Mysterious journey

Chapter 910 Rescue 1

wait for me?

Garen was stunned. He had not left the Black Disk Territory for a long time, and he had gone out under absolute confidentiality. Besides, no one knew the route and time of his return. How did this person find his way here?

A trace of doubt flashed through his mind, and Garen separated from the crowd and walked over.

"who are you?"

The black cloak let out a chuckle.

"A few days ago, we found a supernatural reaction in an area somewhere here."

The purple lips exposed under his cloak did not move, but the sound reached Garen's ears perfectly.

Garen noticed that the crowd around him didn't pay any attention. Apparently no one heard this man's words.

"Let's talk after we go in." He strode towards the inside of his yard, and with a wave of his backhand, the yard door was closed directly, blocking the view of outsiders.

As for the matter of my mecha, the accident just now is just a minor matter. It would be good to have a few people here all year round. Not many pilots in the area are willing to take the risk of contracting radiation sickness and come here to take risks. Most pilots You can definitely do other tasks to make money, it just takes a little longer, but the advantage is safety.

Like the previous incident where the Zhineng Mine was almost robbed, the chance is one in a thousand.

Garen didn't have to worry, his cabin was all locked, and no one could open the cabin door unless he was a senior decryption talent. Unless his entire mecha is dragged away, this is the territory patrolled by his teacher, the Black Annihilation faction. Even if he runs out, he can always contact the patrolling experts to bring him back. Even Bai Guang's people don't dare to run wild within a radius of 10,000 meters.

"No need, just stay here." The man raised his arm, and a black shadow accurately shot out, falling in front of Garen, and was pinched by him.

Garen took a closer look, and saw a dark metal key in his hand. It was simple and old, and looked like an ordinary key that had been used for a long time. However, there were very few serrations on the side of the key, and there was only a single sharp tooth.

"This is one of the status of an energy master. If you successfully become a first-level energy master, you are qualified to enter the energy market for trading." The man in black cloak said in a low voice.

"Energy Mechanic?" Garen's heart trembled. He had never told anyone about breaking through the consciousness of a first-level Mechanic. He didn't expect that the other party would find him directly and pass on this so-called key.

"Who are you?" he asked with narrowed eyes.

"The Energy Mechanic Alliance, you will understand when you enter the market, but please don't tell me about the position of the energy market, although the market will shift every once in a while." The man in the black cloak chuckled, "Okay, young man Goodbye, little one."

He waved his cloak, turned around and walked directly to the small garden in the yard. As he walked among the flowers, his body became lighter and lighter, more and more transparent, until he completely disappeared.

"What kind of method is this!?" Garen was shocked. Even the Totem World of Secret Martial Arts has never seen this method. But then I thought about it, this is the era of science and technology in the universe, and any kind of technology may appear. It may be invisibility or other powerful technologies.

"Energy Market." Holding the key in his hand, Garen felt for the first time that the world was not as simple as he imagined. The pilot may be just one part of the equation.

He carefully put away the key. Anyway, the other party didn't seem to have any malicious intent, and Garen didn't pay much attention to it.

Several days passed after Wei Xi and other people from V Academy were killed.

Garen has been staying in Flying Ray City waiting for the troops sent by the city lord to search for Klin and others to come back. At the same time, he is also collecting materials for making biochemical pools in Flying Ray City. It wasn't until the seventh day that the searching team finally returned, bringing some not-so-good news to Garen.

The whereabouts of Klin and others have indeed been found, but they seem to be being pursued by Bai Guang's people.



Garen was sitting in his yard, pausing slightly while flipping through an old book.

"What is the strength of the people who are chasing them?"

The temperate slave who reported the report still had white gauze on his face and bent down to answer.

"We don't know the specific strength, but after observing from a distance, there are at least level three elite mechas inside. It seems that there are also Glory mechas involved."

"Oh?" Garen was stunned. The Glory Mecha was at the level of the red and white he killed last time in the domain. It was level 5. It also relied on special machine abilities and was very powerful. Of course, the Glory Mecha was not all of them. They are all only at level five, and there will definitely be masters with resonance among them.

But what surprised him was that the resonance could only be stimulated by his own unique mecha, and how exactly was the glorious mecha coordinated and stimulated? Maybe it was sent over so that people could adapt to the body?

"What about those people who were being hunted?"

"I don't know, but the Glory Mecha is wandering around. It should be searching on a large scale, and it is very likely that it has not been found at all. Our people don't dare to get too close, otherwise they will be killed by the opponent in an instant." Temperate slave low answered in a voice.

Garen gently put down the book in his hand and began to think quietly.

He wanted to make sure that Beren was fine before he could bring good news back to his family. After all, it might take some time for him to come out this time, because he needed to build his own unique mecha body. Although he had not yet found all the materials, However, some less important parts should be available for purchase through general points.


Suddenly a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Red Moon?" Garen reacted immediately and waved his hand to make the temperate slave in front of him retreat. At the same time, he threw the technical information needed by the city lord and asked him to take it away as a reward for his search for biochemical pool materials these days.

After the temperate slaves completely left the yard and closed the door, Garen let the little bitch sit in his arms, stretched out his hand to caress it casually, and communicated with Chiyue in his mind.

"Yes, it's me. The signal is finally clear, but the radiation interference is too great." Chi Yue breathed a sigh of relief, "It seems that you should be very close to us. You must come here to save people immediately."


"Klin is about to die. Xiao Lun is about to lose his hold. If you don't come, they will all die!" Chiyue said briefly.

"What's going on? How long can we hold on?" Garen's eyes became solemn.

"Within three days, if you don't come, there is really no hope. I can only cover them for three days at most. The energy is almost used up." Chi Yue said helplessly, "Xiao Lun got radiation sickness. He is very serious and his whole body is exhausted. , the whole person has become extremely thin. Klin was also seriously injured, and the wound was seriously infected. In order to get Xiao Lun medicine to delay radiation sickness, he... Well, you will know when you come. "

"The specific location." There was a hint of confusion in Garen's tone. One of the purposes of coming out this time was finally achieved. As long as you don't die, that's fine. With today's scientific and technological medical methods, you can save your life as long as you don't die.

"I'll point you in the direction! It's not far from the Flying Ray City. Be careful of the white light's glorious mecha! They've mobilized a lot of elites to find the core!" Chiyue said in a deep voice. "Don't bring anyone here, we are in danger now! Whether it is White Light or people from other domains, they want to find us!"

After disconnecting, Garen clearly felt that Chiyue's consciousness was quickly leaving.

Pushing the little bitch away, he stood up, opened the door, and gave instructions to the two guards guarding the place.

"Prepare wound medicine and anti-radiation medicine for me. Two standard portions!"

"It's your lord!" The two guards looked at each other, and one of them hurriedly ran to the doctor's office in the city. Anyway, all of this lord's expenses were reimbursed by the city lord's palace, so he could just record them directly.

Soon, two standard medical bags were placed in front of Gallon. The small white square bags contained anti-inflammatory drugs, a large amount of anti-radiation drugs, sterilizing water, gauze tape for bandaging, as well as recommended blood test equipment and some drugs for oral administration. wait.

After checking, Garen directly picked up and walked towards the outside of Feiyu City alone.


Hundreds of kilometers away from Feiyu City, underground, in a quietly hidden small cave.

Klin struggled to hold Xiao Lun's body and walked deeper into the cave little by little.

He found the anti-radiation medicine, but the amount that the Glory Mecha carried with him was too little. Although it was stolen by Chi Yue, the amount of medicine was only enough for prevention and relief. For Xiao Lun's situation, it was simply A drop in the bucket.

After the two miraculously stole the medicine from the Glory Mecha, at the moment of exhaustion, they finally managed to jump one last time and escaped.

"We're almost there, just ahead." Deep in the cave in front of Klin, a dark-skinned girl with many black pigtails was walking. She was holding a torch. There was an obvious smell of radiation sickness on her body, and the hissing torch Her thin and slender figure and face were reflected in the sound of burning.

It was this girl who saved Klin when he was unconscious and prevented them from being found by the white light patrol and search robots.

"Laura, how long does it take to arrive?" There was no trace of blood on Klin's face, his lips were chapped, and the skin all over his body seemed to have been soaked in water. It was white and blistered, and he felt bloated. His whole body had gained weight. Big circle. In some places, there was even a swollen purple color.

"Come on, come on, we usually live in the underground city. There are all people who can't survive on the ground. They are either wanted criminals or people who are being hunted everywhere and want to resist." The girl turned around and showed her pure white face. Teeth smiled.

"The power of resistance? What to resist?" Klin's voice was a little hoarse and he asked doubtfully.

"Of course they are the people who brought us to this point. Domains, all major domains, and people from all domains are the objects of our resistance." The girl whispered, "Some people call us the underground resistance army."

"Underground resistance?" This was the first time Klin heard this term.

"We have been observing you for a long time. The cabin you lived in before was one of our temporary strongholds. Our people originally planned to go there to rest, but we didn't expect to find you two there." The girl Laura briefly introduced, " Then we found out that you are newcomers who have just come out of the domain. You are being hunted and trapped everywhere, and you don’t even have a basic sense of self-protection. You are in a miserable state, even our children are better than you."

Klin was speechless by what the girl Laura said, and his cheeks turned red with embarrassment.


Suddenly, his throat suddenly felt itchy, and he spat out a large mouthful of blood.

In the purple blood, tiny black bugs could be vaguely seen crawling inside.

"This is this." When Klin saw that there were bugs in his blood, his heart was so frightened that he stood there with a defeated face. "Uncle, how long can I live?" he asked tremblingly in his heart.

"Three hours if everything goes well." Chi Yue was silent for a moment and replied in a low voice.

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