Mysterious journey

Chapter 899 Clear Heart 2

Garen didn't feel any pity at all. The road is always about progressing through exploration. Condensing soul seeds requires the understanding and experience of different paths. It is impossible to condense more soul seeds by following one path. This is also the key to why so many immortals in the ancient Yinduo civilization find it difficult to break through.

At this time, subtle fluctuations appeared around his body, and two clear marks on his arms reappeared. They were the consciousness marks of Panying's claws, which had absorbed a large amount of escaped fifth-level high-quality consciousness. Finally, Panying's claws finally underwent a qualitative change. Without any potential points to forcibly increase, Garen's whole body was shaken.

The marks on both arms suddenly dimmed, and instead, two black consciousness marks appeared on the shoulders. This is the imprint pattern that needs to be continuously condensed and simulated with consciousness in the future. Each time the pattern is condensed is a practice. It was also formed quickly by Garen in a very short period of time. The mark on the fifth layer of the Eagle's Talon was just a piece of cake for him.

Outline marks, which is what all exercises do.

Without the fifth-level nameless consciousness, Garon didn't know why. His strength was weaker, but he felt more relaxed. A sense of complete transparency kept echoing in my heart.

Only then did he understand that he was too greedy in the past and wanted too much, so that he was not pure enough. If he wanted too much, the power of the gods would be scattered, and the power of the gods would not be satisfactory. If it were not for the support of his powerful martial arts experience, he would probably Another person would have died in the series of battles.

Most of the nameless consciousness was dispersed, and the interest relationship with Chi Yue was completely severed. Only a faint mark remained.

This leaves only one level of nameless consciousness. As the link to maintain the mark, Garen vaguely feels that if he completely destroys this last level of consciousness, then the consciousness with the Panying's claws will also be completely destroyed. . This was also the key that Chi Ye used to threaten him.

"Just a first-level consciousness." Garen sneered, not bothering to care about him. Just because there is no way to deal with it now does not mean there will be no way to deal with it in the future. Instead, he focused on the brand new Panying Talon that has entered the fifth level.

There is no special difference, except that the arms are stronger, the explosive power is increased by one level, and the awareness is increased, there is no effect.

"The focus from now on is the Eagle Talon and the NIS." Garen determined the direction. He felt that he was too pursuing gains and losses in the past. Although the improvement of the secret weapon of life can comprehensively enhance all consciousness, he has accumulated hundreds of It was also his own problem to use the potential points but endured not using them.

Worry about gains and losses, and look for potential points when they are gone! Everything has its own gains and losses. Thinking that he had actually stopped his progress in order to save potential points, Garen felt faintly amused.

At the same time, I am also slightly frightened by the various obstacles that may appear unknowingly on the way forward.

He knew that this was ultimately a problem caused by the fact that he had used his potential points to improve himself too much in the past, resulting in not experiencing many of the mental experiences he should have.

The direction error was corrected and the nameless consciousness was dispersed.

Garen began to concentrate on studying the NIS training method NIS in his hand. This is a standard exercise method used by five out of ten NIS masters. The progress is extremely slow. He is not a top genius with a calculation-type brain. Most people can't even get started. Idiot's dream.

Most people study for a year, but most of them can't even achieve 1%.

Lian Jia Fei, as an elite disciple of Teacher Fan Duo, is actually like this. You can imagine the difficulty.

'If you're not a genius among computing geniuses, don't try. ’

This is the first sentence of the opening exercise method.

Gallon intuitively ignored that his intelligence was an attribute that enhanced his calculation power. He did not believe that his current intelligence of 2.1 could not meet the requirements of this training method.

At a glance, the first item made him feel a little stunned.

‘The first level requirement: operate two equations at the same time, each equation is a twelve-digit square root. Time limit is ten minutes. ’

Just one mental arithmetic is a terrifying requirement that most people cannot do. This one also requires two calculations at the same time, and it only takes ten minutes! ?

Coming to this world, Garen felt for the first time the horror of human brain development in this world. ,

He frowned and gritted his teeth.

"Try it and then talk about it!"

After glancing at the test questions, Garen closed his eyes to memorize them, pressed his watch to start timing, and quickly calculated in his mind.

He had taken all the courses in the academy, but they were far less difficult than the current ones. Even though his intellectual memory of 2.1 is amazing, he now understands that it is no wonder that with the conditions of so many elites, he cannot even achieve 1% progress in a year. This is simply tailor-made for the top academics. Exercise method.

Nothing else is required, the only thing required is computing power!

While calculating with his eyes closed, Garen even had the veins on his temples and forehead exposed.


Ten minutes passed.

He reluctantly opened his eyes and managed to figure it out.

After giving his two answers and comparing them with the answers on the watch information screen, he let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's really scary to just barely calculate it. No wonder there are so few skilled weapon masters in this era of terrible brain development. No wonder." He was completely clear.

After closing his eyes and taking a rest, he started browsing the following content again.

Sure enough, the following series of calculations are extremely complex. Many times the conclusions and reasoning from the previous calculations are used in subsequent calculations. There are more and more such conclusions and reasoning, and they are becoming more and more complex.

Unknowingly, Garen was sweating more and more on his forehead. He needed to constantly remember the conclusions he had reached earlier, otherwise he would not even be able to understand the incoherent calculations that flashed rapidly behind.

Sometimes, just by jumping, the data will naturally lead to a conclusion, but it takes Gallon a long time to figure out which calculation results are used as the formula, and which ingenious method is used to calculate the result. The calculation process has been omitted too much.

Within an hour, he was almost covered in sweat!

"No! Not enough brain power!"

Garen quickly closed his eyes and glanced at his attribute bar.

After reading so much information, the power of an energy machine master is mainly due to the energy machines cultivated in the biochemical pool and the test bed. The power of the energy machine depends on the level increase of the training method and the level of materials produced, just like the mecha. It's just replaced by a mecha that looks like a drone.

Garen's most ideal fighting method, the way to maximize the effectiveness of the secret weapon, is to use his own radiation to affect the biochemical pool and create a biochemical energy machine that is powerful enough. He can condense the seeds of distortion, and the energy weapon master also needs to use intelligence. The chip either uses the biological brain or heart as the core of the energy machine.

After carefully reviewing the information and watching it repeatedly, Gallon confirmed the feasibility of his idea.

The stronger the core of the energy machine, the stronger the change and mutation of the material. Therefore, many energy machine masters will enter the radiation belt to find powerful enough radiation mutation materials. In this way, the radiation of his twisted seeds will not be surprising. .

And the key is that a good core is hard to come by, and he can have as many twisted seeds as he wants! As long as you have enough materials, you can use the biochemical pool to quickly cultivate one-time combat tools for the mutated creatures cultivated with the twisted seeds as their core.

"The feasibility is very high!" Garen concluded in his mind. There are also energy masters who go in the direction of group fights, but in the direction of group fights, the key problem is that the strength of cannon fodder cannot be improved, because the material core is too difficult to find, but he is different. As long as he has enough twisted seeds, he can do it because of his own reasons. , not even using a control chip, the parasite of the twisted seed cannot attack his mother body, and has to be slightly controlled by him.

The only thing he needs is the training methods of energy masters.

"I need to improve my intelligence. This exercise method is too mentally demanding."

Garen felt a little dizzy. Looking at the progress, needless to say, it is barely 0.5%. Although it is much better than the average person, if you train at this pace, you will not be able to enter the first level in a few years. The first level energy weapon master can only create reconnaissance energy weapons, while the second level has some combat ability and can create small combat energy weapons.

In order to achieve combat effectiveness, one must reach at least level four and five, which is the level at which medium-sized energy weapons can be manufactured. One person is equivalent to a small army.

The training method of the energy mechanic is not to directly outline the marks of consciousness, but to make people continuously perform cyclic calculations. In this kind of high-intensity calculation, consciousness is naturally aroused, forming natural marks of consciousness. It is very weird. Yes, the mark of the energy master's consciousness is not on himself, but suspended an inch behind his head, invisible to the naked eye.

Garen's eyes fell on the attribute bar. Putting aside a lot of projects behind him, he directly set his sights on pure attributes.

‘Nonosiwa Lin——Strength 3.1, agility 3.0, constitution 4.7, intelligence 2.1, potential 12530%. Soul Limit 40.’

"Have 125 potential points? Add intelligence first!"

This time Garen really felt that the energy weapon master might be very compatible with his secret martial arts.

His gaze stopped at his intelligence, and suddenly, his potential points began to decrease rapidly, while his intelligence also began to increase significantly.

Under five points, 10 potential points can improve one attribute. Close to 30 potential points disappear directly, leaving 98 potential points, and intelligence is directly upgraded to the five-point level.

Garen stopped. Potential points have many uses. There is no need to add them all to intelligence. Five points of intelligence are enough.

He tried the cyclic calculation question bank here, and it turned out to be much easier this time. The calculation power increased by more than twice, and Galen was able to easily complete the first level of the calculation question bank.

It feels like those complicated calculations are just like slightly more difficult general math problems, and they are no longer as dizzying as before.

Unknowingly, all the question banks on the first level were directly calculated by Galleon.

Buzz! !

A small three-diamond-shaped musical note appeared an inch behind Garen. It actually condensed into the first layer so easily! The moment the notes condensed, waves of consciousness quickly surged out of them, rushing into Garen's mind, forming a small silver tornado like a whirlwind, occupying a small corner of the mental space where Garen's soul was.

"It's so easy!!" Garen was startled. He didn't expect that an energy master could reach the corresponding level instantly as long as he had enough computing power! There are simply no bottlenecks at all! What shocked him the most was that in the following information about reaching the first level, first-level energy masters were actually qualified to use space equipment! ! !

He opened his mouth, not knowing what to say at all. This skilled mechanic was simply the top richest man among pilots. .

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