Mysterious journey

Chapter 945 New Direction 2

Galen briefly introduced the role of the twisted seed. It immediately made several people in the cabin shiver. Isn't this another version of human hunting?

And as Galen, who was able to study this kind of cells, he also had a vague skin of a terrifying scientist, which made several people more and more in awe.

"You have to be careful, because even I can't control him after the change." Garen solemnly warned.

Indeed, the Twisted Seed can extend life by eating, and this method can indeed be used as a means to save an individual from complete despair. After all, being parasitized by the Twisted Seed does not require you to directly turn into a monster. As long as Garen does not activate and he himself does not activate, then You can live a stable life like a normal person. The powerful physique brought by the twisted seed will bring benefits to people, just like the parasitized girl from the inner courtyard, and the mercenary leader Inari with a special mission. As long as If Gallon is not activated, they will still be Gallon's secret cubs and will not be discovered.

Unfortunately, Garonne was attacked too quickly, and there was no time to activate these secret forces. All changes happened too quickly.

After solving Feile's problem, Garen immediately discovered that several people looked a little different when they saw him. Although his image had become that of a mad scientist, this method was only used when everyone suffered non-fatal injuries. An absolute life saver! In a cruel environment like the radiation belt, even if you become a monster, as long as you can survive, no one will mind, not to mention the chance to become stronger.

After seeing the strange expressions on everyone's faces, Garen quickly returned to the cockpit. Meilong and Dong Peilan were still piloting the airship, trying to make it move in the established direction.

"How is it?" Dong Peilan asked.

"Solved." Garen sat down and exhaled, "How far is it?"

"It may take several hours, but I don't know if our thing can still get anywhere?" Mei Long answered from the side. "Lion Town is destroyed, there are only a few of us left, from now on"

"What are you afraid of? Just the few of us can survive! In the future, as long as we are safe and have food and drink, won't it be easy to recruit people?" Dong Peilan said nonchalantly.

"The hunting tide is not just a matter of one or two small places." Garen suddenly interjected.

"What do you mean?" Dong Peilan was stunned and looked at Garen.

"I said, there is a wave of human hunting." Garen stared at her eyes and said word by word, "It is not a simple problem of one or two areas. Now the entire mother planet is full of human hunting everywhere on the ground, and all areas are closed to the outside world. I have contacted you, and even the garbage will not be transported outside anymore, do you understand?"

The news came so suddenly that Dong Peilan almost didn't realize that he was piloting a spaceship. He almost let go and let the spaceship crash to the ground.

"Not just now, the wave of human hunting will continue for a long time." Garen said lightly. "In the future, there may be flying humans, and there may also be underwater breathing humans in the sea. This is a disaster. It happens every hundred years."

Dong Peilan stabilized the spaceship, stayed for a moment, and looked at Mei Long.

"It's true." Mei Long nodded and sighed.

"Really?" Dong Peilan was a little stunned.

There are people hunting everywhere in the world. Except for the domain, no place is absolutely safe. So where should they go?

"Why do those domains have such strong power but never expand? They can slowly purify the radiation zone, but they don't do that. It's because of this once-in-a-hundred-year human hunting wave." Mei Long explained, "I have experienced it before once."

Experienced this once?

Garen looked at the old man in surprise, so this guy is actually over a hundred years old? It's not simple. When the average life span in the radiation belt is only seventy or eighty years old, this guy can actually live for hundreds of years. It is conceivable that he must have his own story.

"We must have a safe base. If the top of the mountain doesn't work, we must think of another way!" Garen said with certainty. "I don't want to die at the hands of those garbage people with low intelligence."

"Me too." Mei Long said solemnly, "I have lived for more than a hundred years, and I still want to live a little longer. I have no plans to die."

"You old man has lived for so long and you still don't want to die. We young people are even less likely to want to die!" Dong Peilan recovered immediately. Anyway, it was a day of licking blood from the edge of a knife, but now it is just more dangerous, so it doesn't matter.

"My only hope now is that no one is hunting where we are going," Garen said lightly.

"No one lives there, no one is there, there shouldn't be any human hunters," Dong Peilan said hesitantly.


On the gray-black grassland, a black stone mountain with a very strange shape stood quietly on the grass.

The mountain is like a huge black stone inserted upside down into the ground. It is trapezoidal in shape. The surface is full of craters like terrain. The most bizarre thing is that there is only a small canyon on the side of the mountain for climbing up. The rest of the mountain is covered with cliffs. , the pitted surface is also covered with a large amount of moss of all kinds, making the stone wall very itchy and slippery, making it impossible to climb or hang ropes.

The entire mountain looks like a giant has smashed the pyramid upside down, and this weird shape is still very stable on the ground.

At this time, on the grassland near the mountain, a tattered shuttle-shaped airship covered with patches was flying crookedly towards the only canyon road up the mountain. Compared to a mountain hundreds of meters high, a spaceship of more than ten meters is nothing more than a small earthworm and not worth mentioning.

If it hadn't been for the eye-catching black smoke that was constantly coming out from behind the spaceship's butt, no one would have been able to easily spot this dilapidated little spaceship that could burp at any time.

"right here."

In the cockpit of the spaceship, behind the three people sitting, Xingnuo pointed to the mountain in front and said happily.

"This is the place I came to last time! It's very strange here. There is no grass growing on the mountain, except for a very slippery moss. If I hadn't been lucky and didn't know how to climb up, I probably wouldn't be alive now." She Wei Wei is a little lucky.

"Is there any other valuable information?" Garen asked in a low voice, "What dangers are there about this mountain? Or what should be paid attention to."

"I don't know, I just know that this mountain is very slippery, but it won't be slippery when you go up to the flat ground on the mountain. Only the slopes and cliffs will grow that kind of moss, which is a perfect base." Xingnuo shook his head.

"Then let's go." Jia Long nodded and signaled Dong Peilan and Mei Long to start speeding towards the only path in the mountain.

The spaceship shook slightly, tilted quickly, and began to climb up the black mountain. The weird canyon was the only way to the top of the mountain. There were high and straight cliffs on both sides, leaving only an endless strip in the middle. The ten-meter-wide canyon trail seems to have been dug out by humans for people to go up and down.

The airship climbed up the canyon, getting closer to the central mountain.

Soon a meandering stream emerged from the right side, flowing slowly down the mountain. The stream is very small, only the thickness of a palm, but it can still meet the needs of so many people. It only needs to be filtered with a water purifier. ,should be no problem.

Seeing the water, the villains in the spaceship immediately relaxed. In the radiation belt, what they fear most is the lack of water.

"There is a small lake up there that accumulates water all year round, and the water source is no problem at all." Xingnuo added. "This is also the key to why I say this place is suitable as a base. However, the water quality here is not very good, and the radiation level may be very high even after filtering."

"You may not even be able to save your life now. Drink some high-radiation water. As long as you can survive, even if your life is shortened, it is better than death!" Mei Long sighed. "How is Feile's situation?"

"It has calmed down. The situation is getting better. It is estimated that it will be better in a few days." At this point, Xingnuo looked at Garen and his eyes were shining. Not only was there gratitude in his eyes, but also this A desire for a terrifying self-healing ability. In the radiation belt, having such recovery ability can simply increase the survival rate by more than half!

"Don't look at me like that, you'll be in trouble later." Garen shook his head.

The twisted seed went crazy, but even he couldn't control it, and he killed anyone alive on sight. Even he is afraid of going crazy.

Garen shook his head even more when he thought of this.

The airship was gradually approaching the top of the mountain. As the high-strength glass in front turned from dark to bright, the entire airship rushed out of the canyon path and directly reached the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is a large empty black flat land with some potholes and stagnant water in some places. There is also a large lake on the right edge. Two very small streams flow down from both sides of the lake. One of them is what they saw just now. , and the other one fell from the cliff of the mountain. It looked like a white ribbon hanging on the cliff, and it was moved by the wind from time to time.

The most beautiful thing is the lake, which is at least a hundred meters in diameter. It is blue all over. The highly radiated lake water is as pure blue as the sky. There are no grass plants in it, only a lot of moss, all blue moss, it seems. They are the real reason why the lake turns blue.

From a distance in the lake, you can see groups of very small snakehead fish swimming around and playing happily.

"Good place!"

Garen couldn't help but praise.

"The radiation level is twice that on the flat ground. If you stay there for more than three days, radiation sickness will worsen." Mei Long frowned as he looked at the radiation detection sensor on the spacecraft. "No wonder no one came to live with radiation. It looks beautiful here, but it's basically a place of death!"

The tilted airship slowly flattened and slowed down, and finally came to a slow stop at the edge of the lake.

"I'll go down and take a look." At this moment, Garen also let go of the cold radiation that had been restrained on his body, and walked out of the cockpit under the surprised and surprised eyes of the two people.

"Mr. Gallon, you are indeed a mad scientist. It's amazing how you transformed yourself into this!" Mei Long's eyes were strange. He had never thought that he had stayed next to a terrifying high-radiation person for so long, and yet he actually... He was safe and sound, and this highly radioactive man was not seriously ill or weak, nor did he lose his mind and become a human hunter. This is the most bizarre thing.

"Mr. Gallon is our hope now." Dong Peilan nodded without any surprise. She had seen this scene before. .

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