked out of the room.

Listening to the click of the door closing behind her, she nodded towards a boy waiting outside the corridor. The two came together and left the freshman dormitory.

"How's it going?" The boys are also wearing milky white school uniforms. This is only worn by Grade B. Grade C is pure white.

"It's strange. This Nonosiwa is completely different from the rumors. It gives people a very sophisticated feeling." Chris showed a slightly strange look, "I feel like I am dealing with an old man of several decades. The other person is very... Calm and calm, he doesn't look like a teenager at all."

"Isn't this great? If you have potential, just establish a good relationship with him. There are many students in the academy who can pretend, so you don't need to make a fuss." The boy said with a smile.

"It's not a disguise." Chris frowned slightly, "It just gives people a very strange temperament. Logically speaking, the finals are about to begin, so he should be a little stressed, but it seems to me that his mentality It couldn’t be better.”

"Forget it, don't think too much about it. These things have nothing to do with us. It would be better if this Nono has potential."

"That's right." Chris nodded and said no more, "What kind of supper are you going to eat today?"

"Let's go and take a look. The calories we ate in the afternoon were so high that I don't want to eat them now."

The two of them walked along the street lights at night, just like ordinary student couples, cuddling together in pairs, and there was no difference at all.



Garon closed the curtains and sat back in front of the computer. All the contents of the data tray had been wirelessly transferred to the tablet.

There were four documents in total. He clicked on one and looked at it carefully.

The situation of the finals was immediately displayed in front of him. Compared with the academy simply sending competition notices, the information here was obviously much more comprehensive.

What caught Garen's attention the most was not the class ranking, but the individual ranking.

At this point, it is safe for Class C5 to enter the top ten. It's just a matter of how many places in the front it needs to be. All subsequent battles were complete defeats.

‘The so-called total defeat means that all the opponent players must be defeated to be considered a victory.

Three people versus three people, the previous three battles and two wins were cancelled, and victory was based on defeating all opponents as the standard.

This is also considering that in the finals, there are elite players and even some who are capable of competing against others. In order to achieve an absolutely fair evaluation of their strength, a total defeat mode is adopted.

The finals will be divided into three groups of melees based on the top three, and the top three in individual competition will be truly determined. The strongest of the three selected groups will have the right to challenge once.’

Pieces of data were continuously scanned by galleons, and time passed little by little.

Unknowingly, the night was getting deeper and deeper. The information was mixed with many battle videos of tomorrow's opponents. They were compiled in great detail, and Garen was watching them very attentively.

The more he looked, the more frightened he became.

Tomorrow's opponent will be the weakest at the same level as the Lanton he met today. There are no shortcomings. All of them are mentally strong characters. Although they seem to have little combat experience, they all use special skills combined with their consciousness. Wei Qi's strength exceeded Garen's expectations and imagination.

According to one of the opponent's information, a consciousness move called Radio Hammer was used.

The radio hammer is a conscious external weapon that combines consciousness with a mecha. The force field war hammer released is invisible and intangible, but it can directly damage the opponent's driver's body functions through the mecha armor. Only consciousness Only opponents whose level is similar to him can sense the electric wave hammer in advance and avoid or defend it. And defense requires special similar means.

Garen carefully learned that this technique is not the strongest among the second-level or above techniques, and there are more powerful skills that can only be used with strong consciousness. For example, the consciousness-cutting knife is another opponent's unique move. It has huge lethality. Facing an opponent whose consciousness is much weaker than his, it can even kill an opponent with one blow. It can directly hit the opponent's driver with one blow, causing a sharp weapon attack similar to a knife wound.

"It's very troublesome." Garen frowned. When he came to this world, he always had a vague sense of superiority. He believed that although this world was a technological world with huge destructive power, in terms of his own development potential, he still had It is far inferior to the civilization of Miwu Guyinduo, but now it seems that the path of consciousness development is equally as powerful as Guyinduo.

"These are two civilizations in different directions. It seems that we have to be careful in the future." After seeing the effects of these specific lethal moves, Garen completely put away his contempt and truly faced up to the power system of consciousness. .

"How to deal with this pure consciousness competition technique?" Although the information explains that this kind of consciousness technique that can penetrate the mecha and directly kill the driver is very rare, and it also consumes a lot of money for the releaser himself, and can only be used point-to-point. Most of them are skills that can be combined with mechas to exert greater power, but their scarcity does not mean that they are not available.

Gallon specially selected information on pure consciousness techniques and searched on the Internet.

'The battle of consciousness is a bit like the battle of mental power. You can kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred. It can only be used in one-on-one situations. There are many restrictions. When the distance is very far in outer space, this ability is of little use. , the pilot's consciousness is not yet up to the level of being able to travel through high-energy particle winds and accurately strike opponents at long distances. So this technique is only commonly used in ground combat. ’

The more Garen watched, the more frightened he became. If he encountered such a pure skill in consciousness, he couldn't see, touch, or sense it. He simulated it several times in his mind, and in the end his winning rate was less than 50%. This is based on the fact that Crescent Moon can be used without restrictions.

His mood was also slightly heavy.

"It seems that the best I can do is stay outside the top three."

From this information, he also learned that pilots with level 2 consciousness can also use this technique in life. In other words, they can also use this dangerous technique without being separated from the mecha. This is one of the reasons. This is one of the reasons why second-level pilots are respected.


Blackpan Academy battlefield simulation area

Kavus and another red-haired boy sat face to face in the rest area, looking at the roaring mechas in actual combat outside the glass window while drinking the refined fruit essence.

The red crystal-like essence was sucked into the straw along the glass, and emitted a glass-like color under the light.

"All the information you want is here. That boy has joined Blue Narcissus." The red-haired boy handed over a piece of paper information.

Kavus took it and put down the cup and began to leaf through it slowly.

"I didn't intend to play dirty tricks in the first place. Sneaky tricks are meaningless. Wouldn't it be better to beat him openly on the field, in front of everyone, until he kneeled in front of me like a dog?" He said slightly. smiled.

"You are really interested." The red-haired boy yawned, "I also have the evaluation I got from Ye Ye."

"What review?"

"It's just an average level of excellence."

"Oh? He has defeated several superior-level opponents in a row. How come he has such a low evaluation? Generally, the superior level only means that he is an outstanding student in the class and department." Kausu became interested.

"This Nonosiwa has a fatal shortcoming." The red-haired boy raised an index finger, "His consciousness! It's too weak."

Kausu was thoughtful for a moment.

"Have you noticed? In Nonosiwa's battle, there has never been a combat technique that can only be used with consciousness, and the techniques he is famous for using are two of the three major techniques that do not require consciousness. What does this mean? ?" the red-haired boy said affirmatively.

"This means that his consciousness is very weak, and he is unwilling to consume even a trace of it, otherwise it may even affect the endurance of the battle." A hint of understanding flashed in Kausi's eyes, and he nodded slightly. "In other words, what I want to do is to attack his weakness."

"Two tactics." The red-haired boy raised two fingers. "If he can rush in front of you, you have two options. One is to kill him with consciousness skills. The other is to slowly drag him to death. Compared to that hard-walled Landon, your defensive skills are even close to level three. In this aspect alone, even Melseth is at best on par with you. You can definitely play him to death."

Kaus suddenly smiled.

The red-haired boy looked at him speechlessly.

"To be honest, I really don't understand you. With your unique skill, the Phantom Beam Knife, you can definitely deal with this guy in one go. Not to mention killing him, at least it's easy to make him cripple one of his hands and feet. Is it interesting to deal with an ordinary student like this?"

"He almost killed my brother, what do you think?" Kavus stared at him coldly.

"Don't glare at me, I was just talking casually." The red-haired boy shrugged, yawned, and his eyes suddenly glanced at a red gadget on Kaus's collar, "I'll wipe it! You can't deal with a Level 2 Ordinary students actually want to wear this thing on the field?!"

He was shocked. He always thought he knew how mean Kaus was, but he didn't expect that this guy was much meaner than he thought.

"Safety first." Kavus smiled and turned the small thing around his collar to cover it.

"Really. Kavus, for the first time I feel that you are not an ordinary bitch."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Consciousness Amplifier. Or the hidden version." The red-haired boy was completely speechless. He watched the other party put away the red cube. The use of that thing was allowed. Merseth and Barry actually also had this, but it was not as long as You won't use it at critical moments. First, it is a consumable item and too precious. Second, using it for a long time will create a dependence on yourself.

This thing is like a stimulant taken before a long-distance running competition. It is hidden enough to be difficult to detect, and it can also have a certain effect on increasing consciousness. However, the higher the consciousness level, the weaker the effect.

But now that Kavus has reached the second level of consciousness, he doesn't even miss this small increase.

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