Mysterious journey

Chapter 867 Resonance Stage 2

Klin leaned over and smelled it. It seemed to be very fragrant, with a lemon smell. A big hand suddenly reached out, picked up the cup and poured half of the wine into another empty cup.

"You can't drink so much by yourself, this is the amount for the two of you!" Huang Beard laughed twice, picked up his cup and started to drink it hard again.

"Thank you, uncle."

Clin looked at the cup hesitantly, stretched out his hand and brought a cup to Beren.

"Do we really want to drink?" Belen asked hesitantly.

"Just try a little bit." Chiyue reminded in a low voice. "Everything in the radiation belt is dangerous."

"I know." Klin nodded, leaned over and gently stuck out his tongue to lick the drink. Suddenly a sour taste mixed with the strong smell of alcohol entered his mouth.


Just a little bit, his cheeks turned red, and everything in front of him seemed to start to shake.

Even faster than him was Beren, who was just a little dizzy when he fell to the bar with a bang and became motionless.

Krillin opened his lips to speak, but his lips felt numb and swollen, and he could barely make any sound.


He also fell down on the bar.

"Huh?" The yellow-bearded uncle glanced here in surprise and was speechless. "These two young children can't stand such a small amount of wine? I haven't summoned them yet?"

"Did it get done so quickly?" Sister Wu Dan walked to the bar at this time and looked at the two little guys lying down in surprise, "Them?"

"It's too weak. I just tasted some yellow lemon and fell down." The yellow-bearded uncle shrugged.

Wudan felt a little anxious in his heart, and a trace of struggle flashed in his eyes.

The same old man with a yellow beard also looked at her, and there seemed to be something unknown in his eyes.

Originally, the two of them didn't have any bad intentions, but now it's such a good opportunity

Wudan gritted his teeth and looked away, a trace of unbearable flashing in his eyes.

"Take them inside, Xiaosi is almost dying, if they are there."

Yellow Beard sighed and glanced at the two little guys.

"Don't blame us. There's nothing we can do."

He stood up and held up the two little guys, one in each hand, and strode towards the small door behind the bar.

The bartender and the people around him were not surprised at all, and showed no signs of surprise.

The bartender glanced at the two little guys who were taken away.

"Haha, two chicks, a boy and a girl. The girl can be raped immediately and sold to a brothel, but the boy has fine skin and tender meat. Recently, there are fewer and fewer pigs. This kind of new product It's usually not easy to make. The pie filling last time wasn't very fresh." He casually lit a cigarette and took a puff.

"Brother, all the leaders are here, so we should be able to sell it at a good price. Now that girl Udan will make a lot of money." Another bartender answered with a smile.

"This is considered lucky. I can catch two little sheep just by going out."

Klin was caught and taken away in a daze, but his nerves that were not completely confused could already hear the voices around him clearly. My heart immediately sank.

"The situation is very bad now." Chiyue's voice also had a hint of anxiety. He had not expected Klin and Klin to be so careless before, and they actually poured down the wine after tasting a little bit. Originally, Wu Dan and others did not have any malicious intentions, so he did not remind them of anything, but now that they were unable to restrain the chicken, the situation suddenly took a turn for the worse.

"Klin! Klin! Wake up! Wake up quickly!!" He kept shouting Klin's name, trying to wake him up. If it hadn't been for the continuous use of energy that caused him to fall into a deep sleep, and now all the energy was only enough to maintain intelligent rotation, he could directly use the power of the forbidden mecha to get rid of the alcohol in Klin's body.

"Me, me." Klin was vaguely conscious and equally anxious, but his body couldn't move at all.

Chiyue was furious now. He had lost all his strength, and if he wasn't careful, Klin and Beren actually fell into this situation. This is really a big crisis.

The consciousness of Klin and his two men cannot be used at all when they are separated from the mecha. And he didn't have any energy at this time. If he is not careful, Taklin may become the first forbidden mecha inheritor to be easily killed by ordinary people.


Black Disk Academy

The inner courtyard is a weird and wide underground space. If someone hadn't led Garen in, he would never have thought that the inner courtyard of the academy was actually a huge cavity thousands of meters deep underground.

There is a simulated blue sky above, and a golden sun slowly shines on the earth. The only difference from ordinary suns is that this golden sun is surrounded by a silver metal ring, like a satellite ring.

Looking at the bright scenery outside, Garen withdrew his gaze and sat quietly on his seat, waiting.

He was currently sitting in a medium-sized living room, with a black metal table in front of him and a wooden chair behind him covered with thick black leather cushions.

But no one is sitting now.


The door of the living room was opened.

A wizened old man with a cane slowly walked into the door, then glanced at Garen and sat on the chair behind the table.

The old man was wearing white robe-like clothes, and a dark blue code number could be faintly seen printed on the skin on the right side of his neck, which looked like a tattoo.

"You were introduced by that guy Anseidon. I won't say much else. I will teach you well. But you also need to pay an equal price. Do you understand this?" the old man said lightly.

"Yes." Garen lowered his head to show respect.

"I, Fan Duo, don't have many rules, but every one of them must be strictly followed." The old man coughed twice and spoke calmly. "You have two senior brothers and one senior sister, both of whom are masters of the Eagle Claw. You will see them later. Now, please release your consciousness and let me see the progress, so that I can guide you accordingly. "

"Disciple understands." Garen replied respectfully. He could feel that the old man in front of him was obviously more than the fifth level. His own internal nameless training method has also reached the fifth level, but he still cannot sense the depth of this wizened old man.

He had already inquired about the reputation of old man Fanduo before he came. Anseidon did want to take care of him, a genius elite, and he was able to reach the third level of consciousness in such a short time. He did not hesitate. The mentor he introduced was also in the inner courtyard. Among the strongest professors, there are actually very few college professors. Many of them are masters among instructors. The title of professor is originally selected from instructors.

And Fanduo is one of the best among professors. His strength is rarely revealed to the outside world. No one knows whether he is really only level five, but many people think that he has far exceeded level five. From level five to level six, There is a huge gap between levels. Unlike other levels, there is a long period of hardship between these two levels.

Because according to the detailed division of strength, it is divided into four stages: new moon, half moon, full moon, and double moon. There is also a huge gap in strength between these four stages. Because the resonance degree is different, the resonance ability that can be displayed is very different, so the elite The top students and many instructors truly measure their strength through these four stages.

The inheritance level is not so easy to advance, but once you enter, it is a level that is almost free from the shackles of the human body. It is very scary. The resonance skills released in actual combat directly reach the level of the enemy. One person can fight against an army. This is the inheritance level. strength.

Throughout the ages, there have been countless talented elites, and countless people want to enter the inheritance level, but only less than one percent can actually enter. Most of the rest can only stay in the full moon stage and cannot be improved.

For these four stages, humans correspond to the resonance data and stages respectively.

There is a detailed data of mecha resonance between level five and level six. This data roughly stipulates that from 10% to 30% is called the crescent level, from 30% to 50% is called the half-moon level, and from 50% to 50% is called the half-moon level. % to 90 is the full-moon level, and finally reaching more than 90%, and reaching infinitely close to 100% is the final double-moon level.

Only when you truly reach 100% can you enter the inheritance level realm.

Garen has only just entered the fifth level now. Not to mention resonance skills, he doesn't even have his own mecha. Without a pilot of his own mecha, no matter how high his consciousness level is, he really has to fight against high-level mechas. , the strength is still vulnerable. After all, without the mecha's amplification, the pilot's consciousness force field couldn't even penetrate the opponent's mecha's defense field.

You can win by using the impact of consciousness, which only appears in low-level mechas. Mechas that reach level four or above will have the function of increasing consciousness and forming a consciousness force field defense system.

Garen stared at the half-dead old man in front of him out of the corner of his eye.

At the same time, he slowly exuded his own consciousness of Panying's sharp claws.

"It's definitely not the ordinary fifth level, new moon, half moon, full moon, double moon. I don't know what level this old man is at." He secretly guessed. Unfortunately, once you reach level five, you can no longer improve simply by practicing exercises. The most important thing is to have a mecha of your own in order to continue to improve. Therefore, he has no way to refer to the levels above this.

Fan Duo half-closed his eyes, as if he was taking a nap, and seemed to be carefully feeling Garen's consciousness.

After a long while, he slowly spoke.

"Yes, very good. No wonder that old guy Anseidon would recommend you to me so solemnly. The fourth-level Panying Talon seems to have also practiced another training method. Your talent is indeed good. Such a small child You can reach this point at your age.”

That's what he said, but his expression didn't look very happy.

"However, your consciousness does not seem to be obtained through hard work, but more like it is forcibly improved by using some external force. Although the foundation has been made up a little later, there are still too many loopholes. Once there is a direct confrontation with consciousness, time will Over time, you'll be in big trouble."

Garen was shocked. Although I already spoke highly of this old man, I didn't expect that he could see so many things in just a short time.

"I don't know how you forcibly promoted yourself. There are many ways to do this. Although they are all rare, it is also your luck. Others cannot get it." The old man took out a gold-rimmed pipe and put some tobacco on it. With a pinch of his fingers, a handful of sparks appeared out of thin air and lit the tobacco.

"So you don't have to worry that I will reveal your secret." Fan Duo said calmly. "I have always been fair to my disciples, but also very strict. If you can't meet my requirements, you can't blame me for being unkind to you. After all, your real qualifications are only average, and you may not be able to break through the resonance level. Too small."

Garen now understood why the old man still had no favorable impression of him even after learning of his progress.

"More than sixty years ago, I took over a disciple like you. He entered a high-level consciousness level very early at a young age. However, it took him a full eighty years to reach the level of resonance. Barely reaching the Crescent Level. So my advice to you is to try to accumulate some wealth and various reserves at this stage. A good mecha will also be of great help to improve your resonance, even though your qualifications are very poor. , but if the mecha is good enough, you may also get a moderate progress speed. Don't be too disappointed." Fan Duo comforted.

"Disciple understands." Garen felt slightly relieved. The other party still hadn't seen through the hidden fifth-level consciousness in him. This meant that the training method given to him by the Taboo Core was indeed advanced and mysterious enough. ..

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