Mysterious journey

Chapter 815 Advance 2

"Yesterday at four o'clock in the morning, the remains of a white mecha was found in the southern Xinjiang area. According to the investigation by the relevant departments, it should be a foreign wandering mecha that entered the border without permission and was defeated by our stationed pilots. Now three generals in black from the military have already Fully mobilize, conduct military exercises, and conduct a thorough search and exclusion of the area. Please ask irrelevant personnel to evacuate the area as soon as possible."

Garen stood in the bathroom, letting the hot water pour down from his head, wiping the sweat stains from his body while listening to the news playing in the living room.

The sound of rushing water mixed with the sound of news gave people an inexplicable sense of peace and tranquility.

"General in black?" His expression moved slightly. Others may not know it, but he has been using hacking technology to search for information on mecha masters recently, and he is very sensitive to this information.

"The black-clad generals are another name for the academy's black light troops, which is also the collective name for elite students. Some elite students who are stationed outside are known as black-clad generals to the outside world, and they all hold the rank of major general. Each black-clad general has at least one officer under his command. A team of fifteen powerful mecha masters, these mecha masters are not just ordinary mecha masters, they actually dispatched three teams at a time."

Garen turned off the water, pulled the dry towel hanging on the side and put it over his head, and rubbed his hair dry.

Wipe off the water on your body, walk out of the bathroom, put on clean and heated underwear, go directly into the living room and sit down in front of the computer.

"What happened again? It's really troublesome."

He casually looked at the pictures on the news and pressed playback and pause. The white and red mecha wreckage on it was very conspicuous.

Turning off the news, he picked up the watch terminal and checked the time.

"Almost there."

Ding. Ding..

The doorbell sounded.

"Please come in."

Gallon pressed a button on the computer, and the door lock automatically opened with a crisp sound.

The door was pushed open, and a tall, sturdy boy walked in. The boy had dark skin, short hair, and his temperament and movements gave people a vigorous and resolute look.

"Are you Nono Siwa's classmate? I'm Mondo, a second-year student. I won't need to introduce my full name. Let's get down to business."

"Okay." Garen nodded and stood up, "Please sit down. Do you want some tea?"

"No. This is your membership card, please keep it." The boy Mondo obviously had a good impression of Gallon, and there was no trace of contempt or contempt for the Gallon family. He spoke in a completely equal tone. Talking.

"In addition, because of your outstanding performance in the finals, the decision-making team decided to give you Level 2 support. For the specific content, you can use the card to check the webpage. It is explained above."

"Understood." Garen took a silver-white card with a black symbol of V on it and a delicate vine-like pattern on the edge, which looked very luxurious and delicate.

"In addition, if there is any emergency, you can contact this number directly. He is a direct contact of Lord Blanding. General problems can be easily solved by him, such as the little guy you offended." Mondo operated the terminal , and passed a number to Garen. It was a third-grade boy named Gursi.

Mundo smiled friendly at Garen.

"Sir Blanding admires you very much and told us to take more care of you, otherwise it won't be me who comes here this time, but at most an ordinary working member."

"Thank you, Lord Blanding." Garen smiled and moved the terminal in his hand slightly.

"As long as you understand." Mondo smiled with satisfaction. Looking at the more than 10,000 universal points that suddenly appeared on the watch, he felt very comfortable.

He patted Garen on the shoulder.

"If you have anything to do in the future, you can come to me directly. You don't need to bother Mr. Blanding and Gursi with anything. As a senior, it's my duty to take care of my juniors."

"I will never forget you, senior." Garen nodded in a good mood.

"I will never forget such a generous and cheerful new member!" Mondo had a good impression of Nono Siwa.

The two quickly exchanged contact information. The third-year Mondo had obviously begun to have a little contact with society and was quite familiar with the experience of bargaining. The two exchanged their bottom lines for a while. When encountering any level of trouble, add Long can go to him, but it is best not to bother him with any kind of trouble.

Ninety-nine percent of Blue Narcissus people are rich and powerful, but no one will object to having too much money. Meng Meng's tutor has always been very strict and he doesn't have much pocket money, so he naturally attaches more importance to this way of making money and repeatedly tells Jia Lung to come to him if he encounters any trouble. His grandfather, who is in charge of the family, is the head of the Black Pan Territory Military Department and one of the professors in the inner courtyard of the college. It is easy to mobilize the city defense army squad or something. Even hiring elite black-clad generals is not without discussion.

This was the part that shocked Garen.

General in black is a military rank that can only be obtained by elite students who have at least the fifth level. It is surprising that such an inconspicuous college boy in front of me can reach that level. This made him sigh at the strength of the members of Blue Narcissus. No wonder the total number of Blue Narcissus students in the Black Disk Academy, where so many freshmen join each year, remains in the thousands. Obviously, this is no longer a question of one in a hundred, but one in a thousand or even one in a thousand. Because many of the senior leaders in Blue Narcissus are already graduates, and some are still serving as senior leaders in the organization when they are in their fifties and sixties. Such a network represents an almost absolute aristocratic class.

After Mundo left, Garen closed the door and mentally sorted out his network of relationships.

"Minister Blanding's side is somewhat stable. As long as it's not too much trouble, it's no problem to borrow some help. Then, Minister Blanding of Blue Narcissus, Mondo, Guers. Vivian on Xilin's side, Wade. Blue Narcissus's department inspections, the background forces in the Black Disk Territory, and some small-scale garrison mobilization can have an impact. Judging from the investigation information, I want to use about ten first-level mechas. The division troops should be fine. In other words, the relationship between Blue Narcissus is mainly to increase my actual strength in the black disk domain."

He weighed the favor of the money he had given out this time.

"Then there is Xilin and Vivian. The main focus here is breadth and breadth of influence. Xilin's family business is spread across all regions. It is easy to get intelligence and information, and it is also very convenient to trade and purchase various supplies. In It has a certain influence in other domains. Vivian's family seems to be involved in the black market and loan sharking, so some contraband should be available. For example, even Blue Narcissus would not dare to sell it openly. There are also mercenaries hired to handle external affairs. The relationship here is much more complicated than that of Blue Narcissus."

He analyzed the significance of the relationship between the two parties to him one by one, how to take advantage of it, and how to use it to develop quickly when he was at his weakest. This was the key.

"But the core foundation and foundation of these relationships is my own development and strengthening."

Garen let out a breath, and the exercise method was about to reach its peak. The black disk exercise method can only reach the first level. After that, the academy will not provide more advanced exercise methods for free. At most, it will give the qualification to practice advanced exercise methods. After all, ordinary people Without identity, you are not allowed to practice training methods above level three. If you want to obtain the specific content, you must work for the college, or directly pay for it, or sign a contract to become a lifelong employee of the college, in order to obtain continued training methods.

"Without an exercise method, even if you strengthen your Peacock Kung Fu, you still don't know which direction to take. You must find a consciousness exercise method that suits you as soon as possible."

The strengthening and advancement of Peacock Kung Fu is actually a forced advancement along the lines of exercise. If there is no way ahead, it will automatically convert this energy into other uses instead of strengthening consciousness.

"There is still too little understanding of consciousness. If there is enough information, maybe I can try to create my own consciousness training method. Unfortunately, high-level training requires money and identity."

He retook the market for mindfulness exercises on the web.

The prices of all the training methods are astonishingly expensive, and only the highest level three are sold on the market. Any higher level requires identity verification. If you are not a core member of the army or force, you are not allowed to buy it, no matter how rich you are. .

Garen's ambition is not just level three. From his perspective, many of these training methods are just castrated versions. If you want to deduce a perfect version by yourself, it will take too much time and energy, and it is not cost-effective.

"It seems that we still have to go through the channels with Vivian and Xilin. A higher-level exercise method. The price will definitely not be cheap." Looking at the prices on the web page, which are often tens of thousands, it is only a third-level exercise method. , higher-end ones are not allowed to be sold, and the price may be extremely outrageous.

"Forget it, let's slowly save money first and find a third-level one to use."

He started browsing directly on the web page.

The content is not the same as what I saw last time. The prices have also changed. Many of the exercise methods have been changed to new ones. Some of them have obviously been sold a lot. Prices have been reduced. There are also labels with discount time limits, labels recommended by websites, recommended by so-and-so famous mecha masters, workout methods that made so-and-so famous, workout methods with the fastest progress, etc.

After scanning it, Garen set his sights on the four training methods.

'Strange Power War Hammer - Amplifies the power of the mecha controlled by consciousness, and the amplitude increases with the level. The maximum level three increase is 200%. This exercise method has a unique and powerful effect in consciousness defense. It has a very good defensive effect against pure consciousness skills below level three. Each layer is priced at 380,000 general points. ’

‘Whisper of the Wind—increases the control speed of your consciousness, allowing you to play with your enemies like the wind, and win with ease than in a moment of applause. The third-level amplified body speed is 35%. At the same time, the speed of consciousness operation is also optimized and accelerated. Suitable for speed pilots. Each level sells for 400,000 points. ’

'Galaxy Halo - a burst-type exercise method of plural control, which allows your consciousness to be divided into several parts, and at the same time, you can subtly control multiple units to attack. The number of divisions is divided by level, one is divided at the first level, and two are divided at the second level. The third level is divided into three, suitable for fortress mecha pilots, and each level is priced at 260,000 points. ’

'Sword of the Sun - an additional effect-based training method that attaches a high-heat layer to the fist of the mecha weapon, burning and melting the enemy's mecha shell, increasing the lethality. At the same time, high-energy radiation is produced, which has a certain negative impact on the opponent's pilots. Suitable for melee pilots, each level sells for 190,000 points. Note that this exercise method is extremely difficult to practice, so please purchase with caution. ’

These four training methods are considered excellent for Garen and are very suitable for his fighting style. And the most important thing is that these four exercise methods have the faint possibility of evolution, much like the castrated basic versions of some advanced exercise methods. There is a possibility of improvement in the future, but many other exercise methods seem very powerful and affordable, and have high cost performance, but in fact there is no possibility of further improvement in the future.

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