Mysterious journey

Chapter 961 Thrilling 1

There are a large group of black flying birds floating in the sky, including eagles, gulls, and even small sparrows, or strange colorful birds. Below the large groups of birds, there are thin translucent lines connected to them. What these lines connect is a huge area of ​​shadow at the bottom.

It was a huge oval-shaped platform, like a silver metal moving castle, with several chimney-like things popping out on the side, constantly spewing out black smoke.

The three Gallons rode the Big Bad Wolf and looked at the huge mobile castle platform in the sky in front of them. They were all a little dumbfounded and had no idea what words to use to describe this huge thing that was at least several kilometers tall.

"How can just a few birds carry such a big thing?" Xingnuo murmured. She couldn't believe it, but just a few thousand birds could actually drag such a large and terrifying castle that was at least several thousand tons. , and it’s also made of metal.

"I'm afraid there is an anti-gravity device, and the bird may just be used to guide the direction." Sixth said in a low voice. This was also the first time he saw the hidden domain of the energy master. He glanced at Garen and noticed his chest. The previous key-like thing was glowing slightly, which was the symbol of an energy master. Without this thing, they would not be able to see this huge guy no matter how close they got. The entire hidden realm can only be displayed automatically when the Mechanic Master is close to it, or in other words, it has always been in a state of invisibility. Only when it is covered by the Mechanic Master's key force field can one be qualified to see this huge castle.

"Although you can already see it, it is actually still a long way away. This is also because the domain is too large and the weather is good today. There is no haze or cloud cover, so we can clearly see the whole picture. Okay, let's continue. Let's go, it's probably still an hour away." Garen said in a low voice.

The other two nodded, and the three of them were supported by the big bad wolf to rest for a while, and continued to rush towards the huge flying castle.


"Damn! You're running too fast!"


A loud noise was accompanied by an explosion of red light. A dark blue humanoid mecha held two knives and slashed violently on a large hill directly in front. The red light and energy virtual attack radiated from the blade made the entire The hills were blown to pieces, and soil and grass clippings flew into the air. Before they could splash too far in mid-air, they were quickly dissolved by the black air and turned into fly ash before disappearing.

"Fourth Master, looking at the test results, I'm afraid they didn't run far. Sixth Masanla was seriously injured. He definitely wouldn't be able to move without help. Someone must be helping him! Not only did he rescue him from the battlefield later, And he should be taken away from the place overnight and moved around." The fourth Fengshen general behind the two lighter blue humanoid mechas, the one on the left whispered.

"What suggestions do you have? The sixth has a consciousness barrier that blocks tracking, the light of transformation. His light of transformation is one of the best concealed consciousness abilities in the entire black disk domain. Even I can't track it." Fourth. He asked with a cold snort.

"The consciousness band can be blocked, but other information cannot be blocked easily." The subordinate said gloomily.

"Breathe and bioenergy radiation don't work well in the radiation belt." Fourth said coldly. "The remaining consciousness will also be isolated by the barrier."

"It's not those conventional means, but the best possible judgment." The subordinate laughed, "Sir, think about it, the flying manhunt will break out soon. At this time, even we must retreat back to the territory to concentrate. Defense, and they only have so many people, if they want to survive, there are only two choices."

The fourth time, his eyes lit up.

"You're right. I relied too much on technology and forgot that the most basic inferences can still find clues. You are very good!"

"Haha, thank you for the compliment, sir."

The fourth nodded, his tone much gentler.

"If you want to avoid the Flying Manhunter, first, find a place to hide completely, conceal your aura, and fall into a deep sleep. There is a certain chance of avoiding being killed by the Flying Manhunter. The other way is to hide in a safer place. Be private.”

"My lord, I see you clearly!"

Fourth sneered.

"And now our people are defending all the major areas, and they are too far away from here. In a hurry, they can't choose a point too far away, they can only choose the nearest one. And there are two closest and safest points, both From the underground resistance.”

"The secret points of the underground resistance have been completely closed." Another subordinate said in a low voice.

"Oh? Is the news confirmed?" Si Si looked at another of his confidants.

"Sure!" the man replied calmly.

"This is going to be a bit tricky." Si Si sat in the cockpit and touched his chin, lost in thought.

"My lord, there may be another point that you have overlooked a little bit." The subordinate who spoke earlier said with a hint of smile in his tone.

"Oh? You mean?" Si Si was slightly startled. "The moving castle of the Mechanic? Could it be that the one who rescued him was an Mechanic? It can't be such a coincidence, right? The number of Mechanic is rare, at this critical time."

"According to our observations, there are no traces of residual footprints left on the ground, but there are many traces similar to those of wolves. Obviously, there is probably a group of wild wolf-type creatures surviving nearby. If the opponent is capable of mechanical Masters, energy masters have always had many means. It is not impossible to use chips to temporarily control and tame a few wild wolves and leave them. These wild wolves are just first-level creatures." The man said with extraordinary confidence, "Furthermore, according to the law just now, My subordinates observed that among the remaining wolf footprints on the ground, three of them went straight to the specific coordinates of the moving castle without stopping at all. This will be combined with your previous general direction induction, sir."

"Let's go! No matter how likely it is, go to the Moving Castle!" Fourth snorted coldly. The mecha rose from the ground, spraying blue flames from its back, causing the wind god on its shoulders to make its cloak rustle, and flew away in the direction where the three of Garen left.

The other two followed closely, leaving behind only the messy remains of the vent.


The huge moving castle moved slowly. Looking from a distance, you could only vaguely see it slowly floating. As the distance got closer, the close-up view of the castle gradually appeared in front of the three people.

The silver-white walls, with complex circuit-like engraved lines, were constantly swimming with blue electric light, and occasionally there was a buzzing vibration.

As we get closer, a translucent and illusory green light pillar is projected from the front under the huge volume of the Moving Castle. The light pillar is similar to a cylindrical cavity, as if a green stick falls vertically from the bottom of the castle, bordering the ground and serving as a connection into the castle. device.

When the three Garen were about to arrive, they could see from a distance that at least dozens of people were queuing up with more or less followers to enter the moving castle.

There is a huge time countdown display on the upper section of the green light column. There are 32 minutes left, and it is still counting down.

The people in the queue were all dressed in different clothes, but they all had one thing in common, that is, a master's key was clearly visible in their hands or on their bodies. There are more or less their followers standing around them. Most of the followers are neatly dressed, and many of them have good looks and figures. The male masters are mostly surrounded by extremely beautiful beauties, while the female masters are surrounded by extremely beautiful beauties. The able mechanic is surrounded by handsome men of all kinds of temperaments. What surprised Garen the most was that the eyes of most of these followers were extremely dull, giving people a sense of godless despair. Some of them even had dog-like black collars hanging around their necks.

Garen's arrival was not impressive. He was accompanied by two energy masters who also rode cheetahs and lions. They got off the wolf. Garen was at the back of the queue, slowly waiting for his turn. Enter.

The guy in front was a fat man. He was playing a small game console with his head down. It seemed to be a very difficult computing game. Behind the three Gallons were two tall and thin men with gloomy eyes and red bracelets on their hands. They seemed to be two brothers.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and time is slowly passing by. People are entering the columns under the moving castle one after another. Each time they enter, they have to wait for a short while, as if they are registering and checking some information. Not very fast.

It was also the first time for Garen to meet other energy weapon masters in reality. At this time, he carefully observed the other people and felt that most of the energy weapon masters were dressed in various styles without any rules.

The fat man in front of him looked like a wealthy businessman. He was chubby. He seemed to feel that Garen was observing him, and he turned around with a kind smile. His followers are two charming and beautiful girls. Even though they are wearing white robes, they can still faintly see their slim figures and beautiful faces.

The two brothers at the back folded their arms and closed their eyes, looking arrogant and paying no attention to anyone. They do have proud capital. The consciousness fluctuations on their bodies are vaguely level four, and the leopards and lions sitting down are both semi-mechanized elite units. They are obviously rich people with test benches. Only those who have them are different from biochemical ones. It is another necessary test bed for Chi to have the ability to deeply transform the cannon fodder creatures so that they will not disappear in a short time and can be maintained for a long time, and their combat effectiveness and various abilities will also be greatly improved.

They also felt that Garen was looking at them. The one who seemed to be the elder brother of the two opened his eyes coldly, glanced at Garen, and his eyes instantly focused on the Sixth Wind God General lying on the back of the wild wolf, with a flash of light in his eyes. fear.

"Hmph!" He snorted coldly and closed his eyes again, no longer paying attention. Obviously, the fluctuations in consciousness of the Sixth Wind God General made him extremely afraid.

Garen also knew that his consciousness was too weak and that the other party would notice him if he looked at him. He stopped looking around and just stood quietly in the queue waiting to queue up.

Time passed slowly, and soon two more skill masters came to line up. No one said a word. Those who came here were all here to accommodate their followers. Those who did not have followers could have left directly.

"You have to keep your promise!" Suddenly a cold female voice came from the back of the team.

A new energy mechanic is accompanied by a young girl. Her skin is dark and she looks no different from a piece of charcoal. She is just extremely voluptuous and hot. But even so, the rough skin of the black charcoal is completely disappointing. There is only the slightest bit of desire, and it is simply bizarre that a skilled mechanic is willing to accept this kind of thing as a follower.

The able mechanic had a small black beard on his chin. He looked a bit like a middle-aged scribe in ancient China, with an indifferent temperament.

"Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised." Faced with the girl's question, his expression remained unchanged and he answered calmly.

The girl snorted coldly, as if she didn't believe it, but she could only give up.

This middle-aged scribe-like weapon master only has level three consciousness, which is about the same as Garen. There are no cannon fodder creatures around him. He seems to have relied on other means to get here.

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