Mysterious journey

Chapter 915 Energy Mechanic 2

"It's okay. I was left behind by my mentor at the beginning. I came in alone to explore. I knew how much loss I had to suffer before I started exploring without knowing anything at the beginning." Orsay took a sip of ale and sighed, "So every time I watch When new people come in, I will help as much as I can.”

"Can you tell me what the energy weapon mark is about?" Garen asked in a deep voice.

"The energy mark is a magical special device that can be embedded into the mark of consciousness. It can increase our calculation power and simplify many tedious repetitive methods. With this, we only need to find out the calculation method. , calculate it once, and then record the calculation method with the energy weapon mark, and then you can continue to repeat the calculation, which greatly reduces the burden on our energy mechanics." Orsay explained.

"Just like my wasp mark." He snapped his fingers, and a metal-like floating object with a wasp pattern slowly lit up behind him, glowing with a faint yellow light. "He can increase my computing speed and computing power by about three times. This is statistical data. In actual combat, he can automatically control the biochemical pool to generate a wasp scout. This scout is suitable for space environments and can eject particle streams by itself to move at high speeds. , has no attack power, can only move at high speed and share vision, so it can only be a scout. As the lowest level wasp, one of mine can only scan a range of fifty kilometers around, and has a survival time of half an hour. If the materials can be recovered, it can Save it for the next regeneration, with only 50% material loss."

"Can't it be stored in the biochemical pool from the beginning?" Garen asked.

"No, it can't be stored. The biochemical pool can only generate temporary forms. The permanent form can only be evolved by the test bench to produce new functions. Moreover, the materials consumed for long-term existence are very large and expensive, just like making mechas. Likewise, the required technology is very troublesome." Orsay said helplessly, "How irresponsible is your instructor? He didn't explain anything clearly to you."

"To be honest, I am self-study and don't have any mentors." Garen answered honestly. He was also a little helpless, "I didn't expect that there are so many ways in the field of energy mechanics. I originally thought it was no different from ordinary training methods, but I didn't expect it to be so troublesome."

"That's for sure. Why are you self-taught?" Orsay seemed to have reacted at this moment. He stood up suddenly and stared at Garen with a shocked face, "You are self-taught?!"

"Yes." Garen nodded.

"How long did it take you?" Orsay's voice trembled.

"Uh, six years." Garen thought for a while, but still didn't say two years, but tripled it. From the look of this guy, it seemed like it was a miracle that he was able to teach himself.

"Six years, I said." Orsay breathed a sigh of relief and sat down, "I also said that if you are so young, if you are a self-taught person and can reach the level of a second-level energy master within three years, then it will be really great. It’s terrifying. But even so, if you can reach the second level within six years without the guidance of a mentor, you are still considered outstanding.”

"That's right." Garen nodded.

"I'm not very clear about the school of energy mechanics here, but I advise you to find a good school and apply for admission. Without a mentor, it's impossible to move forward in this field, because there are many things that cannot be touched by self-study. Got it." Orsay sincerely advised.

"Join the faction? How to join?" Garen became interested.

"Most of the powerful legacy-level mechanist schools will have complementary energy mechanist schools. It is normal for the two sides to complement each other, so as long as you find a strong heritage-level force, you should be able to find the corresponding energy mechanist school. . If you are able to teach yourself, you can definitely try the assessment."

"Yes, I will." Garen suddenly thought of the Black Oblivion sect. The Black Oblivion sect he is currently in may also have energy masters.

"Okay, I have to leave too. The fleet is about to leave this area, and the signal will become weaker and weaker. I am from Honglei Star. If you have the opportunity, you can come to our place to travel. I will be your guide." Ersai stood up and smiled.

"I'll definitely give it a chance." Garen nodded and stood up.

The other party disappeared in a flash, and with a blur in his eyes, he also appeared in the square outside the store.

At this time, there were far fewer people in the square. Some stalls became a lot sparse, obviously because the transaction was completed or the stall owner left.

Garen continued to walk around to see what was being sold at the stall. It turned out that most of them were very weird materials, some of which he had seen a little introduction from the Nenghu Master Training Method, but most of them were things that he had never heard of.

"The wings of the flying mantis can be used to assemble on biochemical creatures, and the speed is comparable to a level 2 mecha!"

"The single horn of the gopher, the sharpness is increased by one level for half an hour."

"Unknown mutant snake gene purification solution can enhance the physical constitution of mutant organisms in the biochemical pool by 0.4 for ten minutes."

"Giant bear bile, I want it for fifty crystals, no counter-offer."

Some stalls have explanations on their functions on the display screens next to them, while others seem to be so common or famous that there is no explanation at all, just the price.

The stall owner didn't shout anything, he just leaned on the rectangular display screen next to him to display his advertising slogans.

The square is not big, and Garen quickly browsed through most of the stalls and found that most of the things were used in the biochemical pool, mostly various materials used to transform the biological cannon fodder coming out of the biochemical pool.

Only a few are used for test benches, but they are often expensive and sold out as soon as they come out.

"Get away!"

Suddenly there was a sound of shouting and cursing from the front.

Garen looked up and found that it was the two bald men with arrogant attitudes just now. At this time, they were kicking a young man with rabbit ears and fell to the ground.

"How dare you snatch what I want? You're lucky to give it to me! You don't know how to flatter me!" The bald head is still so arrogant, but no one around him will show up. Anyone who dares to be so arrogant is undoubtedly affirmative and A person with strong confidence.

"But all my money has been paid in the transaction!" The young rabbit got up and argued with an ugly face.

"So what if you pay? You're a piece of rubbish from a small place. It's an advantage for you to stand in front of me and talk back. How dare you talk back!" Amidst his girlfriend's sweet laughter, the bald man slapped the rabbit young man hard. slap.

Garen shook his head speechlessly. You can encounter such things everywhere, even in the high-sounding organization called the Mechanicist Alliance.

But when he saw that the bald man actually slapped the other person, and that the rabbit youth's cheeks actually swelled, he was slightly surprised.

"You can actually hit people directly here?"

"Of course, except that you can't attack directly, the attacks here will cause the same pain and damage to others." A talkative old man on the side whispered, "That bald man is from the magnetic field of the mother star, and that is He Xingyun, The Black Sword is one of the three most powerful weapon masters, so no one dares to meddle in their own business."

"Magnetic Field, Nebula, Black Knife." Garen silently remembered these three names.

"Just be patient when you encounter that bald man. Most people can't afford to offend him. That's a big force with a heritage-level weapon master." The old man shook his head and sighed.

"The inheritance-level power is really amazing." A young man beside him couldn't help but mocked with a cold face.

"Keep your voice down, you'll be in trouble if you hear it." The young man's companion quickly pulled him.

Garen looked at the bald man over there calmly. He already understood the status of an energy master. As for the three most powerful weapon master schools on the home planet, he didn't know exactly how powerful they were, but they were at least on the same level as the Black Annihilation School, and they were indeed a behemoth.

"Bald Mengba is the most domineering guy in this market. No one dares to disobey him." A voice whispered.

"So what? If he continues to be so arrogant, he will hit the big iron plate sooner or later."

Garen was too lazy to pay attention anymore and turned around to leave. Suddenly his eyes swept across the crowd, and his body froze and he stood there.

A familiar figure appeared in his eyes. A white tight-fitting leather jacket with dark gold patterns on the shoulders. She has a hot figure, bulging forward and backward, and there is a clear scar on her beautiful face, but it does not cover up her charming temperament at all, but adds a touch of fierceness.


At this time, Xilin did not see this side, but frowned and walked forward, stood behind the bald head, and kicked him fiercely.

There was a bang.

The bald man turned around and grabbed her long legs.

"How dare you make a sneak attack!" When the bald man turned around and saw Xilin, his originally fierce expression suddenly turned into a slightly lewd one. "Oh, that's good. She's actually a little beauty."

"Let me go! Otherwise there will be consequences at your own risk!" Xilin's eyes flashed with coldness. She also didn't expect Baldhead to be so strong in melee combat and react so quickly.

"It's inexplicable. Everyone saw it. It was this woman who took the initiative and deliberately attacked me." The bald man sneered loudly.

"Xilin, it's none of your business!" The young man with rabbit ears rushed over and tried to separate Baldhead and Xilin, but Baldhead blocked them with one hand and fell to the ground with a pop. Ouch, I won't be able to get up for a while.

"So we know each other." The bald man looked down Xilin's long legs and between the legs. "What beautiful legs, let me touch them." He freed his other hand and moved along Xilin's legs. He stroked his legs towards the inner thigh.

"Let go!" Xilin's face turned cold and he was shocked, but to her surprise, he didn't break free from Baldhead's control.

But for some reason, I felt that my whole body was gradually becoming weak.

"Xilin, have you met a master? I have told you a long time ago that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world." Suddenly a familiar voice sounded from the side.

Xilin heard the sound and looked over, and saw Jialong looking at her with a smile and walking slowly over. .

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