Mysterious journey

Chapter 934 Dilemma 1

"I didn't have a teacher. I taught myself everything, and it took me six years." Garen used his old tricks again.

"Self-study?! Is this possible?!" Xiao Lan suddenly opened her eyes in surprise, "I have tried many times but can't do it! Now I can't even pass level one." She became frustrated. "It's been seven years. .My grandfather has been teaching me since I was little."

"Uh" Garen didn't know what to say.

The two of them walked slowly along the counter.

"Brother Jia Long, you can choose what you like. Our store's business has been getting worse and worse since my grandfather fell ill. After relying on the previous inventory to sell out, senior brother and senior sister had to make some bad quality marks and sell them by themselves. , struggling to support the store. "

She whispered. At this time, there was no one in the store. The last customer who was watching and playing had also left. The dim and soft light seemed more and more silent, and only Xiaolan's voice echoed slightly.

Garen nodded silently, while listening to Xiaolan's introduction, he glanced at the few energy weapon marks on the counter.

"All the mark bodies use the basic first-level mark as the main body. The senior brothers and sisters are all third-level energy weapon masters. They have insufficient computing power and cannot process the second-level energy weapon mark. The tender weapon mark is divided into two parts, the calculation part and The production part. The computing part is the main body and must be purchased from the alliance. This is the part responsible for calculation and increasing the computing power of the energy mechanic. The production part is what you just saw, the part responsible for controlling and guiding the biochemical pool to produce cannon fodder. We are responsible for processing That’s the second piece.” Xiaolan introduced, walking forward slowly.

"In other words, we purchase semi-finished products and then process them into finished products for sale, right?" Gallon asked.

"That's right. However, all the first-level imprinting bodies are similar, and the computing power is increased three times. The key lies in the production part module given by the second piece of processing like ours. If an ordinary imprinting body is processed by an expert, For good production modules, such as powerful cannon fodder like Devil Bug, the price will suddenly change dramatically." Xiao Lan said with some envy.

"That's it." Garen nodded understandingly. Although he didn't want to decide his first mark so hastily, he had no choice. The situation was critical now and he couldn't wait for him to choose carefully.

His eyes swept across the counter and landed directly on the wild wolf.

"That's it. Mark of the Wild Wolf."

He pointed at the energy mark on the counter.

"Are you sure it's him?" Xiaolan asked.

"Well, it's him." Garen nodded.

"The wild wolf is fast, has sharp claws, and has night vision, but its defense is not good. This mark is the proud work of senior brother. I will give you the best one. The waste rate is only 5%. It is the most proud work of senior brother. Works." Xiaolan quickly took out a soft gray stuff with a shimmering color from a small cabinet under the counter.

All the energy marks are like marshmallows of different colors, soft and shapeless.

"Are all energy marks like this?" Garen asked curiously.

"Of course not. This is only a first-level energy weapon mark. Generally, a first-level energy weapon master can use it. There are also energy weapon marks used by second-level energy weapon masters, third level, fourth level and fifth level. You will have them later. If you have enough money, you can install a second energy mark on yourself when you reach level three. Remember, it is very difficult to change this thing once it is installed. It is like a primitive cell. You have spawned it into a piece. Beef, if you want to change it into beef bones later, it will be very difficult." Xiaolan warned.

"I understand." Garen nodded.

"It seems like you really don't know anything." Xiaolan shook her finger and said, "Okay, this is for you." She handed the seal over and placed it in Garen's raised hand.

"Eat it. It will be very painful when you go back to transform. Just bear with it. It usually lasts for an hour. Please pay attention to safety. This is the time when the energy master is most vulnerable. No matter how powerful the energy master is, The same one."


Garen nodded solemnly.

After a blur of distorted colors, Garen suddenly returned to his room.

He raised his hand and saw that he was holding a ball of gray and shimmering cotton in his hand.

"Is this the mark of the wild wolf?" He stuffed it directly into his mouth without hesitation.

What's very strange is that as soon as the thing touches the mouth, it goes straight in with a swish. Like a living thing, it quickly slides down the throat like liquid. It is as cold as eating a bowl of ice water.

Garen barely swallowed when he felt his stomach churn.

The consciousness behind his head slowly shook, as if something cold was emitting many silk tentacles, slowly wrapping around the two marks on the back of his head.

After coaxing him, a huge shock suddenly rushed into his brain, and then Garen felt a cramp in his stomach, as if he was overturned, and his throat felt like he wanted to vomit. I felt nauseous, started to hiccup, and kept spitting out streams of foul-smelling gas.

White spots seemed to begin to appear in front of his eyes. It seemed as if someone was pressing on the surface of his eyes with fingers, and he saw many white spots spreading out.

He stooped, reluctantly walked to the single sofa in the room, sat down, and took a deep breath.

Although such nausea and pain were unbearable, it was nothing to Garen. The pain when he had remodeled his heart was much more intense than this. After a little adaptation, he could still remain calm and move around freely, but there was a faint sweat on his forehead, indicating that his condition was not perfect at this time.

After getting used to the severe pain, Garen walked to the window. The sky was already getting brighter, and it seemed to be early morning.

A strange howl like a wolf could be heard faintly in the distance outside. There was no way there were wolves in the surrounding terrain, and those that had been killed by people had long been strangled by radiation. The only possibility was that they were hunted by humans.

"It's about to start," Garen murmured, looking at the white fish belly in the sky in the distance, hoping that everything would be safe.

Even though he was in the room, he could feel the tremendous pressure from the people walking around outside.

Anxiety, restlessness, the kind of depression that forces oneself to calm down.

This is the thorough performance of the thirty or forty people in Lion Town.

Through the window, Garen saw someone holding a sharp metal spear and waving it around, and someone was rubbing their hands constantly, sitting on the doorstep with his head lowered and muttering something unknown.

Whining sounds came from outside, but no one looked up. The whole town became quieter and quieter, no one spoke, and occasionally the cry of a baby could be heard. But even children as young as a few years old are earnestly helping to do what they can. Adults, on the other hand, are constantly adjusting their physical condition to keep themselves at their peak at all times.

Lowering the curtains, Garen knew there was nothing he could do now. The Mark of the Wild Wolf seems to be transforming the two consciousness marks on the back of his head. This transformation is very rapid and precise. In many cases, some subtle substances will be extracted from his body to participate in the transformation. This is also the key reason why the human body feels severe pain. .

Garen looked up and looked at the time, 6:21.

The clock on the wall ticked loudly, crisply and rhythmically.

He sat down, slowly relaxed his body, and carefully felt the transformation of this consciousness imprint, but unfortunately, this transformation was very fast, and the level of sophistication was far beyond his imagination. After just a few minutes of observation, he felt that his consciousness was a little blurry and his energy was too much. It can only be taken back.

Sitting quietly on the sofa, the sofa cushion under my butt was somewhat soft and pliable. The surface was made of leather, and there seemed to be metal springs inside. It bounced when I sat down.

Time passed by minute by minute.

It's getting brighter outside.

Someone started to greet the staff standing guard on the wall to prepare for a shift change. Three rounds and one change, this was what Galen had arranged previously.

The footsteps of the people changing the guard passing by the room were sparse and the people coming down took deep breaths. No one spoke, only the sound of heavy breathing.

Garen looked up and looked at the time again, 6:44.

23 minutes have passed.

The severe pain in the body continued and became more severe. He endured it and sat quietly on the sofa, waiting for everything to pass.


There was a slight noise outside, and gunshots were fired. Rapid footsteps passed outside the room, as if someone was running towards the wall.

"It's okay, it's just that a few lone human hunters rushed over and were killed." A voice said. Then all was quiet again.


There was a knock on the door, and Dong Peilan's voice came from outside.

"Are you there? It will be dawn soon."

"Don't worry, don't worry." Garen sat on the sofa with his eyes closed, sweat flowing from his forehead to the edge of his cheeks, and soon dripping on his clothes along his chin. The clothes he was wearing were still the plain clothes he wore when he was in the territory. They were stained with blood, organic oil, and black and gray. The whole clothes looked like a painter's overalls. Apart from the long sleeves and trousers, there was almost no pattern or color. Just a big piece of flowers.

After hearing Garen's answer, Dong Peilan was silent for a moment and left again.


Gunshots were heard outside again. This time it was not an ordinary gunshot, but a large clutter of noise.

The chaos was mixed with curses, and occasionally someone could be heard screaming.

"It's really started." Garen opened his eyes, but now he could do nothing but move freely.

Bang bang bang! !

Dong Peilan knocked on the door again.

"A group of human hunters have already come outside, but we repelled them. I suspect they were just a test. Several brothers died."

"Help me prepare some basic materials." Garen raised his voice and said, "The root of the Pipa leaf, Asparagus grass, the higher the radiation, the better, more than 20 grams each. The blood and brain of the radiation beast, the level is higher. The better. No need to use ordinary ones, the more the better. There are also grave trunks and winter fragrant flowers."

He casually reported a series of things, which were all relatively common materials in the radiation belt. These things are more or less radioactive. Many of them are used as substitutes for nutrient solutions in biochemical pools. There is currently no way to do this with galleons. Although these substitutes will be less effective and may affect the strength of the final creature, there is no other way now. Let’s get some out first and then talk.

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