Mysterious journey

Chapter 95 Crisis and Secret Weapon 2

Just do what comes to mind.

Garen remembered that there was a collection of low-level secret weapons in the library of Baiyun Main Hall. Although they were relatively small, they were still secret weapons.

No matter how bad the secret weapon is, it will always have merits worthy of being passed down.

He quickly pushed open the door and walked directly towards the library. Along the way, the martial arts hall was deserted. In the originally bustling main hall, there were only seven or eight people wandering around. There were still faint traces of blood on the ground that had not been washed away.

He didn't care about this and went straight to the library.

A few days later, I arrived at the entrance of the library. The bald old man guarding the door had disappeared. The walls around the floor were full of signs of damage caused by fighting.

Garen knew without thinking that the elder was probably in danger.

The mood that was a little lighter now that I had a solution suddenly cooled down.

Pushing open the door to the library, there are still neatly arranged items inside. Although the eldest sister is a traitor, she obviously doesn't like these third-rate and fourth-rate classics, or she has already read through them.

After closing the door and lighting the oil lamp, Garen held the oil lamp and began to inspect the rows of bookshelves.

After a while, he picked out all the fourth-rate secret martial arts and placed them on the desk for copying. He also sat down and put the oil lamp aside for lighting.

There are only four books on the table.

Iron body, Iron Yin palm, Skylark three swords, Yanliu hand.

This is a basic secret martial art found in all martial arts schools on the market. Generally, only ordinary disciples will use it for training and practice. In Baiyun Sect, because the explosive boxing technique was used as the basis of secret martial arts, it was not used.

The main reason is that these secret martial arts are just like the red hand fist that I encountered earlier. They are not coordinated with the overall fighting skills, but only partial secret martial arts, and the training time is long. So the gain outweighs the loss.

If you collect it, you can only use it for reference.

The status in the secret martial arts world is similar to that of the iron cloth shirt and Shaolin Changquan in those martial arts novels.

Garen picked up the first iron book and opened the pages.

‘Iron Body is an ordinary secret weapon that uses repeated blows to the trunk and special breathing methods to train the trunk’s defense. This secret martial arts method is simple and easy to understand, and it only takes a long time to practice. It takes five years to get started, ten years to get started, and fifteen years to reach Dacheng. After reaching adulthood, the body's trunk is as hard as steel and can withstand small-caliber pistol bullets. ’

This is the opening introduction.

Garen ignored this and quickly flipped through the entire book.

The book is very thin. This kind of exercise method does not require medication, difficult skills, or talent. The only thing required is strong perseverance to endure pain and long-term uninterrupted suffering.

The most important content of this secret martial art is the special breathing method that only exists on a thin page.

Garen read it in one breath, then slowly put the book down and closed it.

"No wonder this secret martial arts is called useless."

He quickly flipped through the other three books, all of which took an extremely long time. It often took five, six, or seven or eight years to get started. Among them, the Fire Hands book actually took eight years to get started. There were four levels in total, and the time for each level doubled. , if everything goes well, it will take sixty-four years to complete the Dacheng level alone!

"If you don't reach the Dacheng of Secret Martial Arts before the age of twenty-five, you will never have any hope of making a breakthrough. Moreover, as your body's functions decline, you will go one step further and even regress after that. It will take a total of 120 years for this thing to reach Dacheng. No wonder no one wants it in the lost library."

However, complaints were complaints, and Garen still read through the four secret books honestly.

It was not until the afternoon that he slowly came back to his senses.

Close your eyes, in the dark field of vision, the light red attribute bar and skill bar below are extremely clear.

Following his thoughts, the names of the four basic secret weapons slowly appeared on the skill bar.

Iron Body: Not yet started.

Iron Yin Palm: Not yet started.

Skylark's Three Swordsmen: Not yet started.

Yanliu Hand: Not yet started.

There are different symbols behind the four secret weapons, showing the conditions that need to be met.

Among the four secret martial arts, only Hibari's Three Swords have higher requirements for agility, but they are only at the level of ordinary people. So all galleons meet the conditions.

"The Skylark Three Swordsman is obviously an agile secret weapon, and it requires external assistance. It's not suitable for me, so throw it away. Let's start with the iron body."

He just wanted to use the characteristics of his own power to see if he could produce quick results.

Among the characteristics of innate abilities, the most important one is learning. When increasing his intelligence, Garen tried to learn history quickly. The speed was directly based on photographic memory and direct understanding, which was not ordinary fast.

As long as the attribute requirements are met and there are no important external special conditions, you can master the basics of this subject at a terrifying learning speed.

What he wants to try now is martial arts skills, if he can also meet this condition

The introductory practice of iron body requires a special breathing method, imagining that the whole body is inflated like an inflated balloon. As long as the skin turns from medium to light black, you are ready to start.

Garen slowly inhaled according to Iron Body's breathing method.


Exhale in nine breaths, and at the same time, inhale with a special rhythm that matches some parts of the body.

It takes twenty minutes to complete a complete breathing technique.

Garen stood up and started slowly at the desk.

For the first time, just the first time, he felt that the muscles in his body began to tighten and become more delicate and tight as he continued the breathing method. There is a faint feeling of tension in the skin.

He felt happy and quickly continued the second time.

The tightness became more intense.

The third time, the skin was already faintly red and tightened to the extreme.

the fourth time.

the fifth time.

the sixth time.

The moment Garen finished breathing, the skin all over his body relaxed, and the surface of his body was as hot as if he had taken a hot bath.

He looked at the Iron Body skill in his field of vision.

Iron Body: entry level (two levels in total).

"Sure enough! It's really changed!"

He opened his eyes and pulled open his collar. As expected, the skin inside had turned slightly black. Although it has not reached the level where the whole body is like metal on the first level, I believe that as long as the next step is to make up for the tapping exercises, it should be achieved soon.

"This can be done!"

He made a fist and slapped his chest hard.


In addition to the normal banging sound in his chest, there was also a faint sound of stiffness. Like hitting metal.

"It really works! Try it again and see if you can get to another level!"

Garen tried to continue using his breathing technique.

Unfortunately, after ten times in a row, my body stopped responding. In fact, he also knew that the breathing method alone without hitting exercises was unlikely to be effective. He just wanted to try it, but after all, it did not go beyond expectations.

"If you say that when you first learn theoretical knowledge, you can quickly master it if you meet the conditions. Then why are those basic fighting skills and basic swordsmanship... wrong! At that time, I had already mastered the basic introduction of those skills! In other words, this ability is only for the introduction. Is it effective when using it, or is it effective in theoretical subjects that are purely memory-based?" He recalled the situation when he was learning identification from the old man. At that time, he followed the study step by step, just memorizing the book. Just flip through it once and you're done, but you can't advance to the appraisal level without flipping through the book.

So far, his appraisal is still at the entry-level level. It's just that I have accumulated a lot of basics and various knowledge. The specific identification is still at a rookie level.

"It seems so." Garen became more and more sure of his guess. The talent ability allows him to get started quickly after meeting the conditions. This ability doesn't matter in normal times and is of little use, but it is different when facing the secret martial arts.

No matter how bad the secret martial arts is, it must be much stronger than ordinary martial arts to be called secret martial arts. Martial arts that can be used as secret skills are naturally not that weak. As long as you get started, the effect won't be too bad.

So Garen also plans to use this ability to see if he can learn a few more secret martial arts and see what the effect is.

"Although I don't know how much the iron body will strengthen me, I can try it later."

He continued to prepare according to the training method of Iron Yin Palm.

Iron Yin Palm also does not require special external conditions, it just requires special postures and the assistance of thoughts. This is a secret weapon that gathers all the toxins in the body in the hands.

Normal people usually eliminate toxins from the body every day through sweating, etc., and Iron Yin Palm gathers these toxins that should be eliminated into the hands, achieving the effect of extremely poisonous palms during fighting.

Although this took a little time, it was easy to get started. Gallon had just set up the posture, and combined with the mind breathing method and muscle regulation, within two hours, his hands felt a slight numbness and itching. This is the effect of toxins in the body being forced onto the fingers.

It's just that this secret weapon requires time to accumulate, and it won't be effective immediately. The more toxins you accumulate, the stronger your hands will be. The level of secret martial arts is also determined according to how much poison one can bear. The higher the level, the more toxic the palms are. And this secret martial art is the same as the giant elephant secret martial arts. There are only two levels in the record.

Galleon has just had some effect, and it's not poisonous at all. At least you need to accumulate a lot of talent to barely reach the entry level. This can only be done slowly.

Next, there is Yanliu Hand.

The difference is that this secret martial arts training method does have an effect, but the response is very weak. Compared with the iron body, the speed is completely two levels.

Garen only exercised a few times, and it was already dark outside. Most of the disciples in the martial arts main hall also went back their own way.

He actually didn't eat lunch or dinner and stayed in the study for so long.

"Andrela will be here within ten days. I hope that I can fully master the basics during this period."

Garen murmured softly.

As long as the three secret martial arts and iron body can be supplemented with anti-attack training, they should be able to be completely stable at the entry level. As for the other two secret martial arts, it depends on the situation. It all depends on accumulation to achieve complete results.

Garen was not dissatisfied. Compared to ordinary people, his progress was already countless times faster.

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