Mysterious journey

Chapter 878 Planning 1

Garen looked at these two people. It was obvious that they were newcomers who had never experienced any fighting or intrigue. They might not even have a good understanding of the environment and competition mechanism of Black Pan Academy itself.

With a slight smile, Garen's gaze shifted to senior sister Galafei.

"Tomorrow should be the time for the teacher to give lectures. I wonder if the other two senior brothers will come?"

"Maybe, but one of them went to the meteorite belt and it may take a long time to come back." Galafei answered casually and sat down with the two newcomers.

Garen didn't take it seriously and sat down.

"Okay Hill, let's continue the transaction."

"No problem, no problem!" Intelligent Center Hill replied hurriedly.

Soon a transparent light screen appeared in front of Garen, with countless numbers and lines flowing densely on it, and then it quickly stopped, displaying only two lines of words.

"The energy master training method you want is the latest training method that anyone can practice, but it may take a little longer." Hill laughed dryly.

"A little bit longer?" Galafei, who was looking on coldly with his arms folded, interjected disdainfully, "You're still called 'a little bit longer' when you haven't even made 1% progress in a year?"

Obviously she meant to remind Garen that this was a pit and you couldn't get out if you jumped in it.

"Just because you can't do it doesn't mean others can't do it," Hill retorted. "I think Nuonuo is obviously not an ordinary person. Maybe he really has the physique of an energy weapon master. Once he becomes an energy weapon master, it will be absolutely no problem to be popular and drink spicy food!"

"Isn't this what you told me back then?"

"That's because your qualifications are not good enough. Who can you blame? I kept reminding you all the time, but you..."

One person and one core quarreled with each other.

Garen ignored the quarrel between the two and simply glanced at the introduction above.

'Energy Mechanic Training Method - NIS: The orthodox sect NIS founded by Neer, the ancient master of the Republic of Elsie, has the most advanced level of energizers, and is second to none in terms of the combination of machinery and biochemistry. Mainly Famous for manufacturing flying insect-like energy machines.

Specialties of the exercise method: Each level improves the basic defense of the energy equipment produced in the test platform by 0.5 and the speed by 0.5. ’

'Energy Master Training Method - Laura Wireless Terminal Control: A cumulative exercise method created by the mysterious energy master Laura. The biggest feature of the test platform is its cumulative nature. Every other year, a highly intelligent fighter will be naturally created. The number of energy weapons depends on the level of the platform. The energy machine will not bring any burden on the consciousness of the energy mechanic. It is an automatic intelligent control, but the disadvantage is that it will be affected by possible electromagnetic influence. If there are enough materials and energy, it is easy to create an army of mechanical weapons. Of course, the prerequisite is that there must be a large enough control platform.

Training method specialty: Each level increases the upper limit of the platform's energy equipment by 1 (the initial upper limit of all energy equipment masters' equipment is 1), and each level reduces the energy equipment manufacturing consumption by 5%. ’

‘Note: The above exercise methods may consume more time and invest more resources. ’

Looking at the training methods of these two energy weapon masters, Garen also roughly understood that the energy weapon master's main strength should come from energy weapons, and manufacturing energy weapons requires a lot of resources and energy.

"This is a profession that only rich people can afford, and even if they are rich, they will not have a good future in the future if they spend too much energy on the training of energy mechanics." Galafei was beside him. It seemed like he was saying it casually, but he was actually reminding Garen.

"Can masters of energy refine materials by themselves?" Garen suddenly asked.

"Of course." Hill quickly replied, "Any energy mechanic can purify or synthesize materials such as metals. Of course, an energy furnace is needed."

"Then I want NIS." Garen still chose this as a try.

He has not forgotten that he once had a similar training method, Brilliant Light, from the Glory Nobles.

That exercise method is very weird. It only emphasizes that it is specially designed for the biochemical modulation pool.

"No problem." Hilton was overjoyed and smiled. Hearing a ding, all the mission points on Galleon's account were directly deducted.

The NIS exercise method has also been included in his watch database. He lowered his head and began to look through it slowly.

For a while, the sofa became silent. The other three Galafei also saw what was going on. They had nothing to say and started chatting quietly, keeping their voices very low.

Garen quickly glanced at the overall NIS exercise method and found that it was not very similar to the Brilliant Light exercise method, but they both had something in common, that is, they both mentioned a very important thing, the biochemical modulation pool.

The mainstream of energy weapon masters is mainly focused on manufacturing various energy weapons that are semi-controlled by consciousness, auxiliary combat, logistics, etc., all of which can play a big role. Many of these creative technologies can even revolutionize the technology of the entire industry. , are top-level scientific research talents.

Of course, there is also a lot of basic learning knowledge required. Not to mention various basic subjects, there are more than 20 subjects, and then there are advanced subjects such as high-energy mathematics, magnetization force field research, energy-saving magnetic materials, nanoelectronics, etc. Nanobiotechnology, the basis of cyclic fusion energy, and a lot of other research sciences.

Even if there are exercises to improve brain intelligence, many things have simply reached the level of pure fantasy. They are to build models from physical reality, calculate and find regular formulas, and then use these formulas to deduce new formulas, and then use this thing To calculate various new physical phenomena and derive new physical models, on this basis, quantum computers are used to accumulate phenomena or evolve phenomena to form the final desired primary state.

This is a process to achieve the primary goal state, which also involves a lot of basic constants, basic calculations, a lot of complicated work, and a quantum computer with sufficient performance is required, otherwise the calculations and deductions will not be possible. None of the qualifications.

A primary state may only be the most common application environment parameter on many Mechanic platforms, and thousands of countless parameters are often required on the platform.

After understanding this, Garen finally understood why there were so few skilled mechanics. The complexity involved in relationships was far beyond the imagination of those pilots who relied on talent to make a living.

But one good thing about Nengmai Master is that anyone can learn its training methods. The official will never restrict the content in this area. There is no need to have any identity or other qualifications to learn, but even so, without a lot of knowledge accumulation, A large amount of resources are accumulated, and a large amount of wealth is used as a reserve, and it is impossible to develop even a hair of an energy mechanic.

"It's really a money-burning industry." Gallon sighed.

"If you have a lot of money, you don't have to worry about anything. Of course, there are too many people with a lot of money, but the possibility of becoming a magician is only one in ten thousand." Galafe picked up the coffee sent by the intelligent center and drank it. mouth.

Garen nodded silently, sorted out the information, and went back to the room. He had no intention of communicating with the other two newcomers at all.

Miluo stood up and wanted to call him to stop, but was pulled by Jala Fei and shook his head slightly. He could only watch Jia Long walking into his room. After the door slammed shut, it made a beeping sound when it was locked.

"Senior sister, why don't you let me and him?" Miluo sat down in confusion and looked at Galafei. He knew that the other person was very good at heart and did not seem like the kind of person who deliberately caused harm.

Ni Hui on the side also looked over with confusion, obviously she also had this doubt in her mind.

Garafi put down his coffee.

"That guy is not an ordinary person, he has killed people."


Miluo and Nihui were both frightened by the two exclamations. They were just freshmen who had just entered the college. They were chosen to be brought to Professor Fanduo because of a special relationship. They relied not on their grades but on their relationships.

"Don't mess with him." Galafei said sternly, "There is a kind of person who can talk to anyone in a gentle manner on the surface, and seems to have a good temper, but when he turns against you, he can eat you up in an instant without even losing your bones. vomit."

"That person is also a new student, right?" Miluo asked with a pale face. Killing someone? Not to mention killing people, he had never used a knife to kill chickens. He was frightened when he saw others fighting.

Ni Hui next to him did the same thing, holding Miluo's arm tightly.

"There are also big differences between freshmen." Galafei shook his head. "Anyway, just don't provoke him."

Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, Garen stayed with Teacher Fanduo for eight or nine days. It's time to make an appointment with Anda soon.

Every day he just stayed in the villa, studying new exercise methods, and accumulating enough potential points for backup.

Galafei and another senior brother have arrived. As expected, both of them have fifth-level consciousness and a new moon-level resonance. They have their own mechas. They even have space buttons. Planting something that can instantly load the mecha into and out of space items opened Garen's eyes. This was the first time he saw the real space storage technology that only appeared in novels before.

Then came Teacher Fanduo’s lecture.

There was no intention of waiting for Garen and the two newcomers to make progress. Fanduo chatted non-stop for an hour. There were a large number of parameters and conventional formulas that needed to be memorized. Many formulas further calculated more complex formulas. Stacked over and over, a complex consciousness resonance technique—Sha Ying—combined with hundreds of lines of various complex theoretical laws and numbers was finally formed.

This is the true resonance skill that Fandu summarized with the Eagle Claw. He continuously deduced the Eagle Claw, which was only level five. Finally, after many years of calculations, he finally got this resonance skill Sand Eagle that can increase the resonance level.

This resonance skill is rather strange, at least it looks strange in Galleons, because as long as you continue to practice it, you can slowly improve the resonance of Panying's claws and the mecha. This resonance skill is not used for fighting at all. , but used for cultivation.

Moreover, it cannot be replaced by a computer. Every time, calculations must be started from scratch and simulated in the brain. Consciousness will produce different calculation fluctuations in such calculation simulations, which will also affect the core of the mecha. The specific principle involves the resonance theory. The resonance theory of this world far exceeds the foundation that Galen himself researched and explored in the totem world, and has developed to a very high level.

During these days in the villa, Garen continued to deeply absorb these high-end knowledge systems. With his broadcast knowledge system that brought together several worlds, it was extremely difficult to deal with these things. He only deduced Sha Ying to 60% alone. It got stuck left and right. The previous technologies were all ones he could describe as breakthroughs, but the later ones involved higher-level calculations, which made his head hurt. But it's still not very clear. Many times I feel dizzy walking around.

During this time, the two newcomers Miluo and Nihui finally realized the cruelty of the inner courtyard.

After going out for a few days, I would come back with a bruised nose and face, a lot of bruises on my body, and sometimes even my legs would be limping. Galafei did not interfere. After all, the two of them would have to stand up and become independent in the inner courtyard sooner or later. If she interfered in everything, it would be very detrimental to their growth.

And the most important thing is that in the inner courtyard, old people like them are not invincible. Professor Fan Duo has old students, and other instructors also have old students. Everyone has their own troubles and opponents.

The two children seemed to have some backbone and stubbornness, persisting on their own. Every time they came back, they didn't ask for help from their senior sisters and brothers and just suffered on their own.

Fortunately, although they came back with injuries every day, they recovered well every time. The treatment conditions in the villa were still very good, and it didn't take long to deal with these injuries. And the people who bully them seem to have different degrees of severity. They are not too serious and will cause sequelae. They know that they will have little income if they catch all the money.


Miluo, who was sitting in the living room while Ni Hui was bandaging his calf, turned his head and saw that the door of Nonosiwa's room, which he had not left for several days, was opened.

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