Mysterious journey

Chapter 921 Counterattack Kill 2

"It seems that we can only find a solution from the prison. Maybe the teacher has a solution. There should be good talents in the prison for serious criminals of the Black Annihilation Sect."

Sitting in the car, he began to carefully arrange his next plan.

"If I can enter the prison where the Black Annihilation sect holds serious criminals, and parasitize one or two powerful pilots, pilots with twisted seeds will not be able to control the life and death of the opponent at any time, but the parasitized unit will never attack. This mother body of mine will kill any creature except its own kind once it gets into a battle. The time of mutation and distortion is also under its own control. Not many people will refuse such a condition. After all, this can be promoted to a large level. Amplitude.”

"Also, in addition to pilots, maybe the mutant creatures outside the radiation belt will also be good parasite targets. They are extremely powerful in themselves. If they are parasitized, their strength will be greatly improved."

Garen slowly made a plan in his mind.

Although he himself is not strong enough and has stagnated, the power of the Cold Prison Peacock Kung Fu has finally begun to slowly manifest itself. This is the level of power that is worthy of the name of Yisheng's Secret Martial Arts.

"Now let's create the biochemical pool first and try to parasitize the biochemical creatures. Maybe we will make some good discoveries."

The thought came to Garen's mind. He didn't know what would happen to the cannon fodder team created by the biochemical pool when combined with the twisted seeds. If one speculates according to theory, perhaps the twisted seeds will lift the limit on the number of biochemical organisms, because biochemical organisms that fall into chaos cannot be controlled by the biochemical pool. In this way, as long as there are enough materials, a steady stream of biochemical organisms should be able to be produced in a short period of time. An army of cannon fodder.

"If the theory can be realized." Garen's heart became a little hot. "Other energy weapon masters have their own control limits. A second-level energy weapon master can control at most two biochemical creatures. A good training method for the energy weapon master can increase the limit of one, and the biochemical pool can control one, which adds up to two. If My seeds of distortion are useful, so as long as there are enough seeds of distortion, I can continuously produce enough quantities!"

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, a blue meteor flame fell from the sky in front of the vehicle he was riding in, heading straight towards Garen's vehicle.


A deep voice sounded fiercely.

The terrifying power of the giant boy was like a substance, pressing hard on Garen.

Bang bang bang! !

The driver and the bodyguards in the surrounding vehicles were all blown into pieces like canned human flesh, completely unable to withstand the tremendous pressure.

This force is not gravity or any other force field, but simply the extremely powerful oppression of consciousness! !

Garen's whole body felt like it was stuck in a glue-like quagmire, and it was extremely difficult to move. He opened his eyes wide and heard the constant clicking sounds of the bones in his body. The flesh and blood in some places had gradually collapsed, and the cells and tissues were constantly falling into decay and death.

Nostrils, ears, eyes, red blood lines slowly flowed out.

And as the huge pressure got closer and closer, Garen's eyes were completely blurred, he couldn't see anything clearly, and his ears popped and he couldn't hear anything.

"This kind of power.??!"

Toot. Toot. Toot.

Bursts of rapid sirens echoed in the convoy. Strangely, the city's defense equipment did not respond at all to such an attack. There are even protective shields for isolation in a large area around it.

A humanoid mecha with a sky-blue body and a body as smooth and beautiful as a mirror is slowly unfurling its body from the blue flames flying down.

He carried a slender spear on his back, with a faint black flame burning at the tip.

The most conspicuous thing is that a pure silver-edged cloak hangs on the left shoulder of the machine body, with a huge wind character on the cloak.

The sky-blue body was now stretching out its big hand and grabbing Garen hard in the car below.

"you dare!!"

In a roar.

A chirping sword light penetrated the shield from a distance and hit the blue machine's big hand hard, knocking it back a step.

A deep voice came from far away.

"Seventh! How dare you touch him today!!"

A similarly dark blue mirror body slowly floated in the sky not far away. There is also a silver cloak on the left shoulder with a huge wind character on it. Different from the long gun body, it carries a long and slender knife as black as ink on its waist.

"If I find out who dares to attack and kill my son, don't blame me for not giving you face, Old Sixth." The spear body snorted coldly, turned around and stepped calmly. The body naturally disappeared into the space and disappeared without a trace.

The remaining Black Blade machine lowered its head and glanced at Garen, who was covered in blood in the car.

"Be careful. Seventh will take action directly if he has any suspicion. Don't conflict with Remington again in the future. He never needs evidence."

He turned around and disappeared gently into the air.

Only then did the terrifying and huge pressure slowly dissipate.

It wasn't until the terrifying pressure slowly disappeared that Garen slowly recovered from the heavy pressure.

He felt as if his whole body was being continuously run over by a heavy truck. All his facial features were bleeding, muscles in large areas of his body were torn, and there were a large number of cracks in the bones of his body to varying degrees. Extensive internal bleeding.

He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but there was a tearing pain in his throat.

"Wind God General" He closed his eyes and kept this name firmly in his mind.

There is no resistance.

Never before had he been so defenseless against an enemy.

There was no resistance, he didn't even have the right to move.

The terrifying oppression of consciousness caused his whole body to fall into a state of serious injury and near death. He had tried many times to think about how strong Fengshen General was, but he never thought that the opponent could be so strong.

Not only him, but many passers-by around the small town were crushed directly by the heavy pressure, and no one survived.

Apart from him, no one else survived within a radius of hundreds of meters. The other party's unscrupulousness has reached an unabashed level.

In the last effort to add some potential points to his physique, Garen couldn't bear it anymore and fell into a coma completely. His body has reached an extremely serious state, and only the dormant state of consciousness is the best state of recovery.


Drowsily, Garen seemed to hear something.

There was darkness before his eyes, and even his consciousness was a little blurry.

"How long will it take for him to wake up?" It seemed to be Xilin's voice, the tone was very cold.

"I don't know the details, but his injuries were too serious. A normal person would have died long ago at this level. Unexpectedly, he still survived the terrorist attack tenaciously. We don't have such an instance even in the hospital. I've seen him a few times." Another unfamiliar voice sounded. "His vitality is very strong. Many times we can repair it quickly with just a little guidance. It's really rare!"

"Will there be any disability?" Xilin continued to ask. "He's been in a coma for five days!"

"We have mobilized all the top medical teams and the treatment plan we have formulated is definitely the most suitable for him. Disability may have a certain impact. This will depend on his future recovery."

".I believe he will be fine."

"We will try our best. Alas"

The sound of the door opening and closing.

Garen felt his consciousness gradually becoming clearer, and each memory scene was recalled in his mind.

"By the way, I was attacked."

The powerful sky-blue organism appeared in his mind.

"Wind God General"

Slowly opening his eyes, Garen saw a white ceiling.

"You're awake!!" Xilin's face suddenly burst into view. She looked a little haggard, as if she hadn't rested for a long time, her eyes were dark, and she had lost a lot of weight. Seeing Garen wake up, the surprise on her face was very obvious.

"You finally woke up!!" She breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm going to find a doctor!"

"Need not."

Garen opened his mouth and said.

"How long have I been unconscious?" He could hear his own voice, hoarse, like a leaky bellows.

"Five days and five nights. There were still people who wanted to assassinate you, but I killed five or six people." Xilin replied in a low voice, "You have a good rest. I am here, don't worry."

Garen nodded. Now his whole body was seriously injured, and his consciousness and body were both on the verge of collapse. There were definitely many people who wanted his life, especially those who wanted the technology for refining the colored light stones in his hands. This project business has already killed too many people. I have been jealous for a long time. Even with other partners, Garen didn't dare to rest assured. Only Xilin was the only person he could trust. After all, that is at least hundreds of millions of profits every year.

"Be careful of the Seventh Wind God General, Fila will never let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He will definitely take action!!" Garen said in a low voice.

"I know." Xilin nodded calmly. "My family's latest security system is installed everywhere in this building. Five types of detection can completely prevent the entry and exit of all invisible equipment. My family's experts are guarding the outside. What will happen to the people sent by your teacher?"

"Temporarily ask them to patrol the perimeter. If the teacher's friends hadn't come to the rescue that day, I would have died." Garen said coldly, "Don't worry, I will recover soon. There is nothing serious about my body." He did not tell the truth. , the potential point can repair the body, but cannot repair the consciousness. His Eagle Claw consciousness has been severely damaged and is close to collapse. It will take at least a year to recover. Even if the unique mecha is built, he cannot continue now. Enter operation. There are still 37 potential points left. It is true that he can recover quickly through potential points, but such a recovery speed will undoubtedly expose his biggest secret, so no matter what, he will not be able to control the exclusive mecha and become a resonance machine for the first time. Master.

It will have to be delayed for at least a year, or it will be done secretly.

"What are your plans?" Xilin asked after a moment of silence.

"What other plans can I have? The opponent is the Seventh Wind God General. My current power is simply to use an egg to hit a stone." Garen said calmly.

"The Black Oblivion Sect dominates the Aurora Territory and is a hegemonic force. Sorry, even I can't mobilize my family to conflict with them head-on. I can only represent myself!" Xilin whispered.

"I know, I don't blame you. This matter is not just a matter of me offending Remington. The key point is that my teacher's faction and their failure to deal with it are just an excuse for the other party to take action."

"Your teacher said the same thing. He said that the other party may already know your talent. I want you to be more careful. The Seventh Wind God General has always been a shameless person. He has never had a psychological burden on a junior. "Xilin lowered his voice even more.

"Don't worry, I will make him pay the price." Garen took a deep breath and looked at the attribute bar under his eyes.

Thanks to the gift of the Wind God General, he finally broke through to the seventh level with his still-deficient Cold Hell Peacock Skill.

This time the heavy damage seemed to be broken and then rebuilt, and the secret martial arts of life completely transformed the body's constitution.

Looking at the new changes in the secret weapon of life, Garen's eyes became colder and colder.

'Military Martial Arts - Cold Prison Peacock Skill: Secret Martial Arts of Life, seventh level, seventh level completion rate 0%.

Obtain the ability talent - Devouring Force Field 3 (scope swallows everything to restore itself and condense the seeds of distortion, with a maximum diameter of ten meters).

Obtain the ability talent - Seed of Distortion 3 (Creating chaos is the peacock's biggest hobby, the quality increase is increased to 3 times, the mutant produces a pollution effect, the contaminated body will mutate into a secondary twisted body, and the quality is increased by 1.5 times.)

Obtain ability talent - Chaos Cold Realm 3 (it naturally causes space-time oscillations, with the main body as the center, emitting natural cold air to a surrounding 20 meters, forming a chaotic low temperature zone as low as -20 degrees. At the same time, there may be a small probability of causing the enemy to lose consciousness Chaos, random attacks.)

Swallowing has been upgraded to a range effect. The biggest key is the twisted seed. When the twisted seed is upgraded to level 3, the mutant quality increase has been increased from the original 1.5 times to the current three times. This is a terrifying level. The original four After the level 1 peak pilot's mutation increased by 1.5 times and all aspects were strengthened, he directly became a level 5 peak pilot. Now that it has been increased to three times, I don't know what level he can enter. And it also has its own pollution effect, which is simply a killer weapon for causing chaos! !

The true horror of the Cold Hell Peacock Kung Fu finally began to show itself, not to oneself, but to the development of a terrifying force like a legion! .

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