Mysterious journey

Chapter 826 Lurking 1

"Could it be that the professor asked us to come here just for him to play with?" Polly made a rare moment of cold humor, but it was obvious that the other party didn't appreciate it.

The white and red mecha roared loudly and flew over directly, its body rotating at high speed and holding two swords like a high-speed top.

The areas on the ground that were affected by the wave were cut by the blade, and cracks quickly opened up.

"Quentin Kill! Hahahaha! Go to hell!!!" A twisted and perverted laughter came from the white and red mecha.

The huge slash rotated towards Polly, and he had almost no time to dodge or retreat. When he grabbed it with his hand from the front, the black plate suddenly flew in front of him and was inserted into the ground in front of him.

coax! !

The blade rotates and white light flashes at the same time.

Polly staggered back a few steps, half of the mecha's body was completely cut off. Fortunately, the cockpit on the chest was not affected and can still be supported.

Behind the white and red mecha, there was a long dagger glowing with white light. The dagger pierced deeply into the center of his vest, almost piercing the cockpit. The white and red pilot was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

"Who!! Get out of here!?" He turned around. The person who could break through his weakened force field was definitely not the little guy just hiding in the distance and firing cold shots.

"Is your machine called the Glory Mecha?" A calm female voice came from beside him.

In the slightly turbid sandy air, a pair of red eyes dimly lit up. A huge black machine is slowly walking towards here.


The black machine body casually dropped the head of a white and red mecha and slowly walked out of the wind and sand. There are also broken wires and arcs on the edge of the head. It was obviously unscrewed from another mecha not long ago.


Huge air spurts spread in all directions, with the black mecha as the center, and the entire area hundreds of meters around trembled slightly.

"This is the force field of consciousness!" The white and red mecha took a breath of air. "No! That's not right! You can condense a consciousness force field at such a young age!? How is that possible!?"

"It's Sister Red-Eyed Metropolis!!" Polly had already recognized the person, "Sister! How is Ellie?!"

"She's fine. I rescued her. I came here just for insurance, but I didn't expect her to be very powerful." Metro responded calmly. "You all withdraw, I am enough."

"Yes!" Matthew and Polly no longer wanted to confront the monster of the white and red mecha. The long-range mecha was ineffective and the melee combat was also suppressed. It was not a level opponent at all.

The two mechas quickly took off and headed back in the direction they came from.

Along the way, there were the remains of mecha soldiers everywhere on the ground. There were also a small number of white and red mecha body parts. Some of the mecha soldier survivors were gathering together to treat each other. Medical vehicles coming from the city kept looking at them. Come here.

As soon as the two landed, they were surrounded by several medical vehicles and were helped out of the mecha.

Matthew was covered in blood and sweat, and his clothes were mixed with blood and water. He looked like his whole body was bloody and bloody. It was just the rupture of blood vessels caused by the high-intensity mecha load.

"How is the situation? How are the casualties?" The first thing he did when he got off the mecha was to ask about the result of the siege.

Only one of the four adjutants survived, and because she was a girl, she was protected at the back and survived. Her eyes were swollen and she cried countless times.

"It's tragic. The opponent's mechas are so terrifying. All our attacks can be reflected back in an instant. In just one encounter, more than 30 mecha masters were injured or killed."

"What about now?" Polly was lying on a stretcher. His arms were broken, and blood was flowing from his facial features. This was an injury caused by being shocked by the opponent's fifth-level mecha master.

"Of the two hundred mecha masters, only forty-two are still alive." the adjutant replied in a low voice.

Some of the medical staff around could not help crying. Many of them were friends or relatives of the combatants. They took the initiative to apply to come and see them as soon as possible because they were worried about the war situation. But now.

"Have you found out the other party's details?" Matthew was silent for a moment and was put on an oxygen mask.

"The other party claims to be a radiant mecha, each one has level five strength. If Master Mediro hadn't arrived in time," the adjutant couldn't say any more.

Level five!

Each one has level five strength. Such a terrifying enemy

Matthew's heart trembled.

What concept does level five represent? Black Disk Academy is the top institution in the Black Disk Domain. All the people who have reached level 5 are instructors, and the total number is only over a hundred. And most of them are over thirty years old. Such talents can work anywhere, in any force, as instructors and guest officials, and receive high benefits. There is no need to go to the battlefield and fight with others in person. And here, any soldier on the other side has level five strength.

"What kind of monster is this!?" Polly couldn't help but cursed.

"White Light Organization, the Glory Mecha is just an ordinary level. There is also a higher level of Great Light Mecha." Matthew said calmly, "The matter has exceeded our ability to cope. There is no point in piling up the number of people. It will only increase casualties. , we need high-level pilot support!" Matthew said calmly.

"The fifth-level masters are the college's combat-ready resources. The strife between domains will not start easily unless the eldest sister and the others can't support it." Polly shook his head and said, "Just wait, wait for the Black Star of our generation to come back, don't care about you All those big bright mechas must die!"

"Yes, we still have Lord Black Star!" Matthew nodded. In any case, Black Star is known as the strongest chief in the academy. As long as he comes back, he will definitely be able to stabilize the overall situation.


"Red-eyed Mediro! One of the most promising people in Black Pan."

On the other side, Metro's black mecha was surrounded by three white and red mechas at some point. All three are glorious mechas with green crystals on their chests.

"Be careful, this woman is very troublesome! She's not Level 5, but she's very troublesome!" The body of the mecha that had briefly fought with Metro on his own before was trembling slightly, and half of its body seemed to be flowing with black electricity.

"It's a paralysis power source, be careful not to let her get close!"

The three mechas flew slowly around Metro, forming a vague encirclement formation.

"If it weren't for the purpose of surpassing Black Star, you ordinary level 5 people would dare to wander around in front of me." Mediro was sitting in the mecha, her eyes were so red and purple that they were almost bleeding. This was her unique single message. The special effect of the consciousness training method - red eye, can see through illusions and see through the weaknesses of the opponent's mecha. It is a very terrifying quality of consciousness.

"Thunder Whip!"

Metro made a sudden move, his arms vibrated and a purple-red current whip appeared, and he squeezed forward.


The purple whip suddenly flew out and turned into an arc of electric current chain, hitting the two mechas in front like lightning.

Without stopping at all, a ball of electric light exploded behind Metro, and he instantly appeared between the two mechas, spreading his arms.

Bang bang! !

Two white and red mechas had one of their arms smashed off and fell hard.

"It's an accelerating force field! Get out! His speed is too fast!" The shot of the last intact white and red mecha missed and hit the spot where Metro was originally standing. When he reacted, two His teammates had already been knocked to the ground. If it hadn't been for the extremely quick consciousness of a fifth-level pilot, he would have been exploded in an instant if he had been a less capable pilot.

Metro's force field attribute is acceleration, which can accelerate by 30% in a short period of time, which is very terrifying. It was already close to the limit of her body. This level of skill is simply not something that ordinary pilots can physically bear, not even their glorious pilots.

Without saying a word, the three glorious mechas turned over, separated and flew directly in three directions.

"I want to run!" Mediro clasped his hands together and squeezed out a more powerful purple-red arc.

There was a click, a purple light flashed, and the two glorious mechas were cut off at the waist and exploded in mid-air.

But this little time also gave the last mecha a chance to escape.

Mei Diluo's eyes were cold and stern, and he squeezed his hands again. Suddenly, another beam of purple light shot out, penetrating thousands of meters and hitting the back of the Glory Mecha.

But the distance was too far, and the opponent was also a fifth-level pilot. When he was in danger, he released a white flash, which actually rebounded the arc in another direction and knocked it away. But it was not without cost. Most of the entire body of the Glory Mecha was destroyed. It was burnt, and from a distance it looked more like a deflated air can. The middle waist was severely dented, and it was terrible to look at.

A black electric ball flashed past, and the glorious mecha suddenly disappeared.

"Space jump?" Metro put down the third arc lightning whip and let the electricity slowly spread out in his hand.

"What a powerful machine. Even after being hit by my thunder whip, it can still escape safely. No wonder even the border generals can't stop these people. There are so many fifth-level pilots. White Light Organization"

Metro sat in the mecha thoughtfully.

These level 5 pilots didn't feel like they were trained through regular channels, but more like a quick, semi-finished product that stimulated potential. Everyone was hysterical, and there was a feeling that there was no hope at all. However, their mechas are very powerful and have special consciousness abilities. That ability seems to be rebound.

Facing an attack of a certain intensity, it can bounce back, and even stronger ones can move and change its position. This ability will indeed play an extremely powerful role when used at critical times.

"The investigation needs to continue."

"Lord Metro." In the distant sky, several black mechas slowly flew over and landed.

"General in black? What's going on elsewhere?" Metro asked softly. Putting away its armed form, the mecha suddenly shrank in size.

"Twenty-three places in the whole domain were attacked, all within an hour. The opponents were all the white and red radiant mechas just now. Including you, sir, there are a total of twenty-three teams rushing to the front line at the same time. .The situation should be stable now." The other party replied cautiously.

"Do you have any instructions, teacher?"

"Dean Simes hopes that you can investigate the whereabouts of the big bright mecha that entered the black disk domain as much as possible. The opponent is very powerful. Under the siege of our three teams, he finally broke out and left."

"Oh? Three teams can't keep him?" Mediro suddenly sounded solemn. Even if it were her, not three teams, or even one team would be in danger. That was a team of ten black-clad generals. , is the most powerful military organization in the entire Black Disk Domain except for instructors! The weakest of each member is level three or above. The black-clad generals who lead them are all elite students of the academy. Everyone is a level five master with a famous title.

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