Mysterious journey

Chapter 954 Alienation 2

Garen was wearing only a pair of shorts and his upper body was bare, revealing his strong muscles and body outline. He was pouring light red liquid on himself again and again, while Xingnuo was lying naked next to a smaller one. In the basin, he curled up and seemed to be sleeping.

There are tables and stone platforms of various sizes and strange shapes on the side. Many instruments and computers on them are connected to large gray-white tubes, which penetrate into the biochemical pool in the middle. From time to time, sucking sounds like living creatures are heard. The liquid in the liquid was sucked up by the large tube, passed through the unknown large black machine, and returned to the pool from another tube. The movement was very small, causing almost no ripples in the biochemical pool.

"You guys are here, what's important?" Garen had already sensed the arrival of the two men and turned around to look at them. We haven't seen him for a while, and now his complexion is fairer, his lips are slightly darkened, and his eyes have a faint evil aura, giving people an uncomfortable feeling.

During this period, Garen's own adaptation process also began. A large amount of extremely corrosive biochemical fluids continued to give his body powerful stimulation, allowing it to continuously adapt to such stimulation.

Now that he has completely given up on the path of being a combat-conscious pilot, he has tried to practice combat training on his own during these times. Unfortunately, except for a period of inhumane and painful experience, he has no other results.

There is no way to remove the consciousness of the Seventh Wind God General in the body in a short period of time. The only way to go is to combine the energy weapon master with the secret martial arts of life. As he understands this path during this period, Garen knows that there are also very powerful energy weapons. Masters exist, and heritage-level mechanical masters are also very terrifying, no worse than pilots.

So he became more and more determined to take this path.

The third-level NIS training method made him more and more comfortable with various low-level modifications, but if he wanted to enter the next level, the fourth-level realm of energy master. What is needed cannot be achieved in a short time.

"The hunter is here again." Dong Peilan lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

"What size?"

"At least three thousand, maybe five thousand."

"Three thousand." Garen had no special reaction, "Do you have any countermeasures?"

"We can only hold on here, because it is easy to defend but difficult to attack. We can hold on for a while. With the help of our people, the Big Bad Wolf should be able to drag the people away. With such a huge team, we have raided all the food nearby. "It's impossible to stay here for long, at most a few days. As long as we persist, we should be fine." Dong Peilan replied.

"Then do as you agreed, and don't disturb me until the last minute. Xingnuo, you go too." Garen directly ordered.

Xingnuo slowly opened her eyes on one side. Although her strength has not improved much now, her resistance to toxins and corrosive liquids is very strong. Even her own body fluids are slightly lifted by the modified intestines and stomach. corrosive.

Standing up, Xing Nuo nakedly took over the tights thrown by Garen. What surprised Dong Peilandu was that Xing Nuo's skin was now much better than before, and the scars on his body and face were almost faded. to the point of being invisible. The original beautiful appearance is gradually revealed.

The two got dressed and left the basement. Garen closed his eyes and tried to focus on the NIS exercise method again.

He has figured out how to use potential points, that is, when there is only the accumulation stage, he can use potential points to speed up the process. Once a level requires special conditions to advance, there is no way to use potential points to progress.

Now he is about to enter this accumulation stage. His calculation power is powerful enough, but what he lacks is not the accumulation of substantial energy, but the accumulation of various calculation methods. He does not know the potential of this kind of thing. Can he speed up, but he can only try step by step.

Being an energy mechanic is purely a process of exerting computing power. The stronger the calculation power and the stronger the consciousness, the more energy mechanic skills can be involved.

"However, if the consciousness of the Mechanic can be released to influence and enhance the computing power, then my potential points may increase the computing power."

Garen set his sights on NIS's Mechanic Master training method.

Stay for more than three seconds.

There was no response. The NIS icon just trembled slightly, and then there was no movement.

It is this little reaction that is why Garen keeps trying almost every day. He felt a little hope.

"Didn't any of the other energy masters find a way to quickly improve their consciousness and calculation power?" He fell into thinking.

How to break through the fourth-level energy weapon master, this is the key to what he wants to achieve the most now. The human hunter does not know when flying units will appear. He must increase the energy weapon mark to find flying units to cultivate. And as the wave of human hunters continues to deepen and explode, more top human hunters will continue to emerge, and even the domains have to avoid the edge. However, the major domains with inheritance-level masters, and even the Central Academy, can only If you retreat, you can imagine how deep the water behind you is.

If you don't improve yourself as soon as possible, I'm afraid things may overturn and people may die at any time in the future.

Another attempt was made to calculate the level 4 energy weapon master model, and the result was that it could not even reach half of the level. The gap was still far, far away. The fourth level energy weapon master was a qualitative change. He was already a backbone member of the energy weapon master force. It takes many people decades to reach this level. For Garen to arrive in a short time, it is simply not possible in the eyes of ordinary people.

"It seems that if you want to break through to the fourth level, you must go to the supernatural space to look for clues. Otherwise, if you continue to calculate so slowly, you will not be able to break through in a few years or more. This calculation speed will not be able to break through." Gallon estimated in his mind. After considering the required calculation time, I felt a little helpless.

We don’t know how long it will take for the human hunting wave to break out, so it’s the last word to improve our strength as soon as possible.


On the edge of the top of the black hill, Dong Peilan and others stood on the top of the mountain and looked down. On the large gray-brown grassland below, dense black swarms like ant colonies were constantly emerging.

A total of five adults on the top of the mountain were staring down as if facing a formidable enemy. Several big wild wolves also leaned down and let out threatening whines at the edge.

The sky has just turned white, and the sun slowly emits a faint red light in the sky, illuminating the clouds on the horizon and dyeing them light red.

The wind blew through the hair of several people, even pulling the hair painfully.


A sharp whistling sound came from the people below. I don’t know what level of people they were shouting at.

The dark crowds of humans were all former living humans, and they were advancing towards the mountain little by little.

"Here we come." Dong Peilan whispered. "The big bad wolves are already in place. The rest depends on how large they will be to attack us."

"Are we just watching?" Xingnuo asked.

"To go out is to die."

"What if we can lure this group of people away?" Xingnuo thought for a while and said.

"It's impossible to divert so many, it will only be a small one at most." Dong Peilan had already thought of this idea.

Suddenly, as the hunter got closer and closer, everyone stopped talking and just looked down at the approaching large army below.

Suddenly, from the dark team, a group of dozens of human hunters broke out and ran towards the upper part of the mountain.

"Here we come! Get ready to fight!!" Dong Peilan shrank his pupils and shouted.

The five people immediately rushed towards the only uphill path for defense.

Four big bad wolves were already guarding the only way up the mountain. At this time, sensing the threat in front, the big bad wolves stood up, leaned down one by one, and let out a threatening growl.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Dozens of black shadows suddenly appeared on the mountain road and rushed towards the big wild wolf.

The big bad wolf kicked its hind legs wildly and rushed forward as well.

One of the black shadows actually turned in mid-air, avoiding the bite of the big wild wolf, and rushed straight towards Dong Peilan and others who were running behind.

"Advanced Human Hunter!!" The moment Dong Peilan saw the other party, he was shocked. The guy who rushed towards him was actually the third-level Human Hunter that chased down their spaceship that day.

This guy was covered in pus, extremely ugly, with a ferocious face, and he roared crazily and rushed towards Dong Peilan.

"Be careful!!" Several people on the side exclaimed at the same time, wanting to come over to help, but the other party was too fast and couldn't make it in time.

Dong Peilan was startled and advanced instead of retreating. He arched his body and rushed out fiercely. He missed Ren Shou and the two just changed positions.


Dong Peilan let out a low roar, and barely used half of his consciousness to thrust, which shocked Ren Shou. At the same time, he rushed forward, and the short knife in his hand exploded. The consciousness of Pan Ying's sharp claws increased her explosive power to a fierce level, far away. Far more than her original strength, at least twice as much, and at the same time, the hardness and tenacity of her arms have been improved.

With a swish, the silver-white sword flashed.

This time she struggled to draw the knife, she immediately felt completely different from before. If she were originally facing this attack, let alone counterattack, she would be extremely embarrassed if she even dodges.

Now the sword was swung out, and the powerful short whistle that cut through the air was sharp and powerful. Taking advantage of the moment of sluggishness, the sword was struck fiercely.

clang! ! !

The short knife struck Ren Shou's forearm, which was on guard at high speed, and the hard blade collided most violently with Ren Shou's strong skin. After tearing it apart, the blade with too small a force-bearing area directly made a palm-long gash on the side of Ren Shou's back, and blood suddenly poured out.

The huge repulsive force caused both of them to fly away.

Dong Peilan was surprised to find that her arms only felt numb for a while, and there was no painful tear as expected. If she had been able to deliver such a knife in the past, her arm would definitely have torn ligaments in the slightest, or directly fractured in the worst case.

"Is this the power of a real third-level pilot?!!!" Dong Peilan suddenly felt an indescribable and wonderful feeling in her heart. This kind of power that she could truly experience was completely different from her previous third-level consciousness state. At one level, the current version of her could easily kill even four of her previous selves.

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