Mysterious journey

Chapter 806 The Wind Rises 1

"Are you praising yourself? You are the one who hurt me so badly." Garen's face was calm, but his body was trembling slightly on purpose to show that he was trying to endure the severe pain. In fact, such pain was a common occurrence for him in the past. If it wasn't for the sake of appearing normal, he could even sit up and move around a little. He could even deal with this injury, but this was completely inconsistent with the performance of a teenager.

"To be honest, I originally planned to hit the top three to enter the elite students." Xilin recalled the feeling just now, as if he had been completely seen through, and he still has lingering fears.

"That's a coincidence. I had this plan originally." Garen smiled 'reluctantly' and replied.

"Oh?" Xilin turned his head and said, "I thought there were many masters like you in the black market."

Garen didn't reply. He lay on his back and let the nurse next to him wipe his sweat.

"If there are really many, then there is no hope for the top three I want." Xilin continued.

"What was the name of your last pure consciousness attack?" Garen knew that there was nothing he could do in the competition, but his strength and potential had also been shown. It shouldn't be a big problem to get the attention of Blue Narcissus, so he simply asked about his interest. Content.

"That's an invisible needle, and I can only use it once." Xilin, facing a pair of people of the same level as him, lost all his previous arrogance and looked very peaceful. "Pure consciousness techniques are very difficult. Even I have only achieved consciousness shock and invisible needle, and both of them consume a lot of myself."

He paused, "On the other hand, you were suppressed by my consciousness. How did you make such a strong counterattack?"

Garen smiled and felt that Xilin, apart from having a bad mouth, was not a nuisance. He just purely liked the pursuit of power.

"It's a kind of martial arts instinct. I can predict the trajectory of your attack method." He has nothing to hide. Even if you tell the other party, you can't learn this kind of thing. You can only do it with a lot of martial arts experience and reaching a very high level. Ability. Otherwise, there are so many martial arts masters in the world of secret martial arts who practice martial arts and secret martial arts, and they all know how powerful this realm is. It would be impossible for only a few centuries of king masters to emerge.

Sure enough, Xilin seemed to understand a little bit about this realm.

"You can brag. Only people at the level of inherited pilots can achieve this level. How old are you?"

"The problem is that your martial arts aren't very good either." Garen asked back.

"Uh" Xilin was also speechless. Indeed, if the opponent is much stronger than himself in martial arts, then such an effect may indeed be achieved.

But Garen heard the implication of the other party's words.

"You mean, there are people who have reached that truly top level?"

Just kidding, the King of the Century is only a few people with billions of talents. How can such a high-level master appear here so easily?

"Absolutely. Heritage-level mecha masters are all strategic-level masters, and many of these martial arts skills are basic." Xilin answered naturally.

Garen thought about it again, and there was indeed no need to be surprised.

The King of the Century may be able to become the king in the secret martial arts world, but in the entire secret martial arts world, there are no more than a few million people who can practice and come into contact with the secret martial arts. Therefore, the chance of becoming the King of the Century is one in a million. In this world, directly based on the planet, the population of a planet is no less than several billion. Among them, the training of mecha masters is the mainstream trend. Among the billions of people, at least several thousand are moving towards the goal of mecha masters. Ten thousand. There are countless students from various academies, large and small, all pursuing the myth of a hero who can defeat thousands of mecha masters.

With such a ratio, it is not surprising that there will be some masters at the level of King of the Century.

Xilin didn't pay attention to Garen's eyes and was still talking to himself.

"We have such masters at Black Pan Academy. Dean Cruz and Vice Dean Simes are both top masters at this level. Combined with the power of consciousness, such martial arts combat power can almost reach the terrifying level of one against a thousand in the legend." The situation." Xilin's eyes showed strong yearning.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. I don't know how the next game will be arranged if we draw." Garen asked.

"There are no arrangements. We can't join the war anymore. Damn it! If I hadn't met you first, I would have killed Kavus directly. Even if we fight Barry head-on, we still don't know who will win and who will lose!" Xilin suddenly showed his dismay again. The color of willingness.

"Save your energy to recuperate. If you don't give in, it won't be over until you come back from a face-to-face challenge." Garen said lazily.

Xilin suddenly felt like a deflated rubber ball. He glared at him fiercely and turned his head to rest.


Kavus sat in the player box and saw the competition above like his trainer.

"These two guys" he was sweating slightly on his forehead.

"If you meet them, are you sure?" the teacher asked in a low voice.

Kausu wanted to answer yes, but he had his own self-esteem, and such an answer could not change the reality. Not to mention anything else, just the consciousness shock technique can suppress him to death, and he may even be killed in a short time.

"Prepare for the next one." The teacher sighed, "Don't think too much. Since they are all gone, it's your luck. There are only three places for the elite."

Kavus also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I see."

What he is thinking about now is not anything else, but that Nonosiwa actually has such strong potential and strength, so whether it is worthwhile to continue to have a grudge with the other party, this needs to be carefully considered. Fortunately, he did not directly deal with the other party, but only had the help of his subordinates. When the time came, he could completely push them onto them and get rid of himself.

Anyone who faces an opponent that can no longer be easily solved and will become stronger and stronger. Under the conditions of legal restrictions, if anyone has a deep grudge, the first thing they will consider is not to destroy the legal system and kill the opponent, but to kill the opponent. How to mediate this contradiction.

Only a fool would do anything wrong in this situation.

Kavus is already thinking about how to coax Nonosiva through, but that guy is from a very poor background, so he probably can get through it with just a small profit, so it shouldn't be a big problem.


Garen withdrew from the game, and the situation with Xilin was settled as a draw. Although they could not advance, they both showed extraordinary abilities and potential. The higher-ups will probably pay attention to it.

After Teacher Ham, Fei Bailie and others finished dealing with the rankings of the competition, they chased the ambulance straight to the hospital. Mia and Elle also got up and went.

On the viewing platform, the two Blue Narcissus spectators also exchanged opinions.

"Report it truthfully. Anyway, it's up to the person in charge of Grade C to decide."

"I guess I should be able to get treatment at the elite student level."

"But if you haven't passed, you haven't passed, I guess." The other person didn't say any more. Both of them felt sorry for Garen. "It's a pity that he obviously has elite-level potential."


The game did not stop due to the withdrawal of Garen and Xilin, but continued. After a slight commotion on the referee's bench, there was still a pity that there was no movement, but more attention was paid to the next final. middle.

But the video of the battle between Garen and Xilin has also been circulated. The reputation of the two geniuses is getting louder and louder. Whether it is Garen or Xilin, their records have shown this. Although both men lost the ability to continue competing due to severe injuries, the video of their last battle also left a deep impression on everyone.

After Melseth and Baricaus were bound to enter the elite inner courtyard, Nonosiva and Xilin also became the strongest leaders in the minds of all subsequent C-grade students.

Especially for middle-level people like Fe Bailie, who only have an upper-level consciousness level. There is a big gap between their comprehensive strength and Xilin's level-3 comprehensive strength. They are also the class that knows the difference between the two best, and for Nono, who was able to lose both sides with Xilin, thought of his previous unbeatable record and naturally upgraded him to the same level of strength that was close to the third-level comprehensive test.

No one would have thought that a master like Nono Siwa could only have consciousness below the first level until now. If Xilin had used pure consciousness techniques from the beginning, it is estimated that Garen would not be able to achieve this result, and would probably be uninjured. Get rid of it.

At the same time, while most of the attention in the Black Disk Territory was focused on the college ranking match, bursts of radiation fluctuations were faintly heard in the southwestern and outer areas of the Black Disk Territory.


Southwest of Black Pan Domain

In the blue sky, there are no clouds, a pure blue.

Hiss! !

Suddenly, a pitch-black twisted sphere flashed out of thin air in the air, with black arcs surrounding the sphere and a crackling sound. The entire sphere was only the size of a football at first, and then expanded rapidly, getting bigger and bigger.


In an uproar, the entire sphere exploded, and a black and red mecha with scars all over its body appeared inside. The mecha was in the shape of a human, with half of its head cut off by a sharp weapon, and its right arm and leg seemed to be made of rough white plaster. After repairing it, he held a very long black sickle in his hand, but the blade was full of chips and the blade was full of pits and dents, which seemed to be caused by blocking some attack.

As soon as the black and red mecha appeared, it fell straight down, with red flames spurting out intermittently behind it, but it could only barely slow down the speed of its fall.

"I'm not willing to give in.!!" A hoarse roar of pain came from inside the mecha.

boom! !

The entire mecha crashed onto a hard stone cliff and exploded, turning into countless fragments. The yellow-red flames turned into two overlapping rings of light, cutting in all directions until they swept hundreds of meters before slowly fading and disappearing.

Smooth cuts slowly appeared in all the places cut by the two haloes of yellow and red.

The hard gray-white stone cliff also slowly slid down, and a large piece of rock at the head of the cliff was cut directly by the halo.

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