Mysterious journey

Chapter 925 Desperate Situation 2

Galen clicked out the armor-piercing shells from his gun. He was leaning against the ruins of a wall on the first floor of the hospital.

Except for him, everyone who entered the building had been killed. He pretended to be about to die, turned off the paging device in the micro-mecha, and at the same time lay on his back next to the ruins, using cold energy radiation to kill the mecha. Lowered to the point where there is no body temperature.

The other party mainly relies on thermal energy to explore. As long as there is no temperature, people outside will not be able to find where he is.

As long as the other party still wants to capture him alive, he has a glimmer of hope.

The continuous violent and high-intensity movements, coupled with a highly tense spirit, made Garen completely exhausted at this time and consumed a lot of energy.

My eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and I feel as if I can't open them anymore, and they might fall down at any time and I won't be able to open them anymore.

The entire hospital was riddled with holes, corpses, flames, bullets and mecha fragments. A file room in the hospital not far away was smashed. The documents inside were slowly burning, and the papers inside were mixed with plastic and were slowly burning. It was charred black and emitting thick smoke.

The whole hospital was filled with smoke that could not be seen, the high temperature burned the wooden furniture, and there were explosions from time to time.

The ability of one person to annihilate dozens of micro mecha soldiers is the power of Garen's own quality, which is more than three times the physical fitness of an average person, coupled with the special ability of the Cold Prison Peacock Kung Fu. Combined with Garen's own powerful martial arts realm, he became a typical killing machine. Even the special martial arts masters in the army were not his enemies.


Suddenly, the wall on the side of the first floor was punched through. The broken wall was shattered with rubble and powder, and several figures walked in slowly.

The figure at the front has his right hand extended forward in a grasping gesture.

"Sun Ring."

A golden halo spread from his feet and spread in all directions on the first floor. Just like ripples on the water, when the ripples hit a wall or something blocking it, they will automatically bounce back. Within a few seconds, the entire ground, walls, and ceiling of the first floor were covered with such golden ripples.

Garen's heart trembled. He had no place to dodge and was hit by golden ripples everywhere.

Almost at the same moment, he felt the man's eyes suddenly falling on him.


His heart was shocked, and he shot the man with a backhand shot. His body rolled to the ground, and his legs jumped up.

"Hand of the Hollow!"

Another female voice sounded out of thin air.

A huge force fell on Garen from a distance, and it was like a big empty hand, grabbing him directly in the air.

But immediately, the void hand was directly offset by a burst of cold energy radiation, and Garen leapt into the kitchen room of the hospital, and then there was no sound.

The leader's body deflected, and a hole made by an armor-piercing bullet exploded in the wall on the left. For those in the expert group, it was commonplace to avoid such ballistics. Unless it's a powerful arc trajectory or refractory bullet, there's no way to hurt them.

"I'll use the sun ring to find him. You guys can do it separately." The leader said calmly.

"Do I need your advice?" the woman in black behind her said coldly, walking into the hole in the wall and frowning at the billowing smoke inside.

"The wind of nothingness!"

She raised her hands, and an invisible strong wind floated slowly, forming a small gray-black tornado like a whirlwind in the hospital, quickly sucking away all the oxygen that could be burned.

The flames were extinguished at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon all the smoke was gathered together by the tornado. It flew out from a hole in the blown wall, exploded directly, and slowly floated up and dissipated.

Within a moment, the fire in the entire hospital was extinguished.

"As expected of a fifth-level resonance master, the resonance skill has reached this level, which is amazing." The leading man shrugged, not angry.

The woman in black strode in unscrupulously, seemingly not caring about sneak attacks such as shootings or explosions.

A total of four more people came in from the master group, all of whom had committed capital crimes and were retained by the military as powerful weapons of war and distributed to each legion. Most of them are level five masters, and a few are resonance pilots. However, because their own mechas were destroyed, they can only figure out a set of methods to use consciousness in single combat. These methods also have strong consciousness in practical combat skills. Under the influence, it formed a ferocious power that could interfere with the natural reality.

"Be careful, this guy was once a top level five pilot." The man saw that the woman ignored him and followed closely.

The two walked together, side by side towards the kitchen on the first floor.

The kitchen here is large and is used to prepare meals for patients, doctors and nurses.

There were some blackened and half-burnt white curtains hanging inside. I didn’t know what they were used for.

"What did you mean by what you said when we were at Amano Gorge?" The man walked beside the woman and asked in a low voice close to her ear.

"You mean whatever you say." The woman said coldly.

"That incident was not my fault. If you insist on blaming it on me, I can't help it. But can you please clarify the situation?" the man said helplessly.

"What's going on? Haven't you already done everything?" The woman gave him a cold look.

"I told you it was a misunderstanding." Before the man finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed, and he grabbed the woman's shoulders and pushed her to one side.

Bang! !

A figure raised the curtain and rushed towards the woman.

A blast of cold radiation burst out at the same time, pressing hard on the two of them, giving them a severe beating as they were about to activate their consciousness skills.

Bang! !

The man was punched and knocked back several steps, while the woman was kicked in the abdomen by Garen.


With a scream, a violent indiscriminate bombardment of consciousness erupted from the woman's body.

With a bang, invisible fluctuations spread out in all directions with the woman as the center. The stone walls on the ground were directly blown up. The body of a miniature mecha soldier was also severely smashed away. All the curtains in the kitchen were torn apart. It cracked, and in the roaring wind, Garen's body felt like being hit by a train, and the rocket flew backwards.

Large mouthfuls of blood spurted out from his mouth.

Garen only felt that all the bones in his body were broken. In this impact, the serious injuries that had not been healed were aggravated again. He had relied on a large amount of consumption of potential points to barely suppress the movement of the injuries. Potential Dian could have quickly repaired his body, but the wind god that was dispersed by the explosion suppressed the remaining consciousness, resulting in only extremely slow healing of the injury.

Coupled with the violent impact on consciousness now, he was even more injured.

Lying on the ground, Garen could hardly move, his skin was cracked and almost no part of his body was intact. The whole person became a veritable bloody man, dying. The injuries in his body could no longer be suppressed, and his potential points could not offset the horrific damage of the two severe injuries, making him almost fall into coma.

"It's so dangerous. Is this guy really just a useless person with first-level consciousness?!" At this time, the two people who were still in shock recovered from the shock of the surprise attack just now.

The two walked up to Garen and kicked him in the head.

"I'm almost out of breath." The woman frowned. Although she was kicked in the abdomen, because the explosion was timely and her body seemed to be quite strong, she didn't suffer too much force. Her face was just a little pale, but nothing else was serious. "How to deal with it?"

"Take him out and the interrogation experts will tell him everything we need." The man shrugged. His eyes fell on the body of the mini-mecha soldier that was knocked away beside him. "To be honest, I'm very interested in how this guy killed so many people."

He walked over and turned over the body with his feet, trying to find the fatal wound.

Suddenly he let out a light sigh.

No wounds were found on the body. What's even more weird is that the whole body seems to be an empty shell. Except for a layer of skin, everything inside seems to have been sucked dry. This feeling is like a spider preying on its prey. It first uses toxins to melt all the inside of the prey, and then Blot it dry slowly, leaving only an empty shell.

The man suddenly felt a chill in his heart. This was the first time he had seen this kind of killing method.

"Let's go quickly." The woman whispered from behind.

"Okay." The man turned around, but his pupils suddenly shrank, and a sharp dagger pierced his heart.


The dagger twisted deeper.

The one who took action was a woman. She looked extremely weird at this time, her eyes were red, and the skin on her body was slowly covered with a layer of light gray transparent scales. She looked cold with a hint of fiery, as if suppressing a volcano that was about to erupt.


The man stretched out his hand in a daze, wanting to touch the woman's face, but was twisted again by the dagger that pierced the heart, and the look in his eyes slowly dimmed.


He fell on his back.

Roar! ! !

The woman who had been mutated by the twisted seed let out an uncontrollable howl of pain. Tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, but as her body further mutated, the woman's entire body was gradually covered with thicker gray scales.


A long spiked tail emerged from her back, which was a new limb that rapidly grew and mutated at the tail vertebrae.

The already tyrannical half-moon-level consciousness quickly increased due to the transformation of the twisted seed, doubling, doubling, and tripling! !

At the moment when she reached the peak of three times, the woman's entire figure had grown a lot bigger, and she opened a gray-white eye with a tear between her eyebrows.

"Go ahead. Kill! Kill everything you see."

Garen, who was lying on the ground, sneered.

A half-moon-level master is parasitized by a twisted seed. How far can such terrifying strength be achieved? He was looking forward to it.

With a whoosh, the woman disappeared from the spot. Not only her consciousness, but also her entire physical quality increased to three times its original level.

This is the powerful and terrifying thing about the Cold Hell Peacock Technique. It does not mainly act on one's own mother body, but controls the twisted seeds that create chaos. It parasitizes on powerful creatures, greatly increasing their power to create killing and chaos.

After the woman's mutated monster rushed out, the sound of large mechas falling and exploding was heard instantly.

The crowd screamed and panicked everywhere.

"What!?" "What the hell! Fire, fire!!"

Roar! !

The woman made a terrifying scream from time to time.

Garen didn't know what it meant to have a half-moon level master tripled, but he knew that now was his best chance to escape, and the chaos here would soon be suppressed. Even if a mutant is at the heritage level, it will be immediately suppressed by powerful pilots. Without sanity or intelligence, no matter how powerful it is, it is just a beast without intelligence. It really only creates chaos.

He put on the corpse equipment that he had devoured with the Blue Silk Thread of the Cold Hell Peacock and walked out of the hospital pretending to be a dying mecha soldier.

The outside was already a mess, and the originally surrounding team had only corpses everywhere. After the woman mutated, her void consciousness was no less terrifying than the effect of driving a mecha with increased power. Coupled with the mutated and enhanced physical fitness, it was simply It was just a killing machine. In less than half a minute, the siege outside was completely defeated. The wind of nothingness swept everywhere, tearing a large number of mecha soldiers into pieces.

There was still a living miniature mecha soldier on the ground nearby. He tried to get up from the pool of blood, but he shot his head off and lay down again.

Garen took a few more shots and added two points of potential points to his physique at once. Now the wounds all over his body were violently fighting against the consumption of residual consciousness, slowly but surely healing the wounds on his body. This allowed him to barely regain some physical strength.

Using the firearm as a crutch, Garen walked step by step towards a fallen large mecha. This mecha was in tatters and had been disfigured by the explosion. There was almost no intact part. It was definitely going to be sent away. Dumpster.

Garen circled around the mecha, unable to suppress the fatigue in his heart any longer. He skillfully opened the empty missile launcher on the right thigh of the mecha and got directly into it. After closing the lid, he couldn't bear it anymore and slowly fell into a deep sleep. .

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