Mysterious journey

Chapter 817 Waves 2

On the way to the cafeteria, more and more people greeted Garen enthusiastically along the way. Many of them were guys who had only met each other once. When they saw Garen, they all took the initiative to say hello to Garen like he was a good friend. Many of these people are students whose family background is not very good, but they are not very bad either. Students from poor families do not take the initiative to approach him.

When they arrived at the cafeteria, they went to get some food and drink and came back to sit down. Lucian Kerr took the initiative to sit across from Gallon. Within half a minute, several students came over, said hello and sat next to Gallon.

This situation is almost exactly the same as when the princes and princesses appeared. Some students came over to sit down as if it was a nice day today, chatting on their own. From time to time, they dragged Galen into the topic and made jokes. The chat seemed natural, but in fact everyone Unconsciously observing the changes in Garen's expression.

Unknowingly, with Garen as the core, there were more or less five or six other students sitting around him, forming a small social circle. It also vaguely shielded other students who wanted to get closer, which also caused many students who came late to leave quietly with some resentment.

Garen also figured out the reason in his mind.

He has shown potential, has joined a strong organization like Blue Narcissus, and is rumored to be in contact with Mondo. Obviously, his future development is definitely promising. At least a school-level or even major general cannot run away. For such a character, for the average students around him, it is the best time to speculate if you try to build a good relationship with him before he has developed.

Most of these students hold the idea that opportunities will only be given to those who are proactive enough. If you have no initiative at all, no matter how great the opportunity is, it will be impossible. Sometimes if you are a little thicker-skinned, you may get development opportunities that others need to struggle for many years to catch up with.

These people are real snobs, follow the crowd, have thick skin, and can only be regarded as helpers. Some small things can be done for them. Garen knows very well that big things will definitely be the first to run away.

However, it was not enough to act too unique in the academy. In addition, there were also handsome men and beauties among these races. They looked at least eye-catching, so he just went with the flow.

He sat completely in his seat and ate chicken stew with mushrooms at his own pace. Gallon's way of eating was very strange. He ate it with bread and buns dipped in chicken soup. Basically, he took three bites of buns and buns the size of a fist, without stopping. In less than ten minutes, all the food for three people on the table was stuffed into his stomach.

He picked up the napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth elegantly. When he was reincarnated into the totem world, the combination of his aristocratic education and his huge appetite made him develop such a weird eating habit. He seemed to eat in an elegant and gentle way, but his food intake was surprisingly large.

By the time the people around him realized something was wrong, they saw that the pile of things in front of Garen on the table was empty.

"Does Nuonuo always have such a big appetite? No wonder the machine battle is so strong!" Ke'er, who was sitting opposite, obviously deliberately approached Garen, and asked softly in a soft voice.

"It's okay." Garen replied calmly. He raised his watch and looked at the time. "It's getting late. I'm going to attend Professor Serge's interference course."

"I'll come too, there's nothing to do anyway." Ke'er took the initiative.

"I'm coming too! Nono, do you mind?" The person who spoke was a beautiful girl in Nonosiwa's class. Her strength scores were very average, and her consciousness was only basic and intermediate, but her appearance and figure were very good, and she had a standard oriental girl face. , black hair tied up, fair and delicate skin, a pair of big black and bright eyes, standard almond eyes and cherry mouth, giving people the feeling of white jade like a porcelain doll, and she has a youthful girlish temperament when she sits quietly in her seat.

The girl's name is Wei La. She looks innocent, but is actually famous in the class for liking to cling to powerful people. It is said that she is often seen going to various entertainment venues with some rich kids from other classes.

"If you don't find it boring." Garen smiled and stood up.

As soon as he stood up, he saw Mia and Aier sitting not far away. The two looked over with worried eyes, and they happened to meet him.

"Why didn't you say hello when you came?" Garen smiled and walked over. A true friend is a friend who can never leave him in times of trouble. He separated from the crowd and walked directly to the two of them.

"I saw that you were surrounded by many people and there were beautiful women here. Aren't I afraid of disturbing you?" Mia was slightly unhappy, but she felt relieved when she saw that Nono still greeted them with the same attitude as before.

"Isn't this classmate Aier? You are here too. I'm sorry, I didn't see it just now." Wei La walked out beside Garen and said with a smile. She knew Aier, the little boy who once wrote a love letter to her. Innocent, I didn't expect that the relationship with Nono would be so good, it was just the breaking point.

"Classmate Weila." Aier saw Weila standing next to Garen, and a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes. He had indeed been secretly in love with Weila.

Garen was too lazy to pay attention to this trivial matter. The class was about to start. Anyway, it was fine. There would be nothing wrong with studying more. The courses in the college are all free to take, and you can go if you want to. Anyway, as long as you can pass the final exam, no one cares how you study.

After becoming famous, this kind of situation is normal. There are many people who want to join Qianlong. Some well-informed students must have gotten the news that he was appreciated by the blue narcissus Blanding, so this situation happened.

After chatting with Elmia for a while, Garen was directly surrounded by a group of people and went to the student lecture area.

Ke'er and Wei La had completely occupied the positions on his left and right, and it didn't matter to Garen anyway. This situation was no different from that of other powerful children, and they were just used to disguise themselves and cover themselves.

Time passes day by day.

Soon the second batch of white colored stones will arrive, and the teaching time agreed with Xilin will also arrive.

Garen made some preparations, and then went to pick up the goods with Perry, the representative of Blue Narcissus, and Wade, the representative of Xilin. All three parties receiving goods for the first time need to be familiar with the process. The delivery vehicle is an ordinary freight truck owned by the family in Xilin. The first batch of goods costs more than 500 yuan, which is regarded as preliminary raw materials.

Gallon used the remaining tens of thousands of points after purchasing the exercise method to rent a small refining and processing plant for a month. The fully automatic refining production line can completely purify high-energy fuel powder to meet the minimum basic market requirements.

But these are not the most important. The main thing that makes him helpless is that after absorbing all the more than 500 white colored light stones in this batch, there is no sign of advancement at all. The fourth level of the Cold Hell Peacock Skill has progressed from 11% increased to 78%, and then nothing happened. Obviously this amount is not enough for it to consume, and more is needed.

On the other hand, there are twenty or thirty bottles of high-energy fuel powder produced with more than 500 yuan. The investment is 1,500 points, and the safety freight is increased by 500 points. The main cost is 2,000 points. Twenty-five bottles of powder are obtained, which is 200 points. For a fifteen kilogram package, the minimum is 100,000 points per kilogram, which means the final profit is about 2.5 million. Taking into account the profit ratio, Galleons himself gets 40%, which is exactly one million points.

Looking at the universal point numbers in his watch terminal, Garen finally relaxed a little.

He also owed instructor Ham more than a million in surgical fees, and now he could finally see hope of paying it off. The next exercise method would also require a lot of money, but he had to keep up with the pace every month. .

Making money too quickly is not a good thing and can easily make people jealous.

Gallon worked hard to control the speed of refining the powder. On the one hand, he was afraid of jealousy, and on the other hand, he also wanted to control the market's hunger. As soon as the refined goods were thrown out, the Military Factory Research Institute took over directly, almost robbing them. This situation also made Garen secretly glad that his plan was sound. If he hadn't hooked up with the influence networks on both sides in advance to jointly cover it, the group of commercial spies alone would have been enough for him. Looking at the hungry faces of those buying forces, no one would believe him even if he said he didn't need to be suppressed by the forces.

The speed is about twice a month, and each acquisition is about 500 yuan, which is not too much. The total income is about 5 million, and 10% of the income is 500,000 points, or hundreds of thousands. Xilin is not interested, but he has to pay more attention to 500,000 points. As a business family, he is like this, not to mention Vivian, Wei Di and others. The income of 500,000 points a month makes Both of them were a little frightened, and when they thought about the 40% profit in Nonosiwa's hands, they both felt helpless.

In June, as the first cooperation, Gallon's total income was rounded up to 5 million, leaving out the fractions, and paying a tax of 20%, which is one-fifth. The remaining 4 million, he received 40% of the income. , and gained 1.6 million points.

He used most of the 1.6 million to return the teacher Ham, and the remaining 200,000 to pay for the rent of the factory, and then distributed it to the salaries of the personnel responsible for purchasing the white colored light stones along the way. He gave Kende a dividend of 10,000 points and sent some to his family as a subsidy. In the end, he rounded up the remaining 100,000 points.

And these 100,000 points were the real capital he used to build a base.

At this time, as Nono Siwa, he officially entered his sophomore year. Become an Academy Sophomore.

As for his consciousness, as long as he absorbs white malachite again next month, he should be able to break through to the fourth level. The total number of basic layers of the Cold Prison Peacock Technique is five. The first five layers are just the most basic and foundational parts. There are three layers behind, which are the layers where the power is truly exerted. Garen has vaguely discovered that Peacock Kung Fu itself does not greatly improve physical fitness, but mainly improves special abilities. This also makes him look forward to the upcoming fourth level, which is a level of qualitative change. As long as he enters, his consciousness will definitely be forced to improve and enter the first level, so that he will no longer rely on Yue Ya. You can also qualify to become a mecha master independently.

At this time, the Black Disk Territory finally began to stir, and some rumors about the White Light Terrorist Organization began to circulate in the territory. It was said that the Great Light Mecha within the White Light Organization had entered the Black Disk Territory, breaking through the defense forces and the black-clothed generals. blockade.

The three major states, more than a dozen counties, dozens of large and small cities, and hundreds of villages and towns in the black disk area have almost all begun to impose martial law in unison. Fortunately, the degree is not very large, but various monitoring equipment have been greatly activated. , the number of patrol mechas increased. Ordinary people just feel that it is a little more strict. Only professionals can feel the hidden undercurrent in the black disk domain.

No one knows that the generals in black have actually completely lost the whereabouts of the white light mecha, and have been hidden by them in the black disk domain.

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