Mysterious journey

Chapter 844 Gap 1

The four arms intertwined, and a wave of air suddenly spread out. A large number of debris and dust from the clothes on the arms were shattered and scattered.

Jialong and Anji Tielin were entangled fiercely, and their arms collided rapidly, making the sound of gold and iron.

No other tricks were used. Just using his arms, Garen suppressed Anji Tielin in just a few seconds. He blocked the opponent's two-arm attack with one arm. Occasionally, one move can deflect the opponent's attack.

The other arm penetrated straight through the gap in the middle and hit Anji Tielin with a palm.


Anji Tielin was hit in the chest, his face instantly turned pale, he took a few steps back and stood still, looking at the freshman chief in front of him. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. His face turned red and white, and the place fell silent for a while.

Faintly, Anji Tielin felt that this freshman chief Nono Siwa not only had no flaws in martial arts like him, but the most important thing was that there was an indescribable sense of oppression in his movements. This feeling was not that of those who were ranked higher in the front. The bloody murderous intent of the actual combat master is more of an indescribable feeling of trembling.

"You can reach this point at this age. I underestimated you." Anji Tielin covered his chest and turned pale.

"You are already doing very well." Garen shook his head slightly, "Continue?"

"I" Anji Tielin wanted to speak, but was suddenly interrupted by another voice.

"Let me do it, Angie."

Not far away, a young man with long black hair climbed onto the martial arts field, casually took off his black jacket and threw it to his companions behind him.

"Bailey?" Anji Tielin was silent for a moment, said no more, and chose to step down by himself. Before leaving, he whispered to Garen. "Be careful, that guy is ranked seventh and has a bad temper."

Garen nodded, accepted the other party's kindness, and set his sights on the man on stage opposite. This guy named Bailey seemed to be filled with black mist, giving people an inexplicable and looming illusion.

"Ranked seventh. It seems a little different." He felt that the other party's mental willpower seemed to be not just one person, but seemed to be two.

"Level three consciousness. Being able to use it to this extent depends entirely on your own strong physical fitness." Bailey's eyes seemed to have something that could be scanned and seen through, with faint white light spots flashing faintly.

Garen's heart trembled, he said nothing and just looked at the other party quietly.

"Your physical fitness is very scary. Either it has been soaked in strengthening liquid, or it may have been modified by genetic irradiation. But it doesn't matter." Bailey smiled slightly, "These are not important. Although the physical fitness may increase the body's resistance and strength speed, but Pure suppression of consciousness is the real way."

"Pure consciousness suppression?" Garen was slightly vigilant. He was not very familiar with the real secret technique of consciousness and could only pay attention to the movements around him at all times. The opponent is the seventh-ranked master. In the entire Black Pan Academy, those who practice Pan Eagle Talon are at the top of the pyramid. Judging from his age and aura, he is obviously not a rookie who has not fought before. Such an opponent is enough to be treated as a real enemy.

"We are both geniuses in the Eagle's Nest, let me give you some pointers!!" Before the final 'ba' sound could be heard, Bailey waved his right arm out in an instant. His arm was like a sharp knife, cutting through the air, and there was a faint sound. A hint of fishy sweet smell. A black shadow of an arm formed in the air, grabbing Garen like a black snake ropeway.

Where the ground was affected by the shadow of the arm, there were faint signs of corrosion and discoloration, showing the terrifying toxins of this shadow. The alloy ground was also corroded instantly. If it were replaced by human skin, it would be eroded and necrotic in an instant.

"Poisonous!" Garen frowned slightly and stepped back a few steps as fast as lightning to avoid the shadow's attack. However, the area within several meters of the opponent was completely wrapped in poisonous gas, making it impossible to get in.

Bailey stood on the martial arts field like a hedgehog covered in thorns, making it difficult for people to start.


Another shadow of an arm hit the ground behind Garen. Although he dodged it, some black smoke was still entangled with it. The strange thing was that the black smoke seemed to have its own consciousness and actively clung to the skin of Garen's body. , was shaken away by him lightly.

The two of them struck and retreated, and before they knew it, Garen was completely suppressed.

Without letting go of his physical limitations, he was actually directly suppressed by his opponent using his secret technique of consciousness. This made Garon look forward to it more and more. When he met a guy ranked seventh, he could actually exert such actual combat ability without a mecha. It really showed the terrifying degree of the blessing of consciousness.

A pilot with strong consciousness, even if he doesn't need a mecha, is equivalent to a top master with strong internal strength, and it is not easy to deal with ordinary people. Self-cell development has reached a powerful level.

Thinking of this, Garen slightly relaxed his restrictions on himself. After all, these people's consciousness is stronger than him, but their physical quality is not much higher than the average of normal people. Just like the Bailey in front of him, he only has a quality of 1.2 or 1.3 at most, which is a little stronger than the average adult. It can be judged from his reaction speed and the strength of his movements. This also shows that consciousness training seems to be only Only the moment of blessing can be effective. Without blessing, it will still have the original quality of ordinary people.

Garen understood the gap between consciousness and secret martial arts, and without saying much, he took a step forward, raised his palm into a sword, and slashed forward fiercely.

Woo! !

With a scream, his palm suddenly blasted out an invisible airflow, blowing away the poisonous smoke in front of him. Taking advantage of the little bit of air that the poisonous smoke dispersed, he suddenly rushed forward and punched Bailey inside.

"Poison Pond!" Bailey opened his mouth, and his consciousness surged suddenly. It was not level four consciousness, but level five! !

The powerful consciousness was blown out in all directions, forming an invisible force field shock wave, which hit Garen who rushed forward.

Bang! !

He flew backwards, his legs sliding on the ground leaving long black marks, and he slowly stopped until the soles of his leather shoes were worn out.

Garen's consciousness wrapped around his own body to protect him from the poisonous smoke of the opponent's consciousness. However, Garen also felt a tearing pain in his brain at this time. It was obvious that his consciousness was traumatized and needed to rest.

The gap between level five and level three is really big. If it weren't for Garen's strong physique, he would have fallen to the ground and been unable to get up.

Standing quietly in place, Garen could hear the admiration coming from the surrounding areas. They were all praises and exclamations for Bailey's terrifying poisonous skills, but there were also praises for himself for joining the Eagle's Nest. As the freshman chief, he actually You can fight against the seventh-ranked master with so many moves.

Garen suppressed his strong physical fitness and just used a little more than average quality to deal with it. However, he did not expect that with his powerful secret martial arts combat experience, he was unable to attack the opponent, and was injured by his consciousness as a result. This was obviously due to the lack of familiarity with the opponent's tricks. The last wave of consciousness diffusion was an absolute impact that could not be avoided. It was spread to all directions, up, down, left, and right, so it could only be resisted.

Narrowing his eyes, Garen simulated a fight in which he let go of his physical strength. The result was that it would probably be an even tie and both sides would suffer losses. The opponent's Poison Kung Fu was very powerful, and he could also use the Poison Kung Fu to rush forward and inflict heavy damage. other side.

This made Garen feel more and more excited. He was now close to the peak of the secret martial arts world, but he was still suppressed by a pilot without a mecha. Although he no longer has the extremely powerful God Statue Skill, he can only reach this point with his rich practical experience and realm. So what kind of terrifying strength will the pilots at higher altitudes have?

However, his physical fitness is still small now, only three times more than that, and he is far from returning to the peak level of the previous world, not to mention the fixed-point level of the totem world. This result is quite normal.

Garen was shocked here, but he didn't know that Bailey on the other side was even more shocked.

"This guy, this guy is simply a monster!!" Bailey remained calm on the surface, but there was a turmoil in his heart.

"I have the best physical fitness among the fifth-level pilots! My reaction ability, physical strength, speed and skills have all been strengthened by special strengthening fluids. Even after being genetically modified and irradiated several times, I have reached a level beyond that of ordinary people. I can. Use your potential to 100%! Even those specially trained military masters are no match for me!"

Bailey's heart was spinning.

"Only those martial artists who focus on martial arts fighting can surpass me in physical fitness! This newcomer actually..." Bailey's pursuit of physical fitness is something that even many veteran fifth-level players cannot achieve.

Pilots rarely focus on training their bodies too much, because their power is mechas. No matter how strong their bodies are, they can kill even the weakest mecha. Rather than doing this, it would be better to put your energy into training and improving the mecha.

This has also led to everyone pursuing a spiritual path that focuses on consciousness. As for physical fitness, Bailey's level is already considered very good.

Bailey has participated in several black plate domain fighting competitions and won two gold medals and one silver medal! He also worked part-time as a combat training mission for several generals and young masters. He himself also crawled out from between life and death.

Suppressing the shock, Bailey cleared his throat.

"How many years have you practiced fighting?"

The two did not fight again at this time, but just faced off. Suddenly they heard each other asking questions, and Garen knew that the two sides probably had no intention of continuing.

"It's early, why do you ask?"

This opponent's reaction speed is faster than the previous Anji Tielin, and he is familiar with close combat. He chooses the right time to burst out his consciousness, making him a good opponent.

The white light spots in Bailey's eyes gradually lit up again. After carefully scanning the galleons, his brows suddenly frowned.

"You have gone astray. No matter how strong your body is, it is impossible to defeat mechas. The route a pilot needs to take is consciousness. Excessively strong body will waste time and energy, resulting in lack of specialization. You could have Go higher and faster.”

"My consciousness is already fast enough." Garen shook his head slightly.

Bailey breathed out.

"It's meaningless. No matter how strong your physical fitness is, you can be evenly matched with me now, but believe it or not, after driving the mecha, I only need one move to kill you." He stretched out his index finger and said calmly.

Garen's heart froze, and his sharp five senses clearly sensed that what the other party said at this time was very true. There was no joke or humiliation, but a sense of sincerity.

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