Mysterious journey

Chapter 886 Tranquility 1

"When we encounter danger, come quickly." Chiyue's message was not long, but the meaning was clear and concise.

They were naturally referring to Klin and his brother Allen. When they were in danger, they obviously meant they encountered some trouble in the radiation belt.

Garen rubbed his chin and thought. Let the quantum computer in the mecha calculate the specific length and distance of the information.

"If you run to the radiation belt without a radiation suit, it will be really troublesome for Belen." What he is worried about is that if Belen is really infected by radiation and becomes a radioactive person, even just a little bit. The radiation traces will never be received by any domain.

There is no cure for radiation sickness. This is a fact recognized by all fields, without exception.

Soon the computer calculated the distance.

‘The information code distance is: 235 kilometers, direction is 23 degrees northwest. ’

‘Please note, please note that the energy reserve of the mecha energy furnace is insufficient and the energy block needs to be replaced immediately. Residual energy 4%. ’

"Go and replenish the energy blocks first, otherwise you will run out of energy after soaking for a few kilometers."

Garen breathed out and quickly put on a sealed radiation suit. In fact, even if he didn't wear a radiation suit, there would be no radiation that could contaminate him, because as a peacock larva, he was already the largest source of radiation. Cold energy radiation is unstoppable and can even affect the mind, but as a superficial identity, you still have to be careful.

In the inner cavity of the mecha, he held a short cane in his hand. It was the Zhiyin cane. With the cane, Garen was slowly pushed out of the cabin and formed a separate isolation compartment. Then the outer door of the mecha slowly opened. .


A stream of white gas spurted out and filled the surrounding area.

Garen slowly jumped forward in his radiation suit and landed lightly on the soil on the side of the cliff.

Standing up, the surrounding environment has been cleaned up, and there will no longer be any dangerous creatures such as poisonous insects.

Three other people wearing radiation suits also walked out of the mecha. They look like people in cotton-padded jackets wearing thick black clothes. The only difference compared to people wearing cotton-padded jackets in winter is that their heads are wearing transparent glass helmets similar to helmets. The helmets are completely transparent if you are not careful. Look, you can't tell they are wearing this thing at all, its concealment is very obvious.

Then there is no exposed skin anywhere else on the body, everything is covered tightly. There are black leather gloves on the hands, and there is a black plate pattern on the back of the hand, like an eye.

Anda walked to the front, overlooking the Flying Ray City below.

"I have already contacted the city owner. To replenish the energy blocks, one person needs to guard the camp. The radiation people will send someone to deliver them. You only need to pay two pockets of first-class water. The rest can go and have fun. Who among you? Are you willing to stay?"

"Me." Ives raised his hand proactively, "You can only watch but not play anyway. I have to deal with it myself if I get angry. It's so annoying. I won't go."

"That's okay."

The other three people, Anda, Linda, and Garen, climbed down the right side of the cliff together. There was a series of stairs at a 90-degree angle. They looked covered in moss, and they had obviously not been used once or twice.

The three of them walked down the stone steps for a few minutes, and soon a stone gate sentry tower appeared in front of them, guarded by black men with guns on their backs.

"It's three adults!" The black man saluted the three people with a snap. Their etiquette was very strange. He pressed his right hand on his forehead and bent down at a right angle of 90 degrees. The accent is just a little more flat than people in the region, without any retroflex.

Anda nodded and walked inside with Linda and Garen.

There are more and more man-made buildings on the mountain road behind, blue-painted fence railings, and radiation people passing by from time to time, carrying large backpacks, who don't know what they are out to collect.

Garen looked into a person's backpack and found that it was full of plant roots and grass, which seemed to be some useful herbs.

All the radioactive people who saw the three of them along the way, whether they were simply dressed or dressed in gorgeous clothes, all dispersed to the roadside in awe and waited for the three of them to pass by.

Even a woman carrying a child on her back tightly covered her child's mouth. Even if the one-year-old child cried hard, she would not let go, but the sound still came out. When Anda heard it, he frowned and looked at it. Take a look over.

With a loud bang, the woman beat her child mercilessly and knocked her unconscious. She immediately knelt down on the ground with her child in her arms. She lowered her head and did not dare to say anything. She just kept kowtowing.

"This is the Radiant Man." Anda's tone was light, but there was a hint of contempt, "Don't say that compared to the elites of the inner court like us, even the ordinary students of the outer court cannot afford to offend them."

"Our status here is more terrifying than that of the emperor." Linda sighed, obviously this was not her first time here.

"Where is the ruler here?" Garen asked.

"A big fat man who is sitting around eating and waiting to die cannot get up at all. He weighs more than 400 kilograms." Anda said disdainfully. "The rulers here follow the rules and must salute to show respect when they see us. However, these maggots have been in power for a long time, and of course they are not willing to do this in front of so many people, so they deliberately found an excuse to avoid our meeting, and let their subordinates handle the reception of us. , which is a matter of course. Generally, as long as they entertain people like us, they have nothing to worry about. People are the least valuable here. The most valuable thing here is clean food and drinking water. Everything else is not as good as this. Both.”

The three of them walked along and soon entered the field area of ​​Feiyu City below. They built a large green field around the entire Feiyu City. What was planted in the land was not ordinary rice and wheat, but a strange plant. , below are green branches similar to rice, and above it is actually holding a fat and wriggling green maggot. The bug curls its body, hugs tightly to the top of each plant, and keeps swaying with the wind.

Soon, a pair of strong, radioactive men came over and knelt down respectfully to the trio on the road between the fields.

"On behalf of the city lord, the temperate slaves welcome the arrival of the three adults." Behind him were four people, all in their teens, two men and two women, the man was handsome and strong, and the woman was beautiful and pure. Minato was dressed beautifully and sexy intentionally or unintentionally.

"Old rules." Anda said casually, "Gallon, you choose first. Which of the two girls behind you do you like? The ones coming out here should be the best ones in the city."

Garen was speechless and glanced at the two girls behind the man's temperate slave. Although they were beautiful, he could only look and touch them in the radiation suit. What's the use?

"These people are chosen to be guides and bed warmers. We may have to rest here for one night and set off tomorrow." Anda explained simply.

"Then I want this." Garen casually pointed to a girl with long hair who looked more pure. The girl had the same black shawl hair as Dongfang, big black eyes, white skin, neat bangs on her forehead, and lips Nice pink. She also had a curvy figure, and she was wearing a black tights that looked slightly like a swimsuit. It was so thin that it couldn't cover the sensitive parts of her body. Especially a pair of fair and long legs. Because of the way she was dressed, her lower body looked like she was wearing only black underwear. Even though the girl kept pulling the clothes on her upper body with her hands to cover the area between her legs, it still didn't help. The tight-fitting clothes made it impossible for her to pull off the excess parts that covered her body.

When she heard that Garen chose her, a clear blush suddenly appeared on her face, and she lowered her head, which made people feel extremely pitiful.

The other girl is a blond girl, who is also very beautiful. There is no trace of radiation on her body, but she wears a slave collar around her neck, which stimulates the man's desire to conquer.

The temperate slaves kneeling on the ground also breathed a sigh of relief. These four slaves heard that nobles came out of the territory and urgently found the radioactive people among the nearby people. They were all excellent human beings with an external radiation level of less than 10%. , although still pretty, but compared to the previous selection of goods, he was also deeply afraid that a few people would be dissatisfied. In addition, the number of people he brought was small, and he was even more frightened. He did not expect that this time Adults are pretty easy to talk to.

"Then I want another one." Anda pointed to the other blond girl. It was obvious that he was familiar with this process.

Linda randomly clicked on a shy-looking young boy who was very handsome and looked like a girl.

The last boy was a little disappointed and was led down by the temperate slave.

"We're in a hurry this time, and the goods you picked don't look very good, so I don't blame you. We'll only have one night's rest, and we'll leave tomorrow. Let's quickly arrange a place to rest." Anda ordered.

The temperate slave bowed his head and responded repeatedly. "understand."

The boys and girls following the three people behind Garen were a little shocked. You must know that the temperate slave, as the city lord's confidant, has always been domineering and arrogant in the city, but in front of these three people, he was just a little better than a dog.

Entering Flying Ray City, Garen felt the true desolation, chaos, and decay of the radiation belt.

There are black and white buildings, and the walls are made of old cement bricks. There are dark red blood stains in some places, and no one has cleaned them up. The streets were very lively, and there were radioactive people holding mutated dogs everywhere. There were huge men who were over three meters tall, and there were dwarfs who were as thin as children. Some had an extra arm on their backs, and some had an extra arm on their backs. His nose was rotten and his entire face was flat.

There are all kinds of radiated people. Under the introduction of the temperate slave, these people all have body abnormalities caused by various mutations.

Where the three of them passed by, all the radioactive men were forcefully pushed away by the soldiers, leaving a wide gap in the road. They quickly got into the arranged vehicles. They were the most worn-out obsolete models in the domain, but here, they were obviously The ultimate enjoyment.

In the radiation belt, those who are qualified to consume energy blocks and enjoy life are the nobles among the nobles and the big shots among the big shots.

Garen was put into a car, followed by the girl who was only sixteen or seventeen years old. The girl was obviously very nervous, but also very curious and extremely excited about the car she was riding in.

"Were you born in the radiation belt?" Garen asked casually, looking at the crowds of people on the street outside the window.

"Yes sir."

"What is your name."

"Call me a little bitch."

"An unpleasant name." Garen was speechless. There was nothing wrong with calling him this name.

"My lord, in Feiyu City, only nobles have the right to choose their own names. For us ordinary civilians, if we want to survive, we have to be assigned names from above," the little bitch replied with a sad expression. "We are okay, but those meat people are even worse."

She is indeed beautiful, but there are more beautiful fleshmen than her in Flying Ray City.

"What is a meat man?" Garen became slightly curious.

"People are raised in captivity, and they are constantly mated in the circle, and the blood genes are constantly purified like dogs. The resulting offspring will remove the deformities of inbreeding, and then use hormones to promote their growth. If there are beautiful and good qualities, they will be used as When slaves are sent out, if they are not of good quality, they will be used as meat pigs." The little bitch explained in a low voice.

Garen was also slightly shaken for a moment.

This is no longer treating people as humans, but treating them as animals that are worse than livestock.

"What are the rules in the radiation belt?" He suddenly asked confusedly.

The little bitch blinked in confusion, unable to understand what he wanted to ask.

Sighing, Garen said no more, leaned back on the leather seat, crossed his legs and rested quietly.

As the vehicle drove along, Garen didn't look much at the streets of Flying Ray City where demons were dancing, and he didn't slowly open his eyes until he arrived at his residence.

When I got off the car, I saw a huge white manor in front of me, surrounded by tall walls. When I entered the door, there was a large circular four-story fountain. Scarlet water spewed out from the fountain and flowed down all around, like blood. Just as eye-catching.

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