Mysterious journey

Chapter 809 The Wind Rises 4

"That's right. 10% of the shares. If everything goes well, your income should be around 100,000 points every month." Gallon said naturally. Seeing Xilin's expression of disbelief that you were bragging, he sighed speechlessly.

"Blow, keep blowing." Xilin curled his lips and grabbed a red date from the bedside and threw it into his mouth to chew.

"Would I lie to you about something like this?" Garen continued to speak seriously without smiling. "Only I can do this kind of technology, others can't do it, so I'm not afraid to tell you." In fact, even if he calculated it this way, he still said that the share of this business was less, but according to Gallon's estimation, at this level The flow of funds is not too much for the powerful children like Xilin, but it is enough to make people excited, and it will not arouse the excitement of higher levels. Under the cover of the disciples at Xilin's level, the danger is the smallest and the safest.

"You'd better not lie to me." Hearing Jia Lung speak so solemnly, Xilin also suppressed the relief on his face, suppressed the shock in his heart, and said a rare and serious sentence. "If you really have such a big profit from this, then I can help you contact a few people."

"Of course I won't joke about such a big thing." Garen knew that her heart was moved, and nodded solemnly.

Xilin thought for a moment and quickly asked for some relevant technical details.

Garen is naturally very comfortable in dealing with these. He is a top expert in various fields in the totem world. He can transplant the metamorphosis that absorbs the heart, genes, soul and will on his own. It is easy to deal with Xilin with some new theories.

It couldn't be easier to rename the simple theories of various totem worlds and add a bunch of prefixes and suffixes to give people a high-end and sophisticated feeling. Xilin was so frightened that he was stunned for a moment.

After repeated verification, Xilin also gradually learned about Galleon's technology. After confirming that he was not falsely bragging at all, she began to contact friends in her circle.

Nono Siwa, a genius future pilot from an ordinary family, already has a promising future as a genius at the Black Disk Academy. It is not uncommon to enter the military and become a school-level student. If there is enough financial and logistical support, he will have to develop in the future. I really can’t tell clearly.

After all, this is how several military major generals started out. No one can tell whether Nono will become a new general in the future.

Unknowingly, Xilin's impression of Garen also changed slightly. A genius with enough potential, plus enough benefits, the combination of the two is enough to make the other party compare with him, at least not as before. Lighter in weight.

After making some calls, Xilin put down the terminal slightly tiredly.

"Fortunately, you have already entered the high-level view of the college. Otherwise, your background is too weak, and you may not be able to protect such a huge benefit."

"Have you made an appointment?" Garen also heard some of what she said just now.

"Well, when we are discharged from the hospital, we will go over to take a look at your goods. First, check the quality of the goods. If the quality of the fuel powder is really good, nothing will be a problem." Xilin nodded. "I contacted a few people, and two of them are very interested in this, and will come together when the time comes. There is a guy among them who has a much stronger background than me. You'd better be careful not to offend him, otherwise it will be very troublesome. "He warned in advance.

"I understand." Garen nodded and smiled slightly, knowing that his goal was somewhat hopeful. This Nonosiwa's identity can be regarded as a barely equal figure in the other party's heart.


Black plate border

noon, sunny

The continuous green mountains are like a large green blanket, covering the undulating land and spreading to the distant horizon.

Whoosh whoosh!

Black humanoid mechas with black disks printed on their chests were fighting several white and red mechas at high speed in mid-air over the mountains.

"Who are you!? Don't you know we are the troops stationed at the border of the Black Pan Territory!?" A black mecha yelled. What responded to him was a white steel fork, with three tips easily piercing his chest and the cockpit.

"No!." Bang! The black mecha turned into a ball of fire and exploded. The white and red mecha suspended not far in front of him retracted the steel fork chain in his hand and laughed twice.


The remaining black mechas set up their dual mobile cannons and fired fiercely at the opponent. The orange-yellow cannonballs formed a chain and streaked across the sky, but they could not touch the edges of these white and red mechas.

"Too slow, too slow! Hahaha!!" One of the white and red mechas laughed, and easily avoided a bullet chain. With a casual throw of the steel fork, it pierced another black mecha with a bang. chest.


The red fireball exploded again.

The rest of the black mechas were also suppressed by the white and red mechas. It was obvious that neither the pilots nor the mechas were as advanced and powerful as the other. The front line was almost completely collapsed.

At this moment, a tall black mecha roared up from below.

"Dare you invade the border of my Black Pan Domain!" The Black Pan mecha wearing a horn helmet roared, holding a knife in one hand and a shield in the other, and the white and red mecha flew into the sky at high speed.

A white and red mecha was brushed by him on the way. Suddenly, a silver light flashed, and a smooth cross-cutting edge appeared directly in the cockpit of the white and red mecha. After the fine arc spread, it exploded into a fireball with a roar and fell.

"Intruder! Die!" The big man's rough roar came from the horn mecha. The mecha raised its shield and pointed the spike in the middle of the shield at the leading white and red mecha.

"Finally, something decent has arrived." The white and red mecha let out a hey, then rolled and pounced down, popping out the steel fork in its hand. At the same time, the mecha's mouth turned slightly red and opened its mouth suddenly.

Woo! !

A red beam suddenly shot out from the mouth and rushed towards the horn mecha.

"What? Shoot it from the mouth!?" The horn mecha was stunned, "But this kind of particle beam cannot break my tower shield! Stupid!"

To his surprise, the orange particle beam did not hit him at all, but accurately hit the tail of the steel fork that had been shot in advance, causing an explosion suddenly.


As the white gas rolled, the steel fork suddenly accelerated in the explosion, reaching an incredible speed, exceeding the speed of sound, and instantly pierced the edge of the shield.

There was a loud clang.

The shield in the horn mecha's hand was severely knocked away, and a large piece of armor was wiped off by the steel fork on its right shoulder. The circuit inside was flashing with arcs of electricity.

He showed superb driving skills at the critical moment and avoided the steel fork from attacking the vital point in time. But he was also so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

The roar of the steel fork falling to the ground came from behind. The horn mecha did not dare to underestimate the opponent anymore. It held the knife in both hands and stared at the opponent intently.

"Oh? You can actually avoid this. Not bad quality." The white and red lead mecha has a large green crystal on its chest, glowing with light green fluorescence, which is different from other ordinary white and red mechas. The sound coming out of the mecha was masked by electronic sounds, but in the tone with no fluctuations, one could still feel the intense teasing of the other party.

"Who are you!?" the horn mecha shouted, "I am the commander of the Seventh Regiment of the Black Pan Territory Border Garrison, Binder! Tell me your name! Intruder!"

"Your strength is almost at the fourth level, not bad." The white and red mecha sneered, "But that's it."

"The time has dragged on long enough Milu." Suddenly there was a jump next to him, and while the black electric ball flashed, a new green crystal, white and red mecha appeared next to him, and the same electronic sound came from inside. "The team leaders are coming soon, don't delay."

"I understand! It's hard to carry out a mission alone, and I can't even vent a little bit."

The horn mecha instinctively felt something bad.

"There's another one!?" He pressed the mecha's alarm button fiercely.

Woo. Woo. Woo.

The blaring border siren below was fully sounded for the first time in years.

"Hurry up." The green crystal mecha that came later said calmly.


The two mechas suddenly pounced down together. The speed was far faster than the previous movement and exceeded the reaction speed of the fourth-level pilot's consciousness. Only a flash of green light could be seen in the sky.

Two green lines crisscrossed over the horn mecha that was about to turn around and escape, and then intersected again, revealing its fuselage again.

coax! !

The horn mecha exploded immediately, turned into a ball of fire, and fell completely.

At the same time, the rest of the black plate mechas were defeated one after another and exploded into balls of fire in the sky.

Several white and red mechas put away the remains of their own mechas below and flew directly towards the interior of the black disk domain. Not long after, several mecha shadows flashed across the sky again, all white and red mechas. One of the mechas had green fluorescent lines flowing on its upper body, converging to form a huge light character, which was particularly conspicuous.

"Move quickly. After the advance, everyone will move freely and disperse, and finally converge at the target area, Black Pan City. Do you understand?" The green light mecha ordered the other mechas while flying at top speed.

"Understood." X4

The neat chorus of responses showed the group's strict odds.

There are four green crystal mechas in the entire team, all of which are white and red mechas with green diamond-shaped crystals inlaid on their chests. If the leader of the horn mecha who died just now saw this scene, he would probably be shocked and overwhelmed.

One green crystal mecha represents a high-level mobile phone master close to level five, and there are actually four of them here. This means that there are four high-level mobile phone users close to level five. What's even more terrifying is that the leader is actually The one that looks stronger is definitely level five or above!

Suddenly, the green light mecha suddenly looked far to the right.

"You came very quickly." Inside the mecha, the red-haired man wearing a white mask lowered his head slightly, and the mecha also took a defensive posture.

"It's the elite of Black Pan Academy, Lord Gujiado!" The entire team stopped quickly, and one of the green crystal mechas reported.

"They should be elite students stationed in nearby branches. Be careful not to get too hung up on fighting. Each of these opponents has at least level three strength!" the leader Gujiado said calmly. "The opponent has level 5 instructor-level experts. They cannot all be retreated and dispersed within two minutes."


Gujiado calmly stared at the blue sky in the distance, where a fiery red humanoid mecha was flying at high speed. There were wings on the back of the mecha, and its diamond-shaped eyes glowed with cold green fluorescence.

"Level 5 master. Flame Caesar! It's interesting." A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


A straight alloy knife suddenly popped out of his arm.

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