Mysterious journey

Chapter 951 Accumulation 2

"What's wrong with you!!" Garen was suddenly shocked. He quickly squatted down to support her body and checked her pulse. It was beating very fast, and her body was constantly radiating strong radiation pollution.

"Radiation." She struggled to squeeze out a very weak voice.

Jia Long was slightly stunned, but then he understood.

"Can't you bear the high concentration of radiation here? In fact, I had expected that this day would come, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly. Be careful! I'm about to start."

Dong Peilan nodded repeatedly. She knew what would happen. She would be transformed by Garen and become a member like Feile. Her life and death would be controlled by Garen. Once a mutation breaks out, she would completely lose herself. But how much worse can this be than before? Anyway, accept it or not, Garen is the leader, and no one will disobey his orders now. Without him, they would have died long ago.

Garen stretched out his hand and gently pressed Dong Peilan's left breast. A little blue flashed away, silently, and there was no feeling at all. It's all over.

The twisted seeds quickly parasitize into the heart and accelerate to merge with the heart muscle.

In just a few seconds, Dong Peilan's breathing slowed down, his heartbeat also dropped rapidly, and a large amount of cold energy radiated from the heart to all parts of the body. Swallow all the radiation viruses fiercely.

"Okay." In just ten seconds, she was able to speak. "And Xingnuo and the others, maybe they can't hold on any longer."

"Yes, I'll go right away!" Garen nodded, "Originally this move was the last resort, but I didn't expect it to be used anyway."

"Anyway, you are the leader whether we are controlled or not. What's the difference between after the transformation and before?" Dong Peilan sat up, not caring that Garen saw her naked body. "Go. Our fate has already been entrusted to you."

Garen breathed out and stood up. Dong Peilan once saved him. He had a different attitude and feeling towards this girl than other people. Seeing her was like seeing another Xilin.

Feeling Dong Peilan's burning eyes, Garen turned his head away, avoided her sight, walked out of the room and left.

I went to the rooms of several other people, and sure enough, except for Feile, who was still drooling from sleep, everyone else showed signs of getting more and more sick from radiation sickness to varying degrees.

Garen gave them the choice of whether to accept his transformation.

Not surprisingly, no one objected. At this time, even the young man who had been the most selfish was full of gratitude to Garen.

Everyone's hearts were focused on Garen.

After a batch of twisted seeds were removed, the radiation sickness was eliminated, but everyone, including the two children, became parasites of the twisted seeds. As long as the twisted seeds were not triggered, there would be no problems. It is no different from normal, except that the resistance and physical fitness are slightly stronger, and there is no fear of radiation. Once the twisted seed is activated, the physical quality will instantly increase three times, scales with powerful defense will appear, and the consciousness will also increase three times. Turn into a terrifying monster, lose your mind and kill like crazy.

Garen warned them one by one how to activate the Seed of Distortion on their own. It was very simple. As long as they fell into extreme despair and anger, they would automatically activate mutation and become a killing machine. Another method is for Garen to actively control the activation of the Seed of Distortion.

The hidden danger was eliminated. Everyone in the underground layer of the mountaintop returned to normal life. Meilong stopped coughing and started raising fish again all day long. Several big wild wolves were very lucky to catch one under Garon's order. The mutated creature is a sheep-like creature, but with two heads. This is a mutation caused by radiation. The two-headed sheep has very thick horns. It has a very strong impact when running and has amazing fighting power. It injured three sheep. The big wild wolf killed it and brought it back.

This large sheep weighed more than two hundred kilograms. Two children helped peel it, dried part of the meat to make jerky, and let Gallon freeze the other part into ice cubes using cold energy radiation for temporary storage. Waiting to eat later.

If it was before the transformation, you might still worry about whether the food irradiated by cold energy can be eaten by normal people, but since they are all parasitized, it doesn't matter. The cold energy radiation will be beneficial to the parasites and make them feel It is very comfortable, just like staying in the most suitable temperature and humidity environment.

Gallon also completed the control resonance core for chip manufacturing. He imitated the crystal ball of the deducer and used condensed biological glue to make a transparent glue ball controller similar to a crystal ball, and named it Mahakala. Commemorate the Mahakala scientific research institution that contributed this core part of technology to the totem world.


Dong Peilan carefully drew a scratch on the wall to calculate how long it had been since he reached the top of the mountain.

"This is our twelfth day here."

On the underground floor, everyone was gathered here, listening to Dong Peilan's words at this time, and Garen was no exception.

Dongpeilan is making a summary report on various issues during this period.

"In these twelve days, there will be no problem with our diet for a month. Whether it is the condensed water provided by Mr. Garonne's ice cubes or the purified lake water, we will not be short of it." She paused. "Our biggest problem now is that the energy blocks are running out!"

"This problem is something I have been worried about before. There were not many energy blocks originally brought. There were too many necessities on the spacecraft. We had to reduce the load and failed to put on all the energy blocks. Now this problem occurs It's inevitable." Mei Long nodded from his seat.

"How to solve it? We discussed it, either we use electrical appliances sparingly and use a few energy collectors to charge energy blocks. But this is only a short-term approach, because energy blocks have a lifespan and there is a limit to the number of times they can be recharged. , what we use are old goods, defective products that have been used many times, so they won’t last long at all. If the garbage mountain can still go, it won’t matter. There are so many discarded energy blocks in the garbage mountain, and we can always find some. There are alternatives that work, but now we don’t have that line. What should we do?”

"We have met other people's teams before, can we get them through trade?" Feile frowned. "How about finding other human gathering defense points and exchanging them?"

"It's difficult, but it's still a way." Garen nodded.

"Where are they inside the ancient ruins?" Xing Nuo whispered.

"Don't mention that damn place to me. I feel chills just thinking about it now. If there was a mutated beast standing in front of me, I could still face it, but that guy didn't know where to strike, so he could only run! It was really a ghost. !”

"Is it that scary?" Xingnuo disagreed.

"You don't know if you didn't go." Feile didn't want to go anyway.

"There is another way. It is also the last way." Dong Peilan said lightly. "That's the underground resistance. They have a complete production line of energy blocks, and they are a very powerful force. However, the people there are very tough, and they always aim to fight against the domain. They also look down on us, the radiation people on the surface. I’ve been there once, and people on the surface are treated as inferior people there, very inferior, so after going there once, I never want to go there again.”

"Actually, there are some good rebels." Mei Long whispered, "But the proportion is indeed too small. This road is probably unworkable."

"It seems that no one has any ideas." Garen smiled. "But here, let me mention that I may need a large amount of various biochemical fluid materials recently, so I need everyone to go out to help me collect them and reserve them."

"You don't need to tell me about this. We have already paid attention to it. When we go out, we are observing the distribution of the plant bugs you need. Meilong has transplanted some to the top of the mountain." Dong Peilan replied with a smile.

"Oh? Transplant?" Jia Long asked slightly.

"Yes, some soil was also moved up the mountain." Dong Peilan nodded, "The intelligence I released from the drone observation showed that there seemed to be another group of thousands of human hunters in the distance, and these human hunters seemed to have started a wave. I don’t know what the purpose of the wave transfer is. So in order to prepare for a rainy day, we also started to make all kinds of preparations we could."

"What are they?" Garen asked calmly.

"Transplantation is only one aspect. We have also used the Big Bad Wolf to detect the distribution of various human hunting groups. What is certain is that in the near future, only a thousand-person human hunting group will migrate in our direction, and they are likely to launch attacks on us. Attack. The other waves are moving in different directions. The further directions are unclear at the moment, but that’s it at close range.”

A brief introduction to Dongpeilan.

"In the details of our investigation, we found that the wave of human hunters that are most likely to migrate towards us may be headed by the third-level human hunter who failed to pursue our spaceship last time."

"Level 3 human hunter?" Garen frowned slightly. I have seen the power of that guy before. A mere human body mutation has actually reached the terrifying level of a third-level pilot driving a third-level mecha. It is indeed not simple.

"Can you determine the approximate migration date?" He raised his head and asked.

"This is not clear, but we will go there to investigate in person." Dong Peilan replied. In this regard, the Big Bad Wolf has no way to feed back such complex information. It can only use people to ride over to investigate, or use drones. But now drones If there are not enough energy blocks, we have to go there in person. Although it is a bit dangerous, in order to avoid the danger, we can only take risks.

"Drinking water at the top of the mountain is not a problem. Now we can drink the lake water directly and wash ourselves. There is no problem at all. In terms of food, we don't have to worry about it for at least a month. And in terms of keeping out the cold..." Dong Peilan laughed, everyone laughed, and the chill emanating from Gallon They are no longer afraid of radiation, let alone ordinary low temperatures.

"So we are safe for now." She concluded.

"Then just wait until there are new trends in that wave of human hunters and then notify me." Garen nodded, "I may have to be closed off to do some things recently, so I will leave everything to Peilan and Mei Long, and others will assist. Is that okay?"

"Of course." Dong Peilan nodded, and Mei Long also smiled to express ok. This gesture was learned from Jia Long.

"Let Xingnuo be responsible for teaching the two children." Garen looked at the two children on the side. They were children who had experienced the tragic destruction of their homes. Their perseverance, courage and determination were stronger than those of ordinary children. , should be regarded as a material that can be made.

"I have compiled a consciousness training method here. Take it and practice it. Remember not to spread it to outsiders. Of course, everyone on the top of the mountain can practice it freely, but it must not be spread to outsiders. If this thing is spread to outsiders, it will have a big impact. Some People will be held accountable." Garen directly took out the training method of the Eagle Claw and put it on the table.

Since the Black Annihilation faction gave up on him, they used him as a sacrifice. Then he won't be polite to them.

While manufacturing chips on a large scale and cultivating the Big Bad Wolf, his current combat effectiveness is not strong. If he can arm his men with these combat capabilities, then the strength formed will be pretty good.

Dongpeilan, in particular, is at the third level of consciousness, but he doesn't know how to use pure consciousness assault techniques. These things are all written on it by Gallon. This booklet is full of tips for coiling the eagle's claws.

With the consciousness assault technique, Dong Peilan's combat power will instantly surpass Garen's own. At least in a head-on confrontation, Garen's consciousness will be defeated in an instant. Even when faced with a second-level human hunter, a single stab of consciousness can kill the opponent directly. This is the power of pure awareness techniques. This is also why this technique is rare. Because it is indeed precious. ..

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