Mysterious journey

Chapter 892 Mutation 1

Linda's pupils were constricted and she was not willing to fight Garen to the death. She was a killer, not a death warrior. She was shocked that the other party was able to counterattack immediately, causing her foolproof sneak attack to fall short.

But at this time, she couldn't care less about the pity and could only push her body back and eject away from a distance.

Garen, who was under sneak attack at this time, had no time to pay attention to her. Several yellow mechas around him fired white tracking missiles at him almost at the same time.

Strips of white smoke from missiles pulled out countless dense white lines in the air, flying in from all directions.

Boom! !

A large number of missiles exploded, completely blowing up the body where Garon was located into a sea of ​​flames with thick smoke billowing from it.

The pilots in several yellow mechas frowned. They all saw that the other party was obviously not with them, but they suddenly attacked their own people.

The leading mecha pondered for a moment and raised his hand to signal everyone to step back.

"He is the killer of, don't get involved in this matter."

After the yellow mechas launched their missiles, most of them stopped attacking. Just now, the opponent used a moment of concentrated fire to attack simultaneously, which was equivalent to using them once. Even if the killers of the Heart-Zhui Network are not easy to deal with, as a member of the Millennium Tree, These people were vaguely unhappy.

"Brother, why don't we keep them here together? Anyway, we are far more outnumbered than them."

"Stupid! Are you surrounded and killed at every turn? People won't resist? Resistance will not lead to casualties? I didn't bring you out to kill randomly! I want to take you back intact!" the lead yellow mecha snorted coldly. "Those are the elites of the inner courtyard, not ordinary pilots that you can just kill outside!"

The proposed mecha said nothing.

At this time, Garen's body finally reappeared. In the moment of the fire explosion, even he would inevitably suffer damage. Especially Linda's sudden attack, which almost broke the lumbar support column of his body. The lumbar support column is a key point of the skeletal system. Once broken, the body can only be paralyzed on the ground, unable to move.

The consciousness mecha has almost formed a structure similar to that of living things.

Fortunately, he mobilized his fifth-level consciousness in time to form a physical force field, blocking most of the explosions and repelling the sneak attack trajectory. But even so, his body was slightly damaged. The energy furnace consumed by the force field only has about 30% of the energy left.


The black Galleon body moved slowly, then suddenly raised its hand and struck to the left.


Linda's black mecha suddenly appeared in the empty space on the left, and was hit by a hammer. He staggered and was beaten back again and again.

"Why did you sneak attack me?" Garen's expression remained unchanged as he sat in the mecha. Originally, the group of people didn't have much trust. Now that they were sneak attacked, he didn't have much to say. It's just that he was a little confused about the sneak attack at the critical moment. Linda's personality was unremarkable, and he felt that he had never offended her in any way.

"Someone paid 100 million to hang your head." Linda laughed. Although the machine was beaten back, it seemed that her defense performance was very good and there was no damage at all.

"Heart-killing Network?" Garen suddenly understood, but with his personality, he didn't care much at all. Even a mere killer with level four consciousness would not be his opponent if he still attacked by surprise.

This idea just flashed through my mind, and powerful fluctuations of consciousness slowly oscillated from all around.

Three consciousness mechas of the same fifth level slowly flew up, surrounding Garen in the center. Coupled with Linda, a master of the fourth level of consciousness, the strength at that moment was obviously the resonance skill, otherwise it would not be so powerful at all. In fact, it is equivalent to a fifth-level pilot who does not know the resonance skill.

At one time, four masters of the same level surrounded Garen.

Even the yellow mecha and others on the side were stunned by such a lineup.

"Boss, what should we do?" A yellow mecha asked in a low voice, "We have attacked that person in a sneak attack just now. If the other party thinks he is with these killers,"

"What else can we do?! Stay out of your own business!" The leader of the yellow mecha waved his hand, "Everyone, withdraw!"

Within a few seconds, all the yellow mechas present retreated to their hiding places.

They are the men who are chasing Anda, and they are not the same as these killers from the Heart-killing Network. They can be rewarded with a reward of 100 million. Such people must have a very strong background or strength, and it is not a good thing to mess with them rashly. As for the previous sneak attack, it was also their counterattack when the other party wanted to make a surprise attack first. Even if that person survives in the future, it will be easy to explain, but if they really get involved, it will be very troublesome for either party.

The scene was chaotic.

On the street between the buildings on the right, Anda was being beaten by wind chimes, with scars all over his body. There was a row of buildings on the left, and Garen was surrounded by the killers of the Heart Killing Network.

Four strands of consciousness comparable to level 5 are locked on the Galleon body.

His heart suddenly sank. Even if his true strength is now a fifth-level pilot, he is surrounded by four masters of the same level at the same time, and many of these people may be elites in the inner courtyard. They all have at least one or two life-saving trump cards in their hands, so they can enter the inner courtyard. The elites at least have almost no flaws in their fighting skills, and they all have their own unique killing skills. Calculated, the strength is at least equivalent to that of a top martial artist who is a trainee's secret martial arts queen, and each person's combat power is at least about half of his own.

Fortunately, I was well prepared this time after knowing about the killer of

Garen slowly took out a small black box.

I looked at the body's energy scale again and found that only 28% was left.

"Quick fight!" Linda shouted and was the first one to rush forward. At the same time, the other three people also released their attacks. Two people surrounded them, and the remaining one took out a shoulder-mounted death ray cannon from behind. The muzzle of the gun dimly lit up with a red halo.

"Ground-shattering slash!!" Linda's dagger actually struck out with a sharp white light knife, which cut through the ground and shot towards this side. Extremely fast.

Suddenly, with a scoff, the white light sword actually split into three swords and made a curve to rush towards the Garen body from three directions.

Garen jumped slightly, holding two black knives in his hands, and waved them into a ball of black balls to block the two mechas rushing from both sides. The fiercely surging fifth-level consciousness rushed into the sword from both sides, colliding hard with Garen's consciousness.

With a buzzing sound, Panying Talon's fourth-level consciousness was broken immediately. The two consciousnesses were only slightly weaker. They continued to rush towards the core of the machine body along the blade. Once they were rushed to the core of the machine body, , then no matter how strong this machine is, it will still be controlled by the opponent's consciousness.

Garen mustered up Wuming's fifth-level consciousness, divided into two groups and faced the two of them head-on.

boom! !

Three strands of fifth-level consciousness clashed at the same time, violently exploding on the Garen machine's sword. Even from the periphery, one could clearly see that the blade suddenly twisted, and invisible transparent ripples bloomed.

Clang, clang, clang, the three mechas scattered at the same time. Garen and the two pilots were slightly injured almost at the same time.

"What kind of training method is this!? The quality of consciousness is so terrifying! Can half of it be used against others with full strength?!" Linda was shocked, but she was really greedy when she immediately rose.

"If only I could get this workout."

"Explode!" The killer armor in the distance finally took action, and a red laser cannon shot out, blasting away the air on the surrounding ground and everything in front of it.

The high-intensity red laser cannon supported by the death ray was like a red pillar as thick as a bucket, slamming into Garen who was unable to dodge.

Linda took the opportunity to take a step back, gritted her teeth, and a small black grenade appeared in her hand at some point. With a cruel heart, she hit the grenade in the direction of Galleon in pain.

With a loud bang, the black grenade split open instantly, and a large amount of blue plasma burst out. This strong plasma exploded with blue fluorescence and a faint arc, almost completely sealing the Galleon. All rear possible dodges.

High-concentration plasma bombs cost six million each and are very lethal against even level five mechas.

There is a death ray in front and a large area plasma bomb in the back. Almost at the same time that Garen had repulsed the two level five pilots, they all exploded together.

The opponent's killers cooperated very well, without a single pause in between.

Garen was just in the pause period where he was slightly paralyzed by two forces of consciousness. Although the body senses danger immediately and reacts, the body is just an ordinary standard mecha from the Black Disk Domain after all. The response speed is not bad under normal circumstances, but with such continuous high-intensity and rapid reflexes, except for the first time, it can barely In addition to the reaction, the next action cannot be transmitted at all. There are too many consciousness signals too fast. They are blocked in the body's circuit and there is no feedback. The body's reaction has been paused for a moment.

It was at this moment that Garen truly realized that only the mecha that is completely his own, the most suitable mecha for him at this stage, can he exert his full strength, while the unsuitable mecha will bring almost as many flaws to him. deadly! !

The speed that stopped for a moment left Garen with no time to dodge and make any more moves.

Hiss! !

The thick red death light hit the front of the Garonne body hard, and a large amount of plasma stuck to the back of the Garonne body, constantly corroding the force field to the point of hissing, and quickly consuming the remaining energy.

There was no sound, no movement. Just as the death light was about to penetrate the mecha's force field shield, a huge sawtooth ripple spread violently in all directions with Galleons as the center.

The jagged edges were still rotating, bringing out a huge force that pushed the death light and plasma away at the same time. Complete annihilation.

Garen was sitting in the cabin. A black box in his hand slowly shattered and cracked, turning into a pile of fine black sand that flowed down between his fingers.

That was the Setsuna Carton, a life-saving item he got from the Glory Noble. It could instantly burst out with a powerful thrust at the inheritance level, but it had no lethality and could only be used for self-protection. The range is fifteen meters.

The huge saw-tooth ripples of thrust violently knocked away the surrounding killer armors. At the same time, Linda was pushed away and slammed into a building on the side, creating a clear depression.

Taking advantage of this momentary explosion, Garen manipulated the machine to escape from the encirclement by leaping several times. Even he wanted to fight back, but the trouble was that the energy consumed by the machine was too much. His energy was insufficient to begin with, and now he was attacked by a sneak attack. Continuous attacks are already on the verge of the red line, with only 12% left, and it is still declining.

Controlling the machine body, galleons flew into the sky. The killer carrying the death ray cannon below still wanted to attack and aim, but found that the opponent suddenly shot out, turned off the engine in the distance, and fell hard. For a moment, the engine and The force between gravity changes the direction trajectory instantly.


The shot missed directly and just shot a red line in the sky.

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